• 제목/요약/키워드: Object-Relations

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The Characteristics of the Popular Culture Contemporary Fashion Shows -Focus on Pret-a-Porter Collections after the Mid of 1990s- (현대패션쇼의 대중문화적 특성(제2보) -1990년대 중반이후 기성복컬렉션을 중심으로-)

  • 장안화;박민여
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • This Study has examined characteristics of the popular culture of the contemporary fashion show by each element as follows The fashion show place expanded its area when It moved its center because of not only the use of ordinary and public friendly place but also adjacent places post-modernism thought. The installation stage was produced by organic combination with the stage using object: The technology for the stage has produced dynamic variability and variety enough to expand the stage. The dramatic element of production technique was introduced to the fashion show to shorten gap with ordinary life and transfer a theme by facial expressions, gesture and pose. etc of a model In addition. its performance element combines other genre freely to be one time and viewers' participating type technique. At the minimalism element, clothing functions moderately as main factor of the fashion show: Technical elements are added to emphasize future Images. At sound tracks and sound effects, the show's overall atmosphere has been revived to remake various genre of music and improve images. At the fashion model, objective appearance boundary is collapsed to expand model concept and make tools of their own. The fashion show has external values of active movement of associated industry as well as economic boost enough to produce jobs, and internal values to provide aesthetic rest and satisfactions to let the ones. who are isolated from recreation values and the society, establish friendly relations with the society

KROSS: Probing the Tully-Fisher Relation over Cosmic Time

  • Bureau, Martin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.35.2-35.2
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    • 2018
  • Using the K-band Multi-object Spectrograph (KMOS) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), the KMOS Redshift One Spectroscopic Survey (KROSS) has gathered integral-field data for ~800 star-forming galaxies at a redshift z~1, when the universe was roughly half its current age and forming the bulk of its stars. With spatially-resolved observations, KROSS reveals galaxies that are both gas-rich and highly turbulent. It is possible to derive the observed and baryonic Tully-Fisher (luminosity - rotation velocity) relations, thus constraining the mass-to-light ratios and total (luminous + dark) masses of the galaxies. This in turn highlights the dependence of the relation zero-point on the degree of rotational support of the galaxies (rotational velocity to velocity dispersion ratio). By degrading and analogously analysing integral-field data of hundreds of local galaxies from the Sydney-AAO Multi-object Integral-field Spectrograph (SAMI) survey, a robust comparison z=0 Tully-Fisher relation can also be derived, thus further constraining the luminous and dark mass growth of disk galaxies over the last 7 billions years. This unique comparison also reveals that systematic effects associated with sample selection and analysis methods are as large as the effects expected from cosmological evolution, and thus that most other comparisons employing heterogeneous data and/or methods can safely be ignored.

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Spatial Analysis to Capture Person Environment Interactions through Spatio-Temporally Extended Topology (시공간적으로 확장된 토폴로지를 이용한 개인 환경간 상호작용 파악 공간 분석)

  • Lee, Byoung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.426-439
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    • 2012
  • The goal of this study is to propose a new method to capture the qualitative person spatial behavior. Beyond tracking or indexing the change of the location of a person, the changes in the relationships between a person and its environment are considered as the main source for the formal model of this study. Specifically, this paper focuses on the movement behavior of a person near the boundary of a region. To capture the behavior of person near the boundary of regions, a new formal approach for integrating an object's scope of influence is described. Such an object, a spatio-temporally extended point (STEP), is considered here by addressing its scope of influence as potential events or interactions area in conjunction with its location. The formalism presented is based on a topological data model and introduces a 12-intersection model to represent the topological relations between a region and the STEP in 2-dimensional space. From the perspective of STEP concept, a prototype analysis results are provided by using GPS tracking data in real world.

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  • Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Kim, Jin-Woo;Lee, Jung-Bin;Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.426-429
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    • 2006
  • Flood caused by Typhoon and severe rain during summer is the most destructive natural disasters in Korea. Almost every year flood has resulted in a big lost of national infrastructure and loss of civilian lives. It usually takes time and great efforts to estimate the flood-related damages. Government also has pursued proper standard and tool for using state-of-art technologies. High resolution satellite imagery is one of the most promising sources of ground truth information since it provides detailed and current ground information such as building, road, and bare ground. Once high resolution imagery is utilized, it can greatly reduce the amount of field work and cost for flood related damage assessment. The classification of high resolution image is pre-required step to be utilized for the damage assessment. The classified image combined with additional data such as DEM and DSM can help to estimate the flooded areas per each classified land use. This paper applied object-oriented classification scheme to interpret an image not based in a single pixel but in meaningful image objects and their mutual relations. When comparing it with other classification algorithms, object-oriented classification was very effective and accurate. In this paper, IKONOS image is used, but similar level of high resolution Korean KOMPSAT series can be investigated once they are available.

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The Arbitrability of the Subject-matter of Punitive Damages (징벌적 손해배상의 중재적격)

  • Kang, Su-Mi
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.3-31
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    • 2011
  • In response to complexity and diversity of a social phenomenon, the dispute also is various, therefore can not be settled efficiently by means of court adjudication to which applies a law strictly. To overcome such problems we are going to seek to make use of arbitration. According to Korean Arbitration Act Art. 3 (1), any dispute in private laws would be the object of arbitral proceedings. It could be the object of arbitral proceedings that disputes which are capable of a settlement by arbitration. It is a matter for debate that disputes containing punitive damages may be resolved by arbitration. This problem is concerning the arbitrability of the subject-matter of a dispute. To offer some solution to these issues, it is necessary to inquire into the nature of punitive damages. the policy and function of alimony, the fair apportionment of a loss. Moreover, international relations formed with international transactions should be considered. Punitive damages would be the object of arbitral proceedings as the dipute in private laws. When punitive damages pursue only punishment in the domestic arbitration that there is not foreign factors, arbitral tribunal could not make arbitral award containing punitive damages. However, if punitive damages are admitted under the rules applicable to substance of dispute, and there is the arbitration agreement in which is implied that the parties agree to submit to an arbitral award, arbitral tribunal could make arbitral award containing punitive damages in international arbitration. When it is questionable whether it is offend against our public policy or not, that we accept the effect of arbitral award containing punitive damages, and we admit the enforcement of it, we have to take the nature of punitive damages, the policy and function of alimony, the fair apportionment of a loss and the stability of international transactions into consideration.

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Location Based Concierge Service with Spatially Extended Topology for Moving Objects

  • Lee, Byoung-Jae
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.445-454
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    • 2009
  • Beyond simple transfer of information through sensor network, this study will provide the insights about the way to embody the real context aware location based service in an ubiquitous computing environment. In this paper, a new formal approach is introduced to derive knowledge about the scope of influence for a point object. A scope of influence is defined as the conceptual area where there is a possibility of the phenomenon or event occurring because of this point object. A point object can be spatially extended by considering this scope of influence in conjunction with the point. These point objects are called Spatially Extended Point (SEP) objects. Compositions of gradual changes of topological relations between a SEP and the environment near the SEP show how to represent the qualitative spatial behaviors of a SEP objects. These qualitative spatial behaviors will be good standards for Location Based Service (LBS) to provide more subdivided and suitable information to the users.

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A Study on the Object-Oriented Program Slicing using Module Class Dependency Graph (모듈 클래스 종속 그래프를 이용한 객체지향 프로그램 슬라이싱에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Un-Yong;Jeong, Gye-Dong;Choe, Yeong-Geun
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1805-1816
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents the Module Class Dependency Graph for expressing the dependency relations between classes effectively. The object-oriented language is developed independently at design time, and consists of relationship between classes. Therefore we need to consider these characteristics of independence, and to express effectively the relation of classes which is existed in class hierarchy. In the System Dependence Graph and Class Dependence Graph, the relationship of classes is not expressed. To express the class relationship, we propose the Module Class Dependence Graph, and we verify the effectiveness of this method applying to object constructor, inheritance relationship and dynamic binding. Also, we presents the expressing method of parameter to identify the member data of classes. Using this Module Class Dependency Graph, we can analyze the relationship of module class correctly at design time. This method can be applied to reverse engineering, testing, visualization and other various fields to analyze system.

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An Analysis on the Preference of Early Childhood Teachers in Horticultural Activities Based on Conjoint Analysis

  • Jeong, Yeojin;Kim, Mijin;Chang, Taegwon;Yun, Sukyoung
    • Journal of People, Plants, and Environment
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.495-506
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    • 2020
  • Background and objective: This study conducted a conjoint analysis on early childhood teachers to find out their preferences in horticultural activities that are used as a means of education in early childhood education. Methods: For the conjoint analysis, five attributes of horticultural activities were selected. Attribute 1 was method of horticultural activities, divided into two levels: exclusive and integrated horticultural activities. Attribute 2 was object of horticultural activities, divided into three levels: fruit crops, vegetable crops, and floricultural crops. Attribute 3 was activity type, divided into three levels: big and small group, free choice, and outdoor play. Attribute 4 was place for horticultural activities, and divided into two levels: indoors and outdoors. Attribute 5 was time for horticultural activities, divided into two levels: 30 minutes and 30-60 minutes. The orthogonal design was used to extract 20 profiles, after which we conducted a survey on 320 early childhood teachers and analyzed the valid responses from 257 teachers. Results: The preference of early childhood teachers showed highest importance in object (29.1%), followed by activity type (23.2%), activity method (17.4%), time (16.1%), and place (14.2%) (Pearson's R = .591, p = .008). By level of each attribute, the importance was high in exclusive horticultural activities for activity method, big and small group for activity type, vegetable and floricultural crops for object, indoors for place, and 30 minutes for time. Conclusion: The horticultural program preferred by early childhood teachers is comprised of big and small group activities using vegetable and floricultural crops, carried out indoors for 30 minutes as an exclusive class.

Ecosystem Configuration and its Structure of Cultural Contents -Focused on Busan International Motor Show- (전시회 구성 콘텐츠가 재방문 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향 -부산 국제모터쇼를 중심으로-)

  • Min, Jin-Hong;Ha, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.197-208
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    • 2010
  • The cultural contents are a field that originally has a cycle ranged from producers of various contents and distribution consumption. The various object elements composing of an ecosystem of cultural contents in this cycle, and the search of harmonious relations between these objects is becoming an important issue. The ecological approach on the cultural contents field is not being tried authentically until now, in spite of the expansion of interest and usefulness from its application at present, so there is no detailed discussion on the inside of an ecosystem and itsaction such as confirmation of object elements composing of the ecosystem, interaction principles between objects and object development, principles of co-evolution, etc. achieving common development of all objects composing of the ecosystem. Therefore, the present research aims to confirm object elements composing of the ecosystem of cultural contents through an ecosystem model that has been researched in several fields of the ecosystem and social science, and to seek interaction between objects and each object as well as a development direction of a total ecosystem.

A Study on Detection of Deforested Land Using Aerial Photographs (항공사진을 이용한 훼손 산지 탐지 연구)

  • Ham, Bo Young;Lee, Chun Yong;Byun, Hye Kyung;Min, Byoung Keol
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2013
  • With high social demands for the diverse utilizations of forest lands, the illegal forest land use changes have increased. We studied change detection technique to detect changes in forest land use using an object-oriented segmentation of RED bands differencing in multi-temporal aerial photographs. The new object-oriented segmentation method consists of the 5 steps, "Image Composite - Segmentation - Reshaping - Noise Remover - Change Detection". The method enabled extraction of deforested objects by selecting a suitable threshold to determine whether the objects was divided or merged, based on the relations between the objects, spectral characteristics and contextual information from multi-temporal aerial photographs. The results found that the object-oriented segmentation method detected 12% of changes in forest land use, with 96% of the average detection accuracy compared by visual interpretation. Therefore this research showed that the spatial data by the object-oriented segmentation method can be complementary to the one by a visual interpretation method, and proved the possibility of automatically detecting and extracting changes in forest land use from multi-temporal aerial photographs.