• Title/Summary/Keyword: Matching and Tracking

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Robust Tracking Control of Robotic Manipulators Using Fuzzy-Sliding Modes (퍼지-슬라이딩모드를 이용한 로봇의 강건추적제어)

  • 김정식;최승복
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.2088-2100
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    • 1994
  • Considerable attention has been given to controller designs that utilize the variable structure system theory in order to achieve robust tracking performance of robotic manipulators subjected to parameter variations and extraneous disturbances. However, the theory has not had wide spread acceptance in practical control engineering community due mainly to the worry of chattering which is inherently ever-existing in the variable structure system. This paper presents a novel type of fuzzy-sliding mode controller to alleviate the chattering problem. A sliding mode controller for robust robot control is firstly synthesized with an assumption that the imposed system uncertainties satisfy matching conditions so that certain deterministic performances can parameters and control rules are obtained from a relation between predetermined sliding surfaces and representative points in the error state space. A two degree-of-freedom robotic manipulator subjected to a variable payload and a torque disturbance is considered in order to demonstrate superior tracking performance accrued from the proposed methodology.

Object Tracking System for Additional Service Providing under Interactive Broadcasting Environment (대화형 방송 환경에서 부가서비스 제공을 위한 객체 추적 시스템)

  • Ahn, Jun-Han;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2002
  • In general, under interactive broadcasting environment, user finds additional service using top-down menu. However, user can't know that additional service provides information until retrieval has finished and top-down menu requires multi-level retrieval. This paper proposes the new method for additional service providing not using top-down menu but using object selection. For the purpose of this method, the movie of a MPEG should be synchronized with the object information(position, size, shape) and object tracking technique is required. Synchronization technique uses the Directshow provided by the Microsoft. Object tracking techniques use a motion-based tracking and a model-based tracking together. We divide object into two parts. One is face and the other is substance. Face tracking uses model-based tracking and Substance uses motion-based tracking base on the block matching algorithm. To improve precise tracking, motion-based tracking apply the temporal prediction search algorithm and model-based tracking apply the face model which merge ellipse model and color model.

Visual Object Tracking based on Particle Filters with Multiple Observation (다중 관측 모델을 적용한 입자 필터 기반 물체 추적)

  • Koh, Hyeung-Seong;Jo, Yong-Gun;Kang, Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 2004
  • We investigate a visual object tracking algorithm based upon particle filters, namely CONDENSATION, in order to combine multiple observation models such as active contours of digitally subtracted image and the particle measurement of object color. The former is applied to matching the contour of the moving target and the latter is used to independently enhance the likelihood of tracking a particular color of the object. Particle filters are more efficient than any other tracking algorithms because the tracking mechanism follows Bayesian inference rule of conditional probability propagation. In the experimental results, it is demonstrated that the suggested contour tracking particle filters prove to be robust in the cluttered environment of robot vision.

Applicability Investigation for the Odor Source Tracking Approach using the Wind Field and the Fingerprinting (바람장 및 Fingerprint를 이용한 악취추적기법 활용가능성 평가)

  • Na, Kyung-Ho;Bak, Yong-Chul;Jang, Young-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the applicability of the odor source tracking using wind field and fingerprint as a solution tool. First of all, CALMET and HYSPLIT modeling system, and database of odor discharge companies were utilized to track odor from industrial complexes. Secondly, industrial odor fingerprint was made by listing on the 19 domestic industries, and compared with foreign data to assess the representative, and thus the similarity was 86.7%. On the modeling experiment, Sihwa industrial complex did not show any difference because the matching rates of day and night were 49.5% and 50.0%, respectively. However, the Banwol and Sihwa industrial complexes did show some differences due to odor facility density. Separately, in this study, odor samples were obtained from 10 odor discharging companies, located in the Sihwa and Banwol industrial complexes, They were compared with the results of odor tracking modeling. The matched companies were 4 of 10 by three cases of tracking, while the fingerprint and industry of odor monitoring networks and companies matched each other. Therefore, this study confirmed the approach applicability of source tracking system using the fingerprint.

Pedestrian Traffic Counting Using HoG Feature-Based Person Detection and Multi-Level Match Tracking (HoG 특징 기반 사람 탐지와 멀티레벨 매칭 추적을 이용한 보행자 통행량 측정 알고리즘)

  • Kang, Sung-Wook;Jung, Jin-dong;Seo, Hong-il;Lee, Hae-Yeoun
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.385-392
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    • 2016
  • Market analysis for a business plain is required for the success in the modern world. Most important part in this analysis is pedestrian traffic counting. A traditional way for this is counting it in person. However, it causes high labor costs and mistakes. This paper proposes an automatic algorithm to measure the pedestrian traffic count using images with webcam. The proposed algorithm is composed of two parts: pedestrian area detection and movement tracking. In pedestrian area detection, moving blobs are extracted and pedestrian areas are detected using HoG features and Adaboost algorithm. In movement tracking, multi-level matching and false positive removal are applied to track pedestrian areas and count the pedestrian traffic. Multi-level matching is composed of 3 steps: (1) the similarity calculation between HoG area, (2) the similarity calculation of the estimated position with Kalman filtering, and (3) the similarity calculation of moving blobs in the pedestrian area detection. False positive removal is to remove invalid pedestrian area. To analyze the performance of the proposed algorithm, a comparison is performed with the previous human area detection and tracking algorithm. The proposed algorithm achieves 83.6% accuracy in the pedestrian traffic counting, which is better than the previous algorithm over 11%.

Realtime Vehicle Tracking and Region Detection in Indoor Parking Lot for Intelligent Parking Control (지능형 주차 관제를 위한 실내주차장에서 실시간 차량 추적 및 영역 검출)

  • Yeon, Seungho;Kim, Jaemin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.418-427
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    • 2016
  • A smart parking management requires to track a vehicle in a indoor parking lot and to detect the place where the vehicle is parked. An advanced parking system watches all space of the parking lot with CCTV cameras. We can use these cameras for vehicles tracking and detection. In order to cover a wide area with a camera, a fisheye lens is used. In this case the shape and size of an moving vehicle vary much with distance and angle to the camera. This makes vehicle detection and tracking difficult. In addition to the fisheye lens, the vehicle headlights also makes vehicle detection and tracking difficult. This paper describes a method of realtime vehicle detection and tracking robust to the harsh situation described above. In each image frame, we update the region of a vehicle and estimate the vehicle movement. First we approximate the shape of a car with a quadrangle and estimate the four sides of the car using multiple histograms of oriented gradient. Second we create a template by applying a distance transform to the car region and estimate the motion of the car with a template matching method.

Viewpoint Invariant Person Re-Identification for Global Multi-Object Tracking with Non-Overlapping Cameras

  • Gwak, Jeonghwan;Park, Geunpyo;Jeon, Moongu
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.2075-2092
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    • 2017
  • Person re-identification is to match pedestrians observed from non-overlapping camera views. It has important applications in video surveillance such as person retrieval, person tracking, and activity analysis. However, it is a very challenging problem due to illumination, pose and viewpoint variations between non-overlapping camera views. In this work, we propose a viewpoint invariant method for matching pedestrian images using orientation of pedestrian. First, the proposed method divides a pedestrian image into patches and assigns angle to a patch using the orientation of the pedestrian under the assumption that a person body has the cylindrical shape. The difference between angles are then used to compute the similarity between patches. We applied the proposed method to real-time global multi-object tracking across multiple disjoint cameras with non-overlapping field of views. Re-identification algorithm makes global trajectories by connecting local trajectories obtained by different local trackers. The effectiveness of the viewpoint invariant method for person re-identification was validated on the VIPeR dataset. In addition, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach for the inter-camera multiple object tracking on the MCT dataset with ground truth data for local tracking.

Real Time System Realization for Binocular Eyeball Tracking Mouse (실시간 쌍안구 추적 마우스 시스템 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu Kwang-Ryol;Choi Duck-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.1671-1678
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    • 2006
  • A real time system realization for binocular eyeball tracking mouse on the computer monitor being far from 30-40cm is presented in the paper. The processing for searching eyeball and tracking the cursor are that a facial image is acquired by the small CCD camera, convert it into binary image, search for the eye two using the five region mask method in the eye surroundings and the side four points diagonal positioning method is searched the each iris. The tracking cursor is matched by measuring the iris central moving position. The cursor controlling is achieved by comparing two related distances between the iris maximum moving and the cursor moving to calculate the moving distance from gazing position and screen. The experimental results show that the binocular eyeball mouse system is simple and fast to be real time.

Segmentation and Tracking Algorithm for Moving Speaker in the Video Conference Image (화상회의 영상에서 움직이는 화자의 분할 및 추적 알고리즘)

  • Choi Woo-Young;Kim Han-Me
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.6 no.1 s.10
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    • pp.54-64
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose the algorithm for segmenting the moving speaker and tracking its movement in the video conference image. For real time processing, we simplify the algorithm which is processed in the order of the segmenting and the tracking step. In the segmenting step, the speaker object is segmented from the image by using both the motion information obtained from the difference method and the illuminance information of image. The reference mask image is created from segmented speaker object. In the tracking step, the moving speaker is tracked by using simple block matching algorithm of which computation time is reduced by discarding the blocks which are classified into the unuseful blocks. In the simulation, we can get the good result of segmenting and tracking the moving speaker by applying the proposed algorithm to several test images.

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Moving Object Tracking Using Co-occurrence Features of Objects (이동 물체의 상호 발생 특징정보를 이용한 동영상에서의 이동물체 추적)

  • Kim, Seongdong;Seongah Chin;Moonwon Choo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose an object tracking system which can be convinced of moving area shaped on objects through color sequential images, decided moving directions of foot messengers or vehicles of image sequences. In static camera, we suggests a new evaluating method extracting co-occurrence matrix with feature vectors of RGB after analyzing and blocking difference images, which is accessed to field of camera view for motion. They are energy, entropy, contrast, maximum probability, inverse difference moment, and correlation of RGB color vectors. we describe how to analyze and compute corresponding relations of objects between adjacent frames. In the clustering, we apply an algorithm of FCM(fuzzy c means) to analyze matching and clustering problems of adjacent frames of the featured vectors, energy and entropy, gotten from previous phase. In the matching phase, we also propose a method to know correspondence relation that can track motion each objects by clustering with similar area, compute object centers and cluster around them in case of same objects based on membership function of motion area of adjacent frames.

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