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Satisfaction after Running on the Online Self-introduction Consulting Program for College Students in COVID-19 Situation (코로나-19 상황에서 대학생 온라인 자기소개서 컨설팅 프로그램 운영 후 만족도)

  • Shin, Seung-Ok
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted with 92 people who participated in the online self-introduction consulting program operated for 3 weeks in August, 2020 at a university. This is a study to find out whether the application of the online self-introduction consulting program helped prepare for employment. As a result of the study, there was not enough self-introduction to be written in advance or the employment target organization was not clear. After participating in the online self-introduction consulting program, it was very helpful in preparing for employment, and the service utilization of the related self-introduction program was high. They responded that a series of questions about the templates in the program helped to write the self-introduction letter. It was said that the interview preparation process is necessary as a necessary job support education

Model Development of an Elderly Health Promotion Center: The Effect of a Social Support Program at a Community Health Center (노인 건강증진센터 모형개발을 위한 연구: 일 지역보건소에 적용한 사회적지지 프로그램의 효과)

  • 박오장;소향숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.781-790
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a model of an elderly health promotion center after witnessing the effect of a social support program on dependent variables in older adults at a local community health center. Method: The subjects were 60 female adults over 65 years dwelling in a rural area, and they were divided into experimental and control groups each with 30 people. A social support program was implemented 6 hours a day, 3 times a week, for 4 months in the experimental group. Included was health assessment, health education, counseling, consultation, exercise, physical & occupational therapy, primary care, recreation, lunch & transfer service. Data was collected from May 1stto September 14th, 2002 by questionnaires, and analyzed by x2-test, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression using SAS. Result: The social support program in the elderly was very effective on all dependent variables of physical health (t=4.68, p=.001), health knowledge (t=3.60, p=.001), life satisfaction (t=8.65, p=.001), and health promoting behaviors (t=5.23, p=.001). Conclusion: The Social Support Program at a Community Health Center was effective on health promoting behaviors in the elderly.

A Mixed Methods Study of the Successful Aging of Older Adults in Korea

  • Kim, Eun-Ha;Kim, Kye-Ha
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to understand experiences of successful aging of community-dwelling elderly living in the Korean community using mixed methods. This study is a mixed methods research using convergent parallel design. 483 elderly people living in the 2 cities were selected as subjects to collect quantitative data. For qualitative data collection, 6 elderly people participated. The level of successful aging for elderly people living at home scored an average of 4.30 ± .59 out of 5 points (4.46 ± .64 for self-efficacy, 4.31 ± .65 for good self-control, 4.29 ± .70 for satisfaction with children's success, and 4.26 ± .61 for partnership with spouses). The main themes of successful aging derived by interview were as follows: 1) fulfill responsibilities of raising children as parents, 2) establish a stable life to overcome difficulties, 3) accept the body being different from the past, and 4) live in harmony with people around them. Based on these results, it is necessary to provide useful health care services that can be used in the local community and to provide service utilization information through various routes in order to achieve a successful aging.

Physiological and Psychological Effects of Combined Forest/Thermal Therapy on Depressive Symptoms in Individuals with Alcohol and Nicotine Dependency

  • Sunhee Lee;Heeju Ro;Jungkee Choi;Youngran Chae;Soyeon Kim
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2023
  • This study verified the effect of a combined forest/thermal therapy (FT/TT) program on participants with depressive symptoms and smoking or alcohol dependence. The participants included 20 people in the experimental group and 18 people in the control group. The experimental group participated in the FT/TT program for 2 nights and 3 days at the National Center for Forest Healing, in Hoengseong (National Hoengseong Supchewon), and a charcoal kiln operated by the Gangwon Charcoal Farming Association. The control group carried out their daily life for the same period. Psychological, physiological, and biochemical tests were conducted to determine the effect of the program. The results showed that there were significant improvements in stress, anxiety, depression, sleep quality, sleep satisfaction, and IL-6 levels. However, no significant difference was found in the cortisol, serotonin and melatonin levels between the experimental and control groups. Thus, the FT/TT therapy had psychological and biochemical effects on individuals with depression and nicotine or alcohol dependency. Further studies should be conducted to verify the effect of forest healing in various conditions.

Pilot Study of Application Status for the Improvement of Weather Information in the Korean Peninsula: Focus on Extreme Heat Watch and Warnings

  • Park, Jong-Kil;Jung, Woo-Sik;Oh, Jina;Kim, Eun-Byul;Choi, Su-Jin
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.140-153
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    • 2014
  • The extreme heat watch and warnings (EHWW) which is constructed as a part of the climate change adaptation took effect in the summer of 2008, but active response actions failed to be taken because of low perception among citizens. Therefore, a survey investigation targeting citizens residing in Busan and the Gyeongnam province was conducted in order to know the perception regarding EHWW issued by the Korea Meteorological Administration, to identify the main media through which information is acquired, and to propose an improvement measures which may enhance the usefulness and the degree of satisfaction of weather information. The results are as follows; The perception regarding EHWW was not very high as it remained at 59.8% in terms of percentile. Although the statistical significance was not fulfilled in the categories of gender or occupation, significant differences did exist among age groups. The main medium through which citizens acquired information regarding EHWW was the television, which was followed in order by the internet, acquaintances, short message service (SMS), radio, newspapers, the 131 weather hotline, and other media. The usefulness of EHWW was somewhat high (67.2%), and female students were found to utilize the information to a higher degree than male students. The statistics on the level of satisfaction regarding the weather information (65.4%) revealed that most respondents were satisfied. Housewives, professional, and the elder age groups exhibited great satisfaction, leading to the conclusions that the level of perception and interest regarding to the special weather reports (SWR) have an impact on satisfaction of SWR.

A study for the factors on choosing hospitals and patients satisfaction between Geriatric Hospitals and General Hospitals (노인병원과 종합병원의 선택요인 및 환자만족도 분석)

  • Yoon, Seo-Jung;Yu, Seung-Hum;Kim, Young-Hoon;Lee, Ji-Jeon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.46-75
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    • 2004
  • This research anticipated on acknowledging the inpatients factors in choosing which hospital for the geriatric hospital and general hospital they would prefer to go to the analization of different factors in patients satisfaction, and the relation between satisfactory standards and the patients intentions on recommendation or re-visiting the hospital. The statistical data was based upon the 359 question and answer papers that were done by inpatients that were hospitalized in two geriatric hospitals and two general hospitals, and the methods used for analyzing were frequency, t-test, factor analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression. The results are as follows. 1. The factors on choosing hospitals between geriatric hospital and general hospitals were different. The priority for the geriatrics was kindness, and then considerate nursing, and the reliance of treatment. The patients of general hospitals looked first for reliance of treatment, reputation and history of the hospital, and the kindness of the staff. The kindness of the staff, good nursing, and easy procedures were the primary factors of choosing geriatric hospital. 2. The four primary factors in choosing which hospital patients would go to were the predominance of the facilities, kindness and convenience, the reliance and proximity of medical treatment, and recommendation. The patients in the geriatric hospital first looked for kindness and convenience, second the reliance and proximity of medical treatment, third predominance of facilities, and last recommendation. The general hospitals main priority was the reliance and proximity of medical care, second predominance of facilities, kindness and hospitality, and last recommendation. 3. The satisfaction rate was higher in the geriatric hospital compared to general hospitals, but the satisfactory of factors were very similar. Patients in the geriatric hospital were pleased with the hospital staffs kindness, quick nursing and the improvement of inconvenient matters, and clear diagnosis of the doctors. The general hospital patients were satisfied with the hospital staffs clear explanation and accurate diagnosis 4. The analysis in the satisfactory factors turned out to be the environment of the hospital, kindness of the staff, and convenience. Both the patients of the geriatric hospital and general hospitals were very pleased with the kindness of the hospital staff. Ranking second and third was convenience and service for the geriatric hospital, and environment of the hospital and convenience for the general hospital. 5. According to a rank of multiple recurrent analysis of the patients satisfaction and the intention of re-visiting in addition to intention of solicitation, in the case of a geriatric hospital, when the intention of re-visiting is the dependent variable, the first stage shows that the less insurance the patient has, the higher was the intention of re-visiting. In the second stage, the more satisfied the patient is of the staffs kindness, the higher was the intention of re-visiting. Further more, when the intention of solicitation is the dependent variable, the first stage shows that not all the independent variables were significant, but the second stage shows that the more satisfied the patient is of the staffs kindness and the hospital along with the medical treatment expenses, the higher was the intention of solicitation. 6. In the first stage of a rank of multiple recurrent analysis of the satisfaction of the general hospital and the intention of re-visiting, not all the variables were significant, but in the second stage, all the satisfaction by factors were significant. Moreover, when the intention of solicitation was the dependent variable, the first stage shows not all the variables were significant, but in the second stage, all the satisfaction by factors were significant. That is to say, in the case of a general hospital, the satisfaction of the hospital and the medical treatment expenses were high, and the more satisfied the patient is of the hospitals environment and the staffs kindness, the intention of re-visiting and the intention of solicitation was higher.

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Development and Application of Critical Pathway for Nasal Bone Fracture Patients (코뼈골절 환자에서 표준진료지침의 개발과 적용)

  • Hwang, Kun;Shin, Jung Yae;Lee, Hye Kyung;Lee, Hwan Jun
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.154-163
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to develop and apply the critical pathway to the nasal bone fracture patients and to elucidate its effect. Methods: Critical pathway (CP) sheet and questionnaire were developed by a team approach. Critical pathway were applied to 30 nasal bone fracture patients (CP group) from June 2001 to November 2001. Length of hospitalization, cost for hospitalization and bed turnover rate of CP group were compared to those of the 30 patients who had same disease entities and treated by conventional regimen (control group). Results: Length of hospitalization in the CP group (4.20 day) were significantly shorter than that of control group (6.21 day). Mean cost for hospitalization of the CP group (492,106 won) were significantly lower than that of control group (678,376 won). Bed turnover rate in CP group (2.5) were higher than that of control group. The patients satisfaction for the medical personnel, explanation regarding operation procedure, therapeutic operation fee, and length of hospitalization were all affirmative. Conclusion: Critical pathway that we developed for nasal bone fracture definitely improved the quality of treatment and lowered cost of medical service. Furthermore, other critical pathways should be developed for another facial trauma patients.

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A Grounded Theory Approach on the Parting Experience of Korean Middle-aged Women with their Children (한국 중년여성의 성인 자녀와의 분리경험에 대한 근거이론적 접근)

  • Shin, Su Jin;Park, Boc Nam;Kang, Hyo Young
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.719-731
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This research was conducted to explore the experience of middle-aged women parting with their children and to develop a grounded theory. Method: The participants were 11 women in their 50's who had experienced parting with their children due to schooling, military service and marriage. The grounded theory methodology based on symbolic interactionism was used. Results: 106 concepts, 30 subcategories and 14 categories were derived from the analysis through processes of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. The central phenomenon was 'happy but sad' and the core category was a process of 'independence that is sorrowful yet delightful'. Four types were identified; the independent-type; submissive -type; family-reliant-type ; and fragile-type; based on the attachment to the child, state of mind, satisfaction of the situation, family support system and self-achievement. Conclusion: This research identified that the modern Korean middle-aged women who are considered to be the 'sandwich generation' since they have experienced a turbulent history and the change from a confucian parent-child lifestyle to a couple-oriented one, moved away from an attitude dependent on children in parting with them and started preparing for an independent late life. Based on the results, the verification research is advised on the variables that affect the experience of parting with children.

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Studies on Improvement of the psychiatric Nursing (정신적 병동 간호업무 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 신영란
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 1975
  • Author studied on various psychiatric nursing problems applying with the test of questionnaire to the 376 nurses who are attending at 13 general hospitals and one mental hospital in Korea from Apr. 1, 1974 to July 30. 1974. The results obtained were ai follows: 1. 13.095 of nonpsychiatric registered nurses wanted the psychiatric service for their most attractive assignment and this was the 3rd in order next to the general surgical and operating room. Among the psychiatric nurses, the popularity toward psychiatric ward was 31. 0% and they were 26.0%at the private general hospitals and 6, 0% in national public hospitals. 2, The feelings or attitudes of disgust and apprehension on nursing care of the patients at-flirted with infectious diseases were the highest responses (38.5%) and these 1.ends were also appeared in 6.9% of psychiatric nurses. 3. 85.5% of nonpsychiatric registered nurses have had received course lectures on psychiatric nursing and nursing care training on the psychiatric ward at their school of nursing. 38.0% of psychiatric nurses had received post graduate psychiatric nursing and they were higher in national public hospitals (27.0% ) than in private general hospitals (11.0%). 4. The responses of satisfaction and security on their employment were almost similar patterns between nonpsychiatric registered nurses and psychiatric nurses. But among the psychiatric nurses. they were more satisfied at private general hospitals (33.0%) than that of national public hospitals (10.0%). 5. Almost the half of the nurses (50.8%) were employed by the hospitals without considering their past educational or clinical experience or career. Among the psychiatric nurses, who were employed by hospitals without considering their past experience or career were 35.0% in national public hospitals and 12.0% in private hospitals. On the contrary, the nurses who were employed by their wishes fore more higher (26.0%) in private general hospitals than national public hospitals (2.0%). 6. The nurses who thought their employment was fit for their aptitude were 48.6% in nonpsychiatric registered nurses and 51.0% in psychiatric nurses. Among the psychiatric nurses, this response was higher in private general hospitals (34.0%) than the national public hospitals (17.0%). 7. Responses on wort loadings of nurses showed almost same patterns between nonpsychiatric registered nurses and psychiatric nurses. But. among the psychiatric nurses who felt much heavier than the nurses of other part were 24.0% in national public hospitals and 8.0% in private general hospitals. 8. 92.6% of nurses felt that the psychiatric nurses should have post graduate training in psychiatric nursing prior to their assignment. 9. 96.0% of nurses agreed to the risk coverage on the payment for the nurses assigned to the psychiatric ward and the ward for infection diseases.

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A Study on Effectiveness of the Hospital-based Home Nursing Care of the Early Discharged Surgical Patients and its Cost Analysis (조기퇴원 수술환자의 병원중심 가정간호 효과 및 비용분석에 관한 연구)

  • 박경숙;정연강
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.545-556
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    • 1994
  • Medical insurance and health care delivery system enabled Korean people to get the necessary medical service, but it caused increased needs for medical service, and resulted in the occurence of some problems such as a lack of manpower and medical facilities. In order to solve these problems, many countries, which already had medical insurance system had developed home care system and it has been regarded effective both in reducing costs and in increasing the rates of turnover of bed. Recently, Korea has included home nursing care in its health care delivery system, and some models of the hospital based home nursing care had been tried and its effects had been evaluated. So, author tried to run a home nursing care for the Cesarean section mothers and evaluate Its effects both in the mother's health and costs. This study was designed as a Quasi-experimental study. Subjects were thirty mothers who got Cesarean section operation in hospital in Seoul. Experimental group consisted of 15 volunteers, and control group were selected by means of matching technique. Data were gathered from February 1st to March 26th by two assistants who were trained by author. Experimental group were discharged on the 4th day after their operation, and got nursing care and assessment about their home three times on the 5th, 6th, and 7th day. Control group stayed in the hospital until 7th day as usual and were checked on the same day as above mentioned To evaluate the state of physiological recovery, vital signs, H.O.F, presence of edema in the legs, bathing, appetite, sleep, presence of pain or discomfort in the breasts, amount of lochia, color of lochia, defecation urination. To compare incidence of complication in experimental group with that in control group, specific assessment was done such variables as smell of lochia, presence of inflammation of operation wound, dizziness, and presence of immobilization in the extremities. The activities of daily living were checked Satisfaction of nursing were checked To calculate costs, author asked subjects to specify expenditure including hospital charge, traffic enpenses, and food expenses. The results were as fellows. 1. On effectiveness of home nursing careThere were n significant differences between experimental and control group in incidence of abnormal symptoms and any complication. The number of taking a bath [POD #5 P=0.001, #6 P=0.0003, #7 P=0.001] and the degree of appetite [POD #5 P=0.03, #6 P=0.02, #7 P=0.013] were significantly higher in experimental group than in control group. Contrary to author's expectation, the degree of the activities of daily living in experimental group was not higher than that of control group. All of the experimental group said they were satisfied with the home nursing care. 2. Cost analysis 1) Hospital charge of experimental group was lower than that of control group. [P=0.009] By taking home nursing care, average period of hospitalization was shortened to 3.1 days, and family members could save 22.8 hours. Total amount of money saved by early discharge was 3,443,093 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money saved by early discharge in a year will be 40,398,956 Won. 2) Home nursing care charge of 15 mothers was 1,781,633 Won. It is estimated that total amount of money Saved by it in a year Will be 20,904,493 Won. It was lower altogether than hospital charge of the three days which is 5th, 6th, 7th day of operation. The average cost of single home visit was calculated 10,940 Won. It took 87 minutes per round and it costed 1,017.3 Won. The average hour of home care was 39.0 minutes. 3) It is expected that early discharge can bring forth the increase of hospital income. On the condition that the rate of running bed is 100%, the expected increase of hospital income will be 202,374, 026 Won in a year. Suggestions for further study and nursing practice are as follows : 1. For the welfare of patients and the increased rates of running bed, home nursing care system should be included in the hospital nursing care system. 2. Studies to test effect of home nursing care on the patients with other diseases are needed. 3. Establishment of law on the practice of home nursing care is strongly recommended.

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