• Title/Summary/Keyword: Motor point

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The Effect of Sensory Integration Intervention Program on Body-scheme and Praxis Ability in Children With Developmental Disability (감각통합치료프로그램이 발달장애아의 신체도식과 실행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ho;Yoo, Byung-Kook;Jang, Yong-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2009
  • Objective : Purpose of this study is to study how Sensory Integration (SI) Intervention Program affect body-scheme and praxis ability of children with Developmental Disability (DD). Method : The SI intervention was programmed based on the theory of SI by Jean Ayres. Thirty children with DD underwent the SI program for six weeks. The effect of the SI intervention was evaluated in terms of body-scheme and praxis ability. Assessments used in this study are One-Point Imitation Test (OPIT) and 6 Body Puzzle Test (6BPT) for body-scheme; Praxis Test Sheet (PTS) for linguistic order, oral motor control, sequential praxis and Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests (SIPT) for postural praxis. Data of this study was analyzed by the paired t-test to compare before- and after the SI intervention. Results : Results of this study are (1) in the OPIT, there is significant difference on body-scheme ability (p<0.01); (2) in the PTS, there is significant difference on all three items (p<0.01); and (3) in the SIPT, there is significant difference on sensory integration and praxis function. Conclusions : From the results, it is concluded that sensory integration intervention is effective on body-scheme and praxis functions for children with developmental disability.

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A Study on the Development of Lightweight Seat Cushion Extension Module (경량형 시트 쿠션 익스텐션 모듈 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Hanseul;Choi, Seongkyu;Park, Sang-Chul;Lim, Heon-pil;Oh, Eu-Ddeum
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.200-207
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    • 2016
  • The automotive seat is an important component that moves in sync with the driver and is actively being developed with various new functions. The aim of this work is to develop a lightweight seat cushion extension module using a lightweight material. To this end, a structural strength analysis, vertical strength test, and durability test were conducted. In the structural analysis, the maximum value of deformation under vertical load was 4.98 mm at the front of the upper panel. The maximum stress was approximately 105 MPa, which occurred at the point of contact between the upper and lower panels of the module. The vertical strength test showed a maximum vertical deformation of 5.31 mm under a vertical load, which differed from the analysis results by approximately 6.45%. The structural safety of the product was verified by the fact that it showed no harmful deformation or damage during operation after the vertical strength test and a durability test for 20,000 cycles. Furthermore, the use of engineering plastics made it possible to reduce the weight by approximately 30% compared to existing products. The lack of damage after tests verified the passenger safety, strength, and rigidity of the product. The results are expected to be applied for improving environmental and fuel efficiency regulations and preventing accidents due to driver fatigue. The applications of this module could be expanded various types of vehicles, as well as other industries in which eco-friendly and lightweight materials are used.

A Clinical Study of Facial Paralysis (안명신경 손상 환자의 임상적 고찰)

  • Huh, Choon-Bok;Suh, Tae-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.643-650
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    • 1998
  • Facial nerve is subject to injury at any point in the course from the cerebral cortex to the motor end plate in the face, so many etiologic varieties of facial paralysis may be encountered, including trauma, viral infection and the idiopathic. Authors have studied 39 cases of facial paralysis which had experienced of treatment in our department from March, 1996 to March, 1997 at Dong San Medical Center. The results obtained are as follows : 1) The highest age incidence showed 10 cases(24.6%) in 3rd decade 2) Among the total of 39 cases, male were 21 cases(53.8%) and female were 18cases(46.2%). 3) At the involved side, left side were 19 cases(48.7%) and right side were 18 cases(46.2%). 4) The causes of facial paralysis were; idiopathic (Bell's palsy) in 19 cases(48.7%) infectious in 6 cases(15.4%) neoplastic in 6 cases(15.4%) traumatic in 5 cases(12.9%) metabolic in 2 cases(5.1%) congenital in 1 cases(2.6%) 5) In time interval between onset of symptom and treated initial date, 26 cases(66.7%) in below 10 days and 8 cases(20.5%) in 11-20 days 6) Correlation of recovery rate according to the treated duration did not differ significantly 7)Result after treatment were satisfactory

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Development of Door Control Unit for the Electric Plug-in Door of Subway Train (전동차 전기식 플러그도어 출입문 제어 장치 개발)

  • Joung, Eui-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2011
  • The Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) has many types of door system such as sliding door, plug door etc.al. according to customer's requirements. The sliding door is widely used in Korea but has weak point in the noise problem. In the low operation speed, the noise coming from outer side of the EMU is not an important factor. As the speed is higher than before, noise is increased and make a problem. The main cause of noise is the imperfect air tightness in the EMU. The plug door system has advantages for the noise reduction characteristic in the high speed area. We have been developing electric plug-in door. The door is controlled by Door Control Unit(DCU) following the order of Automatic Train Protection (ATP) that is a kind of train signalling system. DCU has to simultaneously open and close the doors and the operation of it is related to the passengers safety. So DCU is a safety device that is important to reliability and safety. DCU is composed of several devices of control, motor driving, Input/Output, communication and power. In this paper, we will describe the functions, characteristic, requirement, subsystem and test results of DCU used for the electric plug-in door.

Health-Related Quality of Life in the Early Childhood of Premature Children (미숙아로 출생한 유아의 건강 관련 삶의 질 정도와 영향요인)

  • Lim, Eun-Hee;Ju, Hyeon-Ok
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: In this study, a comparison was done of the extent of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) for preterm and fullterm children during early childhood, and factors affecting HRQoL in the early childhood of premature children were analyzed. Methods: Eighty mothers of children born prematurely and 83 mothers of children born at fullterm listed on two Internet cafes were sampled for this study. The major instrument used for the study was the TNO-AZL Preschool Quality Of Life (TAPQOL) questionnaire. Results: Total score for HRQoL in the premature group was 80.5 (${\pm}9.9$) and for the full term group, 85.0 (${\pm}8.3$), on a 100-point scale. A comparison of the premature group and full term group showed that the domains which scored relatively lower with respect to HRQoL included the stomach, motor function, anxiety, liveliness and communication. Among the factors that have an impact on HRQoL were 'length of stay in neonatal intensive care unit (${\geq}7$ days)' and 'birth weight (<1,000 gm)'. The explanation power of the model was 17%, which was statistically significant. Conclusion: These findings indicate that a differentiated premature infant follow-up program for children who are hospitalized over 7 days in NICU or weighed under 1,000g at birth is urgently needed.

The Study on Automatic Temperature Transmission System for the Heating pipe at Home (가정식난방배수관내의자동온도송신장치에대한연구)

  • Park, Chul-Min;Jo, Heung-Kuk;Lee, Hoon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.2641-2646
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    • 2009
  • The more growing on home automation system at automatic control, the more efficiency required for energy consumption and for recycling energy in near future. Heating is essential in general apartment. Heating method is two types in apartment. One uses electricity, and other one uses warm water. If use electricity, is not efficient by rise of electric charges. But, It can reduce much in expense aspect, if use warm water. When use warm water, temperature of warm water is not equal from all pipe parts. Therefore, indoor tempera can be unequal with set point. Solution of these problems is as following. Temperature sensor in warm water attach pipe. The measured temperature transmits by real time. Temperature of warm water controls in receiver side. In this paper, we propose an automatic temperature transmission system for the heating pipe at home, that is a low-power based, and supply the energy source from a small AC motor resided in bottom cement mortal. The proposed system is used in power mechanism from a collision process of water-jet using propeller water-difference and also designed a CPU module by Atmega8 at ATMEL co., Inc. and a communication module by CC1020 at Chipcon co., Inc.

The Study on the Standardization of the Maximum Acceleration of the Electric Multiple Unit through the Analysis of the Traction and the Adhesion Characteristics (견인력 및 점착력 특성 분석을 통한 전동차 최대 가속도 규격 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jungtai;Kim, Moo Sun;Ko, Kyeongjun;Jang, Dong Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.7934-7940
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    • 2015
  • The raise of the acceleration can be one of possible methods to increase the scheduled speed of the metropolitan railway system. It is possible to raise the acceleration to the some point by increasing the traction power of the motor. However, there is a limit of the acceleration because the traction power over some level related to the adhesion causes a slip, which prevents from accomplishing the target acceleration. The running resistance is also an important factor to consider. Both the adhesion and the running resistance as well as the traction power vary according to the velocity. Therefore, the standardization of the acceleration needs the analysis of these factors as a function of velocity. In this study, we focus on the advanced urban transit unit(AUTS) for the standardization. We derive a novel equation of the adhesion suitable for the AUTS by investigation of the traction and adhesion equation as well as the experiment data. And finally we propose the standard of the acceleration based on this analysis.

Short Term Outcomes and Prognostic Factors Based on Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation on Lumbar Medial Branches (요추 후지내측지에 대한 고주파열응고술의 단기 성적과 예후 인자)

  • Choi, Byung In;Kweon, Tae Dong;Park, Kyung Bae;Lee, Youn-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2007
  • Background: Lumbar zygapophysial joints are a common source of chronic lower back pain and radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RF) of the medial branches (MB) has been shown to be effective at providing substantial pain relief for chronic low back pain. Therefore, we carried out this study to determine the short term outcomes and prognostic factors of RF on the MB of patients with lumbar facet syndrome. Methods: We performed RF in fourteen patients who showed greater than 80% pain relief up to three times after a diagnostic MB block was conducted using 0.3 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine. Using 10 cm curved electrodes with 10-mm active tip, a 60 second, $80^{\circ}C$ lesion was made after electrical stimulation at 50 Hz for sensory and 2 Hz for motor nerve testing. The degree of pain relief was then assessed after 2 weeks, and again after 3 months using a visual analog scale (VAS) and a four point Likert scale. The outcome was regarded as 'success' if at least a 50% reduction in the VAS was observed. Possible prognostic factors between the two groups were also evaluated Results: The success rate was 71.4% (10/14) after three months of follow-up. However, there were transient complications, such as neuritis like syndrome, in 4 patients. In addition, short symptom duration and low minimal voltage (< 0.4 V) for sensory stimulation were shown to be the relevant prognostic factors for a successful outcome. Conclusions: RF may be an alternative to repeated MB block or intraarticular injection for palliation of lumbar facet syndrome. For better outcomes, early diagnosis and strict patient selection should be coupled with efforts to avoid anatomically incorrect RF.

Development of seam tracking sensing system for welding environment with wall (벽이 있는 용접 환경을 위한 용접선 검출 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Young-Kyun;Byun, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.338-344
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    • 2010
  • Both ends of welding line are often closed by wall in the welding of ship blocks. In this research, seam tracking sensing system for butt welding in the condition with wall was developed. Seam tracking sensing system measures position of carriage from wall and detects root-pass of welding line. The system consists of the laser displacement sensors and ultrasonic sensors. The laser displacement sensor reciprocal1y rotates by the motor and measures a distance from laser sensor to the welding material. The ultrasonic sensor measures a distance between welding system and walls. The distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor is used to get X(driving) position and to determine initial and end point of the weld line. Y(weaving) and Z(height) of the weld line are obtained by the distance measured by the laser displacement sensor and the orientation of the sensor. The sensing system includes the controller that is independent from the welding carriage. The seam tracking sensing system is attached to both side of welding carriage so that interference between welding torch and sensing system can be avoided during the welding. And both side sensing system minimize dead zone. Finally, developed sensing system was adhered to welding carriage and verified usefulness by experiments.

Evoked Potentials before the Intractable Epilepsy Surgery (난치성 뇌전증 환자에서 수술 전 유발전위검사)

  • Lim, Sung Hyuk;Park, Sang Ku;Baek, Jae Seung;Kim, Kab Kyu;Kim, Ki Eob;Lee, Yu Ji
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2019
  • Various treatments can be attempted in patients with intractable epilepsy, in whom the symptoms of seizures are not controlled by various drugs. On the other hand, in patients requiring a surgical method, a preoperative examination is needed to determine the portion of seizure site to be resected. Electrodes are inserted into the cerebral cortex for accurate lesion measurements and safe operation. The electrodes inserted in the cortex not only record the electroencephalography (EEG), but also allow various tests to confirm the function of the part. One of these methods is the evoked potential test. From January 2015 to December 2018, the trends of measured waveforms in were analyzed 70 patients. The somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) recorded on the electrode inserted in the cerebral cortex can be searched for the pathway of the central sulcus to avoid the primary motor area and primary sensory area. In addition, using the middle latency auditory evoked potentials (MLAEP) and flash visual evoked potentials (FVEP), the functional cortex in the auditory cortex and the visual cortex were compared with the seizure focus point on the EEG to help determine the location of the ablation and minimize functional impairment after surgery.