Variations in total phenols, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity levels in black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) fruits subjected to dry and moist heat treatments

  • Kim, Hekap (School of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Mai, Thu Thi Hoai (Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National University)
  • Received : 2020.07.20
  • Accepted : 2020.08.20
  • Published : 2020.10.31


The present study investigated the effects of dry and moist heat treatments on total phenols, total anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity levels in black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) fruits. Lyophilized chokeberry powder samples were heated in a drying oven at 60, 100, 160, 180, and 200℃ for 20, 40, or 60 min. Finely ground fresh chokeberry fruits were heated in water at 60, 80, and 100℃ for 20 min, and bioactive compound and antioxidant activity levels were measured. The bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity decreased with increasing temperature and treatment duration. Antioxidant activity was preserved at 160℃ or lower without significant loss for dry heating, whereas moist heat treatment increased both bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity with increasing temperature.



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