• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matrix Computation

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A primal-dual log barrier algorithm of interior point methods for linear programming (선형계획을 위한 내부점법의 원문제-쌍대문제 로그장벽법)

  • 정호원
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1994
  • Recent advances in linear programming solution methodology have focused on interior point methods. This powerful new class of methods achieves significant reductions in computer time for large linear programs and solves problems significantly larger than previously possible. These methods can be examined from points of Fiacco and McCormick's barrier method, Lagrangian duality, Newton's method, and others. This study presents a primal-dual log barrier algorithm of interior point methods for linear programming. The primal-dual log barrier method is currently the most efficient and successful variant of interior point methods. This paper also addresses a Cholesky factorization method of symmetric positive definite matrices arising in interior point methods. A special structure of the matrices, called supernode, is exploited to use computational techniques such as direct addressing and loop-unrolling. Two dense matrix handling techniques are also presented to handle dense columns of the original matrix A. The two techniques may minimize storage requirement for factor matrix L and a smaller number of arithmetic operations in the matrix L computation.

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Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems Using The New Integral Operational Matrix of Block Pulse Functions (새로운 블럭펄스 적분연산행렬을 이용한 비선형계 최적제어)

  • Cho Young-ho;Shim Jae-sun
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.198-204
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we presented a new algebraic iterative algorithm for the optimal control of the nonlinear systems. The algorithm is based on two steps. The first step transforms nonlinear optimal control problem into a sequence of linear optimal control problem using the quasilinearization method. In the second step, TPBCP(two point boundary condition problem) is solved by algebraic equations instead of differential equations using the new integral operational matrix of BPF(block pulse functions). The proposed algorithm is simple and efficient in computation for the optimal control of nonlinear systems and is less error value than that by the conventional matrix. In computer simulation, the algorithm was verified through the optimal control design of synchronous machine connected to an infinite bus.

Incremental Multi-classification by Least Squares Support Vector Machine

  • Oh, Kwang-Sik;Shim, Joo-Yong;Kim, Dae-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.965-974
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we propose an incremental classification of multi-class data set by LS-SVM. By encoding the output variable in the training data set appropriately, we obtain a new specific output vectors for the training data sets. Then, online LS-SVM is applied on each newly encoded output vectors. Proposed method will enable the computation cost to be reduced and the training to be performed incrementally. With the incremental formulation of an inverse matrix, the current information and new input data are used for building another new inverse matrix for the estimation of the optimal bias and lagrange multipliers. Computational difficulties of large scale matrix inversion can be avoided. Performance of proposed method are shown via numerical studies and compared with artificial neural network.

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A Study of Spectral Domain Electromagnetic Scattering Analysis Applying Wavelet Transform (웨이블릿을 이용한 파수영역 전자파 산란 해석법 연구)

  • 빈영부;주세훈;이정흠;김형동
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2000
  • The wavelet analysis technique is applied in the spectral domain to efficiently represent the multi-scale features of the impedance matrices. In this scheme, the 2-D quadtree decomposition (applying the wavelet transform to only the part of the matrix) method often used in image processing area is applied for a sparse moment matrix. CG(Conjugate-Gradient) method is also applied for saving memory and computation time of wavelet transformed moment matrix. Numerical examples show that for rectangular cylinder case the non-zero elements of the transformed moment matrix grows only as O($N^{1.6}$).

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An exact transfer matrix method for coupled bending and bending vibrations of a twisted Timoshenko beam

  • Lee, Jung Woo;Lee, Jung Youn
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.72 no.6
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    • pp.797-807
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    • 2019
  • In this study, an exact transfer matrix expression for a twisted uniform beam considering the effect of shear deformation and rotary inertia is developed. The particular transfer matrix is derived by applying the distributed mass and transcendental function while using a local coordinate system. The results obtained from this method are independent for a number of subdivided elements, and this method can determine the required number of exact solutions for the free vibration characteristics of a twisted uniform Timoshenko beam using a single element. In addition, it can be used as a useful numerical method for the computation of high-order natural frequencies. To validate the accuracy of the proposed method, the computed results are compared with those reported in the existing literature, and the comparison results indicate notably good agreement. In addition, the method is used to investigate the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia for a twisted beam.

Document Layout Analysis Based on Fuzzy Energy Matrix

  • Oh, KangHan;Kim, SooHyung
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we describe a novel method for document layout analysis that is based on a Fuzzy Energy Matrix (FEM). A FEM is a two-dimensional matrix that contains the likelihood of text and non-text and is generated through the use of Fuzzy theory. The key idea is to define an Energy map for the document to categorize text and non-text. The proposed mechanism is designed for execution with a low-resolution document image, and hence our method has a fast processing speed. The proposed method has been tested on public ICDAR 2009 datasets to conduct a comparison against other state-of-the-art methods, and it was also tested with Korean documents. The results of the experiment indicate that this scheme achieves superior segmentation accuracy, in terms of both precision and recall, and also requires less time for computation than other state-of-the-art document image analysis methods.

A Parallel-Architecture Processor Design for the Fast Multiplication of Homogeneous Transformation Matrices (Homogeneous Transformation Matrix의 곱셈을 위한 병렬구조 프로세서의 설계)

  • Kwon Do-All;Chung Tae-Sang
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers D
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.723-731
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    • 2005
  • The $4{\times}4$ homogeneous transformation matrix is a compact representation of orientation and position of an object in robotics and computer graphics. A coordinate transformation is accomplished through the successive multiplications of homogeneous matrices, each of which represents the orientation and position of each corresponding link. Thus, for real time control applications in robotics or animation in computer graphics, the fast multiplication of homogeneous matrices is quite demanding. In this paper, a parallel-architecture vector processor is designed for this purpose. The processor has several key features. For the accuracy of computation for real application, the operands of the processors are floating point numbers based on the IEEE Standard 754. For the parallelism and reduction of hardware redundancy, the processor takes column vectors of homogeneous matrices as multiplication unit. To further improve the throughput, the processor structure and its control is based on a pipe-lined structure. Since the designed processor can be used as a special purpose coprocessor in robotics and computer graphics, additionally to special matrix/matrix or matrix/vector multiplication, several other useful instructions for various transformation algorithms are included for wide application of the new design. The suggested instruction set will serve as standard in future processor design for Robotics and Computer Graphics. The design is verified using FPGA implementation. Also a comparative performance improvement of the proposed design is studied compared to a uni-processor approach for possibilities of its real time application.

An Analysis of Cylindrical Tank of Elastic Foundation by Transfer Matrix and Stiffness Matrix (전달행렬과 강성행렬에 의한 탄성지반상의 원형탱크해석)

  • 남문희;하대환;이관희;장홍득
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.193-200
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    • 1997
  • Even though there are many analysis methods of circular tanks on elastic foundation, the finite element method is widely used for that purpose. But the finite element method requires a number of memory spaces, computation time to solve large stiffness equations. In this study many the simplified methods(Analogy of Beam on Elastic Foundation, Foundation Stiffness Matrix, Finite Element Method and Transfer Matrix Method) are applied to analyze a circular tank on elastic foundation. By the given analysis methods, BEF analogy and foundation matrix method, the circular tank was transformed into the skeletonized frame structure. The frame structure was divided into several finite elements. The stiffness matrix of a finite element is related with the transfer matrix of the element. Thus, the transfer matrix of each finite element utilized the transfer matrix method to simplify the analysis of the tank. There were no significant difference in the results of two methods, the finite element method and the transfer matrix method. The transfer method applied to a circular tank on elastic foundation resulted in four simultaneous equations to solve completely.

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On the numerical computation of the matrix exponential

  • Yu, Dong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.633-643
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    • 1994
  • Let us consider the initial-value problem of dimension m: $$ \frac{d\tau}{d}y(\tau) = f(\tau, Y(\tau)), y(0) = y_0, \tau \geq 0, (1.1) $$ Where $ = (f_1, f_2, \cdots, f_m) and y = (y_1, y_2, \cdots, y_m)$.

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AFastComputationAlgorithmfortheImpedancecalculationofthePowerDistributionPlaneUsingtheTransmissionMatrix (전송선로행열을이용한전력배분기판에대한빠른임피던스계산방법)

  • Suh Young-Suk
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2005
  • Animpedancecalculationmethodfortheirregularshapedpowerdistributionnetworksispresented.Theirregularshapedmetal-dielectric-metalboardissplitintothreepieceofsegmentstocalculatetheimpedancebetweenthetwoseparatedpointsontheboard.Transmission-matrixdescriptioncorrespondingtotheunitcolumnofboardandtheconnectionofunitcolumnboardareintroduced.Thenthetransmission-matrixfortheeachsegmentiscalculatedandreducedtothe2-portsimpedancematrix.Theproposedalgorithmisveryfastcomparingtheexistingmethods.Appliedtothe6inchby5inchsizeirregularshapedboard,theproposedmethodshows15timesfasterthantheelectromagneticorcircuitanalysismethod.