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The comparison of lesion localization methods in breast lymphoscintigraphy (Breast lymphoscintigraphy 검사 시 체표윤곽을 나타내는 방법의 비교)

  • Yeon, Joon ho;Hong, Gun chul;Kim, Soo yung;Choi, Sung wook
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2015
  • Purpose Breast lymphoscintigraphy is an important technique to present for body surface precisely, which shows a lymph node metastasis of malignant tumors at an early stage and is performed before and after surgery in patients with breast cancer. In this study, we evaluated several methods of body outline imaging to present exact location of lesions, as well as compared respective exposure doses. Materials and Methods RANDO phantom and SYMBIA T-16 were used for obtaining imaging. A lesion and an injection site were created by inserting a point source of 0.11 MBq on the axillary sentinel lymph node and 37 MBq on the right breast, respectively. The first method for acquiring the image was used by drawing the body surface of phantom for 30 sec using $Na^{99m}TcO_4$ as a point source. The second, the image was acquired with $^{57}Co$ flood source for 30 seconds on the rear side and the left side of the phantom, the image as the third method was obtained using a syringe filled with 37 MBq of $Na^{99m}TcO_4$ in 10 ml of saline, and as the fourth, we used a photon energy and scatter energy of $^{99m}Tc$ emitting from phantom without any addition radiation exposure. Finally, the image was fused the scout image and the basal image of SPECT/CT using MATLAB$^{(R)}$ program. Anterior and lateral images were acquired for 3 min, and radiation exposure was measured by the personal exposure dosimeter. We conducted preference of 10 images from nuclear medicine doctors by the survey. Results TBR values of anterior and right image in the first to fifth method were 334.9 and 117.2 ($1^{st}$), 266.1 and 124.4 ($2^{nd}$), 117.4 and 99.6 ($3^{rd}$), 3.2 and 7.6 ($4^{th}$), and 565.6 and 141.8 ($5^{th}$). And also exposure doses of these method were 2, 2, 2, 0, and $30{\mu}Sv$, respectively. Among five methods, the fifth method showed the highest TBR value as well as exposure dose, where as the fourth method showed the lowest TBR value and exposure dose. As a result, the last method ($5^{th}$) is the best method and the fourth method is the worst method in this study. Conclusion Scout method of SPECT/CT can be useful that provides the best values of TBR and the best score of survey result. Even though personal exposure dose when patients take scout of SPECT/CT was higher than another scan, it was slight level comparison to 1 mSv as the dose limit to non-radiation workers. If the scout is possible to less than 80 kV, exposure dose can be reduced, and also useful lesion localization provided.

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Study on Spring Cocoon Crops with the Leaf Produced in the Mulberry Field close to the Totacco Field (개량 Mulching 담배밭 부근뽕잎이 춘잠작에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 이상풍;김정배;김계명;박광준
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 1974
  • The studies are to know how much cocoon crops is damaged by the stained leaf with nicotine produced from the tobacco field cultivated in mulching system in spring season and by residual nicotine in autumn season. Furthermore, the new knowledges are to make both industries keep up with their development. In spring season mulberry Held is located higher on the West-North of tobacco held below 20 degrees of slope and with 36 per cent of East-South wind and 18 per cent of South wind blowing from tobacco fold to the mulberry fold. In addition, silkworm larvae are fed with the mulberry leaf produced in the different plots placing by the different distances, l0m, 25m, 50m, 80m, and loom far from the tobacco Held as a control and it is also considered that narcotic larvae including the dead larvae are not observed. On the other hand, it is noted that better leaf quality and abundant growth of mulberry tree is produced from the mulberry fold closer to the tobacco field and with a low slope. 1) Maximum weight of larval body at the 5th stage is damaged by the stained leaf with the nicotine up to 25m far from the tobacco held. 2) The larvae fed with the mulberry leaf in mulberry Held up to 25m far from the tobacco fold produce small number of the fresh cocoons per 1 liter. 3) Low single cocoon weight and low cocoon shell weight are produced by the poison damaged larvae fed with the mulberry. leaf up to 25m far from the tobacco field and weight of cocoon shell is damaged higher than the single cocoon weight. It is resulted in low percentage of cocoon shell. 4) Cocoon yield including the double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased by the larvae fed with the stained leaf in the mulberry fold up to 25m far from the tobacco fold and 19 per cent of cocoon yield is decreased with 2.4kg of cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 2.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot at the first season and at the 2nd season with 1.8kg o( cocoon yield in l0m plot and with 11.5kg of cocoon yield in 25m plot, 11 per cent and 9 per cent of cocoon yield including double cocoon from 10,000 larvae is decreased, as compared with the control, respectively. With these results, it is observed that nicotine damage is occurred to the silkworm larvae if the larvae are fed with the leaf in the mulberry Held within 25m-50m far from the tobacco field.

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Study on the changes of sulfamethnzine residues in serum and practical organs of rats orally administrated with sulfamethnzine sodium (Rat에 sulfamethazine sodium 경구투여 후 혈청 및 실질장기내 sulfamethazine의 잔류량 추이에 관한 연구)

  • 도재철;이영미;조민희;신상희;박희주;송희종;정종식
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.321-333
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    • 2000
  • In order to know the depletive changes of sulfamethazine residues in senlm and practical organs of rats orally administered with sulfamethazine sodium(SMS), the concentration of sulfamethazine was measured in serum and tissue(kidney, liver, spleen, testis, and skeletal muscle) of rats with using high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). SMS was orally administrated to sprague-dawley male rats(body weight, 200~300g) with using sonde at the rate of 20mg/100g body weight(recommended therapeutic dose) on once a day for 3 days. There were investigated the depletive changes of the sulfamethazine in serum, kidney, liver, spleen, testis and skeletal muscle of rat at the time 8 hours, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th day after administration SMS, respectively. The results obtained were summarized as follows; 1. After oral administration of the SMS, the mean concentrations of sulfamethazine in serum according to the time lapsed were showed 215.53$\pm$42.99ppm at the 8 hours after withdrawal of medicated sulfamethazine. And gradually according to the time lapsed, the concentrations of sulfamethazine residues in serum were significantly (p<.05) decreased 25.87$\pm$5.18ppm at 1st day, 2.30$\pm$0.61ppm at 3rd day and 0.11$\pm$0.02ppm at 6th day respectively. 2. The mean concentrations of sulfamethazine in kidney, liver, spleen, muscle and testis according to the time lapsed after administration SMS were showed 83.82$\pm$12.16, 81.77$\pm$12.88, 36.96$\pm$5.35, 35.96$\pm$TEX>$\pm$1.39 and 27.89$\pm$1.92 ppm at the 8 hours, respectively. And gradually according to the time lapsed, the concentrations of sulfamethazine residues in the each of samples were significantly(p<.05) decreased such as 7.15$\pm$0.26, 5.62$\pm$0.72, 2.43$\pm$0.29, 1.99$\pm$0.14 and 3.11$\pm$0.48 ppm at 1st day, 0.52$\pm$0.04, 1.32$\pm$0.22, 0.13$\pm$0.03, 0.15$\pm$0.06 and 0.26$\pm$0.11ppm at 3rd day, and 0.03$\pm$0.01, 0.11$\pm$0.03, 0.02$\pm$0.01, 0.009$\pm$0.001 and 0.02$\pm$0.01 ppm at 6th day, respectively. 3. After oral administration of the SMS to rats, the residual concentrations of sulfamethazine in skeletal muscle were significantly (p<.05) decreased 35.96$\pm$1.39 to 0.009$\pm$$\pm$0.001 ppm between 8 hours and 6th day, respectively From the 4th day, the residual concentrations of sulfamethazine were showed 0.10$\pm$0.04 ppm below 0.1 ppm at the permitted limit concentration of muscle in Korea. In conclusion, this study could be suggested the relationship between administrated period, doses of sulfonamides and residual aspects of serum and practical organs, and the importance of observing ceasing period of antibiotic drugs before forwarding livestocks to slaughter.

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Felling Productivity in Korean Pine Stands by Using Chain Saw (체인톱을 이용한 잣나무의 벌도작업 공정 분석)

  • Han, Won Sung;Cho, Koo Hyun;Oh, Jae-Heun;Song, Tae-Young;Kim, Jae-Won;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.4
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    • pp.451-457
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the felling productivity by chain saw in thinning operation of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) stands. Time study data were collected from 4 thinning site in Korean pine stands. This study derived a regression model to estimate the average felling cycle time for evaluating the productivity in felling, which was used to analyze the felling productivity by thinning period. In the study sites, the average felling cycle time per a tree was 463 sec/cycle and the productivity was $2.26m^3/hr$. Thinning period in Korean pine is divided into three groups by producing purposes; small-diameter log, medium-diameter log, and large-diameter log. And analyzed working time and productivity from thinning period fixed by producing purposes. For the small-diameter log producing purpose estimated to be thinning period operated once when the mean DBH was 16 cm and its productivity was $8.94m^3/man{\cdot}day$. For the medium-diameter and large-diameter log producing purposes, thinning period was twice and three times when the mean DBH of the 1st and 2nd thinning period was 16 cm and 21 cm, and its productivity was $9.06m^3/man{\cdot}day$ and $10.86m^3/man{\cdot}day$. The 30 cm in DBH and $15.12m^3/man{\cdot}day$ in productivity was operated 3rd thinning for the large-diameter log producing purposes.

Action properties and insecticidal effects of thiamethoxam to the melon aphid, Aphis gossypii, and diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (목화진딧물과 배추좀나방에 대한 thiamethoxam의 살충효과 및 작용특성)

  • Jang, Cheol;Hwang, In-Cheon;Yu, Yong-Man;Choe, Kwang-Ryul
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.126-136
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    • 1998
  • For the purpose of effective control strategy of the melon aphid, Aphis gossypii and the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, thiamethoxam and 3 other insecticides in different classes were used with bioassay test methods in laboratory and greenhouse. They were examined to evaluated and compared with contact toxicity, stomach toxicity, rapid action, systemic action, and residual effect of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam (nicotinoids), acephate (organophosphorates), and carbosulfan (carbamates). As results of contact toxicity responses of A. gassypii against 4 insecticides using a spray application method, $LC_{50}$ values of acephate, carbosulfan, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam were 41.9, 5.2, 1.1, and 0.7 ppm. respectively. In the evaluation of stomach toxicity response of P. xylostella using a leaf-dipping method, with the 2nd instar larva $LC_{50}$ values of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and acetamiprid were 64.9, 24.6 and 15.2 ppm, with the 3rd instar larva were 125.2, 42.7 and 27.8 ppm. and with the 4th instar larva were 241.1, 44.5 and 23.9 ppm, respectively. In the case of rapid action to A. gossypii using a spray application method after inoculation, $LT_{50}$ values of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, carbosulfan, and acephate were 26.6, 28.0, 30.3, and 41.7 min. respectively. Otherwise, in the inoculation after applying compounds, $LT_{50}$ values of thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and carbosulfan were 95.5, 118.0, and 122.9 min. respectively. Evaluating to systemic action from the abaxial surface to the adaxial surface of red pepper leaf with spray method, $LT_{50}$ values of thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and carbosulfan were 162.2, 168.9, and 564.1 min. respectively. For the systemic action from the lower leaves to the upper leaves on red pepper, $LT_{50}$ values of carbosulfan, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, and acephate were 2.3, 2.9, 3.0, and 8.8 days, respectively. In red pepper plant, $LT_{50}$ values of carbosulfan, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and acephate on the systemic action from the roots to the upper leaf were 0.6, 1.0, 1.0, and 13.8 days, respectively. As these results, it might be that thiamethoxam was excellent on systemic effect in red pepper. For the evaluation of residual effect on red pepper with A. gossypii, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid maintained high control effects as over 80% upto 10 days after treating compounds.

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Relationships between the Change in Obesity Rate and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome among Middle School Students in Ulsan (중학생의 비만율 변화 및 대사증후군 발생 위험요소와의 상관관계)

  • Choi, Soon-Ho;Shin, Song-Woo;Yoo, Cheol-In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.5271-5283
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to provide fundamental materials for improving school health promotion programs by investigating the relationships between the change in obesity rate and risk factors of metabolic syndrome among middle school students in Ulsan. We analyzed the routine health check-up data in 58,298 2nd-year middle school students in Ulsan, which conducted by the Planned Population Federation of Korea from 2007 to 2011. The overall and girls obesity rates gradually decreased throughout the first four years but increased again in 2011. The boys obesity rates were highest in 2008 and lowest in 2010. Throughout the research years, the incidence rates of over-weight and obesity were statistically significantly higher in boys compared to girls(P<0.05). Prevalence rates of the metabolic syndrome, assessed with the modified Cook criteria except high blood pressure, were 0.58%, 0%, 0.01%, 0.31% and 4.53%, respectively in total, low, normal, over-weight, and obese groups. It indicates that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is increasing and directly related to the obesity rate among adolescents. Hypertriglyceridemia was the most common component (36.58%) of the metabolic syndrome among the middles school students followed by low HDL cholesterol (6.47%), abdominal obesity (3.72%), and high blood sugar (0.47%). Prevalence of the various components of the metabolic syndrome were significantly higher in the obese group compared to other groups. In this study we observed the decrease in obesity rates between 2007 and 2010, and developing obesity prevention programs is essential in order to maintain the trend. Additional study should be necessary to find the cause of increase of obesity rate in 2011 and so to create more effective school health promotion programmes.

Strength Properties of Wooden Model Erosion Control Dams Using Domestic Pinus rigida Miller I (국내산 리기다소나무를 이용한 목재 모형 사방댐의 강도 성능 평가 I)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Park, Jun-Chul;Lee, Dong-Heub;Son, Dong-Won;Hong, Soon-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2008
  • Wooden model erosion control dam was made with pitch pine, of which the strength properties was evaluated. Wooden model erosion control dam was made with diameter 90 mm of pitch pine round posts treated with CUAZ-2 (Copper Azole), changing joint in three different types. In each type, erosion control dam was made in nine floor (cross-bar of five floors and vertical-bar of four floors), of which the hight was 790 mm. And then strength properties were investigated through horizontal loading test and impact strength test, and the deformation of structure through image processing (AICON 3D DPA-PRO system). In horizontal loading test of wooden model erosion control dam using round post of diameter 90 mm, whether there was stone or not did not affect strength much when using self drill screw, but strength was decreased by 23%. In monolithic type of erosion control dam using screw bar, strength was increased by 1.5 times and deformation was decreased when filling with stone. When reinforcing with screw bar that ring is connected to self drill screw, strength was increased by 4.8 times. In impact strength test of wooden model erosion control dam made with round post of diameter 90 mm, the erosion control dam connected with self drilling screw not filling with stone was totally destroyed by the 1st impact, and the erosion control dam using screw bar was ruptured at cross-bar at which 779 kgf of impact was loaded in the 1st impact. In the 2nd impact, the base parts were ruptured, and reaction force was decreased to 545 kgf. In the 3rd impact, whole base parts were destroyed, and reaction force was decreased to 263 kgf.

An Analysis of Nursing Behavior and Unit of Treatment Cost of Non- Insurance Patients (종합병원의 비보험환자 처치행위 양상과 수가분석에 관한 연구)

  • 오세영
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 1980
  • The medical care insurance system, being put into practice nearly for three years, seem to have brought about some considerable problems as serious for the government as to consider a revision of that system. As one of the most serious problems of present system, the treatment cost of insurance patients is so remarkably low in comparison with than of non-insurance cases that normal operation of hospitals is threatened and care services of low quality are induced. The researcher carried out this survey to analyze and bring to light several aspects of treatment cost of non-insurance patients as a material for a re-assessment of the cost of insurance cases which shows a a considerable difference in amount at the standpoint of hospitals with than of non-insurance cases and further, hoping the significant blind spot of present insurance system(that is, the absence of regulations' for cost assessment by patterns or types of health care treatment) will be mended in near future. The survey was carried out with the treatment invoice sheets of total 902 in-hospital Patients of a general hospital in Seoul during the period of the 2 nd quarter of the year(1979). Among total 902 patients, 694 cases were used for analysis, because those disease or syndromes shared by less than 10% of the patients were put aside before procession. The data were analyzed by kinds or types of diseases, demographic characteristics of patients, hospitalization patterns, types of nursing treatment, etc. The result of analysis was as follows 1. Among all the non-insurance cases, those who received one or more kinds of nursing treatment mounted up to 96. 7 %. The invoice issue frequency per person was 7.2 times, while that frequency per day for a person was 0.8, : the treatment cosr per person was ₩22,650 while its daily average was ₩2,430, due to the average 9.3 in-hospital days per person. 2. As to the nursing treatment types by the demographic characteristics of patients and hospitalization patterns. a. The unit cost female patients was generally more expensive them that of males, and independent nursing service was more given than other types of treatment. As to age, higher age groups received independent nursing service most, while the youngest group received instrumental and integrated nursing services. b. As to room grade, the unit cost of I.C.U. cases was the highest : and the cast of private room patients was higher than that of public room patients. By in-hospital days, the curve of function showed L. type : that is, the longer stay, the lower function. 3. State of treatment types by kinds of disease were ; a. Dependent nursing service showed comparatively high availability in surgical and neurologic disease and independent nursing service was most received by medical, obstetrical and urological patients, while instrumental and integrated services were most available for respiratory disease and obstetrical and neurologic diseases next. b. The invoice issue frequency per day for a patient was highest in obstetrical disease 3.8 times, and the unit cost(per one invoice sheet) was also highest in obstertrical disease(₩10,880) and next in neurologic cases(₩ 4,690 ). 4. As to the pertained departments. a. Cost amount per person was highest in department of Psychiatries daily cost was highest in obstetrical cases : while the invoice issue frequency was highest in obstetrics and next in pediatrics. b. In departments in need of surgical operation, dependent nursing care was highly availabl : while in internal medicine and obstetrics, independent service was higher. Psychiatrics showed the highest the of integrate nursing while pediatrics and obstetrics higher of instrumental services. The variation co-efficien of treatment cost came out to be relatively in high in special surgery, opthalmology and internal medicine. 5. State of treatment cost by types of nursing behavior was. a. The average frequency of invoice issue was 3.5 (times). Among the type four types of treatment, instrumetal service (4.3) and independent nursing behavior(3.9) showed higher frequency than average respectively. But as to unit cost (per invoice). dependent (₩5,200) and integrated (₩5,340) nursing care services were higher than average and considerably higher than the other two types. b. In repect patient distribution. independent nursing behavior(80.3% ) was the highest and depend ent nursing (31.7% ) the lowest. The variation co-efficient of treatment cost appeared highest in dependent nursing be havior as a whole, and among that, doctor's diagnosis showed the highest coefficient value (100.7). In conclusion, the variaty of treatment cost(treatment itself ) by various characteristics and treatment types pro- that treatment various sort of patients and treatment cost of various types of nursing behavior cannot be uniform. Therefore, to attain the equalization of health care service and its cost both for insurant and non-insurant patients, a more specific provision for assessment of cost should be added to the present medical care insurance system and, in addition, the cost of nursing treatment is desired to be inserted into the treatment invoice.

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The Waveform and Spectrum analysis of Tursiops truncatus (Bottlenose Dolphin) Sonar Signals on the Show at the Aquarium (쇼 학습시 병코돌고래 명음의 주파수 스펙트럼 분석)

  • 윤분도;신형일;이장욱;황두진;박태건
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2000
  • The waveform and spectrum analysis of Tursiops truncatus(bottlenose dolphin) sonar signals were carried out on the basis of data collected during the dolphin show at the aquarium of Cheju Pacificland from October 1998 to February 1999. When greeting to audience, the pulse width, peak frequency and spectrum level from the five dolphins'sonar signals were 3.0ms, 4.54kHz and 125.6dB, respectively. At the time of warm-up just before the show, their figures were 5.0㎳, 5.24kHz and 127.0dB, respectively. During the performance of dolphins, with singing, peak frequency ranged 3.28∼5.78kHz and spectrum level ranged 137.0∼142.0dB. With playing ring, pulse width, peak frequency and spectrum level were 7.0㎳, 2.54kHz and 135.9dB, and when playing the ball, the values were 9.0㎳, 2.78kHz and 135.2dB, respectively. The values determined from the five dolphins during jump-up out of water were : pulse width 2.0㎳, peak frequency 4.50kHz and spectrum level 126.8dB. When they responded to trainer's instructions, the values were 2.25㎳, 248kHz and 148.7dB, respectively, and greeting to audience, the peak frequency and spectrum level were 5.84kHz and 122.5dB. During swimming under water, peak frequency and spectrum level were determined to be 10.10kHz and 126.8dB. It was found that there exited close consistencies in pulse width, frequency distribution and spectrum level between whistle sounds and dolphin's sonar signals. Accordingly, the dolphins can be easily trained by using whistle sound based on the results obtained from the waveform and spectrum of the dolphin's sonar signals.

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Comparision of Family Environment, Health Behavior and Health State of Elementary Students in Urban and Rural Areas (도시.농촌 지역 초등학생의 가족환경, 건강행위 및 건강상태에 관한 비교)

  • Bae, Yeon-Suk;Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.502-517
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    • 1998
  • This research intends to survey family environment, health behavior and health status of the students in urban-rural elementary schools and analyze those factors comparatively, and use the result as basic material for school health teacher to teach health education in connection with family and regional areas. It also intends to improve a pupil's self-abilitiy in health care. The subjects involve 2,774 students of urban elementary schools and 583 student in rural ones, who were selected by means of a multi -stage probability sampling. Using the questionnaire and school documents, we collected data on family environment, health behavior and health status for 19 days. Feb. 2nd 1998 through Feb. 20th 1998. The R -form of Family Environment Scale (Moos, 1974) was used in the analysis of family environment(Cronbach's Alpha =0.80). Questionnaires of Health Behavior in School-aged children used by the WHO in Europe(Aaro et al., 1986) and the ones developed by the Health Promotion Committee of the Western Pacific(WHO, 1995)(adapted by long Young-suk and Moon Young-hee(1996)) were used in the analysis of health behavior, as well documents on absences due to sickness, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, height, weight and degree of obesity were used to determine health status. In next step, We used them with an $X^2$-test, t-test, Odds Ratio, and a 95% Confidence Interval. 1. In two dimensions of three, family-relationship (t=3.41, p=0.001) and system -maintenances(t= 2.41, p=0.0l6) the mean score of urban children were significantly higher than those of rural ones. In the personal development dimension however, there was little significant difference. Assorting family environment into 10 sub-fields and analyzing them, we recognized that urban children were superior to rural children in the sub-fields of expressiveness (t =3.47, p=0.001), conflict (t=0.48, p=0.001), active-recreational orientation (t = 1.97, p=0.049) and organization (t=4.33, p=0.000). 2. Referring to the Odds Ratios of urban-rural children's health behaviors, urban children set up more desirable behavior than rural children wear ing safety belts (Odds Ratio =0.32, p=0.000), washing hands after meals(Odds Ratio = 0.43, p= 0.000), washing hands after excreting (Odds Ratio = 0.39, p=O.OOO), washing hands after coming - home ( Odds Ratio = 0.75, p = 0.003), brushing teeth before sleeping(Odds Ratio =0.45, p=0.000), brushing teeth more than once a day (Odds Ratio =0.73, p=0.0l2), drinking boiled water (Odds Ratio = 0.49, p=0.000), collecting garbage at home(Odds Ratio=0.31, p=0.000) and in the school(Odds Ratio =0. 67, p=0.000). All these led to significant differences. As to taking milk(Odds Ratio = 1.50, p=0.000), taking care of eyesight(Odds Ratio=1.41, p=0.001) and getting physical exercise in(Odds Ratio = 1.33, p=0.0l9) and outside the school(Odds Ratio = 1.32, p=0.005), rural children had more desirable behavior which also revealed a significant difference. There was little significant difference in smoking, but the smoking rate of rural children(5.5%) was larger than that of urban children(3.9%). 3. Health status was analyzed in terms of absences, school health room-visits, levels of physical strength, and the degree of obesity, height and weight. Considering Odds Ratios of the health status of urban-rural children, the health status of rural children was significantly better than that of the urban ones in the level of physical strength(t=1.51, p=0.000) and the degree of obesity(t=1.84, p=0.000). The mean height of urban children ($150.4{\pm}7.5cm$) is taller than that of their counterparts($149.5{\pm}7.9$), which revealed a significant difference (t =2.47, p=0.0l4). The mean weight of urban children($42.9{\pm}8.6kg$) is larger than that of their counterparts($41.8{\pm}9.0kg$), which was also a significant difference(t=2.81, p=0.005). Considering the results above, we can recognize that there are significant differences in family environment, health behavior, and health status in urban-rural children. These results also suggestion ideas for health education. What we would suggest for the health program of elementary schools is that school health teachers should play an active role in promoting the need and importance of health education, develop the appropriate programs which correspond to the regional characteristics, and incorporate them into schools to improve children's ability to manage their own health management.

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