• Title/Summary/Keyword: Non- Newtonian Fluid

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Numerical Study of Internal Flow in Twin Screw Extruder and Its Mixing Performance Analysis (이축 스크루 압출기내 유동의 수치 해석과 혼합 성능 분석)

  • Kim, Nak-Soo;Kim, Hong-Bum;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.1 s.244
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    • pp.32-41
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    • 2006
  • We analyzed the non-Newtonian and non-isothermal flow in the melt conveying zone in co-rotating and counter-rotating screw extruder system with the commercial code, STAR-CD, and compared the mixing performance with respect to screw speed and rotating direction. The viscosity of fluid was described by power-law model. The dynamics of mixing was studied numerically by tracking the motion of particles in a twin screw extruder system. The extent of mixing was characterized in terms of the residence time distribution and average strain. The results showed that high screw speed decreases the residence time but increases the shear rate. Therefore higher screw speed increases the strain and has better mixing performance. Counter-rotating screw extruder system and co-rotating screw extruder has the similar shear rate with the same screw speed in spite of different rotating direction. However, the counter-rotating screw has good mixing performance, which is resulted from longer residence time than that of co-rotating screw extruder.

Development of a Yield Stress Measuring Technique for Powder Injection Molding Feedstocks (분말사출재의 항복응력 측정법 개발)

  • Rhee, Byung-Ohk;Lee, Jang-hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Rheology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 1999
  • In order to measure yield stress of PIM feedstocks simply and effectively, a yield stress measuring technique was developed by a vane method. The vane method had an advantage that there was no wall-slip, while it had a drawback that it could not measure viscosity change at various shear rates. A Newtonian fluid was tested for the appropriateness of the measuring technique. The end effect of a vane was checked to produce an acceptable error. The torque peak has been considered to be developed at yielding of non-Newtonian fluids with yield stress. However, it was influenced very much by control system of the instrument so that the torque value at the stable region was taken to calculate yield stress. Torque at zero rotational speed was obtained by extrapolating the torque values at various speeds to remove the effect of the rotational drag. As general verification, yield stress of feedstocks made of Tungsten carbide powder with wax-based binder was measured at different temperatures and various powder concentrations.

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Finite Element Analysis of Powder Injection Molding Filling Process Including Yield Stress and Slip Phenomena (항복응력과 미끄럼현상을 고려한 분말사출성형 충전공정의 유한요소해석)

  • 박주배;권태헌
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1465-1477
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    • 1993
  • Powder Injection Molding(PM) is an advanced and complicated technology for manufacturing ceramic or metal products making use of a conventional injection molding process, which is generally used for plastic products. Among many technologies involved in the successful PIM, injection molding process is one of the key steps to form a desired shape out of powder/binder mixtures. Thus, it is of great importance to have a numerical tool to predict the powder injection molding filling process. In this regard, a finite element analysis system has been developed for numerical simulations of filling process of powder injection molding. Powder/polymer mixtures during the filling pro cess of injection molding can be rheologically characterized as Non-Newtonian fluids with a so called yield phenomena and have a peculiar feature of apparent slip phenomena on the wall boundaries surrounding mold cavity. Therefore, in the present study, a physical modeling of the filling process of powder/polymer mixtures was developed to take into account both the yield stress and slip phenomena and a finite element formulation was developed accordingly. The numerical analysis scheme for filling simulation is accomplished by combining a finite element method with control volume technique to simulate the movement of flow front and a finite difference method to calculate the temperature distribution. The present study presents the modeling, numerical scheme and some numerical analysis results showing the effect of the yield stress and slip phenomena.

A Study on the Drag and Heat Transfer Reduction Phenomena and Degradation Effects of the Viscoelastic Fluids (점탄성유체의 저항 및 열전달 감소현상과 퇴화의 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Eum, C.S.;Jeon, C.Y.;Yoo, S.S.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.37-48
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    • 1990
  • The drag and heat transfer reduction phenomena and degradation effects of drag reducing polymer solutions which are known as the viscoelastic fluids are investigated experimentally for the turbulent circular tube flows. Two stainless steel tubes are used for the experimental flow loops. Aqueous solutions of Polyacrylamide Separan AP-273 with concentrations from 300 to 1000 wppm are used as working fluids. Flow loops are set up to measure the friction factors and heat transfer coefficients of test tubes in the once-through system and the recirculating flow system. Test tubes are heated by power supply directly to apply constant heat flux boundary conditions on the wall. Capillary tube viscometer and falling ball viscometer are used to measure the viscous characteristics of fluids and the characteristic relaxation time of a fluid is determined by the Powell-Eyring model. The order of magnidude of the thermal entrance length of a drag reducing polymer solution is close to the order of magnitude of the laminar entrance length of Newtonian fluids. Dimensionless heat transfer coefficients of the viscoelastic non-Newtonian fluids may be represented as a function of flow behavior index n and newly defined viscoelastic Graetz number. As degradation continues viscosity and the characteristic relaxation time of the testing fluids decrease and heat transfer coefficients increase. The characteristic relaxation time is used to define the Weissenberg number and variations of friction factors and heat transfer coefficients due to degradation are presented in terms of the Weissenberg number.

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Numerical Simulation of Quasi-Spherical, Supersonic Accretion Flows - Code and Tests

  • Siek Hyung;Seong-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2024
  • We study quasi-spherical, supersonic accretion flows around black holes using high-accuracy numerical simulations. We describe a code, the Lagrangian Total Variation Diminishing (TVD), and a remap routine to address a specific issue in the Advection Dominated Accretion Flow (ADAF) that is, appropriately handling the angular momentum even near the inner boundary. The Lagrangian TVD code is based on an explicit finite difference scheme on mass-volume grids to track fluid particles with time. The consequences are remapped on fixed grids using the explicit Eulerian finite-difference algorithm with a third-order accuracy. Test results show that one can successfully handle flows and resolve shocks within two to three computational cells. Especially, the calculation of a hydrodynamical accretion disk without viscosity around a black hole shows that one can conserve nearly 100% of specific a ngular momentum in one-and two-dimensional cylindrical coordinates. Thus, we apply this code to obtain a numerically similar ADAF solution. We perform simulations, including viscosity terms in one-dimensional spherical geometry on the non-uniform grids, to obtain greater quantitative consequences and to save computational time. The error of specific angular momentum in Newtonian potential is less than 1% between r~10rs and r~104 rs, where rs is sink size. As Narayan et al. (1997) suggested, the ADAFs in pseudo-Newtonian potential become supersonic flows near the black hole, and the sonic point is rsonic~5.3rg for flow with α =0.3 and γ=1 .5. Such simulations indicate that even the ADAF with γ=5/3 is differentially rotating, as Ogilvie (1999) indicated. Hence, we conclude that the Lagrangian TVD and remap code treat the role of viscosity more precisely than the other scheme, even near the inner boundary in a rotating accretion flow around a nonrotating black hole.

The heat transfer characteristics of viscoelastic non-newtonian fluids in the entrance region of circular tube flows (원형관속을 유동하는 점탄성 유체의 입구 영역 열전달 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 엄정섭;황태성;유상신
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1032-1043
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    • 1989
  • The heat transfer characteristics of the drag reducing polymer solutions are investigated experimentally in the thermal entrance region of circular tube flows. Fluids used in experiments are the aqueous solutions of high molecular polymer, polyacrylamide Separan AP-273 and the range of polymer concentrations is from 20 to 1000 wppm. Two stainless steel tubes with inside diameter 8.5mm(L/D=712) and 10.3mm(L/D=1160) are used for the heat transfer flow loops. The flow loop is set up to measure friction factors and heat transfer coefficients of test sections in two different modes; the recirculating flow system and once-through flow system. The test tubes are heated directly by electricity to apply the constant heat flux boundary conditions to the wall. Three different types of adaptors are used to observe the effects of the upstream flow conditions of the heat transfer test sections. The viscosity and characteristic relaxation time of the test fluids circulating in the flow system are measured by the capillary tube viscometer and falling ball viscometer at regular time intervals. The installed adaptors exhibit slight effect on the entrance heat transfer of Newtonian fluid. However, no noticeable effects are observed for the entrance heat transfer of the drag reducing fluids. The order of magnitude of the thermal entrance lengths of the drag reducing fluids which follow the minimum friction asymptote is much longer than that of Newtonian fluids in turbulent flows. A new dimensionless parameter, the viscoelastic Graetz number, is defined and all the experimental data are recasted in terms of the viscoelastic Graetz number. The local Nusselt number of the viscoelastic fluids is represented as a function of flow behavior index n and the viscoelastic Graetz number. As degradation continues the viscosity and the characteristic relaxation time of the testing fluids decrease. Weissenberg number defined by the relaxation time and D/V appears to be a proper dimensionless parameter in describing degradation effects on heat transfer of the viscoelastic fluids.

Scaleup of Electrolytic Reactors in Pyroprocessing (Pyroprocessing 공정에 사용되는 전해반응장치의 규모 확대)

  • Yoo, Jae-Hyung;Kim, Jeong-Guk;Lee, Han-Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.237-242
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    • 2009
  • In the pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuels, fuel materials are recovered by electrochemical reactions on the surface of electrodes as well as stirring the electrolyte in electrolytic cells such as electrorefiner, electroreducer and electrowinner. The system with this equipment should first be scaled-up in order to commercialize the pyroprocessing. So in this study, the scale-up for those electrolytic cells was studied to design a large-scale system which can be employed in a commercial process in the future. Basically the dimensions of both electrolytic cells and electrodes should be enlarged on the basis of the geometrical similarity. Then the criterion of constant power input per unit volume, characterizing the fluid behavior in the cells, was introduced in this study and a calculation process based on trial-and-error methode was derived, which makes it possible to seek a proper speed of agitation in the electrolytic cells. Consequently examples of scale-up for an arbitrary small scale system were shown when the criterion of constant power input per unit volume and another criterion of constant impeller tip speed were respectively applied.

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An Study on the Transitional Flows in a Concentric Annulus with Rotating Inner Cylinder (안쪽축이 회전하는 환형관내 천이 유동 연구)

  • Hwang, Young-Kyu;Kim, Young-Ju
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.06e
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2001
  • This experimental study concerns the characteristics of a transitional flow in a concentric annulus with a diameter ratio of 0.52, whose outer cylinder is stationary and inner one rotating. The pressure losses and skin-friction coefficients have been measured for the fully developed flow of a 0.2 % aqueous solution of sodium carbomethyl cellulose (CMC) at a inner cylinder rotational speed of 0600 rpm. The transitional flow has been examined by the measurement of pressure losses, to reveal the relation of the Reynolds numbers with the skin-friction coefficients, in the laminar and transitional flow regimes. The occurrence of transition has been checked by the gradient change of pressure losses and skin-friction coefficient with respect to the Reynolds numbers. The increasing rate of skin-friction coefficient due to the rotation is uniform for laminar flow regime, whereas it is suddenly reduced for transitional flow regime and, then, it is gradually declined for turbulent flow regime. Consequently, the critical(axial-flow) Reynolds number decrease as the rotational speed increases. Thus, the rotation of inner cylinder promotes the early occurrence of transition due to the onset of taylor vortices.

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Development of viscosity sensor using surface acoustic wave (탄성 표면파를 이용한 점도 센서의 개발)

  • Chong, Woo-Suk;Kim, Gi-Beum;Kang, Hyung-Sub;Hong, Chul-Un
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.289-294
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to materialize the viscosity sensor by using the SH-SAW sensor of which the center frequency is operated at higher than 50 MHz. In order to measure the viscosity, SAW sensor of which the center frequency is operated at 100 MHz is developed. By using the developed sensor, phase shift, delay time, insertion loss, and frequency variation are measured at different viscosity. The result shows that the phase shift difference between the viscosity variations is such that the difference between the distilled water and the 100 % glycerol solution is approximately 45, the change of the insertion loss is approximately 9 dB, and the difference of frequency variation is approximately 5.9 MHz. Therefore, it is shown that viscosity of unknown solution can be measured with the surface acoustic wave sensor.

Flow of non-Newtonian fluid in a concentric annulus with rotation (환형관내 비뉴튼유체의 회전유동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Woo, Nam-Sub;Seo, Byung-Taek;Hwang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.2095-2100
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    • 2003
  • This Experimental study concerns the characteristics of vortex flow in a concentric annulus with a diameter ration of 0.52, whose outer cylinder is stationary and inner one is rotating. Pressure losses and skin-friction coefficients have been measured for fully developed flow of bentonite-water solution(5%) when the inner cylinder rotates at the speed 0400rpm. The results of present study reveal the relation of the bulk flow Reynolds number Re and Rossby number Ro With respect to the skin friction coefficients. The effect of rotation on the skin friction coefficient is significantly dependent on the flow regime. In all flow regime, the skin friction coefficient is increased by the inner cylinder rotation. The critical (bulk flow) Reynolds number Rec decreases as the rotational speed increases. Thus, the rotation of the inner cylinder promotes the onset of transition due to the excitation of Taylor vortices.

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