• Title/Summary/Keyword: New Village

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Economic Evaluation of ODA Project - A Case of Poultry Farm in Uganda - (우간다 양계부문 ODA 사업의 농가단위 경제성 평가)

  • Yang, Heon-Yong;Seo, Il-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2020
  • As globalization, international cooperation has grown in importance. In accordance with this trend, Korea has been receiving high demands from international organizations about expanding the scale of Official Development Assistance(ODA) in line with its improved national status. In addition, in the economic aspect of Korea, the ODA project is expected to provide new growth opportunities in the mid- to long-term by promoting cooperation with developing countries. Uganda is an area with high strategic value due to good agricultural conditions and favorable geographical conditions. The poultry industry is a business that is generally carried out to the Ugandan, but due to economic problems such as initial investment cost, most of them have raised poultry on a small scale which is not enough for main income. This paper proposes the construction and operation plan of adapting to small poultry farms in the village-intensive type to sustainable income for residents in Uganda through ODA project in Korea's agricultural technology. The economic feasibility was analyzed from the long-term perspective when the initial construction cost was supported or not and the poultry species ratio was adjusted in terms of initial and operating costs. Economic analysis was performed using Net Present Value(NPV) method. As of after 10 years, when operating in the form of shifting kuroiler to layers, it was estimated to earn about 700,000 ugx more than when only kuroiler is raised, and it is able to reduce about 14 million ugx from the initial cost than when only raising layers. As of 20 years, the most profitables scenario was the breeding of 100 kuroilers and 400 layers methods. however, this case was anlayzed to be unsuitable for Uganda farmers, with initial costs more than three times higher than the shifting method of the kuroiler to layers. If the initial construction cost is supported by ODA project, the initial investment cost can be recovered in the first year with the shifting method, whereas raising only layers take two years to recoup the cost. In the meantime, when studying livestock industry in Uganda, it was examined by relying on statistical data, but this paper is meaningful in that it predicted how much it is economically effective based on field experience.

A Study on the Construction Characteristics of Dongcheon in the Traditional Space of Landscape Architecture (전통조경공간(傳統造景空間)에서 나타난 동천(洞天)의 조영(造營) 특성(特性))

  • Lee, Hyuk-Jong;Choi, Key-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2010
  • This research is attempted to investigate Dongcheon-rock inscription- to understand symbolic meanings from inscribed texts and to find its construction purpose. For the investigation, 25 target areas were selected for field exploration and literature review regarding Dongcheon were also performed. Several design characteristics of Dongcheon are as follows: First, Dongcheon has four criteria according to creation purpose: residential type(家居地型), hermitage type(隱棲地型), nature excursion type(山水遊覽型), aesthetic scenery type(勝景型), moral training type(修身型) and spiritual discipline type(修道地型). This category shows that Dongcheon is constructed at residential area, shelters, and place for leisure, mortal training and spiritual discipline. Second, Dongcheon is also classified by its location: location on village entrance in a deep forest(深山同口型) and location on near stream(溪流隣接型); location on near stream has also two types(連繫型, 單一領域型): location on an independent territory and location horizontal ground(平地型). Through garden creators' managing their garden in forest, valley and scenic spots, they pursue utopia. Third, naming is a way to create new landscape places. By naming a certain natural landscape as Dongcheon, the landscape is symbolized as utopia, appearing fairyland. Designer's desire and thoughts are saturated in Dongcheon.

A Study on the Change of the Chinese Performing Art Market during the period of the 10th 5year Development Plan. (중국 공연예술 시장 고찰 - 제10차 5개년 계획 기간(2001~2005)을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Soo Kyung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.449-480
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, I tried to study the change of the Chinese performing arts market during the 10th 5year development plan, from year 2001 to year 2005 by both of the quantitative and qualitative analysis, because it's really the time when we need to understand the growing market of chinese culture along with the development of the Chinese cultural industry. During that period, the Chinese government developed the policy to establish a healthy cultural market and strengthen it's cultural power; the parts who product the piece of performing arts including the performing troupes, the theatres and the production companies were consolidated and became familiar to market through the reformation of the organization; and the audience who consume the performing arts and entertainments still shows very Chinese characteristics in the cities and villages. In the village, the audiences invite the troupe to play their local theatre in many occasions of their life according to their traditional beliefs, also somehow to show their wealth. The fact that the local governments and the companies are very important consumer groups in China is also very 'Chinese' characteristics. It means that Chinese performing arts are still more or less under the influence of the political ideas. Nonetheless it is worthy of notice that Chinese performing arts not only develope the new contents in very creative way and also try to learn the knowhow of the excellent items of foreign countries by inviting them to the festivals or organize a co-productions on the basis of the upgraded cultural power through the 10th 5 year development plan.

The transmission background and characteristics of Bongyoung and Sogang masked dance of Ongjin county in whagnhae province (황해도 옹진의 본영탈춤·소강탈춤의 전승배경과 연희적 특징)

  • Jung, Hyung-ho;Song, In-woo
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.20
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    • pp.213-249
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    • 2010
  • Aside from the Kangryung masked dance, a masque dance in the near of Ongjin county in Hwanghae province has been transmitted. This article was written by two researchers to investigate this fact in a new way. Inwoo Song had conducted a focus interview aimed at persons who came from Ongjin to South Korea and Hyungho Chung had been responsible for summarizing and analyzing the interview. Bonyoung and Suyoung were a place in which a navy admiral stayed and a very rich area. These two places and Kangryung invited and perfomed each other. They kept a competition relationship for the performance. For this reason, the masque dance had advanced in this area. Compared to Kangryung masked dance, this masked dance had a difference in the performance order including a lion dance. Malddukyi dance was expressed in detail in the first part and Hanryang dance was performed independently in the middle of the dance. Sangjwa dance among dances was considered important. Also a lively Malddukyi dance was a scale which measured the skill of the dance. Chwiballyi starred in the dance. The mask was made from a paper and had a grotesque ghost face. This dance was played around Dan-oh. The music accompaniment was conducted by professional musician group, "Kyungjanpae", who lived in the vicinity. They had talents such as masked dance, tightrope dancing, tumbling in addition to music accompaniment. Especially, a local shaman took part in the Bonyoung masked dance and leaded an excorcism after the death of Halmi. Also, in the part of the Kwangdaedaegam gut, the shaman and village people put on the mask and danced together. Therefore, a shaman was closely connected with a local masked dance. After the Korean war, Kangryung masked dance was restored but Bongyoung and Sogang masked dance was not transmitted at all. This article will be helpful for completing the script and restoring the Bongyoung and Sogang masked dance.

Evaluation on Park Planning of Provincial Parks among Korea Natural Parks (자연공원 유형중 도립공원 계획의 평가)

  • Cho, Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the problems and present the improvement measures by assessing the suitability of planning of provincial natural parks on a legal basis. We assessed the suitability of 29 provincial parks to examine the suitability of park planning (special-purpose district planning and facilities planning) according to the Natural Park Act, implementation of the park projects, and registration of Korea Real estate Administration intelligence System (KRAS) for park management and obtained the following results. In the case of the park nature conservation districts among the special-purpose districts, 24.1 % (7 parks) were not feasible or decided the park facility that was larger than the planned area. The amended law requires the park cultural heritage district as a new special-purpose district, but 41.2% did not designate the district or failed to comply with the standard. Moreover, there was a problem of establishing or announcing the plan that was unsuitable for the management of park village district (former collective facilities district). Although provincial parks are categorized as the restricted area, the park facility plans still focus on regional development and tourism development, and the titles (names) of the park facilities are wrong. The law requires digitalization and disclosure of park plans, but many parks fail to abide by the law. We judge that it is necessary to develop effective provincial park planning and establish the measures to protect and manage the provincial parks.

A Comparative Study of Sacrificial Wild Game and Domestic Livestock As Considered from an Folklore Viewpoint (비교민속학적 시점에서 가축화와 동물공희)

  • Im, Jang-Hyuk
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.35
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    • pp.284-303
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this research paper is to examine, from an ethnological viewpoint, the traditional practice of using sacrificial game and domestic livestock as is often seen at communal rites in Korea. This paper also examine how the more convenient use of livestock sacrifice developed from that in which wild game were once offered, and how this change in the type of animals used affected the significance of the sacrifice. It also looks at how the use of animal sacrifice for ceremonies eventually influenced the practice of meat consumption on the part of the participants in their daily life, and how it contributed to the eventual establishment and development of livestock breeding for the purpose of meat consumption. The practice of catching wild game in the mountains for sacrificial purposes eventually gave way to the use of pasturage cattle, but it should be understood that these domesticated livestock were raised primarily for ceremonial rather than meat consumption purpose. When used for sacrifice, these cattle were not castrated, as is normally done when they are slaughtered for meat consumption, but it should not be assumed that this was done for purposes of simplification. In addition, not only rice farmers but also when enterpreneurs set up a new enterprise, animal sacrifice was viewed not only as a form of on-site purification of evil, but also served the dual purpose of enhancing their business through the traditional custom of serving meat to those invited guests in attendance. In the large-scale village communal rite of Hwaghae Province located in the northwestern part of Korea, animal sacrifice was carried out in the ritual for the Mountain God in a highly dramatic style, and suggests that it originated with the agrarian rites of the "fire-field" farmers of East Asia, which were utilized to foretell whether the coming year would be one of abundance or famine, and to the royal ceremony held on the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the lunar calendar, as well as that held for the God of the Mountains and Streams. The dramatic-style hunting rite, included in the large-scale communal ritual of Hwanghae Province mentioned previously, as well as in the Ritual of the Cow from Pyungsan, also located in Hwanghae Province, in which wild game were used as sacrifice, is significant in that it points up the changes that have occurred in ceremonial animal sacrifice. However, more research on ritualistic animal sacrifice is still called for in rites for good farming, fishing, and the variety of others that are held throughout Korea.

Parents' Perceptions of the Music Therapy Children With Disabilities Received in the United Arab Emirates (아랍에미레이트 장애아동 부모의 음악치료에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Kang, Yirak;Bamakhramah, Khadejah Ahmed
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.63-77
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    • 2021
  • Given that music is not part of the national/regular curriculum and how music therapy is a new endeavor in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this study aimed to investigate parents' perceptions of the music therapy given to their children with disabilities in the UAE. A survey was administered to 33 parents of children with disabilities living in Sharjah, UAE. The survey consisted of 43 questions related to characteristics of the music therapy sessions that the participants' children received and the parents' satisfaction with their children's music therapy. The results showed that participants reported a high level of satisfaction with the music therapy provided to their children. In terms of their participation in music therapy sessions, 33.3% of parents co-participated in music therapy sessions with their children, and 45.5% of parents observed their children's sessions. Parents who had direct participation in music therapy sessions were significantly more satisfied with their children's music therapy (p < .05) and perceived greater positive changes in their children as a result of the therapy (p < .05). Parents perceived their children as being able to positively respond to music, leading to positive changes in behavior. Despite these benefits, participants also reported the need for formal opportunities for family members to learn about the applications and outcomes of music therapy. The findings of this study supports the implementation of music therapy throughout the UAE and point to the need for future studies as music therapy expands across the country.

Scientific Exploration of the Footprints in the Folktale: The Footprints of Munhojang, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea (설화 속 발자국에 대한 과학적 탐색: 경남 창녕군 문호장 발자국)

  • Jung, Seung-Ho;Kim, TaeHyeong;Ahn, Jaehong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2021
  • Since ancient times, legends and tales have been handed down with a spirituality, shamanistic meaning, and imagination. Among many tales about people and animal footprints that are handed down in various parts of Korea, Changnyeong's 'Munhojang Footprint' is the first case in which the physical evidence(footprints) that the main character has left was identified as a dinosaur footprint. In this study, we performed a scientific analysis based on the basic data collection, distribution pattern of 'Munhojang Footprint', three-dimensional digital recording and visualization, as well as case analysis and humanitic review of footprints in tales and legends. The Munhojang Footprints has long been known as human footprints left in the natural rock due to its shape and preservation status. A new analysis that the Munhojang footprints (composed of 13 footprints) are dinosaur tracks shows social perceptions of the ancient people, characterized by the fear of supernatural beings and the limits of scientific interpretation. Through this scientific and humanistic exploration of Munhojang Footprint that are passed down from generation to generation as legends, pray for peace and well-being of the village through rituals and rituals every year, and have been preserved and managed as practical evidence, it is expected that traditional culture and natural heritage will be linked and mutual value will be enhanced.

The Upper Thearch of the Nine Heavens (Jiutian shangdi 九天上帝) and The Upper Thearch of Manifest Luminosity (Mingming shangdi 明明上帝) : Research on "Upper Thearch" Beliefs in Contemporary Emergent Religions (九天上帝與明明上帝: 當代新興宗教「上帝」信仰之研究)

  • Lin, Jungtse
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.34
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    • pp.107-139
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    • 2020
  • This paper primarily focuses on the highest deity, the Upper Thearch of the Nine Heavens (officially translated as 'The Supreme God of the Ninth Heaven'), in the Korean new religious movement (NRM) Daesoon Jinrihoe and the true minister of the myriad spirits in the Taiwanese NRM, Yiguan Dao, the Upper Thearch of Manifest Luminosity. As the two both serve as highly representative "Upper Thearch" beliefs in emerging NRMs, I attempt a comparative analysis of the source of these beliefs, their characteristics, and the links that exist between them. On the basis of ancient Chinese classics and Daoist texts, along with Daesoon Jinrihoe's scriptures and works from Yiguan Dao's Canon, I try to understand the distinguishing features of cosmological ideas from both religious movements. For example, because the Upper Thearch of the Nine Heavens could not bear to see the human realm growing ever more disordered and in order to improve worldly conditions, he traveled to the harmonized realm of deities, and therefore descended into the world to make a great itineration and enlighten the people through his teachings. In the end, he came to Korea and was reborn as Kang Jeungsan (secular name: Kang Il-Sun) in Gaekmang Village. In the Human Realm, he spread his transformative teachings to the people which were later became the doctrines of the Virtuous Concordance of Yin and Yang, Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings, the Resolution of Grievances for Mutual Beneficence, and Perfected Unification (jingyeong 真境) with the Dao. Yiguan Dao; however, explains that the source of humanity is the "Heaven of Principle" (Litian 理天), and people are "Buddha's Children of the Original Embryo" (Yuantai Fozi 原胎佛子), created by the Upper Thearch of Manifest Luminosity, who came to world to govern and impart spiritual refinement, before returning to his native place in the Heaven of Principle. Yet, because he became infatuated with the world of mortals, he forgot the path of his return. Therefore, the Eternal Mother sent Maitreya Buddha, the Living Buddha Jigong 濟公, and the Bodhisattva of Moon Wisdom (Yuehui pusa 月慧菩薩) to descend to the human world and teach the people, so that they may acknowledge the Eternal Mother as the root of return, achieve their return to the origin, and go back to the home of the Eternal Mother in the Heaven of Principle. Both Daesoon Jinrihoe and Yiguan Dao refer to their highest deity, the true ministers of the myriad spirits, with the simple title "Upper Thearch." This phenomenon also has some ties to God in the western Biblical tradition but also has some key differences. In investigating the sources of these two deities, we find that they likely took shape during the Yinshang (殷商) period and have some relationship to the Upper Thearch of Chinese antiquity. The questions raised in this research are quite interesting and deserving of deeper comparative study.

Convergence Characteristics of Contemporary Musical Vocal Techniques - Focusing on the Analysis of 'The Girl in 14G' - (현대 뮤지컬 보컬 테크닉의 융합적 특징 - 'The Girl in 14G' 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Hye
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of contemporary vocalization and songs in order to learn various vocal methods in musical vocal classes and apply them to students. Musical vocalization methods change and evolve according to the demands of the times. Today, the characteristics of contemporary musicals cannot be limited to anyone genre, and the genre of music as well as the style of work are derived from several genres and coexist. 'The Girl in 14G,' the subject of this study, is a song that appeared in the album of Kristin Chenoweth, a famous American musical actress who uses various vocal techniques. Jeanine Tesori composed this song with various vocal techniques such as Classical, Jazz, Belting, and Mixed Voice to express New York's representative music genres of Broadway Musical, Metropolitan Opera and East Village Jazz. The development of the song consists of a difficult process in which one actor has to act across three different characters in three musical styles and singing methods. Singing 'The Girl in 14G' requires a lot of effort and practice as it is necessary to acquire various vocal techniques, which makes it a good text for students and actors in the educational perspective. As a result, this study confirmed that this song is a representative piece with a solid musical and dramatic composition and is a good example that shows the convergence characteristics of contemporary musical vocal techniques.