• Title/Summary/Keyword: New Village

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Identification of bird species and their prey using DNA barcode on feces from Korean traditional village groves and forests (maeulsoop)

  • Joo, Sungbae;Park, Sangkyu
    • Animal cells and systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.488-497
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    • 2012
  • A DNA barcode based on 648 bp of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene aims to build species-specific libraries for animal groups. However, it is hard to recover full-length (648 bp) barcode gene from environmental fecal samples due to DNA degradation. In this study, we designed a new primer set (K_Bird), which amplifies a 226 bp fragment targeted an inner position of full-length COI barcode based on 102 species of Korean birds to improve amplification success, and we attempted to identify bird species from 39 avian fecal samples collected during 4 months from Jinan, South Korea. Simultaneously, we conducted a dietary analysis using a universal DNA mini-barcode (Uni_Minibar) from same fecal samples. In silico analysis on newly designed mini-barcode represented that genetic distances were 0.5% in species and 9.1% in genera. Intraspecific variations of 149 species out of 174 species (86%) between Korea and North America were within the threshold (5.3% threshold in this study). From environmental fecal samples collected in Jinan, we identified seven avian species, which have high similarity (99-100%) with registered COI sequences in GenBank. Eight kinds of prey species, such as moth, spider, fly, and dragonfly, were identified in dietary analysis. We suppose that our strategy applying mini-barcode for environmental fecal samples, might be a useful and convenient tool for species identification and dietary analysis for birds.

Sugestion for the Development of Forage Production in Cheju (제주도의 초지농업과 조사료 공급의 활성화 방안)

  • 김문철
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 1992
  • Cheju Island has an optimal environment for herviborous animal production. However, the infrastructure has been degraded under the pressure from the development of tourism and thus the technological development for livestock production has not been great. This is the time to re-evaluate and re-direct the system of livestock production on the island. My suggestions on the development of grassland agriculture on the island are as follows : 1. Grassland area of Cheju, 65,695 ha should be maintained and the local government should try to improve more grasslands which can hold 3 or more cattle per ha on pasture. including enterpriseowned lands. 2. For better management of co-operatives village. the local government should evaluate the conditions of the grasslands yearly after being grazed and suggest a new management method accordingly. 3. In order to strengthen grassland research. it is recommended that Cheju Experiment Station be reorganized as a Grassland Research Institute or Department of Grassland Science be added. 4. [mport of good forage varieties. especially legumes, from foreign countries and distribution to farmers after adaption studies, are required to improve nutritive values of forage produced. 5. Methods for production of good quality forage seeds at rcasonablc prices should be established.

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Current Issues and Rural Policies of Less-favored Areas in Japan

  • Nakashima, Yasuhiro
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2009
  • In Japan, the direct payment scheme for mountainous areas was introduced in order to enhance multifunctionality of less-favored areas in 2000. A comprehensive ex post assessment showed that the scheme effectively contributed to prevention of abandoned cultivated lands, maintenance and enhancement of multifunctionality of agriculture, continuous assistance for agricultural production, and revitalization of community. In 2005 a second round of the scheme started and urged encouraging core farmers, improving productivity, and reinforcing inter-village coalition as to promote autonomous and sustainable rural economies. A new different scheme such as 'measures to conserve and improve land, water and environment' was launched for strengthening conservation and management of rural resources over all areas in 2007. It covers one third of paddy fields with regards to maintenance of water facilities and practice of group eco-farming beyond less-favored area. A lot of public programs have been developed for rural revitalization recently. Additionally some have a complementary role to enlarging cultural multifunctionality in rural societies. We could interpret the institutional progress as an evolutionary path of rural development and environmental schemes for the past decade. Much experience of community works through the direct payment scheme for mountainous areas may have resulted in accumulation of social competence for elaboration of rural management..

A Study on the Situatidn and Transition of the Living Space Using of the Rural Houses (농가 주거공간의 이용 실태 및 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 서주환;조순재
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 1998
  • This study is about the process of change of Korean rural house based on usage of residential space. This paper aims to identify the patterns of change and the characteristics of usage of space, to suggest the planning directions for the desirable rural house. The major findings are summarized as follows : 1) The spatial structure of the rural house has been changed largely, major changes of this are as follows : enlargement of An-bang size, heating of traditional floor, introduction of bathroom and utility room, improvement of kitchen. 2) The satisfaction of the rural house has relation to the lot size and house size. 3) The life style which centered An-bang is changing into the that which centered living room. The number of unused rooms are increased while the family member decreased. 4) The residents have medial degrees of satisfaction at inner space of the rural house. 5) The need of Bu-sok-sa(storage space) as space for the farming machines has been increased. 6) The new strategies for planning the desirable rural house is need to be developed, which include the advantages of traditional rural house, planning techniques of the ego-oriented residential space. effective usage of living space. the formation of the rural village image.

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A Case Study on Villagers' Participation and Project Achievement in Rural Development - Focusing on Saemaul Undong Project in Myanmar - (농촌지역개발의 주민참여와 사업성과에 관한 사례 연구 - 미얀마 농촌공동체 개발사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Seung-won;Shim, Sung-hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2020
  • Since the Republic of Korea had been registered as the 24th member of OECD DAC in 2009, recent trend of Korea's ODA has showed drastic increase including agriculture and rural development sector. Particularly, various rural development projects have been implemented adopting development experience and methodology of Saemaul Undong (SMU, New Village Movement). This study implemented statistical analysis between villagers' participation and achievement of rural community development project, based on practical data out of 'Saemaul Undong Project in Myanmar', to suggest meaningful implication in terms of participatory rural development. It emphasized the importance and necessity of villagers' participation in rural development through regression analysis that proved positive correlation between villagers' participation and rural development project. It proves that income-generation part has significantly greater influence than capacity-building and living environment part in terms of rural community development project: Based on the analysis, comparing impact of each independent variable, income generation has 1.88 and 1.68 times greater impact than capacity-building and living environment respectively. The result, on the other side, rather raise the importance of careful consideration for project design and implementation to harmonize those three parts altogether especially rural development for developing countries: capacity-building and living environment parts suggests essential foundation to make income generation successful that enables to secure project achievement and sustainability.

A Study of the Efficient Planning of Governance for Building Biomass Circulation Estate (바이오매스 순환단지조성을 위한 거버넌스 구축방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Goo-Jung;Lee, Su-Young;Hwang, Jae-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.561-579
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    • 2014
  • This research estimates the necessity of a better governance plan on the purpose of fulfillment energy recovery by building resource recycling system for biomass resources and waste resources that derive from agricultural and mountain village areas. The utilization of new renewable energy technology which uses waste and biomass sources diverse as variety of resources, collecting method, operator etc. and is structurally complicated the formation of policy is also very difficult. There is failure because of the problems which occurs from the policy led by government. Biomass Town Development Project should be made through the central government and the local government integrated support system and should be formed a consultative group in order to process the project mutually with these two department including the experts from the related areas. This consultative group, while government organizations carry out the hub function of strategic knowledge management, should carry out the control tower function to be able to be net working transfer the information with the cooperation of private and government so vitalize the communication area among the related actors. And to be able to increase the participation rate of the local people the consistent and various educations should be given so a smooth business promotion progress will be desired through the change of perception and coactive participation of people.

Study on Impulse Wave Radiated from High Speed Railway Tunnel Exit with Baffle Plate (배플 플레이트를 가지는 고속철도 터널 출구로부터 방사하는 미기압파에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae Ho;Kim, Dong Hyeon;Kim, Heuy Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2018
  • Recently, as the high speed railway becomes more common, new environmental problems such as noise around tunnels are appearing. When a high speed train enters a tunnel, a compression wave in the tunnel is generated and propagated toward the tunnel exit at a sonic speed. When it reaches the tunnel exit, a part of compression wave radiates as a pulse typed impulse wave to the outside of tunnel. The impulse wave has an explosive noise. When the impulse wave is propagated around a village, it induces a serious noise or other problems to the resident. In order to solve these engineering problems, it is important to investigate the radiation characteristics of the impulse wave radiated from the tunnel exit. In this study, the effect of the length and angle of the baffle plate at the tunnel exit on the impulse wave radiated from the tunnel exit was investigated by numerical analysis. As a results, the baffle plate greatly affected the propagation of impulse wave.

GIS Viewed from Oriental Philosophical Perspective (동양사상으로 재조명한 GIS)

  • 김영표
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2000
  • According to Oriental perspective on Universe, all systems become complete when three elements namely time, space, and human are all present. The only computer technology which can integrate these three elements is GIS. The current GIS database and system architecture, however, mainly concentrate on managing and analyzing spatial data without considering temporal and human elements. Despite the limitations, it is certain that GIS technology will develop into a unity within which the three elements of time, space and human are integrated. On the other hand, with the rapid acceptance of Internet technology, a new small universe that can be called "cyber world" is emerging. However, the current small univers created by internet is only a half-universe which does not include the concept of space. The creation of "cyber nation" which truly reflects our living environment in computer and information communication networks can only be achievedthrough the integration of GIS and Internet. Currently, many countries are heavily investing in GIS. Based on the magnitude of investments, we can expect that the concept of "cyber nation" will further develop into "cyber world" where the search for information on any part of global village is possible with the simple use of mobile phone regardless of time or location. If so, it might be possible to create a "Digitopia", a digital utopia in cyber space. A new world is opening by the integration of GIS and Internet.is opening by the integration of GIS and Internet.

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New Space of Citizenship : From National Citizenship To Cultural Citizenship (새로운 시민성의 공간 등장 : 국가 시민성에서 문화적 시민성으로)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.714-729
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    • 2016
  • National citizenship has been empathized by nation-state since modern times. But with recent wave of globalization, the force of national citizenship is gradually reducing. Globalization requires citizens of global citizenship needed in the global village on the one hand, and of cultural citizenship suited in multicultural society on the other hand. The trend shows that the geographical focus of citizenship is shifted or expanded from the political domain to the social and cultural domain. Moreover, with concerns of personal everyday life citizenship is extended from standard personality by Western view to inclusion and exclusion in micro everyday space, non-Western view based on social difference of gender, class, ethnicity etc. New spaces of citizenship, cultural citizenship and everyday citizenship which empathizes personal right and difference is emerging instead of national citizenship based on personal allegiance and duty of the state. This means that the state has not only a task of establishment of common national citizenship, but also a challenge to recognize of diversity of citizens.

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A Study on the Circular Multi-Family Housing for Designing Local Identity (지역성 구현을 위한 집합주택 원형 주거동의 표현 특성 연구)

  • Moon, Eun-Mi
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2013
  • This study was aimed at determining the characteristics of circular multi-family housing under the assumption that the shape of a residential building affects local identity. A total of six case studies were included in this study, three case studies on idle historical industrial facilities turned into residential buildings and another three on multi-family housing located in newly developed residential complexes. The study drew its conclusions as follows. First, the design of circular multi-family housing was intended to maximize security and defense from the outside in older times. This was later developed as the terrace house style with geometric urban squares designed under the urban planning of the Baroque period. This evolved high-density housing with a courtyard in the center offering a green open space, with the aim of restoring a sense of humanity. Second, the six case studies on circular multi-family housing were analyzed from the viewpoint of each factor of local identity, including historical and cultural, landscape, and community. Third, the historical and cultural elements of circular multi-family housing are found in some unused historical industrial facilities remodeled into residential buildings. They provide new capabilities and shapes desired by society at a given time, while maintaining familiar styles and elements of history, integrating a legacy of the past into the present. Fourth, circular multi-family housing with unique shapes and structures often become landmarks of a region with their distinctive appearance against a uniform urban environment and the monotonous scenery of residential complexes. They also show a high level of visual awareness with the distinctive shapes made possible when new elements are added to a historical exterior. Finally, circular multi-family housing with courtyards in the center prompt social contact between inhabitants, especially with dormitories and rental houses for the low-income bracket, which provide a small individual units with high use common space. Circular multi-family housing are planned in a manner similar to a small village or a city. They are designed to enhance sense of community, allocating various public amenities and provide cultural and commercial spaces on the ground floor and courtyard areas.