• 제목/요약/키워드: Moist heat

검색결과 75건 처리시간 0.03초


  • 이장창
    • 한국전산유체공학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2012
  • Once the condensation of water vapor in moist air around a thin airfoil occurs, liquid droplets nucleate. The condensation process releases heat to the surrounding gaseous components of moist air and significantly affects their thermodynamic and flow properties. As a results, variations in the aerodynamic performance of airfoils can be found. In the present work, the effects of upstream Mach number and thickness ratio of airfoil on the transonic flow of moist air around a thin airfoil are investigated by numerical analysis. The results shows that a significant condensation occurs as the upstream Mach number is increased at the fixed thickness ratio of airfoil($\epsilon$=0.12) and as the thickness ratio of airfoil is increased at the fixed upstream Mach number($M_{\infty}$=0.80). The condensate mass fraction is also increased and dispersed widely around an airfoil as the upstream Mach number and thickness ratio of airfoil are increased. The position of shock wave for moist air flow move toward the leading edge of airfoil when it is compared with the position of shock wave for dry air.

건열요법과 습열요법 적용후 전이부 표층부 혈류량과 피부온도의 변화 (Changes of Pre-Auricular Cutaneous Blood Flow and Skin Temperature after Dry Heat Therapy and Moist Heat Therapy)

  • 홍용재;김철;박문수;김영준
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제31권1호
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는, 표면열요법 중에서 널리 쓰이는 습열 요법(온습포)과 건열 요법(적외선 램프)이 전이부 표층부 혈류량과 피부온도에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해, 건강한 성인 20명(남 10명, 여 10명)을 대상으로 laser doppler flowmetry를 사용하여 표면열요법 적용전후의 피부 온도와 표층부 혈류량을 측정함으로써 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 온습포와 적외선 램프 모두에서 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도는 적용전보다 적용후에 유의하게 증가하였다. 2. 표면열 요법 적용 후 표면 온도는 표면열 요법 적용 직후에, 표층부 혈류량은 표면열 요법 적용 4분 후에 가장 높게 나타났으며, 그 이후 꾸준히 감소하였다. 3. 표면열 요법 적용 후 증가된 표층부 혈류량은 적외선 램프에 비해 온습포에서 더 오랫동안 유지되었다. 4. 표면열 요법 적용 후 증가된 피부 온도는 두 요법 모두 60분간 유의성있게 증가된 상태로 유지되었으나, 적외선 램프 적용 후 증가된 피부 온도는 온습포에 비해 급격히 감소하였다. 5. 적외선 램프 적용 직후 여성이 남성보다 표층부 혈류량의 증가가 컸으나, 그 이후 차이가 점차 감소하여 20분 이후에는 성별에 따른 차이가 없었다.

온열요법이 전이부의 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Heat Therapy on Cutaneous Blood Flow and Skin Temperature at Pre-auricular Region)

  • 김수범;김영준;김철;박문수
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.401-410
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 온열요법이 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해, 건강한 성인 20명(남성: 10명, 여성: 10명)을 대상으로 습열요법과 초음파요법 적용전후의 전이부 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도를 각각 laser doppler flowmetry와 접촉식온도계를 사용하여 측정함으로써 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 습열요법과 초음파요법 모두에서, 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도는 적용전보다 적용후에 유의하게 증가하였다. 2. 습열요법을 시행한 경우, 초음파요법에 비해 적용직후 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도의 증가량이 유의하게 더 컸으며, 증가된 상태도 더 오래 유지되었다. 3. 온열요법 적용전 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도는 남성이 여성에 비해 더 높았다. 4. 온열요법 적용전후 표층부 혈류량과 피부 온도의 변화량은 남녀간의 유의한 차이가 없었다.

Variations in total phenols, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity levels in black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) fruits subjected to dry and moist heat treatments

  • Kim, Hekap;Mai, Thu Thi Hoai
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제52권5호
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    • pp.503-509
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    • 2020
  • The present study investigated the effects of dry and moist heat treatments on total phenols, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity levels in black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) fruits. Lyophilized chokeberry powder samples were heated in a drying oven at 60, 100, 160, 180, and 200℃ for 20, 40, or 60 min. Finely ground fresh chokeberry fruits were heated in water at 60, 80, and 100℃ for 20 min, and bioactive compound and antioxidant activity levels were measured. The bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity decreased with increasing temperature and treatment duration. Antioxidant activity was preserved at 160℃ or lower without significant loss for dry heating, whereas moist heat treatment increased both bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity with increasing temperature.

An in vivo electromyographic evaluation of pain relief using different therapies in masticatory myalgia patients

  • Balakrishnan, Parvathi K.;Kumar, Sowmya M.;Chippala, Purushotham;Hegde, Chethan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
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    • 제46권5호
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    • pp.321-327
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study is aimed to evaluate and compare the effect of moist heat fomentation therapy with ultrasound therapy in patients with the masticatory myalgia. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 42 patients with masticatory myalgia, dividing them into two groups; Group A (21 patients), received moist heat therapy and Group B (21 patients), received ultrasound therapy for seven effective days. Prior and after the treatment the numeric rating scale (NRS) and the electromyography (EMG) scores were recorded and compared. The observations were analyzed clinically and statistical support was taken to assess the NRS and EMG data. Results: Irrespective of the groups, patients testified a significant reduction in pain after the treatment. From the EMG readings; even though the standard deviation for each group was varied considerably, EMG recorded an improved muscle activity. Statistical analysis was used to assess and identify the best treatment methodology between the two modalities. Conclusion: From the statistical analysis, it is concluded that, though both the therapies had significantly reduced the symptomatic response, it is moist heat fomentation that improved muscle activity both statistically and clinically in comparison to ultrasound.

냉각탑 백연방지의 성능 향상에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on the Cooling Tower of Plume Prevention and Performance Improvements)

  • 정순영;이병천;김성
    • 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.578-584
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    • 2019
  • The occurrence of white plume in the cooling tower is phenomenon that the steam in the air through the cooling tower fan is condensed again by the cold ambient air to become saturated moist air. Accordingly, this can cause many problems like spoiling landscape around the cooling tower, odor of ambient air, falling accident by frozenness in the winter, and traffic accident, etc. This study was to install the heat exchanger in the inside of the cooling tower in order to prevent the white plume phenomenon in the cooling tower without affecting the performance of cooling tower. In addition, this study was to discharge the part of cooling water into the atmosphere through the recirculation of heat exchanger after creating dry air by heating the saturated moist air to the dew point temperature. At that time, this study was to conduct the experimental study in order to secure the optimal design data to prevent the white plume in the cooling tower because it checked the dry·moist temperature and relative humidity in the inside·outside of cooling tower on the moist air, and evaluated the performance of the heat exchanger.

어깨와 대퇴부위에 건열과 습열 적용이 피부온도와 심부체온에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Heat Therapy to Superficial and Deep Body Temperatures according to Applying Dry and Moist Heats on Shoulder and Thigh)

  • 임난영;정현철;이승원;김우진
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was designed to help preparing the evidence-based data for the manual of heat applications by finding the differences of superficial and core temperatures after applying dry and moist heats on shoulder and thigh. Methods: Moist and dry heats were alternately applied on the 33 subjects a day apart from May 15, 2010 through June 9, 2010. The experiment was conducted with $23^{\circ}C$ to $25^{\circ}C$ room temperature and 50% to 66% of moisture from 2 to 6 p.m. After heat was applied on the shoulder of the subjects wearing shorts and gowns for 30 minutes, their superficial and core temperatures were measured. The same method was used on the thigh after two hours. Results: Both superficial and core temperatures on the shoulder and thigh increased significantly after heat therapy. There was no significant difference between the temperatures before and after intervention according to applying methods and regions. Conclusion: This study provides a theoretical basis that a dry heat is a convenient nursing intervention for hypothermic patients.

조선왕조실록 밀랍본 복원기술 연구(제3보) -습열열화처리를 이용한 복원용 한지의 내구성 평가- (The Study of Restoration Technique of Wax-Treated Volume for the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty (III) -Evaluation of Durability of Korean Traditional Paper using Moist-heat Aging Treatment-)

  • 정선화;정선영;서진호;정소영
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제45권5호
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2013
  • To explore the paper materials for restoration of the Annals of the Joseon Dyansty, durability of the three type of the traditional Korean Papers were estimated in this study, through moist heat artificial aging test. Three types(D, F, and G) which showed the best preservation performance in dry heat and UV treatment in the previous study were selected and artificial accelerated aging treatment with moist-heat process was conducted; the viscosity change rate was D>G>F; folding endurance G>D>F; $L^*$ value F>D>G; $a^*$ and $b^*$ change rate D>G>F; brightness decrease rate D>G>F, suggesting paper F showed the least change rate in physical/optical properties. Also the CLSM image observation showed fair coherence among fibers and confirmed paper mulberry. And in FDI extraction from each sample, paper F showed the highest value. Overall, paper F (traditional glossy paper) showed the highest stability against thermal treatment. It confirms that paper F is suitable as restoration paper for tributary remains including the annals of the Joseon Dynasty for its steady strength/viscosity decrease rate and color change rate.

숙육 제조시 microwave의 효과적 이용에 관한 연구 (Application of microwave heating to the convenienet preparation of moist-heated meats)

  • 오혜숙;명춘옥
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.357-362
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    • 1994
  • Beef loaves(5${\times}5{\times}$5cm) were cooked by conventional moist-heat and by various levels of microwaves. The mean internal temperature of the meats cooked by low power microwaves for 5~15 min were not significantly different from the conventionally boiled meats for 30 min. When cooking was made by microwaves at low level for 5~10 min, or at high level for 2 min and additional heating at low power level for 5min, the percent cooking loss were comparable with the samples cooked conventionally for 20~40 min. General proteolytic activity determined with azocoll indicated that enzyme activity decreased as internal temperature increased(r=-0.5779, p<0.05), and maximum activity occured at meats conventionally moist-heated for 10 min and by low power microwave for 5 min. Sensory scores for tenderness were high at conventional moist-heat for 30 min, for 20 min, microwave cooked at thatwing power for 10 min and at low power level for 10 min, in descending order. There were no significant differences in the thiamin content of meats after various treatments.

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