The Characteristics of the Popular Culture Contemporary Fashion Shows -Focus on Pret-a-Porter Collections after the Mid of 1990s-

현대패션쇼의 대중문화적 특성(제2보) -1990년대 중반이후 기성복컬렉션을 중심으로-

  • Published : 2004.08.01


This Study has examined characteristics of the popular culture of the contemporary fashion show by each element as follows The fashion show place expanded its area when It moved its center because of not only the use of ordinary and public friendly place but also adjacent places post-modernism thought. The installation stage was produced by organic combination with the stage using object: The technology for the stage has produced dynamic variability and variety enough to expand the stage. The dramatic element of production technique was introduced to the fashion show to shorten gap with ordinary life and transfer a theme by facial expressions, gesture and pose. etc of a model In addition. its performance element combines other genre freely to be one time and viewers' participating type technique. At the minimalism element, clothing functions moderately as main factor of the fashion show: Technical elements are added to emphasize future Images. At sound tracks and sound effects, the show's overall atmosphere has been revived to remake various genre of music and improve images. At the fashion model, objective appearance boundary is collapsed to expand model concept and make tools of their own. The fashion show has external values of active movement of associated industry as well as economic boost enough to produce jobs, and internal values to provide aesthetic rest and satisfactions to let the ones. who are isolated from recreation values and the society, establish friendly relations with the society



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