• Title/Summary/Keyword: Natural period of ground

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Novel quantitative trait loci for the strong-culm and high-yield related traits in rice detected from the F2 population between the super thick-culm and super grain-bearing line 'LTAT-29' and the high-yielding variety 'Takanari'

  • Nomura, Tomohiro;Yamamoto, Toshio;Ueda, Tadamasa;Yonemaru, Junichi;Abe, Akira;Adachi, Shunsuke;Hirasawa, Tadashi;Ookawa, Taiichiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.95-95
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    • 2017
  • Lodging is a serious issue in rice production, because it drastically decreases the biomass production and grain yield. Since the Green Revolution, the lodging resistance has been increased by lowering the moment of above-ground parts due to the short culm by the semi-dwarf gene sd1. However, it has been pointed out that sd1 alone has suppressive effects for biomass production and yield. To increase rice yield, the long-culm and large panicle type varieties with a superior lodging resistance need to be developed. To improve the lodging resistance and yield of these type varieties, it would be effective to identify novel alleles for these traits underlying natural variations in rice and to pyramid these alleles to a single rice variety. In order to perform this strategy, we have developed new rice lines derived from crosses among varieties with superior alleles. At first, TULT-gh-5-5 was selected from a cross between strong culm and high biomass variety Leaf Star and high-yielding variety Takanari, and TUAT-32HB was selected from a cross between high-yielding variety Akenohoshi and Takanari. Then, we developed the super thick-culm and super grain-bearing line, LTAT-29 derived from a cross between TULT-gh-5-5 and TUAT-32HB. In the current study, to identify the QTLs and genes relating to the strong culm and the high yield of LTAT-29, we performed QTL analysis using SNPs markers with $F_2$ population derived from a cross between LTAT-29 and Takanari. LTAT-29 has never lodged throughout the growth period despite it had long culms and heavy panicles. LTAT-29 had a larger outer diameter of the culm and twice the size of the section modulus than Takanari. As a result, the bending moment at breaking of LTAT-29 was significantly larger than that of Takanari. Brown rice yield of LTAT-29 was $9.2t\;ha^{-1}$ about 10% higher than that of Takanari due to the larger number of spikelets per panicle. LTAT-29 had a greater number of secondary branches per panicle. In the $F_2$ population between LTAT-29 and Takanari, we found continuous frequency distributions in the section modulus and the spikelet number per panicle. Two QTLs increased the section modulus by the alleles of LTAT-29 were detected on Chr.1L and Chr.2L. One QTL increased the spikelet number per panicle of Takanari by the allele of LTAT-29 was detected on Chr.1L, and two QTLs increased the number of secondary branches per panicle by the alleles of LTAT-29 were detected on Chr.1L and Chr.4L. It was found that the alleles of these QTLs were the japonica type originated from Leaf Star or Akenohoshi. The novel QTLs for the traits related to super thick-culm and super grain-bearing and their combinations could be utilized for improving the lodging resistance and yield in rice varieties.

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The study of the relation between the medicine of Taoism and oriental medicine (도교의학(道敎醫學)에 관한 연구(硏究) (한의학(韓醫學)과 연관(聯關)된 부분(部分)을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Lee, Byung Sou;Yun, Chang Yul
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.6
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    • pp.252-305
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    • 1993
  • I have studied the relation between a Taoist(道家) and the oriental medicine(韓醫學), it is summerized as following. 1. According to the relation between a Taoist(道家) and the oriental medicine, Lao-tzu(老子)' mathematical principle that had an influence on Three yin-three yang(三陰三陽) theory of the oriental medicine, idea of natural philosopy(自然無爲) and the freedom from avarace(無慾) on the oriental medicine. 2. Vital essence and energy theory(精氣設) in a Taoist not only can be seen in Lao-tzu' Do dug gyung(老子道德經), Maengza(孟子), Guanza(管子), but also its principle has something to do with Nei Ching's Vital essence and energy theory(精氣設). 3. Danjungpa(丹鼎派) can be divided into Naedansul(內丹術) which preserves through the breath and Oedansul(外丹術) which makes one a Taoist hermit. If he takes magic portions(金丹), they had a great effect on Yangsanghak(養生學) and was actually concerned with oriental doctors who was known to us. 4. If medicine of Taoism is classified, it can be divided into three categories. Boiled solution(渴液), Pharmacopea "Ben cao"(本草), Acupuncture & moxibustion(針灸), Magic portions(外丹) are used in the first category. Chinese setting-up and Therapeutic exercises(導引), Josik(調息), Naedan(內丹), Byugok(辟榖), Naeshi(內視), Banjung(房中) belong to second category. The religious contents such as Bu(符), Jeum(占), Cheum(籤), Ju(呪), Je(齊), Gido(祈禱), taboo are implied in third category. 5. In the history of the medicine of Taoism and oriental medicine, they are called animism, shamanism, Mu(巫) or Ye(毉), not separated at first period. In the end of junguk(戰國時代), Ye(醫) was clearly distinguished from Mu(巫) and then Mu(巫) was developed into medicine of Taoism and ye(毉) into the present form of oriental medicine. 6. The oriental medicine doctors that are concerned with Taoism are Bakgo(伯高), Geyugu(鬼臾區), Soyu(少兪), Noigong(雷公), Pyujak(篇鵲), Sunuyi(淳于意), Hwata(華陀), Hwangbomil(皇甫謐), Hangang(韓康), Dongbong(童奉), Heuson(許遜), Galhong(葛洪), Dohongyung(陶弘景), Damlan(曇鸞), uyjajang(葦慈藏), Sonsanak(孫思邈), Wanguing(王氷), Jegonghwalbul(濟公活佛), Yuwanso(劉完素), Judonge(朱丹溪), Leesijin(李時珍), Johakmin(趙學敏), Ougu1(吳杰) etc. 7. The view of a human body in the medicine of Taoism affected the oriental medicine on the ground that man was regarded as a microcosm(小宇宙), so he was compared to a nation or heaven and earth. 8. The anatomy of medicine of Taoism gave a detail description of five visceras and each organs, the heart, center of mental function, Mirie(尾閭) which has an relationship to the training of Naedan(內丹修練). In this resrect, as it is accord with the acupunture point of oriental medicine, therefore we can find that Taoism influenced oriental medicine, also explicit study was achieved. 9. Acient people believed that the goo in the human lxxIy, one of the characteristics of the medicine of Taoism cured the patients and then protected him from the disease. If a man was taken ill, they had him cured by making the god's name which corresponded to its disease, calling him communicating with him, and asking him to deprive him of illness. This treatment was used to live and be kept young eternally. In this respects, we can see that they emphasized on the attitude of Bulchiyibeung chimibeung(不治己病治末病) and psychological treatment. 10. Samsi thoery(三尸說) that one's fortune, disaster, health, and disease in the world are at the mercy of his good or bad conduct, is concerned with Taoism and treatment with the oriental medicine. 11. Guchung(九蟲) is more closly associated with the religious aspect rather than with the medical aspect. Because of the similarity of the mcdern parasitism, its study has an important meaning. 12. The respect for the human life is reflected in jeunsi(傳屍), with Samsi-guchung theory(三尸九蟲說), which is considered as mxIern tuberculosis.

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Evaluation and Comparison of Effects of Air and Tomato Leaf Temperatures on the Population Dynamics of Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) in Cherry Tomato Grown in Greenhouses (시설내 대기 온도와 방울토마토 잎 온도가 온실가루이(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)개체군 발달에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Park, Jung-Joon;Park, Kuen-Woo;Shin, Key-Il;Cho, Ki-Jong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.420-432
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    • 2011
  • Population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), were modeled and simulated to compare the temperature effects of air and tomato leaf inside greenhouse using DYMEX model simulator (pre-programed module based simulation program developed by CSIRO, Australia). The DYMEX model simulator consisted of temperature dependent development and oviposition modules. The normalized cumulative frequency distributions of the developmental period for immature and oviposition frequency rate and survival rate for adult of greenhouse whitefly were fitted to two-parameter Weibull function. Leaf temperature on reversed side of cherry tomato leafs (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Koko) was monitored according to three tomato plant positions (top, > 1.6 m above the ground level; middle, 0.9 - 1.2 m; bottom, 0.3 - 0.5 m) using an infrared temperature gun. Air temperature was monitored at same three positions using a Hobo self-contained temperature logger. The leaf temperatures from three plant positions were described as a function of the air temperatures with 3-parameter exponential and sigmoidal models. Data sets of observed air temperature and predicted leaf temperatures were prepared, and incorporated into the DYMEX simulator to compare the effects of air and leaf temperature on population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly. The number of greenhouse whitefly immatures was counted by visual inspection in three tomato plant positions to verify the performance of DYMEX simulation in cherry tomato greenhouse where air and leaf temperatures were monitored. The egg stage of greenhouse whitefly was not counted due to its small size. A significant positive correlation between the observed and the predicted numbers of immature and adults were found when the leaf temperatures were incorporated into DYMEX simulation, but no significant correlation was observed with the air temperatures. This study demonstrated that the population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly was affected greatly by the leaf temperatures, rather than air temperatures, and thus the leaf surface temperature should be considered for management of greenhouse whitefly in cherry tomato grown in greenhouses.

A Study on the Heritage Value through the Analysis about the Preservation Status of Historic Urban Environment - Focusing in Suwon Hwaseong Fortress - (역사적 도시환경의 보존형태 분석을 통한 유산적 가치 고찰 - 수원 화성을 중심으로 -)

  • Gil, Ji-Hye;Hwang, Kee-Won;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to draw historic valuable resources to conserve through the analysis about the preservation status of historic urban environment in Suwon Hwaseong Fortress. As for the conservation of urban environment, it is important to protect the resources showing historical continuity and to manage the resources remaining characteristics of place, the analysis of the preservation status is focused on the perspective of preservation of physical form and land use. This paper makes progress through three phases. First, in order to understand urban environment in Hwaseong Fortress overall, it compares land registration original map in 1911 to current map in 2014 by the four items of topography, water environment, streets and sites. Next, changes of four items in urban environment have been reviewed further by the research of maps, relative literatures, field survey and interview, and are classified according to the criteria of preservation-partially preservation-disappearance. After analysing preservation status, valuable urban historic cultural resources are drawn separately by being preserved continually and by being preserved partially but remaining characteristics of place. As a result, natural factors of topography and waterway and urban factor of streets are remained considerably preserved. And even if these factors are changed, the ground environment features support to understand historic urban context. Second, as preservation of topography, water environment, streets and sites are closely related to each other, integrated conservation frameworks are needed to enhance urban historic landscape. Third, modern historic resources in Hwaseong are remained unchanged and thus it is necessary to understand urban historic environment by the layers of various times besides Joseon Dynasty period. Fourth, historic sites and streets which had been preserved through urban development process are destroyed by recent historic cultural restoration policies, therefore urban historic resources worthy of conservation should be treated prudently.

An Application of Satellite Image Analysis to Visualize the Effects of Urban Green Areas on Temperature (위성영상을 이용한 도시녹지의 기온저감 효과 분석)

  • Yoon, Min-Ho;Ahn, Tong-Mahn
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2009
  • Urbanization brings several changes to the natural environment. Its consequences can have a direct effect on climatic features, as in the Urban Heat Island Effect. One factor that directly affects the urban climate is the green area. In urban areas, vegetation is suppressed in order to accommodate manmade buildings and streets. In this paper we analyze the effect of green areas on the urban temperature in Seoul. The period selected for analysis was July 30th, 2007. The ground temperature was measured using Landsat TM satellite imagery. Land cover was calculated in terms of city area, water, bare soil, wet lands, grass lands, forest, and farmland. We extracted the surface temperature using the Linear Regression Model. Then, we did a regression analysis between air temperature at the Automatic Weather Station and surface temperature. Finally, we calculated the temperature decrease area and the population benefits from the green areas. Consequently, we determined that a green area with a radius of 500m will have a temperature reduction area of $67.33km^2$, in terms of urban area. This is 11.12% of Seoul's metropolitan area and 18.09% of the Seoul urban area. We can assume that about 1,892,000 people would be affected by this green area's temperature reduction. Also, we randomly chose 50 places to analysis a cross section of temperature reduction area. Temperature differences between the boundaries of green and urban areas are an average of $0.78^{\circ}C$. The highest temperature difference is $1.7^{\circ}C$, and the lowest temperature difference is $0.3^{\circ}C$. This study has demonstrated that we can understand how green areas truly affect air temperature.

The Change of Physico-Chemical Properties of Paddy Soil in Reclaimed Tidal Land (간척지 논토양의 물리화학성 변동에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Ji-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Su;Park, Woo-Kyun;Ryu, Jin-Hee;Kim, Taek-kyum;Kim, Jae-Duk;Kim, Seong-Jo;Baek, Seung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2008
  • The physico-chemical properties of ten reclaimed saline soils in five soil series of west-south Korea were analyzed according to the years past after reclamation. The soil samples were collected at the same sites two times in 2000 and 2004. The physico-chemical properties in 2000 had been changed in 2004 as follows. Soil salinity was the highest in Podu and desalinization period was the shortest in Munpo and Yeompo. Seasonal ground water level were above 100 cm in all regions that were 30 years old reclaimed tidal land, which was the same results of normal paddy field. In the case of soil physical changes, bulk density increased in fine textured soil (Poseung and Podu) but decreased in coarse textured soil (Gwanghwal, Munpo, and Yeompo). Porosity decreased in fine textured soil(Poseung and Podu) but increased in coarse textured soil. These reason were as follows. Fine textured soil were increased in solid phase but decreased in liquid and gaseous phase. Coarse textured soil, Gwanghwal and Munpo except for Yempo, were increased in gaseous phase but decreased in solid and liquid phase. Yempo that have low water table level were increased in liquid phase but decreased in solid and gaseous phase. Soil hardness increased in 4 soil series except for Munpo. In the case of chemical property changes, although there were more or less difference, it showed decreasing tendencies. Soil pH, the content of organic matter, available phosphate, and available silicate of five soil series were decreased during the four years. The content of exchangeable cation also decreased except for magnesium.

Analysis of the Long-Range Transport Contribution to PM10 in Korea Based on the Variations of Anthropogenic Emissions in East Asia using WRF-Chem (WRF-Chem 모델을 활용한 동아시아의 인위적 배출량 변동에 따른 한국 미세 먼지 장거리 수송 기여도 분석)

  • Lee, Hyae-Jin;Cho, Jae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.283-302
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    • 2022
  • Despite the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown in China since January 23, 2020, haze days with high PM10 levels of 88-98 ㎍ m-3 occurred on February 1 and 2, 2020. During these haze days, the East Asian region was affected by a warm and stagnant air mass with positive air temperature anomalies and negative zonal wind anomalies at 850 hPa. The Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) was used to analyze the variation of regional PM10 aerosol transport in Korea due to decreased anthropogenic emissions in East Asia. The base experiment (BASE), which applies the basic anthropogenic emissions in the WRF-Chem model, and the control experiment (CTL) applied by reducing the anthropogenic emission to 50%, were used to assess uncertainty with ground-based PM10 measurements in Korea. The index of agreement (IOA) for the CTL simulation was 0.71, which was higher than that of BASE (0.67). A statistical analysis of the results suggests that anthropogenic emissions were reduced during the COVID-19 lockdown period in China. Furthermore, BASE and CTL applied to zero-out anthropogenic emissions outside Korea (BASE_ZEOK and CTL_ZEOK) were used to analyze the variations of regional PM10 aerosol transport in Korea. Regional PM10 transport in CTL was reduced by only 10-20% compared to BASE. Synthetic weather variables may be another reason for the non-linear response to changes in the contribution of regional transport to PM10 in Korea with the reduction of anthropogenic emissions in East Asia. Although the regional transport contribution of other inorganic aerosols was high in CTL (80-90%), sulfate-nitrate-ammonium (SNA) aerosols showed lower contributions of 0-20%, 30-60%, and 30-60%, respectively. The SNA secondary aerosols, particularly nitrates, presumably declined as the Chinese lockdown induced traffic.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Characteristics by Spatial Type using UAV and ENVI-met (UAV와 ENVI-met을 활용한 공간 유형별 열환경 특성 분석)

  • KIM, Seoung-Hyeon;PARK, Kyung-Hun;LEE, Su-Ah;SONG, Bong-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.28-43
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    • 2022
  • This study classified UAV image-based physical spatial types for parks in urban areas of Changwon City and analyzed thermal comfort characteristics according to physical spatial types by comparing them with ENVI-met thermal comfort results. Physical spatial types were classified into four types according to UAV-based NDVI and SVF characteristics. As a result of ENVI-met thermal comfort, the TMRT difference between the tree-dense area and other areas was up to 30℃ or more, and it was 19. 6℃ at 16:00, which was the largest during the afternoon. As a result of analyzing UAV-based physical spatial types and thermal comfort characteristics by time period, it was confirmed that the physical spatial types with high NDVI and high SVF showed a similar to thermal comfort change patterns by time when using UAV, and the physical spatial types with dense trees and artificial structures showed a low correlation to thermal comfort change patterns by time when using UAV. In conclusion, the possibility of identifying the distribution of thermal comfort based on UAV images was confirmed for the spatial type consisting of open and vegetation, and the area adjacent to the trees was found to be more thermally pleasant than the open area. Therefore, in the urban planning stage, it is necessary to create an open space in consideration of natural covering materials such as grass and trees, and when using artificial covering materials, it is judged that spatial planning should be done considering the proximity to trees and buildings. In the future, it is judged that it will be possible to quickly and accurately identify urban climate phenomena and establish urban planning considering thermal comfort through ground LIDAR and In-situ measurement-based UAV image correction.

Broadening the Understanding of Sixteenth-century Real Scenery Landscape Painting: Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion (16세기(十六世紀) 실경산수화(實景山水畫) 이해의 확장 : <경포대도(鏡浦臺圖)>, <총석정도(叢石亭圖)>를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Soomi
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.18-53
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    • 2019
  • The paintings Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were recently donated to the National Museum of Korea and unveiled to the public for the first time at the 2019 special exhibition "Through the Eyes of Joseon Painters: Real Scenery Landscapes of Korea." These two paintings carry significant implications for understanding Joseon art history. Because the fact that they were components of a folding screen produced after a sightseeing tour of the Gwandong regions in 1557 has led to a broadening of our understanding of sixteenth-century landscape painting. This paper explores the art historical meanings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion by examining the contents in the two paintings, dating them, analyzing their stylistic characteristics, and comparing them with other works. The production background of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion can be found in the colophon of Chongseokjeong Pavilion. According to this writing, Sangsanilro, who is presumed to be Park Chung-gan (?-1601) in this paper, and Hong Yeon(?~?) went sightseeing around Geumgangsan Mountain (or Pungaksan Mountain) and the Gwandong region in the spring of 1557, wrote a travelogue, and after some time produced a folding screen depicting several famous scenic spots that they visited. Hong Yeon, whose courtesy name was Deokwon, passed the special civil examination in 1551 and has a record of being active until 1584. Park Chung-gan, whose pen name was Namae, reported the treason of Jeong Yeo-rip in 1589. In recognition of this meritorious deed, he was promoted to the position of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, rewarded with the title of first-grade pyeongnan gongsin(meritorious subject who resolved difficulties), and raised to Lord of Sangsan. Based on the colophon to Chongseokjeong Pavilion, I suggest that the two paintings Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were painted in the late sixteenth century, more specifically after 1557 when Park Chung-gan and Hong Yeon went on their sightseeing trip and after 1571 when Park, who wrote the colophon, was in his 50s or over. The painting style used in depicting the landscapes corresponds to that of the late sixteenth century. The colophon further states that Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion were two paintings of a folding screen. Chongseokjeong Pavilion with its colophon is thought to have been the final panel of this screen. The composition of Gyeongpodae Pavilion recalls the onesided three-layered composition often used in early Joseon landscape paintings in the style of An Gyeon. However, unlike such landscape paintings in the An Gyeon style, Gyeongpodae Pavilion positions and depicts the scenery in a realistic manner. Moreover, diverse perspectives, including a diagonal bird's-eye perspective and frontal perspective, are employed in Gyeongpodae Pavilion to effectively depict the relations among several natural features and the characteristics of the real scenery around Gyeongpodae Pavilion. The shapes of the mountains and the use of moss dots can be also found in Welcoming an Imperial Edict from China and Chinese Envoys at Uisungwan Lodge painted in 1557 and currently housed in the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University. Furthermore, the application of "cloud-head" texture strokes as well as the texture strokes with short lines and dots used in paintings in the An Gyeon style are transformed into a sense of realism. Compared to the composition of Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which recalls that of traditional Joseon early landscape painting, the composition of Chongseokjeong Pavilion is remarkably unconventional. Stone pillars lined up in layers with the tallest in the center form a triangle. A sense of space is created by dividing the painting into three planes(foreground, middle-ground, and background) and placing the stone pillars in the foreground, Saseonbong Peaks in the middle-ground, and Saseonjeong Pavilion on the cliff in the background. The Saseonbong Peaks in the center occupy an overwhelming proportion of the picture plane. However, the vertical stone pillars fail to form an organic relation and are segmented and flat. The painter of Chongseokjeong Pavilion had not yet developed a three-dimensional or natural spatial perception. The white lower and dark upper portions of the stone pillars emphasize their loftiness. The textures and cracks of the dense stone pillars were rendered by first applying light ink to the surfaces and then adding fine lines in dark ink. Here, the tip of the brush is pressed at an oblique angle and pulled down vertically, which shows an early stage of the development of axe-cut texture strokes. The contrast of black and white and use of vertical texture strokes signal the forthcoming trend toward the Zhe School painting style. Each and every contour and crack on the stone pillars is unique, which indicates an effort to accentuate their actual characteristics. The birds sitting above the stone pillars, waves, and the foam of breaking waves are all vividly described, not simply in repeated brushstrokes. The configuration of natural features shown in the above-mentioned Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion changes in other later paintings of the two scenic spots. In the Gyeongpodae Pavilion, Jukdo Island is depicted in the foreground, Gyeongpoho Lake in the middle-ground, and Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Odaesan Mountain in the background. This composition differs from the typical configuration of other Gyeongpodae Pavilion paintings from the eighteenth century that place Gyeongpodae Pavilion in the foreground and the sea in the upper section. In Chongseokjeong Pavilion, stone pillars are illustrated using a perspective viewing them from the sea, while other paintings depict them while facing upward toward the sea. These changes resulted from the established patterns of compositions used in Jeong Seon(1676~1759) and Kim Hong-do(1745~ after 1806)'s paintings of Gwandong regions. However, the configuration of the sixteenth-century Gyeongpodae Pavilion, which seemed to have no longer been used, was employed again in late Joseon folk paintings such as Gyeongpodae Pavilion in Gangneung. Famous scenic spots in the Gwandong region were painted from early on. According to historical records, they were created by several painters, including Kim Saeng(711~?) from the Goryeo Dynasty and An Gyeon(act. 15th C.) from the early Joseon period, either on a single scroll or over several panels of a folding screen or several leaves of an album. Although many records mention the production of paintings depicting sites around the Gwandong region, there are no other extant examples from this era beyond the paintings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion discussed in this paper. These two paintings are thought to be the earliest works depicting the Gwandong regions thus far. Moreover, they hold art historical significance in that they present information on the tradition of producing folding screens on the Gwandong region. In particular, based on the contents of the colophon written for Chongseokjeong Pavilion, the original folding screen is presumed to have consisted of eight panels. This proves that the convention of painting eight views of Gwangdong had been established by the late sixteenth century. All of the existing works mentioned as examples of sixteenth-century real scenery landscape painting show only partial elements of real scenery landscape painting since they were created as depictions of notable social gatherings or as a documentary painting for practical and/or official purposes. However, a primary objective of the paintings of Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion was to portray the ever-changing and striking nature of this real scenery. Moreover, Park Chung-gan wrote a colophon and added a poem on his admiration of the scenery he witnessed during his trip and ruminated over the true character of nature. Thus, unlike other previously known real-scenery landscape paintings, these two are of great significance as examples of real-scenery landscape paintings produced for the simple appreciation of nature. Gyeongpodae Pavilion and Chongseokjeong Pavilion are noteworthy in that they are the earliest remaining examples of the historical tradition of reflecting a sightseeing trip in painting accompanied by poetry. Furthermore, and most importantly, they broaden the understanding of Korean real-scenery landscape painting by presenting varied forms, compositions, and perspectives from sixteenth-century real-scenery landscape paintings that had formerly been unfound.