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Magnetic Characterization of the Cretaceous Rocks from the Buyeo and Hampyeong Basins (부여분지와 함평분지에 분포하는 백악기 암석에 대한 자기특성 연구)

  • Hong, Jun-Pyo;Suk, Dong-Woo;Doh, Seong-Jae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.2 s.183
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    • pp.191-207
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    • 2007
  • A paleomagnetic investigation for the Cretaceous rocks in the Buyeo and Hampyeong Basins, located out of the Gyeongsang Basin, was carried out in order to elucidate the paleomagnetic directions in conjunction with the formation of the basins. Typical stepwise thermal demagnetization and measurement methods were used to determine the directions of characteristic remanent magnetizations (ChRMs). The mean direction of the sedimentary rocks from the Buyeo Basin after bedding correction $(D/I=356.5^{\circ}/61.5^{\circ},\;k=39.3\;\alpha_{95}=7.4^{\circ})$, is more dispersed than that before bedding correction $(D/I=356.5^{\circ}/61.5^{\circ},\;k=39.3\;\alpha_{95}=7.4^{\circ})$, which suggests that the rocks in the Buyeo Basin were remagnetized. However, the statistics and dispersion of the ChRM directions after bedding correction are still acceptable and the paleomagnetic pole position after tilt correction $(Lat./Long.=69.3^{\circ}N/186.7^{\circ}E,\;K=11.6\;A_{95}=14.0^{\circ})$ is closer to that of the Late Cretaceous pole of the Korean Peninsula. More detailed study is needed to confirm the nature of the remagnetization in the Buyeo Basin. On the other hand, the paleomagnetic pole before bedding correction $(Lat./Long.=81.6^{\circ}N/106.9^{\circ}E,\;K=25.1\;A_{95}=9.3^{\circ})$ is positioned near the paleogene pole of the Eurasian APWP. The mean ChRM direction of the sedimentary rocks from the Hampyeong Basin after bedding correction is $D/I=32.5^{\circ}/55.4^{\circ},\;(k=35.6,\;\alpha_{95}=8.7^{\circ})$. It is more clustered than that before bedding correction $D/I=18.3^{\circ}/62.5^{\circ},\;k=14.1,\;\alpha_{95}=14.2^{\circ})$, indicating that the ChRM was acquired before tilting of the strata. The paleomagnetic pole position of the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in the Hampyeong Basin, averaged out of site pole positions calculated from the tilt-corrected ChRMs, is $Lat./Long.=63.9^{\circ}N/202.7^{\circ}E,\;(K=21.3,\;A_{95}=7.6^{\circ})$, similar to the Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic pole of the Korean Peninsula $(Lat./Long.=70.9^{\circ}N/215.4^{\circ}E,\;A_{95}=5.3^{\circ})$, suggesting that the Hampyeong Basin has been stable since the Late Cretaceous period. One normal and two reversed ChRM directions are revealed through the measurements of the volcanic rocks from the Hampyeong Basin. Although these normal and reversed directions are not exactly antipodal, it is interpreted that the normal direction is the representative primary direction of the volcanic rocks of the Hampyeong Basin and the mixed polarity is the records of geomagnetic field at the time of the formation of the volcanic rocks. Paleomagnetic poles are at $Lat./Long.=70.2^{\circ}N/199.5^{\circ}E,\;(K=18.1,\;A_{95}=9.6^{\circ})$ for the normal direction, and $Lat./Long.=65.5^{\circ}S/251.3^{\circ}E,\;(K=7.1,\;A_{95}=20.7^{\circ})$ for the reversed direction. Compared with the representative pole positions of the Cretaceous period of the Korean Peninsula, it is concluded that the age of the volcanic rocks in the Hampyeong Basin is of the Late Cretaceous.

Evaluation of the Positional Uncertainty of a Liver Tumor using 4-Dimensional Computed Tomography and Gated Orthogonal Kilovolt Setup Images (사차원전산화단층촬영과 호흡연동 직각 Kilovolt 준비 영상을 이용한 간 종양의 움직임 분석)

  • Ju, Sang-Gyu;Hong, Chae-Seon;Park, Hee-Chul;Ahn, Jong-Ho;Shin, Eun-Hyuk;Shin, Jung-Suk;Kim, Jin-Sung;Han, Young-Yih;Lim, Do-Hoon;Choi, Doo-Ho
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.155-165
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: In order to evaluate the positional uncertainty of internal organs during radiation therapy for treatment of liver cancer, we measured differences in inter- and intra-fractional variation of the tumor position and tidal amplitude using 4-dimentional computed radiograph (DCT) images and gated orthogonal setup kilovolt (KV) images taken on every treatment using the on board imaging (OBI) and real time position management (RPM) system. Materials and Methods: Twenty consecutive patients who underwent 3-dimensional (3D) conformal radiation therapy for treatment of liver cancer participated in this study. All patients received a 4DCT simulation with an RT16 scanner and an RPM system. Lipiodol, which was updated near the target volume after transarterial chemoembolization or diaphragm was chosen as a surrogate for the evaluation of the position difference of internal organs. Two reference orthogonal (anterior and lateral) digital reconstructed radiograph (DRR) images were generated using CT image sets of 0% and 50% into the respiratory phases. The maximum tidal amplitude of the surrogate was measured from 3D conformal treatment planning. After setting the patient up with laser markings on the skin, orthogonal gated setup images at 50% into the respiratory phase were acquired at each treatment session with OBI and registered on reference DRR images by setting each beam center. Online inter-fractional variation was determined with the surrogate. After adjusting the patient setup error, orthogonal setup images at 0% and 50% into the respiratory phases were obtained and tidal amplitude of the surrogate was measured. Measured tidal amplitude was compared with data from 4DCT. For evaluation of intra-fractional variation, an orthogonal gated setup image at 50% into the respiratory phase was promptly acquired after treatment and compared with the same image taken just before treatment. In addition, a statistical analysis for the quantitative evaluation was performed. Results: Medians of inter-fractional variation for twenty patients were 0.00 cm (range, -0.50 to 0.90 cm), 0.00 cm (range, -2.40 to 1.60 cm), and 0.00 cm (range, -1.10 to 0.50 cm) in the X (transaxial), Y (superior-inferior), and Z (anterior-posterior) directions, respectively. Significant inter-fractional variations over 0.5 cm were observed in four patients. Min addition, the median tidal amplitude differences between 4DCTs and the gated orthogonal setup images were -0.05 cm (range, -0.83 to 0.60 cm), -0.15 cm (range, -2.58 to 1.18 cm), and -0.02 cm (range, -1.37 to 0.59 cm) in the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. Large differences of over 1 cm were detected in 3 patients in the Y direction, while differences of more than 0.5 but less than 1 cm were observed in 5 patients in Y and Z directions. Median intra-fractional variation was 0.00 cm (range, -0.30 to 0.40 cm), -0.03 cm (range, -1.14 to 0.50 cm), 0.05 cm (range, -0.30 to 0.50 cm) in the X, Y, and Z directions, respectively. Significant intra-fractional variation of over 1 cm was observed in 2 patients in Y direction. Conclusion: Gated setup images provided a clear image quality for the detection of organ motion without a motion artifact. Significant intra- and inter-fractional variation and tidal amplitude differences between 4DCT and gated setup images were detected in some patients during the radiation treatment period, and therefore, should be considered when setting up the target margin. Monitoring of positional uncertainty and its adaptive feedback system can enhance the accuracy of treatments.

Optimization of Multiclass Support Vector Machine using Genetic Algorithm: Application to the Prediction of Corporate Credit Rating (유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 다분류 SVM의 최적화: 기업신용등급 예측에의 응용)

  • Ahn, Hyunchul
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.161-177
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    • 2014
  • Corporate credit rating assessment consists of complicated processes in which various factors describing a company are taken into consideration. Such assessment is known to be very expensive since domain experts should be employed to assess the ratings. As a result, the data-driven corporate credit rating prediction using statistical and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has received considerable attention from researchers and practitioners. In particular, statistical methods such as multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) and multinomial logistic regression analysis (MLOGIT), and AI methods including case-based reasoning (CBR), artificial neural network (ANN), and multiclass support vector machine (MSVM) have been applied to corporate credit rating.2) Among them, MSVM has recently become popular because of its robustness and high prediction accuracy. In this study, we propose a novel optimized MSVM model, and appy it to corporate credit rating prediction in order to enhance the accuracy. Our model, named 'GAMSVM (Genetic Algorithm-optimized Multiclass Support Vector Machine),' is designed to simultaneously optimize the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection. Prior studies like Lorena and de Carvalho (2008), and Chatterjee (2013) show that proper kernel parameters may improve the performance of MSVMs. Also, the results from the studies such as Shieh and Yang (2008) and Chatterjee (2013) imply that appropriate feature selection may lead to higher prediction accuracy. Based on these prior studies, we propose to apply GAMSVM to corporate credit rating prediction. As a tool for optimizing the kernel parameters and the feature subset selection, we suggest genetic algorithm (GA). GA is known as an efficient and effective search method that attempts to simulate the biological evolution phenomenon. By applying genetic operations such as selection, crossover, and mutation, it is designed to gradually improve the search results. Especially, mutation operator prevents GA from falling into the local optima, thus we can find the globally optimal or near-optimal solution using it. GA has popularly been applied to search optimal parameters or feature subset selections of AI techniques including MSVM. With these reasons, we also adopt GA as an optimization tool. To empirically validate the usefulness of GAMSVM, we applied it to a real-world case of credit rating in Korea. Our application is in bond rating, which is the most frequently studied area of credit rating for specific debt issues or other financial obligations. The experimental dataset was collected from a large credit rating company in South Korea. It contained 39 financial ratios of 1,295 companies in the manufacturing industry, and their credit ratings. Using various statistical methods including the one-way ANOVA and the stepwise MDA, we selected 14 financial ratios as the candidate independent variables. The dependent variable, i.e. credit rating, was labeled as four classes: 1(A1); 2(A2); 3(A3); 4(B and C). 80 percent of total data for each class was used for training, and remaining 20 percent was used for validation. And, to overcome small sample size, we applied five-fold cross validation to our dataset. In order to examine the competitiveness of the proposed model, we also experimented several comparative models including MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, ANN and MSVM. In case of MSVM, we adopted One-Against-One (OAO) and DAGSVM (Directed Acyclic Graph SVM) approaches because they are known to be the most accurate approaches among various MSVM approaches. GAMSVM was implemented using LIBSVM-an open-source software, and Evolver 5.5-a commercial software enables GA. Other comparative models were experimented using various statistical and AI packages such as SPSS for Windows, Neuroshell, and Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). Experimental results showed that the proposed model-GAMSVM-outperformed all the competitive models. In addition, the model was found to use less independent variables, but to show higher accuracy. In our experiments, five variables such as X7 (total debt), X9 (sales per employee), X13 (years after founded), X15 (accumulated earning to total asset), and X39 (the index related to the cash flows from operating activity) were found to be the most important factors in predicting the corporate credit ratings. However, the values of the finally selected kernel parameters were found to be almost same among the data subsets. To examine whether the predictive performance of GAMSVM was significantly greater than those of other models, we used the McNemar test. As a result, we found that GAMSVM was better than MDA, MLOGIT, CBR, and ANN at the 1% significance level, and better than OAO and DAGSVM at the 5% significance level.

A Study on the Strategy for Enhancing the Service Export linked with Manufacturing Sector : focused on Stage System and Special Lighting Service (제조-서비스 연계형 수출상품화 모델 개발전략 - 무대장치 및 특수조명서비스 수출산업을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Moon-Suh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.457-491
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    • 2008
  • As stage equipment export markets along with special lighting service lack the attraction for already globally established businesses, such markets can be viewed as an advantageous opportunity for SMEs as in general. In reality, global businesses tend to focus on large construction projects and this indicates relatively less substantial markets such as stage equipment and special lighting service export are more suitable for SME businesses. However, possible problems may be recognized as following; doubtful capabilities by such businesses to join in the vast and competitive global market and pursue manufacturing and service based export. This point is also supported by the fact that such in general SME businesses have substantially less experience in exporting products and services abroad. Realizing the distinctive features of the Korean economy, it is unarguable that every sector and area of global market must be regarded and monitored closely. Hence, it can be argued that there is an imminent need for establishment of supportive institution to assist export process of combination of stage equipments and special lighting service. This study emphasizes the need to improve export process of stage equipments, special lighting services as well as other related products and services which have been focused in domestic market only until now. Further, it also analyzed the potential prospect of such direction reconciling current crisis our manufacturing industry is facing. Even though it maybe regarded as one of the niche market for export of Korea in the short term view, stage equipment and special lighting service industry may rapidly grow as the global cultural industries have grown along with the increase of national income earnings overall. Due to such advantageous features, it can be expected that such industries will show strong growth in the near future. After analyzing the fact that Korea's plants (eg. powerplants) export sector is at its boom, there is a need to transform stage equipment and special lighting service export market into a primary market from a secondary(niche) market for SMEs. This study is viewed from the Korean economic and export sector aspect in the aim of seeking a solution to conquest our realistic limit in our export sector by developing a suitable export model. There have been cases of very few attempts to expand abroad by SMEs who have failed miserably due to their failure to adapt to foreign culture, practice and languages as well as substantial lack in experience in export marketing. Despite this, neglecting our manufacturing industry as it is which is showing its limit and problems is out of option therefore, it is imminent that we come up with an effective measure to address this problem and service export can be suggested as one of them. This study reveals manufacturing-service export model of stage equipment and special lighting service and its related areas is recognized as a field with a very strong future and furthermore, it is expected to bring synergy effects in manufacturing and services sector as well. Further, the operation strategy contains combination, composition and fusion(convergence) of manufacturing and service sectors which could derive various of export products which displays greater success probability or this export model. The outcome of this research is expected to become a useful source for enterprises related to such industry which are seeking a possible global expansion. Furthermore, it is also expected to become a catalyst which fastens the process of global expansion and not only that, we are firmly assured that this study will become an opportunity to improve our current policies and institutions related to this area's export market.

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The meaning based on Yin-Yang and Five Elements Principle in Semantic Landscape Composition of 'the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon' ('소쇄원(瀟灑園) 48영'의 의미경관 구성에 있어서 음양오행론적(陰陽五行論的) 의미(意味))

  • Jang, Il-Young;Shin, Sang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to identify potential semantic landscape makeup of "the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon" according to Yin-Yang and Five Elements Principle(陰陽五行論). that speculation system between human's nature and cosmical universal order. Existing academic discussions made so far concerning this topic can be summed up as follows: 1. Among Yin-Yang-based landscape makeups of the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, poetic writings for embodiment of interactions between nature and human behaviors focused on depicting dynamic aspects of a poetic narrator when he appreciates or explores hills and streams as of to live free from worldly cares. Primarily, many of those writings were created on the east and south primarily through assignment of yang. On the other hand, poetic writings for embodiment of nature and seasonal scenery - as static landscape makeup of yin - were often created on or near the north and west for many times. Those writings focusing on embodiment of nature and artificial scenery as a work are divided into two categories: One category refers to author Kim In-hu's expression of semantic landscape from seasonal scenery in nature. The other refers to his depiction of realistic garden images as they are. In the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, the poetic writings show that author Kim focused on embodying seasonal scenery rather than expressing human behaviors. In addition, both Poem No. 1 and Poem No. 48(last poem; titled 'Jangwon Jeyeong') were created in a same place, which author Kim sought to understand the place as a space of beginning and end where yin and yang - i.e. the principle of natural cycle - are inherent. 2. According to construction about landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon on the basis of Ohaeng-ron (five natural element principle), it was found that tree(木) and fire(火) are typical examples of a world combined by emanation. First, many of poetic writings depicting the sentiments of tree focused on embodying seasonal scenery and were located in the place of Ogogmun(五曲門) area in the east, from overall perspective of Soswaewon. The content of these poems shows generation and curve / straightness in flexibility and simplicity. Many of poems depicting the sentiments of fire(火) focused on embodying human behaviors, and they were created in Aeyangdan area on the south of Soswaewon over which sun rises at noon. These poems are all on a status of side movement that is characterized by emanation and ascension which belong to attributes of yang. 3. With regard to Ohaeng-ron's interpretation about landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, it was found that metal(金) and water(水) are typical examples of world combined by convergence. First, it was found that all of poems depicting sentiments of metal focused on embodying seasonal scenery, and were created in a bamboo grove area on the west from overall perspective of Soswaewon. They represent scenery of autumn among 4 seasons to symbolize faithfulness vested in a man of virtue(seonbi) with integrity and righteousness. Poems depicting sentiments of water were created in vicinity of Jewoldang on the north, possibly topmost of Soswaewon. They were divided into two categories: One category refers to poems embodying actions of welcoming the first full moon deep in the night after sunset, and the other refers to poems embodying natural scenery of snowscape. All of those poems focused on expressing any atmosphere of turning into yin via convergence. 4. With regard to Ohaeng-ron's interpretation of landscape in the Forty Eight Poems of Soswaewon, it was found that poems depicting sentiments of earth(土), a complex body of convergence and emanation, were created in vicinity of mountain stream around Gwangpunggak which is located in the center of Soswaewon. These poems focused on carrying actions of author Kim by way of natural phenomena and artificial scenery.

Element Dispersion and Wallrock Alteration from Samgwang Deposit (삼광광상의 모암변질과 원소분산)

  • Yoo, Bong-Chul;Lee, Gil-Jae;Lee, Jong-Kil;Ji, Eun-Kyung;Lee, Hyun-Koo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.177-193
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    • 2009
  • The Samgwang deposit consists of eight massive mesothermal quartz veins that filled NE and NW-striking fractures along fault zones in Precambrian granitic gneiss of the Gyeonggi massif. The mineralogy and paragenesis of the veins allow two separate discrete mineralization episodes(stage I=quartz and calcite stage, stage II-calcite stage) to be recognized, temporally separated by a major faulting event. The ore minerals are contained within quartz and calcite associated with fracturing and healing of veins that occurred during both mineralization episodes. The hydrothermal alteration of stage I is sericitization, chloritization, carbonitization, pyritization, silicification and argillization. Sericitic zone occurs near and at quartz vein and include mainly sericite, quartz, and minor illite, carbonates and chlorite. Chloritic zone occurs far from quartz vein and is composed of mainly chlorite, quartz and minor sericite, carbonates and epidote. Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios of sericite and chlorite range 0.45 to 0.50(0.48$\pm$0.02) and 0.74 to 0.81(0.77$\pm$0.03), and belong to muscovite-petzite series and brunsvigite, respectiveIy. Calculated $Al_{IV}$-FE/(FE+Mg) diagrams of sericite and chlorite suggest that this can be a reliable indicator of alteration temperature in Au-Ag deposits. Calculated activities of chlorite end member are $a3(Fe_5Al_2Si_3O_{10}(OH)_6$=0.0275${\sim}$0.0413, $a2(Mg_5Al_2Si_3O_{10}(OH)_6$=1.18E-10${\sim}$7.79E-7, $a1(Mg_6Si_4O_{10}(OH)_6$=4.92E-10${\sim}$9.29E-7. It suggest that chlorite from the Samgwang deposit is iron-rich chlorite formed due to decreasing temperature from high temperature(T>450$^{\circ}C$). Calculated ${\alpha}Na^+$, ${\alpha}K^+$, ${\alpha}Ca^{2+}$, ${\alpha}Mg^{2+}$ and pH values during wallrock alteration are 0.0476($400^{\circ}C$), 0.0863($350^{\circ}C$), 0.0154($400^{\circ}C$), 0.0231($350^{\circ}C$), 2.42E-11($400^{\circ}C$), 7.07E-10($350^{\circ}C$), 1.59E-12($400^{\circ}C$), 1.77E-11($350^{\circ}C$), 5.4${\sim}$6.4($400^{\circ}C$), 5.3${\sim}$5.7($350^{\circ}C$)respectively. Gain elements(enrichment elements) during wallrock alteration are $TiO_2$, $Fe_2O_3(T)$,CaO, MnO, MgO, As, Ag, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, W, V, Br, Cs, Rb, Sc, Bi, Nb, Sb, Se, Sn and Lu. Elements(Ag, As, Zn, Sc, Sb, Rb, S, $CO_2$) represents a potential tools for exploration in mesothermal and epithermal gold-silver deposits.

Effect of Pelvic Irradiation on the Bone Mineral Content of Lumbar Spine in Cervical Cancer (자궁경부암 환자에서 방사선 치료가 골무기물 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Youn Seon Min;Choi Tae Jin;Koo Eun Sil;Kim Ok Bae;Lee Seung Moon;Suh Soo Jhi
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : To evaluate the loss of bone mineral contents(BMC) in lumbar spine within the radiation field for cervical cancer treatment, BMC in the irradiated patient group was compared with that of a normal control group. Method and materials : Measurements of BMC in the trabecular bone in lumbar spines(L3-L5) were performed in the both patient and normal control groups. Investigators used dual-energy quantitative computerized tomography(DEQCT) using Photon energy of 120 and 80kVp, The numbers of Patient and control groups were 43 in each with age distribution of fifth to seventh decade of women. The numbers of control group were 22 in fifth, 10 in sixth and 11 in seventh decade, those of patient group were 14 in filth, 14 in sixth, and 15 in seventh decade of women. The radiation field was extended to L5 spine for Pelvic irrdiation with 45-54Gy of external radiation dose and 30Gy of high dose rate brachytherapy in cervical cancer, Results : The BMC is decreased as increasing age in both control and patient groups. BMC in lumbar spine of patient group was decreased by about $13\%\;to\;40\%$ maximally. The BMC of L3 and L4 a region that is out of a radiation field for the Patient group demonstrated $119.5\pm30.6,\;117.0\pm31.7\;for\;fifth,\;83.3\pm37.8,\;88.3\pm46.8\;for\;sixth\;and\;61.5\pm18.3,\;56.2\pm26.6mg/cc$ for seventh, Contrasted by the normal control group has shown $148.0\pm19.9,\;153.2\pm23.2\;for\;fifth,\;96.1\pm30.2,\;105.6\pm26.5\;for\;sixth\;and\;73.9\pm27.9,\;77.2\pm27.2mg/cc$ for seventh decade, respectively The BMG of patient group was decreased as near the radiation field, while the lower lumbar spine has shown more large amounts of BMC in the normal control group. In Particular, the BMC of L5 within the radiation field was significantly decresed to $33\%,\;31\%,\;40\%$ compared with the control group of the fifth, sixth and seventh decades, respectively. Conclusion : The pelvic irradiation in cervical cancer has much effected on the loss of bone mineral content of lumbar spine within the radiation field, as the lower lumbar spine has shown a smaller BMC in Patient group with Pelvic irradiation in contrast to that of the normal control groups.

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The Distribution of Catch by Korean Tuna Purse Seiners in the Western Pacific Ocean (서부태평양(西部太平洋)에서 조업(操業)한 한국(韓國) 다랑어 선망어선(旋網漁船)의 어획량분포(漁獲量分布))

  • Kim, Seon-Woong;Kim, Jin-Kun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.182-200
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    • 1995
  • Thirty two vessels of the Korean purse seiner had been operated in the Western Pacific Ocean for mainly skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelmis LINNAEUS and yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares BONNATERRE from January to December in 1991. Among them, fourteen vessels were chosen for this research. During the year their daily operated vessels totalled 4,153 vessels, their total casting net were 2,982 times, in caught 1,798 times, and their total catch was 106,300 M/T. We investigate the distribution of their catch by species, by body size, and by surfance water temperature, and also investigate the distribution of their catch by month and section of the sea, where the sections are separated by 30' of longitude and latitude from the monthly operated sea. We summarize these as follows : 1. The rate of catch by species is 75r/o skipjack tunas, 22.3% yellowfin tunas, and 2.7% bigeye and other tunas. 2. Of the caught skipjack tunas, those of weight 2.0~10kg are most and 68%, those of 1.5~8kg are 11.6%, and those of 3.0~8kg are 9.9%. Of the caught yellowfin tunas, those of weight 5~50kg and 10~50kg are most and 23.1%, and 28.3% respectively, those of 20~50kg are 15.8%, weight 30~50kg are 12.5%, and weight 2~50kg are 9.7%. 3. On the distribution of catch by surface water temperature, 49% of catch are taken between $29.0^{\circ}C$ and $29.4^{\circ}C$, 37% are taken between $29.5^{\circ}C$ and $29.9^{\circ}C$, and about 6% are taken between $28.5^{\circ}C$ and $28.9^{\circ}C$, but very little, only about 1% are taken below $28.4^{\circ}C$ and above $30.5^{\circ}C$. 4. On the distribution of catch by month and section of sea, skipjack tunas are most caught 10,618M/T in August and 10,412M/T in September in the section of Lat. $3^{\circ}{\sim}6^{\circ}S$ and Long. $174^{\circ}E{\sim}176^{\circ}W$, caught much 8,825M/I' in June and 8,057M/T in January in section of Lat. $1^{\circ}S{\sim}3^{\circ}N$ and Long. $142^{\circ}{\sim}151^{\circ}$E, but caught very little in May, November and December in the costal area of New Guinea. Yellowfin tunas are mostly caught 4,070M/T in June in the section of Lat. $0^{\circ}{\sim}4^{\circ}$N and Long. $142^{\circ}{\sim}151^{\circ}$E, and caught much over 2,000M/T in February~April and October~December in the section of coastal area and near islands, but caught very little in distant water area.

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Studies on the Organic Tiers Contained Paddy Soils in Honam Area -I. The Characteristcs and Formation of Organic Tiers Contained Paddy Soils (유기질토시(有機質土尸)을 함유(含有)한 호남지역(湖南地域) 답토양(畓土壤)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -I. 유기질토시함유(有機質土尸含有) 답토양(畓土壤)의 특성(特性) 및 생성(生成))

  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Kim, Eung-Bog;Cho, Guk-Hyun;Kim, Han-Myoung;Yoo, Sug-Jong;Park, Keon-Ho;Bae, Sung-Ho;Um, Ki-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.265-275
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    • 1985
  • Present studies were carried out to investigate the distribution and formation of organic tiers contained paddy soils in Honam area characteristics to give basic informations on the effective utilization, management and improvement of the soils. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. The extent of organic tiers contained paddy soils in Honam area were 6.538㏊ and the amount of peat deposits were presumed about 2.41 million M/T. 2. Out of the total extent of the organic tiers contained paddy soils, about 97.6% was distributed in Honam plains (water-sheds of Mangyeong-Dongjin river), while about 1.5% in the Naju plains (water-sheds of Yeongsan river), and 0.9% in the Wando and Yeocheon areas. 3. The period of peat formation was presumed to be about the early of Seung Moon period (B.C. 4,250), and the Gongdeog series and the Bongnam series were formed in the bog conditions close to the valley mouth of near rolling and hill with small steram channels, and the Gimje series was formed in the out-skirts plains of the Gongdeog and Bongnam soils. 4. In the casue of peat formation, it was presumed to be the Gimje series that accumulated the fibrous peat out of the autochthonous peat such as reeds and grasses etc, to be the Gongdeog and Bongnam series that accumulated the autochtonous peat and the xylem and fibrous peat out of first allochthonous peat. 5. In the Organic horizons of these soils, the range of muck and peat horizons were in 62-68cm and 68-137cm of soil profile in the Gongdeog series, 52-84cm and 84-113cm in the Bongnam series respectively, one of muck horizon was in 46-71cm in the Gimje series. 6. The marks of soil horizons of the soils were expressed that the lower soils than the horizon of muck and peat were formed Cg, Aag for the muck horizon, 0 for the peat horizon, 0 of peat horizon were distingushed with Oag and Oig according to Organic forms. 7. The depthe occurred the muck and peat horizons were positively correlated with the width of local in the Gongdeog series ($r=0.881^{**}$, $r=0.827^{**}$), but not in the Bongnam series and Gimje series.

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Removal of ${\alpha}$-Gal Epitopes in Aortic Valve and Pericardium of Pig Using Green Coffee Bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase (돼지의 대동맥 판막 및 심낭에서 녹색콩 알파-갈락토시다아제를 이용한 알파-갈 항원결정인자 제거)

  • Park, Seong-Sik;Kim, Woong-Han;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Chang-Ha;Choi, Sun-Young;Lee, Cheul;Oh, Sam-Sae;Kim, Kwan-Chang;Kim, Yong-Jin
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.12-24
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    • 2008
  • Background: It is currently thought that tissue valve degeneration is related to an animal's immune response, which is mainly due to cell surface ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes. Cell surface ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes are known to be degraded by the enzyme called green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase. It is also well known that ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes are immunologically stained by Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin type B4. We know that many commercially available tissue valves are made of aortic valves and pericardial tissue of pig. So, we investigated whether ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes of the aortic valve and pericardial tissue of a pig can be removed by green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase, and we did so by comparing immunologic staining of the tissues before and after the enzyme treatment. Material and method: After treating fresh porcine aortic valve and pericardial tissue with green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase at concentrations of 0.5 unit/mL, 1.0 unit/mL, 2.0 unit/mL, respectively, under the condition of pH 6.5, temperature. $4^{\circ}C$ and 24 hours of incubation, each sample was stained with Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin type B4 immunpfluorescent labeling. We then examined whether the ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes were reduced or abolished in each consecutive. concentration of green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase by comparing the degree of the Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin B4 staining in each sample. Result: In the pig aortic valve tissue, a 1.0 unit/mL concentration of green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase at pH 6.5, $4^{\circ}C$ and reaction for 24 hours was enough for complete removal of ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes from the cell sur face on the immunostaining with Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin B4. On the other hand, more ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes were present in the pig pericardial tissue on Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin B4 staining before the enzyme treatment, and 1.0 unit/mL of galactosidase was not sufficient for complete removal of ${\alpha}$-Gal from the tissue. 2.0 units/mL of green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase was needed to completely remove the ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes from the pericardial tissue on immunostaining. Conclusion: The ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes of the pig's aortic valve and pericardial tissue were successfully stained with Griffonia Simplicifolia isolectin B4. We could remove nearly all the ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes using green coffee bean ${\alpha}$-Galactosidase at the concentration of 1.0 unit/mL in the aortic valve. Of pig, and 2.0 unit/mL was need to nearly completely remove all the ${\alpha}$-Gal epitopes in the pericardial tissue of pig under the condition of pH 6.5, $4^{\circ}C$ and 24 hours of reaction time. In the near future, removal of ${\alpha}$-Gal epitapes in the pig's aortic valve and pericardial tissue will become a powerful tool for the improvement of the tissue valve durability. It needs to be determined if ${\alpha}$-galactosidase treated pig tissue is immune to human anti-Gal antibody or anit-Gal mooclonal antibodies.