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Anatomy of Large Intestine Meridian Muscle in human (수양명경근(手陽明經筋)의 해부학적(解剖學的) 고찰(考察))

  • Sim Young;Park Kyoung-Sik;Lee Joon-Moo
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried to identify the component of Large Intestine Meridian Muscle in human, dividing into outer, middle, and inner part. Brachium and antebrachium were opened widely to demonstrate muscles, nerve, blood vessels and the others, displaying the inner structure of Large Intestine Meridian Muscle. We obtained the results as follows; 1. Meridian Muscle is composed of the muscle, nerve and blood vessels. 2. In human anatomy, it is present the difference between a term of nerve or blood vessels which control the muscle of Meridian Muscle and those which pass near by Meridian Muscle. 3. The inner composition of meridian muscle in human arm is as follows. 1) Muscle; extensor digitorum tendon(LI-1), lumbrical tendon(LI-2), 1st dosal interosseous muscle(LI-3), 1st dosal interosseous muscle and adductor pollicis muscle(LI-4), extensor pollicis longus tendon and extensor pollicis brevis tendon(LI-5), adductor pollicis longus muscle and extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon(LI-6), extensor digitorum muscle and extensor carpi radialis brevis mucsle and abductor pollicis longus muscle(LI-7), extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle and pronator teres muscle(LI-8), extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle and supinator muscle(LI-9), extensor carpi radialis longus muscle and extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle and supinator muscle(LI-10), brachioradialis muscle(LI-11), triceps brachii muscle and brachioradialis muscle(LI-12), brachioradialis muscle and brachialis muscle(LI-13), deltoid muscle(LI-14, LI-15), trapezius muscle and supraspinous muscle(LI-16), platysma muscle and sternocleidomastoid muscle and scalenous muscle(LI-17, LI-18), orbicularis oris superior muscle(LI-19, LI-20) 2) Nerve; superficial branch of radial nerve and branch of median nerve(LI-1, LI-2, LI-3), superficial branch of radial nerve and branch of median nerve and branch of ulna nerve(LI-4), superficial branch of radial nerve(LI-5), branch of radial nerve(LI-6), posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and branch of radial nerve(LI-7), posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve(LI-8), posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and radial nerve(LI-9, LI-12), lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and deep branch of radial nerve(LI-10), radial nerve(LI-11), lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve and branch of radial nerve(LI-13), superior lateral cutaneous nerve and axillary nerve(LI-14), 1st thoracic nerve and suprascapular nerve and axillary nerve(LI-15), dosal rami of C4 and 1st thoracic nerve and suprascapular nerve(LI-16), transverse cervical nerve and supraclavicular nerve and phrenic nerve(LI-17), transverse cervical nerve and 2nd, 3rd cervical nerve and accessory nerve(LI-18), infraorbital nerve(LI-19), facial nerve and infraorbital nerve(LI-20). 3) Blood vessels; proper palmar digital artery(LI-1, LI-2), dorsal metacarpal artery and common palmar digital artery(LI-3), dorsal metacarpal artery and common palmar digital artery and branch of deep palmar aterial arch(LI-4), radial artery(LI-5), branch of posterior interosseous artery(LI-6, LI-7), radial recurrent artery(LI-11), cephalic vein and radial collateral artery(LI-13), cephalic vein and posterior circumflex humeral artery(LI-14), thoracoacromial artery and suprascapular artery and posterior circumflex humeral artery and anterior circumflex humeral artery(LI-15), transverse cervical artery and suprascapular artery(LI-16), transverse cervical artery(LI-17), SCM branch of external carotid artery(LI-18), facial artery(LI-19, LI-20)

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The Variation of Natural Population of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. in Korea (IX) -Needle and Wood Characteristics of Six Populations- (소나무천연집단(天然集團)의 변이(變異)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(IX) -광주(廣州), 제천(堤川), 보은(報恩), 무주(茂朱), 구례(求禮), 제주집단(濟州集團)의 침엽(針葉) 및 재질형질(材質形質)-)

  • Yim, Kyong Bin;Lee, Kyong Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 1979
  • Six natural populations of Pinus densiflora S. et Z. as shown in the location map (Flg 1) were studied during 1978. The numerial pouplation codes, 13 to 18. The results of populations 1 to 12 were reported in previous papers. Following the study methods described before, 20 trees were sampled from each population and morpological characteristics such as stem forms, branching habit needle and wood properties investigated. The results are summerized as follows; 1. The mean stand ages were ranged from 36 to 97 of years. The growth performances of trees of population 14. 15 and 18 was similar, but 13, 16, and 17 seemed to be inferior more or less. 2. The ratios of clear bole length were 0.70 in population 18 as the highest but 0.28 for population 16 as the lowest. 3. The population 17 was considered to be a stand of the coarser branching habit having the crown index (The maximum crown diameter/the crown height) 158 though the branching angles were almost horizontal. 4. The differences were observed in the clear bole length ratios and crown-indices between population as shown In Fig. 3 and 4. 5. As to the serration density, number of stomata row and resin duct; the significant differences exist between individual trees within population and also between populations. 6. Population 18 shown resin duct index 0.119 as the maximum. 7. The patterns of diameter growth, based on the width of 10-year-ring segment unit(for example, the 1st segment denotes the with between pith center and 10th year ring and the 2nd one is from 11th to 20th ring and so on.), were alike among populations as shown in Fig 9. 8. Significant differences between population in mean summer wood percentage as well as in wood specific gravity was observed. The values of wood specific gravity were increased with the increase of ages in population 14, 18 however vice versa in population 13, 15, and 17. 9. The fiber length was mereased with the increased of age but no differences between populations as shown in Fig. 12.

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Development of 'Soomany' for New Cultivar of Gomchwi with Disease Resistant and High Yield (내병 다수성 곰취 신품종 '수마니' 육성)

  • Suh, Jong Taek;Yoo, Dong Lim;Kim, Ki Deog;Lee, Jong Nam;Sohn, Hwang Bae;Nam, Jeong Hwoan;Kim, Su Jeong;Hong, Su Young;Kim, Yul Ho
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.80-85
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    • 2020
  • A new Gomchwi cultivar 'Soomany' was derived from a cross between Gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz.) and Handaeri-gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis Nakai). The investigation and selection of growth and yield characteristics were conducted from 2007 to 2015 in field and greenhouse of Highland Agriculture Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, in Korea. On a newly developed cultivar 'Soomany', color of petiole ear is light green, petiole trichome is existent, trichome and light on the back of the leaves don't exist, and density of leaf vein is degree 4. Plant height, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length are 77.1, 22.3, 21.5 and 57.2 cm, respectively in the growth characteristics of the 2nd year. Plant size was also higher than that of 'Sammany' generally. Bolting date was on August 15. Flowering date was on September 19, about 9 days later than 'Sammany'. 'Soomany' and 'Sammany' had 149 and 133 leaves per plant, respectively. Total yield of 'Soomany' (1,623 g/plant) made a very good comparison with that of 'Sammany' (1,385 g/plant). 'Soomany' showed harder leaves (25.8 ㎏/㎠) than 'Sammany' (20.8 ㎏/㎠), whereas 'Soomany' had thinner leaves (0.53 mm) than 'Sammany' (0.62 mm). 'Soomany' variety has shown strong resistance to powdery mildew disease compared to 'Sammany'. In May 2019, the right of variety protection of 'Soomany' was registered as a new Gomchwi variety (Register No. 192).

Evaluation of Perception for Foodservice Hygiene by Middle School Students in Busan (부산지역 일부 중학생의 학교급식 위생에 대한 인식 평가)

  • Kim, Yeo Kyeong;Choi, Hee Sun;Lyu, Eun Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.12
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    • pp.1920-1928
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance and performance of middle school foodservice hygiene in Busan. In this study, questionnaires were administered to 1,000 students consisting of 100 students in 10 middle schools in Busan in December, 2013. The students assessed importance and performance of personal hygiene as 3.81 and 3.60 on a scale of 5.00, respectively. Males gave higher scores to importance and performance of personal hygienic than females. First grade students gave significantly higher scores than 2nd and 3rd grade students to importance and performance of personal hygienic. The mean scores of importance of foodservice hygiene were 4.47 for food hygiene, 4.25 for equipment hygiene, 4.23 for employee hygiene, and 4.19 for environment hygiene. For importance of foodservice hygiene, females gave significantly (P<0.001) higher scores than males. However, male gave significantly higher scores than females for performance of foodservice hygiene. The importance and performance grid showed important factors for personal and foodservice hygiene. 'Hand washing before eating the meal' for personal hygiene and 'cleanliness of tray' for foodservice hygiene showed the highest importance and lowest performance scores. Foodservice hygiene can be improved through customized education of students regarding meal service and food hygiene, equipment hygiene, and environment hygiene.

A Study on the Effect of Quality of Medicinal Food on Perceived Values, Repurchase Intention and Recommendation Intention (약선 요리 품질이 지각된 가치와 재구매 의도 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Sung-Woong;Ahn, Hyung-Ki;Cho, Sung-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed the influence of the quality of medicinal food on perceived values, repurchase intention and recommendation intention. The objective of this study is to suggest the efficient operating direction for specialized medicinal food restaurants to grow as an axis of the food service industry by showing the future direction of medicinal food and establishing marketing strategies to maintain/secure customers. From June 15th to July 2nd, 2009, the survey was conducted for the customers of medicinal food restaurants, located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. After distributing 250 copies of questionnaire, 195 of them were collected and total 192 were used for the analysis after excluding three copies due to lack of showing sincerity. The analysis results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the quality of medicinal food was found to have a significant influence on 'functional value(t=5.519)' while having no influence on 'social value.' Second, the 'nutritional quality' of medicinal food was analyzed as having a significant influence on 'social value(t=10.954)' and 'functional value'(t=8.237).' Third, the 'medicinal quality' of medicinal food was analyzed as having no significant influence on 'social value(t=1.191)' and 'functional value(t=0.022).' Fourth, it was found that 'social value' had a significant influence on repurchase intention(t=9.743) and recommendation intention(t=9.154). Fifth, the functional value was analyzed as having a significant influence on repurchase intention(t=7.895) and recommendation intention(t=8.143). The results of the empirical analysis shown in this study properly support the theoretical standard system to achieve successful performance and useful information necessary for systematic operation of specialized medicinal food restaurants.

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Changes in Marketability of Strawberry 'Maehyang' for Export as Affected by Harvest Time of the Day and Temperature of Precooling and Storage (수출 딸기 '매향'의 일중 수확시기와 예냉 및 저장 온도에 따른 상품성 변화)

  • Park, Ji Eun;Kim, Hye Min;Hwang, Seung Jae
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.153-160
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted out to investigate the effect of harvest time of the day, precooling or not, and temperature of precooling and storage on the marketability in strawberries 'Maehyang' for export in May. Strawberry colored with 60±5% of the skin was harvested at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm, respectively. After harvesting, some strawberries were precooled to 0, 2, 4℃ for 3 hours in the cold store, respectively, and the others were kept at room temperature. And then, strawberries were stored at low temperature in the cold store set at 4, 8 or 10℃ storage temperatures. The weight loss rate, firmness, soluble solids content, color, incidence of gray mold of strawberries were measured at two days intervals during storage for 14 days. Both 07:00 am and 15:00 pm harvest, fruits as the storage periods lapses increased weight loss rate compared to the weight at harvest time of the day, and the difference in the weight loss rate of fruits depending on the treatment was greater at 15:00 pm harvest than at 07:00 am. Firmness tended to increase again after 8th day at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm harvest, respectively. In the afternoon harvest, 10℃ storage without precooling showed the lowest fruit firmness on the 2nd day after storage. The soluble solids content at 07:00 am or 15:00 pm harvest tended to be maintained at high value with precooled and stored at low temperature as storage days elapse. The color values were significantly higher at 'L' indicating brightness and lower at 'a', indicating redness at low storage temperature regardless of harvesting time of the day and whether it was precooling or not. The incidence of gray mold was higher at 15:00 pm harvest than at 07:00 am harvest, and it was significantly higher in the treatments stored at 10℃ after precooling similarly. In this study, strawberry 'Maehyang' for export harvested at 07:00 am and stored at 4℃ after precooling at 0℃ maintained the best shelf life, therefore, it is judged that desirable to harvest in the morning with low temperature and to precool and store at low temperature.

A Clinical Study of Hoarseness (애성을 주소로 한 후두질환의 임상 통계적 고찰)

  • 윤완규;조규모;송기준;김홍수
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1983.05a
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    • pp.6.4-7
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    • 1983
  • Hoarseness is the most common and early symptom in laryngeal diseases. A clinico - statistical analysis was performed on 228 cases with chief complaint of hoarseness at the department of otolaryngology, Jeonbug National University during the past 3 years from January 1980 to December 1980. 1) The number of the patient with hoarseness were 228 cases (2.3 %) among total outpatient of 10110 cases. 2) Among the 228 cases with hoarseness, male were 115 cases and female were 113 cases, so sex ratio was nearly same. 3) The underlying diseases causing hoarseness in order of frequency were acute laryngitis 43 cases (18.9 %), chronic laryngitis 36 cases (15.8 %), vocal nodule 30 cases(13.2 %), vocal polyp 30 cases (13.2 %), vocal cord paralysis 26 cases (11.4 %), laryngeal carcinoma 18 cases (7.9 %) and laryngeal tuberculosis 15 cases (6.6 %). There were other diseases of larynx in 30 cases (13.2 %). 4) The incidence of age distribution in order of frequency were 4th decade (26.8 % ), 3rd decade (18.9%), 5th decade (17.1 %), 2nd decade (15.8 %) and 6th decade (9.6 %). 5) The duration from onset to consultation in order of frequency were 11 days-1 month (22.8 %), 1 month-3 months(19.7%), 3 months -6 months (18.9 %), within 10 days (13.6 %), 6 months-l year (13.2 % ), 1 year -3 years(7. 9 %) and 3 years over. 6) The duration from onset to consultation for underlying diseases were as follows ; acute laryngitis was within 10 days, chronic laryngitis was 3 months - 6 months, vocal nodule was 1 month-3 months, vocal polyp was 3 months -1 year, vocal cord paralysis was 11 days -1 month. 7) Associated symptoms with hoarseness in order of frequency were sore throat (25 %), sputum (8.8 %), swallowing difficulty (7.9 %) and dyspnea (6.1 %). But 84 cases (36.8 %), there were no other symptoms except hoarseness.

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Cross-sectional Survey for Prevalence Rate of Scoliosis in Primary, Middle and High School Boys in Pusan City (부산시내 남자 초.중.고등학생의 척추측만증 유병률 측정을 위한 단면조사)

  • Kim, Bok-Yong;Park, Jung-Han;Kim, Poong-Taek
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.21 no.2 s.24
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 1988
  • A cross-sectional survey was conducted to determine the prevalence rate of scoliosis in elementary, middle and high school boys in May 1988. The study population included 1,393 male students in Pusan ; 463 students of 4th grade in two elementary schools, 543 students of 1st grade in one middle school and 387 students of 1st grade in one high school. The students of elementary school were screened with inspection by two physicians at the same time and the students of middle and high schools were screened with both inspection by the same physicians and 70mm chest X-ray. Positive students in any one of the two screening tests were measured for height and body weight and asked for the shoulder side on which he carries the school bag. The angle of curvature on X-ray film was measured by Cobb's method. The number of positive students in any one of the two screening tests were 15(3.2%) in elementary schools, 174(32.0%) in middle school and 92(23.8%) in high school. However, positive rates in both tests were only 2.2% for the middle school students and 2.6% for the high school students and among these students 1.1% out of total middle school students and 2.3% of high school students had a curvature equal to or greater than $5^{\circ}$ of Cobb's angle on 70mm chest X-ray film. There was a statistically significant association between the direction of spinal curve and the shoulder side on which one carries school bag among positive students in both screening 1.sts (p<0.05) Mean height and body weight of 281 positive students in any one of two screening tests were compared with the Korean standard for the same age. Mean weight of elementary school students was nearly the same as the standard weight but the height was slightly shorter than the standard. However, both mean height and weight of the middle school students were lower than the standard while those of the high school students were higher. The prevalence rate of scoliosis for the 2nd and 3rd grades of high school is presumed to be higher than that of the 1st grade of high school and the rate for girls will be even higher than the rate for boys of the same age. Thus, scoliosis seems to be an important school health problem. To prevent scoliosis, it is recommeded to reduce the weight of school bag, educate the students to keep a right posture and exercise periodically.

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Effect of Application of Cattle Slurry on Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of Whole Crop Barley and Italian ryegrass and Environmental Pollution in Paddy Land (논에서 우분액비 시용이 총체보리 및 이탈리안 라이그라스의 생산성과 사료가치 및 환경오염에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Ki-Choon;Na, Sang-Pil;Jung, Min-Woong;Lim, Young-Chul;Park, Hyung-Su;Kim, Jong-Geun;Kim, Won-Ho;Kim, Maeng-Jung;Choi, Gi-Jun;Kim, Myeong-Hwa;Lee, Sang-Rak;Kim, Da-Hye;Yook, Wan-Bang
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of cattle slurry on productivity of whole crop barley and Italian ryegrass and environmental pollution in paddy land. Cropping systems used in this study were consisted of two designs, such as whole crop barley applied with cattle slurry (WCB) and Italian ryegrass applied with cattle slurry (IRG). The field experiments were conducted on the clay loam at Backsanmyun, Kimje, Chunlabukdo province in Korea for three years (May 2006 to Apr. 2009). This study was arranged in completely randomized design with three replicates. The yields of WCB and IRG were 7,520 kg/ha and 10,320 kg/ha, respectively. The yields of IRG significantly increased as compared with that of WCB (p<0.05). The yield of Italian ryegrass in 1st cutting time was about 2-fold higher than that of 2nd cutting time. The contents of crude protein of IRG were higher than that of WCB. However, the contents of NDF, ADF and TDN were no difference between WCB and IRG treatments. The pH, and contents of T-N, $P_2O_5$ and organic matter (OM) in soil samples collected at the end of the experiment increased as compared with those at the beginning of the experiment (p<0.05). After the end of experiment, the concentrations of CEC (Ca, Na, Mg and K) in soil samples collected at the end of the experiment were remarkably higher than those at the beginning of the experiment (p<0.05). The concentrations of $NH_4$-N, $NO_3$-N, $PO_4$-P, Cl, Ca, K, Mg and Na in leaching water in paddy land cultivated with WCB and IRG were no difference between WCB and IRG treatments.

Effects of Boron Application on the Forage Traits in the Pure and Mixed Swards of Orchardgrass and White Clover. II. Changes in the yields and concurrence index of forages (Orchardgrass 및 White clover의 단 파 및 혼파 재배에서 붕소의 시용이 목초의 여러 특성에 미치는 영향. II. 초종별 건물수량 및 식생 경합지수의 변화)

  • Jung, Yeun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2003
  • This pot experiment was conducted in order to find out the effects of boron application($B_{0}$ /; control, $B_1$; 0.2, $B_2$; 2.0,$ B_3$; 6.0, $B_4$; 15.0 B me/pot) on the forage performance of pure and mixed cultures of orchardgrass and white clover. The 2nd part was concerned with the changes in the forage yields and concurrence index. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The optimum boron application($B_2$) generally resulted in the increase of both forage yields, but the effects of boron application on them were different according to the forage species, whether it was a pure or mixed cultures, additional fertilization, and cutting order. The effects of boron application on the forage productivity were more obvious in white clover than in orchardgrass. 2. Owing to the decline of white clover as affected by the application of additional fertilizers, especially N, in the grass-clover mixed cultures, the effects of boron application on the white clover yields showed a numerical inferiority compared with the pure culture. It was recognized that the yield increase and botanical composition of white clover in grass-clover mixed cultures could be regulated by the application of additional fertilizers and boron. 3. The toxic boron application($B_3$ and $B_4$) resulted in a decreased yield of both forages. The yield change of orchardgrass tended to be similar between pure and mixed cultures, whereas it of white clover tended to be more negative in mixed than in pure cultures. 4. With the application of additional fertilizers, especially N, the botanical composition and concurrence index in grass-clover mixed cultures were relatively increased in orchardgrass, and decreased in white clover. The botanical composition of orchardgrass increased from 55% to 75%, whereas it of white clover decreased from 45% in the first half cutting to 25% in the second half cutting, respectively.