• Title/Summary/Keyword: National innovation capabilities

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Strategic implication of an injunctive relief in global IP lawsuits: based on the Samsung vs. Apple litigation in the US (창조경제시대 글로벌 지식재산소송의 기업 전략적 함의에 관한 소고: 삼성-애플 미국 소송의 침해금지명령을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Jisun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.319-354
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    • 2013
  • As creative economy gets attention, the capabilities of transforming creative ideas into intellectual property and utilizing it commercially have become important than ever before. Korea is lack of the capabilities of utilizing intellectual property compared to those of accumulating it. This paper focuses on the strategic implication of an injunctive relief, which has a far-reaching impact on firms' business strategies as well as national industrial competitiveness because losers in lawsuits are expelled from markets. It analyzes the Samsung-Apple global IP lawsuits about smartphones and tablet PCs, which have expanded into 9 countries since 2011 when the Apple filed the IP lawsuit against Samsung in the US for the first time. In particular, this paper analyzes the requirements to get the permanent injunctive relief in the lawsuits of intellectual property from reviewing the ruling in the court of the US in 2012 and draws some implications from the perspective of business/industrial strategies. This paper has some limitations in that the lawsuit are still ongoing and it is the first attempt to find out the clue that connects legal and strategic issues in the rulings. Regardless of the limitations, however, this paper expects to contribute to raising the issues as to the importance of harmonizing the capabilities of managing technology with law, in order to survive under the era of creative economy.

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Introduction and Analysis of Technology Roadmap (TRM) about Eco-Friendly Process in Korea (국내 친환경공정기술 분야의 기술지도 소개 및 분석)

  • Kim, Sangyong;Park, Chulhwan;Lee, Byunghwan;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2004
  • The review of the present status of Korean industries and the establishment of strategic R&D agenda are necessary to improve the innovative technological capabilities of Korea to the top level of the world. Recently, Korean ministry of science and technology (MOST) has selected specific areas to develop national technological innovation system, and prepared national technology roadmap (NTRM). Korean ministry of environment (ME) also has prepared technology roadmap (TRM) to help efficient development of environmental science and technology. The development of eco-friendly process in NTRM and TRM was introduced and reviewed in this study. In addition, strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of technological capabilities of Korea was performed. The results propose the core role of industry, university, research institute, and government for the development of Korean environmental process technology.

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An Empirical Study on Technological Innovation Management Factors of SMEs (중소기업의 기술혁신 관리요소에 관한 실증연구)

  • Im, Chae-Hyon;Shin, Jin-Kyo
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-107
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    • 2012
  • Previous researches on technological innovation have several limitations such as lack of general mechanism for technological innovation(inputs, throughputs and outputs of technological innovation), large company oriented studies, and ignoring importance of technology management capabilities. So, this study suggested a new model using resource-based theory and system theory, and empirically applied that to SMEs. Structural equation model analysis by using 223 SMEs in Daegu region provided a support for most of hypotheses. Research results showed that all of factors on technological innovation were significantly and positively related with each other: inputs(R&D leadership, innovation strategy, R&D investment, R&D human resource management, external network), throughputs(portfolio management, project management, technology commercialization) and output(technological innovation). In case of technological innovation inputs, R&D leadership influenced on innovation strategy positively and significantly. And R&D leadership and innovation strategy had positive and significant effects on R&D investment, R&D human resource management and external network. R&D human resource management and external network exerted positive and significant influences on technological innovation throughputs such as portfolio management and project management. But R&D investment did not significant impacts on technological innovation throughputs. Among technological innovation throughputs, both portfolio management and project management had positive and significant effect on technology commercialization. In addition, technology commercialization acted positively and significantly technological innovation output. This study suggests necessary of efforts to implement innovation strategy and manage R&D human resource effectively based on CEO's innovativeness and entrepreneurship. Also, if SMEs want to develop technology and commercialize it, they have to cooperate with external technology resources and informations. Research results revealed that proper level of R&D investment, internal and external communication, information sharing, and learning and cooperative culture were very important for improvement of technological innovation performance in SMEs. Especially, this research suggested that if SMEs manage technological innovation process effectively based on resource-based and system approaches, then they can overcome their resource limitations and gain high technological innovation performance. Also, useful policy support for technological innovation of central or regional government by this research model is important factor for SMEs' technological innovation performance.

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External Knowledge Search Strategy and Technological Innovation : Small vs Medium Firms (기술혁신을 위한 외부지식 탐색 전략 : 소기업 vs 중기업)

  • Jung, Jee-Young;Roh, Tae-Woo;Han, Yoo-Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2014
  • In this research, we aim to analyze how different external knowledge search strategies of small and medium enterprises affect technological innovation. In particular, since there has been little comparison between Korean small and medium firms, we investigated the differences of the two groups by employing the "Korean Innovation Survey 2010." As a result, it was found that "external search breadth", which refers to expanding the spectrum of external knowledge search due to lack of resources and capabilities inside small firms, spurred technological innovation. On the other hand, "external search depth", which implies seeking a long-term and close relationship with the subjects that provide outside knowledge for medium firms, catalyzed technological innovation. These results emphasize that we need to separately analyze technological innovation of small and medium firms, which was, in most previous studies, viewed as one group, i.e. SMEs. In addition, the results can be, from the perspective of a firm's growth, interpreted as follows. That is, it is more effective to formulate a "diversity" pursuing strategy in the "small firm" stage where little time has passed since its establishment, whilst it is more useful to apply a "focus" strategy on sophisticated knowledge in the "medium firm" stage where a firm has grown to some extent.

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A Study on the Status and Promotion of Youth Activities - Jeollanam-do around the training institutions - (청소년 수련활동의 실태 및 활성화 방안에 대한 연구 - 전라남도 수련기관을 중심으로 -)

  • PARK, Jong-Un;BAN, Gun-Woo
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.769-779
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to examine the operation of a free semester system geared towards meeting education user needs by researching on youth training activities, a method of fostering talents to be equipped with the 21st-century society-required creativity, innovation ability, cooperation spirit and leadership, communication ability, problem-solving power, and venturing spirit, among other key capabilities. Thus, targeting seven public and private youth training facilities in Jeollanam-do, user satisfaction with ongoing youth training activities and achievement levels were surveyed so that problems of training facilities could be identified and improvement measures could be presented so as to ensure education that can satisfy both education providers and users.

A Comparison of Daedeok Innopolis Cluster with the San Diego Biotechnology Cluster

  • Kim, Sang-Tae;An, Gi-Don
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.118-128
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    • 2012
  • This paper suggests policy implications for Daedeok Innopolis (DI) in Daejeon by comparing the development and problems of DI with the San Diego biotechnology cluster. DI has strengthened its capabilities for technology commercialization and business activities after having created and managed by the Korean central government. While DI has been successful in increasing the number of institutes, researchers, research activities, however, its dynamism is not rigorous enough to be a regional innovative system. San Diego's scientific and entrepreneurial community shows the importance of formulating social and spatial contexts for mutual interactions and engagements. In San Diego, UCSD and networking organizations, especially CONNECT, are central in promoting interactions and communications between regional constituents including entrepreneurs, academics and local governments. The mechanisms of San Diego biotechnology imply that DI should provide more attention to designing and developing social and geographical space that can unleash the creative power of social interactions. To build an innovative regional system, DI needs to renovate its space, public-private relationship and networking platforms.

A Study on the Moderating Effect that Value Congruence Influences Organizational Performance

  • LEE, Joon-Pyo
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This study examined the relationship between individual creativity and its related variables to observe how individual creativity contributes to organizational performance. In addition, this study strived to explore how to maximize the utilization of individual creativity and innovate the structure of the organization itself so that teams and organizations can respond more effectively to new rising trends. this study aimed to examine whether the value congruence between individuals and organizations (propensity congruence, goal congruence has a significant impact on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior as dependent variables by exerting individual creativity and synergy as independent variables. Research design, data and methodology - SPSS 24.0 program were used to analyze the data. Descriptive Statistics and correlation analysis were performed, and the reliability factor (Cronbach's α) was calculated. Afterwards, we analyzed the moderating effects of structural equation model analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The number of samples used in the study were 309 copies. Results - First, Individual creativity had a positive effect on knowledge sharing and innovative behavior. In other words, it was confirmed that decision-making processes fused with individual creativity could create an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and transform the organization. Second, value congruence adjusted the influence of individual creativity on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior. Conclusions - First, it is important for managers to recognize the value and secure the pool of creative talents who will be a potential future basic source of organizational success and competitive advantage. Second, managers should be able to identify those with creative talents and expertise, and use them to increase their knowledge sharing performance, while also developing emotional and motivational creativity. Third, in order improve knowledge sharing performance, managers should pay attention to the emotional aspect of creativity. Fourth, managers should strive to create an environment that is beneficial for the reinforcement of individual self-management capabilities. Fifth, managers should be able to develop decision-making processes to develop potential creativity and encourage creative thinking, opinions, or solutions. Sixth, managers should promote the dissemination and integration of new knowledge based on the creative views and attitudes of team members.

Effect of internal and external capabilities and activities of a company on absorptive capacity and performance (기업의 내부 및 외부역량과 활동이 흡수역량과 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Ki;Park, Seong-Taek
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2021
  • Innovation is essential for the survival of a company in the fierce competitive environment of the global era of borders along with rapid technological development and changes from the environment. It is very important to secure your own competitive advantage. In this study, the relationship between internal R&D capability and organizational support as a company internal factor and external R&D capability, external knowledge search, and absorptive capability as a company external factor on performance was examined. As a result of the analysis, it was found that internal R&D capability, organizational support, and external knowledge search had a significant effect on absorptive capability, and innovation performance had a positive effect on new product performance. However, the mediating effect of absorptive capacity has not been verified, suggesting that absorptive capacity has a low correlation between innovation performance and new product performance, or that other important factors act between absorptive capacity and performance variables. The results of this study are expected to be utilized as useful guidelines when establishing R&D strategies in companies.

A Study on the Effects of Entrepreneurial Marketing Orientation on the Management Performance: Mediated Effect of Organizational Marketing Capabilities (창업자의 앙트레프레니얼 마케팅 지향성이 경영성과에 미치는 영향: 조직내 마케팅역량의 매개효과)

  • Byun, Hong Joo;Byun, Chung Gyu;Ha, Hwan Ho
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2022
  • Early start-up companies have an inherent limitation of lack of resources. Despite these limitations, in order to survive, the entrepreneur's personal ability to efficiently use limited resources is required. In the marketing field, various studies are needed to reduce the business failure rate through establishing growth strategies and innovation. Accordingly, it is necessary to apply the concept of entrepreneurial marketing, which has been researched and developed overseas for 30 years, to fit the domestic reality. According to the flow of this study, an empirical study should be preceded to clarify the influence relationship between entrepreneurial marketing orientation, marketing competency, and management performance, along with a theoretical theorem on entrepreneurial marketing that is suitable for early start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) and can respond innovatively to changes. The establishment of entrepreneurial marketing orientation and the processes from which this concept leads to business performance through the organization's marketing capabilities and its effects will be empirically verified. For an empirical survey, a survey was conducted on founders of 220 companies, and path analysis using structural equations was used for hypothesis verification. The findings are as follows. First, it was found that the entrepreneurial marketing orientation had a positive effect on both the organization's marketing capabilities and management performance. Second, it was found that the organization's marketing capabilities also had a positive effect on management performance. Third, as a result of empirical analysis of the mediating effect of the organization's marketing capabilities on the relationship between entrepreneurial marketing orientation and management performance, it was found that marketing capabilities showed a greater mediating effect on non-financial performance than financial performance. On the other hand, it was confirmed that marketing performance had a stronger mediating effect on financial performance than non-financial performance. By confirming and presenting the concept and constituent factors of entrepreneurial marketing orientation of domestic start-ups, which were academic gaps for the purpose of this paper, the academic research is differentiated in that they were verified as six components of entrepreneurial marketing. The practical implications of the research results will be that the entrepreneurial marketing-oriented mindset of small and medium-sized companies will optimize market analysis capabilities, network with various stakeholders, and increase the organization's ability to demonstrate marketing capabilities.

An Integrated Model of the Intention to Use the Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA) (지능형 개인비서(IPA)의 사용의도에 관한 통합모형)

  • Chan-Woo Kim;Chang-Kyo Suh
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2017
  • An intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software agent that assists people to perform basic tasks or services for an individual by commonly providing information via natural language. In spite of the versatile capabilities of the IPA to answer a user's simple information-based queries, such as the weather and driving directions, the actual usage rates for IPA services are limited to date. In this research, to evaluate the factors affecting the intention to use IPA, we develop an empirical model based on technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory, and IS success model. Afterward, we collect 203 questionnaires from actual users of IPAs. Finally, the structural equation model validates the causal relationship between the constructs of the model. Consequently, the innovation characteristics of IPA drawn from innovation diffusion theory, namely, relative advantage, compatibility, observability, all exerted a positive influence on perceived usefulness. Furthermore, information quality, a quality characteristic of IPA obtained from DeLone and McLean's IS success model, presented a positive effect on perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Finally, the perceived intelligence of IPA displayed a positive influence on perceived usefulness and ease of use. This characteristic was also a major factor that can increase the intention to use the IPA. Given these research findings, this study is significant for identifying factors that may influence the intention to use the IPA by providing strategic guidelines to relevant business operators and establishing an integrated model.