• Title/Summary/Keyword: National Spatial Information Industry

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Studies for the Sustainable Management of Oyster Farms in Pukman Bay, Korea: Estimate of Primary Production

  • Jeong, Woo-Geon;Cho, Sang-Man;Lee, Sang-Jun
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2009
  • To develop sustainable management strategies for oyster farms in Pukman Bay, Korea, we estimated primary production using a numerical model. Because oysters are filter feeders, estimations of primary production (PP) are essential in developing management strategies. The daily PP ranged from 0.07 to 1.5 gC/$m^2$/d and showed significant spatial variations. The spatial distribution of PP was strongly associated with hydrodynamic features, and distinct patterns were observed in three different regions. In the inner bay, high PP was directly influenced by urban and agricultural sewage. The middle part of the bay had low PP, whereas PP in the outer area was high. PP was relatively low during the main oyster growth season, from late autumn to early winter. These findings represent important information for developing a management model for oyster farms in Pukman Bay.

Status and Development of Geomatic s in China

  • Li, Li
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2002
  • Mechanization is the characteristic of the industrial era and computerization is the characteristic of the Information Era. Now we are facing on the transition from Industrial Era to information Era. Established the National Geo-spatial Data Infrastructures is the fundamental base for information society and is one part of the national basic economic development plan. From 1980's China started his successful transition from traditional methods to high-tech based mapping. China has laid out a high accuracy national GPS (global Positioning System) network, and completed the geographic information databases for scale of 1:1million and 1:250,000. Now it is working on the databases for scales of 1:50,000 and 1:10,000, the world highest level. The massive national programmed has been dubbed "Digital China," since it involves massive quantities of digitized geographical information. Simultaneity, GIS technology and the geo-spatial data have been used widely in electronic government affair, environmental protection, disaster control, ITS and etc. The users have realized the benefits more and more widely. Internet is an efficient way to distribute the geo-information, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping has give great effort to settle down the rules and standards to establish the clearing house. Some National Geo-standards have issued, and some of them are on the way. The GIS software is another important factor in the GIS industry. Chinese government working-out some good policy to supports the GIS software developer to have their own copyright. This paper is based on the above to introduce the status and development of Geomatics in China. in China.

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A Study on the Strategy to promote Geospatial Information Industry based on Users Requirements Analysis (수요자 요구 분석을 통한 공간정보산업 진흥 전략에 관한 연구 -전문가 설문조사를 중심으로-)

  • Seok, Sangmuk;Song, Ki Sung;Hwang, Jung Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.400-409
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    • 2016
  • The geospatial information industry has the advantage of being able to converge with other industries to create new value. Therefore, efforts are underway to promote the growth of this dwindling national industry by endorsing policies and initiatives to promote its convergence with other industries. In this study, feedback was collected from experts in various fields through three rounds of polls using the Delphi method. The poll results were used to investigate the causes of hindrance to the growth of the geospatial information industry and to build a comprehensive solution to this problem. As a result, 27 strategies were constructed based on the users' requirements related to policy, data and service, including the demands for establishing public polling methods, enhancing data quality and advertisement. Since the coefficient of variance fell between 0.11 and 0.20 in the importance evaluation, an amicable consensus was reached between the experts. Considering that the convergence of industries is achieved through the integration of various types of technology and information, it is important to consider the requirements of users in different industries. In this respect, the results of this study will serve as a useful base for constructing mid-to-long term road maps to promote the development of the geospatial information industry.

Strategies for the Promotion of Geographic Information System Industries in the Ubiquitous Computing Age (유비쿼터스 시대의 GIS산업 발전전략)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2008
  • Korea's GIS market has been proliferating since the 1990s, but still its scale and the structure require overall rearrangements. Recently as the needs and initiatives from central and local governments go stronger to drive 'u-City(ubiquitous City)' developments, there are much more demand of spatial information from sectors like city management, construction, environment and so on. Through the merge between GIS and the advanced Information and Telecommunication Technology, the introduction of new Ubiquitous IT is swiftly changing GIS market environments, so the GIS industry is to be prepared for this trend. The pioneering developments of Ubiquitous-related GIS technologies are expected to highly boost spatial data and related industries, and the pre-occupancy of those technologies in the world would enable the expansion of overseas export market. In the context of these epoch-making chances, by looking into the actual status of GIS industry, this study is to investigate the actual accomplishments to foster the GIS industry through Korea's National GIS Master Plan. Thereby, impending issues will be discussed to provide useful problem-solving suggestions.

A Study on Policy Improvement for the Systematic Management of the National Geospatial Standards (체계적인 공간정보표준 관리를 위한 정책개선 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Byungju;Hwang, Jungrae;Kim, Byeongsun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.225-237
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    • 2016
  • Recently, policy trends related to various information including the geospatial information have changed to openness and sharing. Therefore, it is necessary to apply geospatial standards to ensure a high level interoperability across heterogeneous geospatial information systems. These geospatial standards are essential to advancing data access, query, management, processing and interoperability of geospatial information systems. However, geospatial information companies which provide GIS software and service or construct geospatial data have been many difficulties to implement and adopt geospatial standards, because the geospatial standards of Korea were not systematically managed. So this study analyzed the various problems such as redundancy, version-mismatch and similarity of domestic geospatial standards through reviewing the present status of domestic geospatial standards as well as the international geospatial standards. Moreover, it is judged that the result of this study will be able to efficiently contribute to the domestic policy on geospatial standards for management, organization and laws in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure.

An Overview on Applications of FOSS4G in Education and Research (교육과 연구에 있어 FOSS4G의 활용에 대한 검토)

  • Hong, Ilyoung;Han, Sun Hee;Jung, Jin Kyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Since the government has implemented the spatial information policies, there have been great investments and efforts made for the development of domestic technology. However, the practical application of spatial information and the degree of internationalization still leaves more to work to do. The demand of spatial information-related education, and the research and development still relies on the proprietary software from outside. Open Source Software (OSS) has been considered as an alternative for this reason. This study reviews the major trends and examples of FOSS4G in the world, which receives a special attention in the field of spatial information industry. In particular, we analyze the policy implication for the development of national spatial information by examining cases of education and research areas that have been the foundation of the growth of OSS.

Trust Building Level and Linkage's Spatial Characteristics on Logistics & Storage Industry in the City of Busan (부산시 물류창고업의 신뢰형성 수준과 연계의 공간적 특성)

  • Sung, Sin-Je;Lee, Hee-Yul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.454-476
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine relation between trust building level and linkages's spatial characteristics on the logistics & storage industry of Busan. As a result, First, long-term & repeated interaction, information sharing & reciprocity, and interdependence & asset specificity have an important effect upon the micro trust which implies the highest trust. Proximity and uncertainty impact on the meso trust, the trust of middle level. Culture, norm, and formal institution of firms affect the macro trust, the lowest level of trust. Second, the micro, the meso, and the macro trusts mainly form in the local scale where spatial proximity is great. The higher the trust building levels become, the more spatial dimensions by linkage expand to national and international dimension, respectively. Third, these results appear more clearly in the output linkage than input linkage, in the service areas-many firm, in the horizontal linkage than vertical linkage, in the advanced evolution phases of firm connection, and in the supply chain management than outsourcing.

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A Basic Study of iBUM Development based on BIM/GIS Standard Information for Construction of Spatial Database (공간자료 구축을 위한 BIM/GIS 표준정보 기반 건축도시통합모델(iBUM)의 개발에 관한 기초연구)

  • Ryu, Jung Rim;Choo, Seung Yeon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.27-41
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    • 2014
  • Recently, BIM(Building Information Modeling) has been applied to the infrastructure such as road and bridge, and information about the outside environment of buildings is needed for maintaining and managing the large urban facilities. In addition, the convergence between spatial information and Big-data has a large potentiality, in respect that considerable profits and developments in other application problems such as various simulations and urban plans, national land security, may be brought about on the basis of the interoperability of information between BIM and GIS. Therefore, this study attempted to suggest the development direction of a model integrating building for spatial information analysis and city on the subject by comparing and analyzing difference between information system and shape expression of IFC, CityGML and LandXML to efficiently link information between IFC as a standard model of BIM and CityGML as a standard model in the GIS sector and to prepare a basic fusion strategy and a method of utilization between BIM and GIS. The result of the study are as follow. Firstly, contents and structure of IFC, CityGML and LandXML are compared and analyzed. Secondly, the development direction of iBUM(Integrated Building and Urban Model) suggested, which is based on convergence technology for analysis of space information. Finally, a strategy and method of the BIM and GIS are proposed in the iBUM environment.

Ortho-image Generation using 3D Flight Route of Drone (드론의 3D 촬영 경로를 이용한 정사영상 제작)

  • Jonghyeon Yoon;Gihong Kim;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • Drone images are being used more and more actively in the fields of surveying and spatial information, and are rapidly replacing existing aerial and satellite images. The technology of quickly acquiring real-time data at low cost and processing it is now being applied to actual industries beyond research. However, there are also problems encountered as this progresses. When high-resolution spatial information is acquired using a general 2D flight plan for a terrain with sever undulations, problems arise due to the difference in resolution of the data. In particular, when a low-altitude high-resolution image is taken using a drone in a mountainous or steep terrain, there may be a problem in image matching due to a resolution difference caused by terrain undulations. This problem occurs because a drone acquires data while flying on a 2D plane at a fixed altitude, just like conventional aerial photography. In order to acquire high-quality 3D data using a drone, the scale difference for the shooting distance should be considered. In addition, in order to obtain facade images of large structures, it is necessary to take images in 3D space. In this study, in order to improve the disadvantages of the 2D flight method, a 3D flight plan was established for the study area, and it was confirmed that high-quality 3D spatial information could be obtained in this way.

4S Framework Construction Structure for Interoperability of Spatial Information (공간 정보의 상호운용성을 위한 4S 기반 프레임워크 구축)

  • Oh, Byoung-Woo;Kim, Min-Soo;Joo, In-Hak;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2001
  • The provision of spatial data is a key infrastructural requirement for the promotion of economic growth, environmental quality, social progress, etc. 4S technology integrates 4 kinds of systems that process spatial data: GIS (Geographic Information System), GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), ITS (Intelligent Transport System), and SIIS (Spatial Imagery Information System). Spatial data processing field is expected to get synergy effect and overcomes development limit of individual unit technology via 4S technology. This paper discusses both the development of 4S-kernel technology and the construction of 4S-based framework, In the development of 4S kernel technology, we will concentrate on the following issues: the development of 4S base components for reciprocity integration among GIS, SIIS, GNSS and ITS technologies, the development of 4S-Mobile S/W and H/W, 4S-Van components, and national LBS technologies. And in the construction of 4S-based framework, we will especially concentrate on the ISP for overall 4S technologies, the international cooperative research center, and the guide model deduction for supervision and certification of 4S projects. Finally, we examine about how the construction of 4S-baed framework affects 4S industry.

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