• 제목/요약/키워드: Organic electrochemistry

검색결과 35건 처리시간 0.029초

CO2 Reforming of Methane over Co-Pd/Al2O3 Catalysts

  • Itkulova, Sh. S.;Zhunusova, K.Z.;Zakumbaeva, G.D.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제26권12호
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    • pp.2017-2020
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    • 2005
  • The supported bimetallic Co-containing catalysts promoted by the different amount of noble metal (Pd) have been studied in the dry reforming of methane. The activity, selectivity, stability and resistance to the carbon deposition of Co-Pd/$Al_2O_3$ catalysts depend on both the catalyst composition and process conditions. It has been observed that the Co-Pd/$Al_2O_3$ catalysts produce the various oxygenates from $CO_2$ + $CH_4$ at moderate pressures.

Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Thermoelectric Material Synthesis and Properties

  • Kim, Jiwon;Lim, Jae-Hong
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.272-277
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    • 2017
  • Organic-inorganic hybrid thermoelectric materials have obtained increasing attention because it opens the possibility of enhancing thermoelectric performance by utilizing the low thermal conductivity of organic thermoelectric materials and the high Seebeck coefficient of inorganic thermoelectric materials. Moreover, the organic-inorganic hybrid thermoelectric materials possess numerous advantages, including functional aspects such as flexibility or transparency, low cost raw materials, and simplified fabrication processes, thus, allowing for a wide range of potential applications. In this study, the types and synthesis methods of organic-inorganic thermoelectric hybrid materials were discussed along with the methods used to enhance their thermoelectric properties. As a key factor to maximize the thermoelectric performances of hybrid thermoelectric materials, the nanoengineering to control the nanostructure of the inorganic materials as well as the modification of the organic material structure and doping level are considered, respectively. Meanwhile, the interface between the inorganic and organic phase is also important to develop the hybrid thermoelectric module with excellent reliability and high thermoelectric efficiency in addition to its performance in various electronic devices.

Exothermic processes in nitric acid solutions imitating highly active raffinate

  • E.V. Belova;V.V. Kalistratova;A.S. Obedkov
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권10호
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    • pp.3808-3814
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    • 2023
  • The thermal stability of nitric acid solutions after contact with non-irradiated and irradiated tributyl phosphate (TBP) and its solution in Isopar-M has been studied. It has been established that exothermic processes occur during heating due to the interaction of soluble radiolysis products and the decomposition of the extractant with nitric acid. Such processes can occur at temperatures below 100 ℃, but unlike a thermal explosion that occurs in seconds, they are longer in time and are accompanied by weak heat evolution. Their intensity depends on the composition of the extractant, the concentration of HNO3, and the volume ratio of the organic and aqueous phases. The presence of extractant degradation products in raffinates does not pose a risk of a rapid evolution of gaseous products during evaporation, however, the presence of reducing agents can significantly increase the intensity of the exothermic decomposition of raffinates.

아미드 작용기를 가진 부식억제제를 사용한 금속의 전기화학적 특성 (Electrochemistry Characterization of Metal Using Corrosion Inhibitors Containing Amide Functional Group)

  • 박근호
    • 한국응용과학기술학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the C-V diagrams and metal surface related to the electrochemistry characterization of metal(nickel, SUS-304). We determined electrochemical measurement by using cyclic voltammetry with a three-electrode system. A measuring range was reduced from initial potential to -1350mV, continuously oxidized to 1650 mV and measured to the initial point. The scan rate were 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mV/s. As a result, the C-V characterization of metal using N,N-dimethylacetamide and N,N-dimethylformamide inhibitors appeared irreversible process caused by the oxidation current from the cyclic voltammogram. After adding organic corrosion inhibitors, adsorption film constituted, and the passive phenomena happened. According to the results by cyclic voltammetry method, it was revealed that the addition of inhibitors containing amide functional group enhances the corrosion resistance properties.

An Oxalic Acid Sensor Based on Platinum/Carbon Black-Nickel-Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites Modified Screen-Printed Carbon Electrode

  • Income, Kamolwich;Ratnarathorn, Nalin;Themsirimongkon, Suwaphid;Dungchai, Wijitar
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.416-423
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    • 2019
  • A novel non-enzymatic oxalic acid (OA) sensor based on the platinum/carbon black-nickel-reduced graphene oxide (Pt/CBNi-rGO) nanocomposite is reported. The nanocomposites were prepared by the ethylene glycol reduction method. Their morphology and chemical composition were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results clearly demonstrated the formation of the Pt/CB-Ni-rGO nanocomposite. The electrocatalytic activity of the Pt/CB-Ni-rGO electrode was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. It was determined that the appropriate amount of Pt enhanced the catalytic activity of Pt for oxalic acid electro-oxidation. Moreover, the modified electrode was determined to be highly selective for oxalic acid without interference from compounds commonly found in urine including uric acid and ascorbic acid. The chronoamperometric signal gave a wide linearity range of 20 μM-60 mM and the detection limit (3σ) was found to be 2.35 μM. The proposed method showed high selectivity, stability, and good reproducibility and could be used with micro-volumes of sample for the detection of oxalic acid. Finally, the oxalic acid content in artificial and control urine samples were successfully determined by our proposed electrode.

Adhesion of Model Molecules to Metallic Surfaces, the Implications for Corrosion Protection

  • de Wit, J.H.W.;van den Brand, J.;de Wit, F.M.;Mol, J.M.C.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2008
  • The majority of the described experimental results deal with relatively pure aluminium. Variations were made in the pretreatment of the aluminum substrates and an investigation was performed on the resulting changes in oxide layer composition and chemistry. Subsequently, the bonding behavior of the surfaces was investigated by using model adhesion molecules. These molecules were chosen to represent the bonding functionality of an organic polymer. They were applied onto the pretreated surfaces as a monolayer and the bonding behavior was studied using infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy. A direct and clear relation was found between the hydroxyl fraction on the oxide surfaces and the amount of molecules that subsequently bonded to the surface. Moreover, it was found that most bonds between the oxide surface and organic functional groups are not stable in the presence of water. The best performance was obtained using molecules, which are capable of chemisorption with the oxide surface. Finally, it was found that freshly prepared relatively pure aluminum substrates, which are left in air, rapidly lose their bonding capacity towards organic functional groups. This can be attributed to the adsorption of contamination and water to the oxide surface. In addition the adhesion of a typical epoxy-coated aluminum system was investigated during exposure to water at different temperatures. The coating was found to quite rapidly lose its adhesion upon exposure to water. This rapid loss of adhesion corresponds well with the data where it was demonstrated that the studied epoxy coating only bonds through physisorptive hydrogen bonding, these bonds not being stable in the presence of water. After the initial loss the adhesion of the coating was however found to recover again and even exceeded the adhesion prior to exposure. The improvement could be ascribed to the growth of a thin oxyhydroxide layer on the aluminum substrate, which forms a new, water-stable and stronger bond with the epoxy coating. Two routes for improvement of adhesion are finally decribed including an interphasial polymeric thin layer and a treatment in boiling water of the substrate before coating takes place. The adhesion properties were finely also studied as a function of the Mg content of the alloys. It was shown that an enrichment of Mg in the oxide could take place when Mg containing alloys are heat-treated. It is expected that for these alloys the (hydr)oxide fraction also depends on the pre-treatment and on the distribution of magnesium as compared to the aluminium hydroxides, with a direct impact on adhesive properties.

Exploiting the Anticorrosion Effects of Vernonia Amygdalina Extract for Protection of Mild Steel in Acidic Environments

  • Adindu, Blessing;Ogukwe, Cynthia;Eze, Francis;Oguzie, Emeka
    • Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2016
  • The corrosion protection of mild steel in 1M HCl and 0.5M $H_2SO_4$ solutions by ethanol extract of Vernonia amygdalina (VA) was studied using a combination of experimental and computational methods. The obtained results revealed that VA reduced the corrosion of mild steel in both environments and inhibition efficiency increased with VA concentration but decreased with prolonged exposure. Electrochemical results showed that the extract functioned via mixed corrosion inhibiting mechanism by adsorption of some organic constituents of the extract on the metal/acid interface. Findings from infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy all confirmed that VA retarded mild steel corrosion in both 1M HCl and 0.5M $H_2SO_4$ through an adsorption process. The adsorption behavior of selected constituents of the extract was modeled using density functional theory computations.

The Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism and Applications of Quinones

  • Kim, R. Soyoung;Chung, Taek Dong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제35권11호
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    • pp.3143-3155
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    • 2014
  • This tutorial review provides a general account of the electrochemical behavior of quinones and their various applications. Quinone electrochemistry has been investigated for a long time due to its complexity. A simple point of view is developed that considers the relative stability of the reduced quinone species and the values of the first and second reduction potentials. The 9-membered square scheme in buffered aqueous solutions is explained and semiquinone radical stability is discussed in this context. Quinone redox reaction has also been employed in various studies. Diverse examples are presented under three broad categories defined by the roles of quinone: molecular tool for physical chemistry, versatile electron mediator, and charge storage for energy conversion devices.