• 제목/요약/키워드: Modern HanbokProducts

검색결과 12건 처리시간 0.021초

한복 패션에 나타난 한국적 디자인의 조형적 특징 분석 (The Analysis of Korean Formative-Artistic Characteristics in the HanBok Fashion)

  • 신경섭
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze the Korean Formative-Artistic Characteristics which were expressed by Hanbok designers. In this research, Hanbok style is a combination of two main things: formative-artistic factors of the Korean past, which naturally focuses on the peculiarity of the tradition and the modern aspects of clothing. Hanbok fashion is defined as all products created by Hanbok designers that incorporate traditional design factors, but do not follow it exactly. There are four formative-artistic characteristics of Korean designs in the Hanbok fashion. The first is the practical usage of the form and the second is the application of texture, color and patterns of materials which are synonymous with traditional Korean costumes; the third, by utilizing specific features, such as a the string of Jeogori(jacket), the round line of Jeogori sleeve, quilting, slit of Dofo (coat), the line of goreum and git (collar), the beauty of the Hanbok can be expressed in various ways; finally, the decorations added to the clothing, like embroidery, dying, patchwork, and beaten silver have been used to express Korean beauty in a modern sense. At the conclusion of the research, the study suggests the following recommendations to upgrade the Hanbok designs and the Hanbok industry. The first recommendation is that continuous design research be done for the development and popularity of the brand image; secondly, collaboration with specialists from other areas of fashion would be beneficial; thirdly, it would be a positive development if Hanbok designers studied Western clothing; and fourthly, Hanbok materials should continue to evolve and be developed.

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전통 라(羅)를 모방한 실크 편물 및 현대 한복 제품 개발 (Development of Silk Knits and Modern Hanbok Products Inspired by Traditional "Ra(羅)")

  • 김정민;이경선;강서영
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2024
  • Korea has preserved a highly sophisticated silk fabric culture throughout its history. Among these fabrics, Ra (羅) was considered to be a premium gauze fabric that required advanced skill and dedication to utilize. Ra is a complex gauze fabric in which four warp threads are twisted together and intersect with the weft to form intricate holes. This unique structure gives Ra its distinctive transparency and elasticity among silk textiles. It was widely used for veils, garments, and various items from the Three Kingdoms period to the Joseon Dynasty. However, its complex weaving process limited production efficiency, leading to its decline. Today, Ra has become obsolete. This study focuses on the elastic characteristics of Ra, where intersecting warp threads create net-like structured holes. This stucturre was emulated by developing a silk knit using a Raschel knitting machine. The developed product consists of three types: one replicating the alternating complex structure present in the traditional patterns of Munra (紋羅), another reproducing the distinctive hexagonal holes of the 4-end complex gauze, and the last expressing the hexagonal holes with the weft passing through them. Inspired by Ra's traditional uses in clothing and everyday items, various products were designed and produced. These include a women's coat with Akjureum, a 17th-century Joseon-style women's Jeogori, a modern market-style Jeogori, and a envelope inspired by a Goryeo Dynasty pouch artifact. These items confirm the potential and applicability of the developed silk knit as a material for modern Hanbok products. This study underscores the significance of developing new textiles that incorporate traditional materials, highlighting how tradition can be preserved in diverse ways.

여성 생활한복을 위한 디자인 개발 (Design Development for Activation of Women s Hanbok)

  • 조오순;전정희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제25권8호
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    • pp.1378-1385
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    • 2001
  • Textile The purpose of this research is to develop the design for activation of women s hanbok focused on functionality and convenience as well as on keeping the traditional beauty, and then to produce them. As a result of these explorations, I have reached conclusions as follows. first, the transformation of jackets and skirts are mainly limited to partial change in elements of the dress design-width and length of a jacket string and the upper strip on the outside of a jacket, change in width, and granting of symbolic meaning. Second, aesthetic features and formative beauty of traditional hanbok that the harmonization of mainstream colors and highlighting colors and curved silhouettes evoke were mental by products created as our people wished to become friendly to and to harmonize with nature. Third, grounded upon study of lines form and survey on brands, I have developed designs that maintain hanbok’superiority and at the same time incorporate functionality and convenience to fit modern life. I believe that the outcome of these of these explorations will contribute greatly to carrying the traditional beauty of Korean dresses to the maximun, and to developing and popularizing functional and practical living-fitted Korean dresses.

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누비기법을 응용한 문화상품 디자인 개발 연구 - 색실누비기법을 중심으로 - (Development of Cultural Products using Quilting Technique - Focused on the colored tread quilting technique -)

  • 오가영;김정호
    • 복식
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    • 제60권10호
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    • pp.80-87
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop cultural products containing Korean beauty with modern sense by applying quilting with dyed threat among Korean traditional quilting works. Quilting with dyed thread using various colored thread expresses curve, straight and oblique lines harmoniously, is mainly used to make household goods such as a pouch, a spectacle case and a quilting pocket and a circular pattern, a cross pattern and a geometric pattern are shown in this kind of quilting. As for sewing method, half backstitch and full backstitch are used, and products made by this method are pouches stuffing pads in cotton or silk and quilting it finely to make patterns with various colored threads of stuffing cotton between linings and spectacle cases, a packet of needles and case of spoon and chopsticks which give various feelings according to arrangement of colors. Design of cultural products by applying the beauty of curves of hanbok, sleave-seam of jeogori, trimming line of dangeui. We expect that various cultural products with Korean traditional beauty and modern convenience will be developed continually by introducing the artistic strength of quilting with dyed thread to practical life.

한복의 세계화를 위한 방안 연구 -세계패션명품, 동양 각국의 성공사례를 중심으로- (A Study on Improvement for Globalization of Hanbok -Focused on the Successful Cases in Luxury Fashion Brands and Asian Nations-)

  • 채금석
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권9_10
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    • pp.1418-1430
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    • 2007
  • To strength global competitivenss and raise reputation in times of globalization, the practical use and development of traditional culture which must be discriminated against other countries wedging their ways. The purpose of this study is, 1. Make the mutual relationship between globalization of Korean traditional clothing(Hanbok) and the strean of the international fashion clear. 2. Deduce a common primary fact through commonness of international great products and a success of globalization in Asian nations 3. Suggest a scheme for globalization of Korean traditional clothing from the flank of a design and a policy on the basis of analysis. The consequence of this study is, 1. In the situation that modern international fashion focused Re-Orienting Fashion, Korean traditional clothing-Hanbok is considered as the most priceless value of application for an effective design sauce to differentiate.2. The common point between International leading fashion brands and success of globalization of each Asian nation is to pursuit an effective marketing strategy through a proper harmony with a differentiated 'uniqueness' which is motivated from their tradition, a sense of modern trend reading, and a 'generality' which fits in their lige styles. In consequence, we must develop typical design factors to be connected directly with Korean traditional image from the flank of design, For this, the typical design factors need to be applied with grafting tradition and modern ideas, simplicity, convenience, fleshly senses, and youth.

신한복 치마에 대한 인식과 디자인 선호도에 관한 연구 (A study on the perception and design preference of New Hanbok's skirt)

  • 허승연;차수정;안명숙
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the perception of New-Hanbok Skirts that female consumers have and to analyze the design preference based on the analysis of designs of skirt products currently in distribution. Based on the analysis of the New-Hanbok brand website, the research was conducted through a survey of 355 women in their 20s and older. The survey consisted of 24 questions which were divided into pattern, color, material, and recognition type questions. The research results are as follows. First, most adult women answered that a New-Hanbok skirt is appropriate to wear at a holiday, anniversary, or outer dress for the spring and autumn seasons, and the design is the most important thing when considering buying. However, the ratios of wearing experience and possession were very low. Second, the preferred design aspects of a New-Hanbok skirt were the Jarak-skirt or Deot-skirt, calf-length, 5cm width of the waistband, 3cm uniform crease, a normal length waistband, bright neutral colors, and a waistband in different colors. For the double skirt, the design that shows 4cm of lining fabric and the different colors of upper fabric was the most preferred. The most preferred material was plain cotton. On the other hand, small floral patterns were preferred for patterned materials, and opaque upper fabric was most preferred for the double skirt. Through this study, it was confirmed that the Hanbok is seen as a positive aspect for modern consumers.

조선시대 궁중정재복식을 아카이브로 한 한류연계 패션상품 개발 (Creation of Fashion Products related to Korean Wave using Court Dance Costume during Joseon Period as Archive)

  • 이재영
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.261-275
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    • 2022
  • K-Pop과 K-Fashion이 전 세계의 주목을 받고 있는 현 시점에서, 한류와 연계하여 한복 분야의 좀 더 다양한 아이템을 현대적으로 재해석한 패션상품을 개발해 한류문화와 한류패션을 활성화시킬 필요가 있겠다. 이에 본 연구는 K-Pop의 원형이라 할 수 있는 궁중연희에서 연행된 궁중정재를 주제로 한류연계 패션상품을 개발하여, 문화와 패션 영역을 융합하고 확장해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 궁중정재복식의 원형과 현대에 연행되고 있는 궁중정재의 복식을 분석하여, 기존의 일상적인 한복과 차별화되는 무산향·연화대·처용무·춘대옥촉·춘앵전복식을 선정하였다. 이 5가지 복식의 특징적 요소가 반영된 한류연계 패션상품을 디자인했고, 3D 가상 착의 프로그램인 클로(CLO)를 활용하여 실루엣과 사이즈를 점검한 후 총 5착장의 상품을 개발하였다. 이에 본 연구를 통해 첫째, 디자인적인 측면에서 한국적인 디자인의 대중화, 둘째, 산업적인 측면에서 한류콘텐츠 영역의 확대, 셋째, 국제적인 측면에서 K-Fashion의 세계화 등의 효과를 기대해 볼 수 있을 것이다.

김현정의 한국화에 나타난 한국 전통 복식의 표현 특성 연구 (A Study on the Characteristic Expression of Korean Traditional Costumes shown in the Korean Paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung)

  • 나유신
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.124-139
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristic expression of Korean traditional costumes shown in the Korean paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung. The study analyzed the paintings by Kim Hyun-Jung to find out the characteristics of the contemporary Korean paintings and the expression of Korean traditional costumes. The characteristics of Kim Hyun-Jung's works are as follows: 1) The paintings are drawn by using Korean traditional painting methods and finished with Korean traditional paper, hanji. Moreover, they show the Korean traditional costume as main subject material. 2) They use modern painting methods, such as collage, and show pop art characters by use of contemporary popular products. 3) The artist communicates with the public through SNS and YouTube, and shows characteristics of popular art through commercial art products and advertisements. The characteristics of the Korean traditional costume in Kim Hyun-Jung's works are as follows. 1) The hanbok shown in the paintings is a traditional style with tight jeogori and wide chima. Chima is drawn in thin coloring with Korean ink and jeogori is expressed with semi-transparent hanji in various patterns and colors, which shows the subject 'coy'. 2) Various kinds of Korean traditional accessories and modernized flower shoes with high heels are shown as subject materials. The art works by contemporary Korean artists are expected to be the route to give valuable information to the public about Korean traditional costumes as well as the trendy Korean culture.

전통버선의 형태를 모티브로 한 패션문화상품 디자인 연구 (A Study of Fashion Cultural Products Based on the Motif of Traditional Beoseon Socks)

  • 김선영
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.1334-1346
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    • 2011
  • This study focused on the beoseon, traditional Korean socks that are a fashion item showcasing the beauty of the round hanbok shape. The study utilized the beoseon as an influential design motif and suggested 24 cultural fashion items to which the beoseon can be applied, including neckties, scarves, and T-shirts. For the purposes of this study, Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Adobe Photoshop CS3 were used for the motif design as well as the literature review on traditional beoseon socks. For the basic design motif, two basic forms were taken from the collection of the National Folk Museum of Korea. The key point of the motif development is that it maintains the basic shape of the beoseon but highlights the attractiveness of the Korean image by using repetition, rotation, symmetry and overlap into a new image pattern so that modern and chic images were taken into consideration for each cultural product. For the necktie, the mixed or repeated patterns for each motif were used as is. Alternatively, an oblique line pattern was adopted to express a stable and stylish image. For the T-shirt, a round-neck sleeveless type was designed. T-shirts were unified in the white color to highlight the image from the pattern. For the scarf, two shapes were displayed, square and rectangle. Through mixture of two repeated variation unit patterns for each motif, a splendid and stylish image was revealed along with various layouts.

느릅나무껍질과 꼭두서니 복합추출물을 이용한 천연염색 한복형 휴식복 디자인 (Design of Natural Dyeing Hanbok-Type Leisurewear Using Elm Bark and Rubia akane Nakai Composite Extracts)

  • 장현주
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.151-158
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to develop high-quality naturally dyed leisurewear with images of traditional Korean clothing that keeps a psychologically comfortable and physically pleasant environment at home and in vacation spots. The root bark of elm trees, the atopic skin, is also known to be effective for the relief of rhinitis and atopic diseases as well as stress and insomnia. However, there is insufficient color in the bark for the dyeing of fashion products, so to compensate for the lack of color, for dyeing purposes it was combined with a composite extract called Rubia akane Nakai resulting in a relatively bright red color. Except for the light fastness, all the fastnesses were rated 4 to 5, showing excellent results. Through complex dyeing using elm bark and pods extract the author produced four high-quality vests, one-piece, a gown, and jeogori-pantsuits of silk materials with Korean images that are suitable wear for relaxing comfortably at home and during breaks and which provide a comfortable and physically pleasant experience. The vest was made with the formal style of Bae-ja and Dang-eu, the dress is made of Cheok-lik, and the gown is made of Wonsam. It will be meaningful at a time when the importance of rest is increasing due to the healing clothes worn by busy modern people.