• 제목/요약/키워드: ND4

검색결과 5,067건 처리시간 0.033초

Importance-Satisfaction Analysis of Meditation Forest in Schools - Focusing on Middle Schools in Gwang-Ju City - (명상숲의 중요도-만족도 평가 - 광주광역시 중학교를 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Taesun;Jeong, Moonsun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2019
  • This study is to provide basic data for the user-oriented design for a middle school meditation forest in the future by analyzing the physical environment characteristics of existing middle school meditation forests, the users' utilization behavior, and the degree of the importance satisfaction. For this purpose, 24 evaluation indices based on site characteristics, naturalness, functionality, and the effectiveness of meditation forest sites were selected for analysis of importance satisfaction. We surveyed and analyzed the students and teachers of two middle schools 'A' and 'B' in Gwangju Metropolitan City. The results of this study are as follows. First, the perception and utilization rates of the meditation forests by students was significantly lower than teachers at both schools. 'A' school has a better use and recognition rate than the 'B' school. Second, the purposes of using meditation forests were rest (49.6%), weekday lunchtime (63.6%), with friends (65.0%) or colleagues (60%), and short (less than 10 minutes) rests (68.6%). They preferred flowers (30.0%) and shading plants (28.9%), mainly using shelters (57.9%) and walking trails (37.1%). Third, as a result of the importance of satisfaction analysis, the average score of the 24 items importance (3.81), higher than the satisfaction (3.62). The 24 items positioned in 4 quadrants are as follows: Nine items are in the I quadrant for 'persistent maintenance'. Three items are in the II quadrant for 'priority correction'. Seven items are in the quadrant III for 'low priority in the management and operation'. Five items are in the quadrant IV for 'avoid over effort'. For the comparison of two middle schools' satisfaction, 'A' school satisfaction was higher than 'B' school for 16 items, which showed a statistically significant difference. It is believed that the users in 'A' school are more satisfied than 'B' school because it has more forests and trails, better accessibility, and a variety of plant types and planting areas in the A school meditation forest. The results of the overall satisfaction analysis showed a significant difference between 'A' school (68.0%) and 'B' school (47.2%) as 'A' school has better shelters and trails. The rankings of the most satisfying space are walking trails (1st place) and shelters (2nd place). The reason for the highest satisfaction was for rest (stress relief and emotional support) in both 'A' and 'B' schools.

Ecological Characteristics of Termite(Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis) for Preservation of Wooden Cultural Heritage (목조문화재의 보존을 위한 한국산 흰개미의 생태적 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Kyu-Shik;Jeong, So-Young
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • 제37권
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    • pp.327-348
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    • 2004
  • In this study, after analyzing several local climate characteristics of South Korea, I validated distribution, invasion, foraging, underground activities, attack season as ecological characteristics and also temperature, relative humidity, and tree species as preference characteristics of Korean termites (Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis Morimoto). Especially, southern part of the Korean peninsula is a suitable area for inhabitation and motion of termites holding same ecological characteristic like R. speratus kyushuensis. Busan is a neighboring district at field distribution north limiting temperature of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Chuncheon is a passing area through the Korean Peninsula of field distribution north limiting temperature of Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe. The termite attack of wood devices was about 34.5% for 3 years in the forest of Jongmyo. Although the attack rate of termite increased each year, the detection rate decreased and the missing rate was high by degrees. I confirmed a foraging habits which is a part of termite colony was a role of continuous decomposition and another was a role of new food hunt as experimental results. The foraging termites were found under ground at Jongmyo in Seoul from April to November in the 2001 and the most active period was on July and August. The termite invasion rate of bait station increased in every monitoring. Through the increasing attack rate of bait station during 2nd monitoring (November, 2000) and 3rd monitoring(March, 2001), I confirmed that termites moved into the deep underground in winter, and were working continuously to forage. R. speratus kyushuensis inhabiting at the Korean Peninsula is a species which has food consumption rate with higher temperature. The termite revealed the greatest amount of food(filter paper) at $30^{\circ}C$(90% RH), but showed increasing death rate at over $32^{\circ}C$. Also, survival rate of this termite was 97% at 84% RH($30^{\circ}C$), but killed 100% at 52% RH($30^{\circ}C$) and 70% RH($30^{\circ}C$). For wood feeding, this was observed the preference in a pine tree(Pinus densiflora) above all others. Survival of termites was high(87%) at a pine tree, but low(13.5%) at a paulownia tree(Paulownia coreana). In this study, I presented the biological characteristic of termite(R. speratus kyushuensis Morimoto) and confirmed the deterioration degree of termite on wooden cultural heritage in Korea. Depending on climate and soil temperature, each area in the southern part of the Korea Peninsula, has some different active period and different distribution of R. speratus kyushensis. With these results, I expect that this report helps to prepare the integrated pest management(IPM) of the termite on wooden cultural heritage in Korea, and it may help to reduce the economical loss from termite damage in Korea.

Root and Canal Morphology of Maxillary Primary Molar using CBCT and 3D CT (CBCT 및 3D CT를 활용한 상악 유구치 치근과 근관 형태)

  • Kim, Joon Hee;Kim, Hyuntae;Shin, Teo Jeon;Hyun, Hong-Keun;Kim, Young-Jae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Jang, Ki-Taeg;Song, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.437-448
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze morphological characteristics of maxillary primary molar's root and root canal. 268 children aged 3 - 7 years (175 boys, 93 girls) who had CBCT (152 children) and 3D CT (116 children) taken in Seoul National University Dental Hospital from January 2006 to April 2020 were included. The number of roots and root canals were analyzed in 1002 teeth without any root resorption or periapical pathologies. Curvature, angulation, length of root and root canal, as well as cross-sectional shapes of the root canal were analyzed in 218 teeth. By using Mimics and 3-Matics software, volume, surface area, and volume ratio of root canal was analyzed in 48 teeth. More than half of maxillary primary molars have 3 roots and 3 root canals. The degree of symmetry of root canal type was about 0.63 (Cohen's kappa coefficient). The most frequent shape of roots and canals was linear in 1st primary molars and curved in 2nd primary molars. Angulation, length of root and root canals was the largest on palatal roots. Most teeth showed ovoid or round shapes at apex. The largest root canal volume, surface area, volume ratio was found in the palatal roots.

Factors Affecting Physicians who will be Vaccinated Every Year after Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine in Healthcare Workers (의료종사자의 COVID-19 예방 백신 접종받은 후 향후 매년 예방접종 의향에 미치는 요인)

  • Hyeun-Woo Choi;Sung-Hwa Park;Eun-Kyung Cho;Chang-hyun Han;Jong-Min Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.257-265
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to vaccinate every year according to the general characteristics of COVID-19, whether to vaccinate every year according to the vaccination experience, whether to vaccinate every year according to knowledge/attitude about vaccination, and negative responses to the vaccinate every year In order to understand the factors affecting the vaccination physician every year by identifying the factors of Statistical analysis is based on general characteristics, variables based on vaccination experience, and knowledge/attitudes related to vaccination. The doctor calculates the frequency and percentage, A square test (-test) was performed, and if the chi-square test was significant but the expected frequency was less than 5 for 25% or more, a ratio difference test was performed with Fisher's exact test. Through multiple logistic regression analysis using variables that were significant in simple analysis, a predictive model for future vaccination and the effect size of each independent variable were estimated. As statistical analysis software, SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) was used, and because the sample size was not large, the significance level was set at 10%, and when the p-value was less than 0.10, it was interpreted as statistically significant. In the simple logistic regression analysis, the reason why they answered that they would not be vaccinated every year was that they answered 'to prevent infection of family and hospital guests' rather than 'to prevent my infection' as the reason for the vaccination. It was 11.0 times higher and 3.67 times higher in the case of 'for the formation of collective immunity of the local community and the country'. The adverse reactions experienced after the 1st and 2nd vaccination were 8.42 times higher in those who did not experience pain at the injection site than those who did not, 4.00 times higher in those who experienced swelling or redness, and 5.69 times higher in those who experienced joint pain. There was a 5.57 times higher rate of absenteeism annually than those who did not. In addition, the more anxious they felt about vaccination, the more likely they were to not get the vaccine every year by 2.94 times.

Determination of Cost and Measurement of nursing Care Hours for Hospice Patients Hospitalized in one University Hospital (일 대학병원 호스피스 병동 입원 환자의 간호활동시간 측정과 원가산정)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.389-404
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    • 2000
  • This study was designed to determine the cost and measurement of nursing care hours for hospice patients hostpitalized in one university hospital. 314 inpatients in the hospice unit 11 nursing manpower were enrolled. Study was taken place in C University Hospital from 8th to 28th, Nov, 1999. Researcher and investigator did pilot study for selecting compatible hospice patient classification indicators. After modifying patient classification indicators and nursing care details for general ward, approved of content validity by specialist. Using hospice patient classification indicators and per 5 min continuing observation method, researcher and investigator recorded direct nursing care hours, indirect nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care hours, and personnel time on hospice nursing care activities sheet. All of the patients were classified into Class I(mildly ill), Class II (moderately ill), Class III (acutely ill), and Class IV (critically ill) by patient classification system (PCS) which had been carefully developed to be suitable for the Korean hospice ward. And then the elements of the nursing care cost was investigated. Based on the data from an accounting section (Riccolo, 1988), nursing care hours per patient per day in each class and nursing care cost per patient per hour were multiplied. And then the mean of the nursing care cost per patient per day in each class was calculated. Using SAS, The number of patients in class and nursing activities in duty for nursing care hours were calculated the percent, the mean, the standard deviation respectively. According to the ANOVA and the $Scheff{\'{e}$ test, direct nursing care hours per patient per day for the each class were analyzed. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1. Distribution of patient class : class IN(33.5%) was the largest class the rest were class II(26.1%) class III(22.6%), class I(17.8%). Nursing care requirements of the inpatients in hospice ward were greater than that of the inpatients in general ward. 2. Direct nursing care activities : Measurement ${\cdot}$ observation 41.7%, medication 16.6%, exercise ${\cdot}$ safety 12.5%, education ${\cdot}$ communication 7.2% etc. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day per duty were needed ; 69.3 min for day duty, 64.7 min for evening duty, 88.2 min for night duty, 38.7 min for shift duty. The mean hours of direct nursing care of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. Direct nursing care hours per patient per day in each class were needed ; 3.1 hrs for class I, 3.9 hrs for class II, 4.7 hrs for class III, and 5.2 hrs for class IV. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day without the PCS was 4.1 hours. The mean hours of direct nursing care per patient per day in class was increased significantly according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(F=49.04, p=.0001). The each class was significantly different(p<0.05). The mean hours of direct nursing care of several direct nursing care activities in each class were increased according to increasing nursing care requirements of the inpatients(p<0.05) ; class III and class IV for medication and education ${\cdot}$ communication, class I, class III and class IV for measurement ${\cdot}$ observation, class I, class II and class IV for elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation, all of class for exercise ${\cdot}$ safety. 3. Indirect nursing care activities and personnel time : Recognization 24.2%, house keeping activity 22.7%, charting 17.2%, personnel time 11.8% etc. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per nursing manpower was 4.7 hrs. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per duty were 294.8 min for day duty, 212.3 min for evening duty, 387.9 min for night duty, 143.3 min for shift duty. The mean of indirect nursing care hours and personnel time of night duty was longer than that of the other duty. 4. The mean hours of indirect nursing care and personnel time per patient per day was 2.5 hrs. 5. The mean hours of nursing care per patient per day in each class were class I 5.6 hrs, class II 6.4 hrs, class III 7.2 hrs, class IV 7.7 hrs. 6. The elements of the nursing care cost were composed of 2,212 won for direct nursing care cost, 267 won for direct material cost and 307 won for indirect cost. Sum of the elements of the nursing care cost was 2,786 won. 7. The mean cost of the nursing care per patient per day in each class were 15,601.6 won for class I, 17,830.4 won for class II, 20,259.2 won for class III, 21,452.2 won for class IV. As above, using modified hospice patient classification indicators and nursing care activity details, many critical ill patients were hospitalized in the hospice unit and it reflected that the more nursing care requirements of the patients, the more direct nursing care hours. Emotional ${\cdot}$ spiritual care, pain ${\cdot}$ symptom control, terminal care, education ${\cdot}$ communication, narcotics management and delivery, attending funeral ceremony, the major nursing care activities, were also the independent hospice service. But it is not compensated by the present medical insurance system. Exercise ${\cdot}$ safety, elimination ${\cdot}$ irrigation needed more nursing care hours as equal to that of intensive care units. The present nursing management fee in the medical insurance system compensated only a part of nursing car service in hospice unit, which rewarded lower cost that that of nursing care.

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A Clinical Evaluation of Splanchnic Nerve Block (내장신경차단에 관한 임상적 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Yeoun;Oh, Hung-Kun;Yoon, Duek-Mi;Shin, Yang-Sik;Lee, Youn-Woo;Kim, Jong-Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 1988
  • Intractable pain from advanced carcinoma of the upper abdomen is difficult to manage. One method used to control pain associated with these malignancies is to block off the splanchnic nerve. In 1919 Kappis described a technique by which the splanchnic nerve of the upper abdomen could be anesthetized, using a percutaneous injection. This method has been used for the relief of upper abdominal pain due to hematoma and cancer of the pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, bile duct, and colon. During the Period from November 1968 to January 1986, this method was used in 208 cases of malignancy at Severance Hospital and clinically evaluated. Patients were retroactively grouped according to the stage of development of technique used. Twelve patients who received the treatment in the period from November 1968 to March 1977 were designate4i as group 1, 26 patients from April 1977 to April 1979 as group 2, and 170 from May 1979 to January 1986 as group 3. The results are as follows: 1) The number of patients receiving splanchnic nerve block has been increasing since 1977. 2) A total of 208 patients, including 133 males and 75 females, ranging in age from 18 to 84 and averaging 51. 3) The causes of pain were stomach cancer 90, pancreatic cancer 69, and miscellaneous cancer 49 cases respectively. 4) There were 57.7% who had surgery. and 3.7% of whom had chemotherapy before the splanchnic nerve block was done. 5) These blocks were carried out with the patient in the prone position as described by Dr. Moore. For group 2 and 3, C-arm image intensifier was used. In group 1, a 22 gauze loom long needle was inserted at the lower border of the 12th rib on each aide about 7\;cm from the midline. The average distance from the midline was $6.60{\pm}0.61\;cm$ on the left side and $6.60{\pm}0.83\;cm$ on the right side in group 2, and $5.46{\pm}0.76\;cm$ on the left side and $5.49{\pm}0.69\;cm$ on the right side in group 3. The average depth to which the needle was inserted was $8.60{\pm}0.52\;cm$ on the left side and $8.74{\pm}0.60\;cm$ on the right side in group 2, and $8.96{\pm}0.63\;cm$ on the left side and $9.18{\pm}0.57\;cm$ on the right side in group 3. 6) The points of the inserted needles were positioned in the upper quarter anteriorly, 51.8% on the left side and 54.4% n the right side of the L1 vertebra by lateral roentgenogram in group 3. The inserted needle points were located in the upper and anterolateral part, of the L1 vertebra 68.5% on the left side and 60.6won the right side, on the anteroposterior rentgenogram in group 3. The needle tip was not advanced beyond the anterior margin of the vertebral body. 7) In some case of group 3, contrast media was injected before the block was done. It shows, the spread upward along the anterior mal gin of the vertebral body. 8) The concentration and the average amount of drug used in each group was as follows: In group 1, $39.17{\pm}6.69\;ml$ of 0.5% -l% lidocaine or 0.25% bupivacaine were injected for the test block and one to three days after the test block $40.00{\pm}4.26\;ml$ of 50% alcohol was injected for the semipermanent block. In group 2, $13.75{\pm}4.88\;ml$ of 1% lidocaine were used as the test block and followed by $46.17{\pm}4.37\;ml$ of 50% alcohol was injected as the semipermanent block. In group 3, $15.63{\pm}1.19\;ml$ of 1% lidocaine for test block followed by $15.62{\pm}1.20\;ml$ of pure alcohol and $16.05{\pm}2.58\;ml$ of 50% alcohol for semipermanent block were injected. 9) The result of the test block was satisfactory in all cases. However the semipermanent block was 83.3 percent of the patients in group 1 who received relief from pain for at least 2 weeks after the block, 73.1% in group 2, and 91.8% in group 3. In these unsuccessful cases, 2 cases in group 1 were controlled by narcotics but 7 cases in group 2 and 14 cases in group 3 received the same splanchnic nerve block 1 or 2 times again within 2 weeks. But, in some cases it was 3 to i months before the 2nd block and in 1 cases even 7 years. 10) The most common complications of splanchnic nerve block were hypotensino(25.5%) occasional flushing of the face, nausea, vomiting, and chest discomfort. 11) For the patients in group 3, the supplemental block most commonly used was a continuous epidural block; it was used as a diagnostic block and to afford relief from pain before the splanchnic nerve block was done. 12) The interval between the receiving of the alcohol block and discharge was from 5 to 8 days in 61 cases(31.1%) and from 1 to 2 days in 48 cases(24.5%). From the above results, it can be concluded that the splanchnic nerve block done in the prone position with pure and 50% alcohol immediately after an effective test block with 1% lidocaine under C-arm fluoroscopic control is satisfactory and reliable. How to minimize the repeat block is still a problem to be solved.

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Jang(Fermented Soybean) in Official and Royal Documents in Chosun Dynasty Period (조선조의 공문서 및 왕실자료에 나타난 장류)

  • Ann, Yong-Geun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.368-382
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    • 2012
  • This paper investigated the system that is relevant to Jang(fermented soybean paste or solution), the relief of hunger-stricken people by Jang, 33 kinds of Jang, and its consumption in the documents, such as the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seungjeongwon daily, Uigwe(record of national ceremony), official documents on the basis of Kyujanggak institute for the Korean studies and data base of Korean classics. There are lots of Jang named after the place of particular soybean's production from the ancient times. Jang, soybean, salt and Meju(source of Jang), during the Dynasty, were collected as taxation or tribute. In the 5th year of Hyeonjong(1664), the storage amount of soybean in Hojo(ministry of finance) was 16,200 $k{\ell}$, and its consumption was 7,694 $k{\ell}$ a year. In the 32nd year of Yongjo(1756), the 1,800 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was distributed to the people at the time of disaster, and in his 36th year(1756), the 15,426 $k{\ell}$ of soybean was reduced from the soybean taxation nationwide. The offices managing Jang are Naejashi, Saseonseo, Sadoshi, Yebinshi and Bongsangshi. Chongyoongcheong(Gyeonggi military headquarters) stored the 175.14 $k{\ell}$ of Jang, and the 198 $k{\ell}$ of Jang in Yebinshi. There are such posts managing Jang as Jangsaek, Jangdoo, and Saseonsikjang. In the year of Jeongjong(1777~1800), the royal family distributed the 3.6 $k{\ell}$ of Meju to Gasoon-court, Hygyeong-court, queen's mother-court, queen's court, royal palace. The 13.41 $k{\ell}$ of Gamjang(fermented soybean solution) was distributed to the Gasoon-court, 17.23 $k{\ell}$ to Hegyeong-court, 17.09 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's mother-court, and the 17.17 $k{\ell}$ to the queen's court each. There are 112 Jang-storing pots in the royal storages, and the 690 are in Namhan-hill, where the 2.7 $k{\ell}$ of fermented Jang was made and brought back by them each year. At the time of starvation, Jang relieved the starving people. There are 20 occasions of big reliefs, according to the annals of the Chosun Dynasty. In the 5th year of Sejong(1423), the 360 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was given to the hunger-stricken people. In his 6th year(1424), the 8,512.92 $k{\ell}$ of rice, bean, and Jang was provided and in the 28th year(1446), the 8,322.68 $k{\ell}$ of Jang was also provided to them. In the Dynasty, Jang was given as a salary. In case that when they were bereaved, they didn't eat Jang patiently for its preservation. They were awarded for their filial piety. In the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, there are 19 kinds of Jang. They are listed in the order of Jang(108), Yeomjang(90), Maljang(11), Yookjang(5), Gamjang(4), and etc.,. In Seungjeongwon daily, there are 11 kinds of Jang. Jang(6), Cheongjang (5), Maljang(5), and Tojang(3) are listed in order. In the Ihlseong-document, there are 5 kinds of Jang. They are listed in Jang(15), Maljang(2), Gamjang(2), and etc.,. There are 13 kinds of Jang in Uigwe, and the official documents, in the order of Gamjang(59), Ganjang(37), Jang(28), Yeomjang(7), Maljang(6), and Cheongjang(5). In addition, shi are Jeonshi(7), and Dooshi(4). All these are made of only soybean except, for Yookjang. The most-frequently recorded Jang among anthology, cookbook, the annals of the Chosun Dynasty, Ihlseong-document, Seoungjeongwon daily, Uigwe, or official document is Jang(372), and then Yeomjang(194), Gamjang(73), Cheongjang(46), Ganjang(46), Soojang(33), and Maljang(26), which were made of soybean. Jang from China in cookbook is not in anthology and royal palace documents. Thus, traditional Jang made of soybean was used in the daily food life in the royal court, and in the public during the Chosun period.

Comparative Study on the Regimens with Pyrazinamide or Ofloxacin in the retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (폐결핵 재치료에서 Pyrazinamide 복합처방과 Ofloxacin 복합처방의 효과에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Choi, In Hwan;Park, Seung Kyu;Kim, Kyeong Ho;Kim, Jin Ho;Kim, Cheon Tae;Song, Sun Dae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제43권6호
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    • pp.871-881
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    • 1996
  • Objective: In the early short-term therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis, PZA is used for the first two months on 6EHRZ therapy but PZA is not effective in the case of long-tenn use PZA for retreatment in the sensitive relapse or acquired drug resistance for PZA. But in the endemic area as Korea, if we can't use PZA in the retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, we can't expect the success for retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, therefore we need new drugs substituting for PZA. In these days, 4 - fluoroquinolone derivatives were investigated and only ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin of derivatives were known to be effective but the effectiveness was also not certain because the result was experimental or combined with other bacteriocidal drugs and datas on effectiveness of pulmonary tuberculosis were so little. Therefore these drugs should be use with other two or three strong-acting drugs in the last period of retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. The ofloxacin or ciprofloxacin is used in some area in Korea but randomly and needed more study. We did this study for proving the effectiveness of these drugs and establishment of retreatment regimen for pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods: Retrospective cohort study of 83 drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients at National Masan Tuberculosis Hospital from Jan. 1994 to dec. 1995 was made. All the patients taken medicine for 2nd ami-tuberculosis regimens for the first lime. We separated the patients by two groups.(Group I : OFX+ PTA + CS+PAS + Injection, Group II: PZA + PTA+ CS + PAS + Injection). We compared the difference between two groups and tested the confidence limit about results after treatment by $\chi$2-test and T-test. Results : 1. The age distribution was most frequent in fourth decade(29.2% in Group I, 37.1% in Group II) and the mean age was 43.9 year in Group I, and 39.0 year in Group II, but had no significant difference between two groups. The sex distribution was more frequent in the males(68.8% in Group I, 85.7% in Group II), but had no significant difference. 2. Family history was 29.2% in Group I, 28.6% in Group II, but had no significant difference. 3. In the respect of extent of disease, far-advanced stare was 60.4% in Group I, 74.3% in Group II, but had no significant difference. 4. The side effects for drugs showed in 58.3% in Group I and 65.7% in Group II, and the gastrointestinal trouble showed 25.0% in Group and arthralgia 34.3% in Group II predominantly respectively and had the significant difference(p<0.05). 5. The negative conversion rate on sputum AFB smear was 87.5% in Group I and 80.0% in Group II, but had no significant difference. But the negative conversion rate on sputum AFB culture was 83.3% in Group I and 57.1 % in Group II and had the significant difference(p<0.05). 6. The success rate of treatment was 87.5 % in Group I and 83.3 % in Group II but had no significant difference. Conclusion : In the retreatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, ofloxacin is useful drug for the patients who are not available to use PZA and can be use effectively substituting for PZA.

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The theory of lesson plannig and the instructional structuration : A case study for urban units in Japanese high school (수업설계론과 수업구조화 - 일본 고등학교 도시단원을 사례로 -)

  • ;Sim, Kwang Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.166-182
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    • 1994
  • Kyonggi Province in the late Chosun dynasty was a center of superior government offices including 'Han' River water-road transportation and was located in the middle of an 'X'-shaped arterial road network. Because of these reasons, Kyonggi Province had a faster inflow of commodities, informations and technics compared with the other province. At this period of time, every local 'Eup' (name of administrative district) had not been affected by their above administrative districts and had their own autonomy. For this reason, every 'Eup' could be developed as a town, even if its size was small when it had sufficient internal growing conditions. Moreover, the markets ('Si-Jon') in big towns and periodical markets which were spread over the Kyonggi Province played role of commercial functions of town. And because military bases for the defence of the royal capital in Kyonggi Province also took parts of a non-agricultural city role, Xyonggi Provinc had much more possibilities of growing as a town rather than the other provinces. The towns of the late Chosun Dynasty were, except the capital and superior administrative districts which were governed by the 'You-Su', small towns which had only about 3, 000-5, 000 people. Most of the town dewellers were local officials, nobles, merchants, craftmen and slaves. And the farmers who lived near town became a pseudo-towner through suburb agriculture. Among these people, the merchants were leaders of townization. The downtowns were affected by the landform and traffic roads. The most fundamental function of towns were administrative. The opcial's grade, which was dispatched to the local administrative district ('Kun' or 'Hyun'), was decided by the size of population and agricultural land of each county. Large county which was governed by a high ranking opcial had more possibilities to develop as a large town. Because they supervised other opcials of lower rank and obtained more land and population for the town. The phonomena of farm abandonment after the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592-1598 stimulated the development of towns for commercial function. The commercial functions of towns were evident in the Si-Jon or Nan-Jon (names of markets) in the big cities such as Hansung and Kaesung, meanffwhile in the local areas it was emerged in the shape of periodical market networks as allied with near markets (which were called as Jang-Si) or permanent markets which were grown up from periodical markets. These facts of commercial development induced the birth of commercial town. Kyonggi Province showed the weak points of its defense system during both wars (Japanese Invasion in 1592 and Manchu's Invasion in 1636). The government reinforced its defense system by adding 4 'You-Su-Bus' and several military bases. Each local districts ('Eup'), where Geo-Jins were established, were stimulated to be a town while Jin-Kwan system were, adjusted and enforced. Among Dok-Jins(name of solitary military bases), Youngjongjin was grown up as a large garrison town which only played a role of defense. The number of towns that took roles of non-agricultural functions in Kyonggi Province was 52. Among these towns, 29 were developed as big towns which had above 3, 000 people and most of these towns were located on the northwest-southeast axes of 'X'-shaped arterial trafic network in the Chosn Dynasty, This fact points out that the traffic road is one of the important causes of the development of towns. When we make hierarchy of the towns of Kyonggi Province according to its population and how many functions it had, we can make it as 6 grades. The virst grade town 'Hansung' was the biggest central town of administration, commerce and defdnse. The 2nd grade town includes 'Kaesung' which had historical inertia that it had been the capital of the Koryo Dynesty. The 3rd grade towns include some 'You- Su-Bus' such as Soowon, Kanghwa, Kwangju and also include Mapo, Yongsan and from this we can imagine that the commercial development in the late Chosun Dynasty extremely affected the townization. The 4th-6th grade towns had smiliar population but it can be discriminated by how many town functions it had. So the 4th grade towns were the core of administration, commerce and defense function. 5th grade towns had administrative functions and one of commercial and defense functions. 6th grade towns had only one of these functions. When we research and town conditions of each grades as the ratio of non-agricultural population, we can find out that the towns from the 1st grade to 4th grade show difference by degree of townization but from the 4th grade to 6th grade towns do not show big difference in general.

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A Study on the Eco-Cultural Assessment Indicator for Buddhist Temple Forest - Focused on Mt. Jogye Songgwang-sa Temple - (사찰림의 생태문화적 평가지표에 관한 연구 - 조계산 송광사를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Young-Whan;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제37권2호
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    • pp.74-88
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    • 2019
  • This study developed the Assessment Indicator evaluating eco-cultural value of temple forest in Korea and applied the developed Assessment Indicator to Songgwang-sa(also known as Seungbo-sachal), one of the Three Jewels Temple. Literature reviews and the draft of Assessment Indicator were drawn from brainstorming(including 2 forest therapy experts, 1 Buddhist monk expert, 1 landscape architect, 1 forest expert, and 6 researchers). After that, the Assessment Indicator drawn from the group of experts(the 1st in-depth interview: 32 people, the 2nd in-depth interview: 30 people) was verified and revised. The final Assessment Indicator, which was composed of 4 parts and 20 items, was developed. The results are as follows. The eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest was composed of 4 parts, which were Historical Cultural value, Ecological value, Recreatory Visitational value, and Educational Useful value, and 20 items and each item had 5 points. Historical Cultural value had 5 items and its total points were 25. Ecological value had 5 items and had total 25 points. Recreatory Visitational value had 6 items, 30 total points. Educational Useful value had 4 items, 20 total points. The total points of the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator were 100 points. As a result of applying the developed Assessment Indicator to the target place, Songgwang-sa in Mt. Jogye, Historical Cultural value of temple forest was calculated as 23 points(out of 25). Ecological value was 21 point(out of 25), Recreatory Visitational value, 22 points(out of 30), and Educational Useful value, 16 points(out of 20). The total points were 82(out of 100). Consequently, this study is meaningful based on the following 5 aspects. Firstly, this study challenged the development of the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest for the first time. It is significant because the developed Assessment Indicator can be a useful resource for the eco-cultural value of temple forest. Secondly, the result showed that Educational Useful value and Recreatory Visitational value of forest temple were very low. Therefore, the supports for leisure, tour, education, and use of temple forest are needed from Korea Forest Service, Ministry of Environment, Cultural Heritage Administration and other government agencies since they acknowledge the temple forest as the best customers in Korea. Thirdly, the excellence or for eco-cultural value of temple forest needs to be extended in a national level. It is possible to make a Korean National Bran(e.g., the Therapy at the Temple) by blending temple stay, which is only in temples, and therapy, and is also possible to be a global tour industry. Fourthly, this study suggested legal definition about the necessary of legal definition for temple forest because there is no legal definition on temple forest in the current situation. When the definition of temple forest is legally arranaged, it would be a foundation for conserving eco-cultural value of temple forest, for organizing exclusively responsible departments in governmental institutions, and further for registering temple forest as World Natural Heritage. Lastly, the developed eco-cultural Assessment Indicators of temple forest from this study would be applied to "the 7 Sansa, Buddhist Mountain Monasteries in Korea(Sansa)" and the characteristics of each 7 temple are drawn. This study would be a basic data for temples' management and use with the eco-cultural Assessment Indicator of temple forest.