• Title/Summary/Keyword: Man-way

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An Analysis of Kinematics and EMG for Bandal Chagi in Taekwondo (태권도 반달차기 시 운동학적 변인 및 근전도 분석)

  • Ha, Chul-Soo;Choi, Man-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the most optimum way of performing the bandal chagi during Taekwondo Kyorugi competition. By analyzing the EMG data and the kinematic data it was hoped that scientific data would be provided to instructors and players about the optimization of the Bandal Chagi. The results of the analysis are as follows: During competition while performing the Bandal Chagi the most important factors that affect the impact point are the range of motions of the upper body hyper extension and knee joints. Through the measurement of the muscles EMG activity of a well performed Bandal Chagi with the right leg it was observed that the left side erector spinae muscle was highly activated and so it was concluded that this muscle should be trained to improve the performance of the Bandal Chagi. Likewise it was observed that for the right side of the abdominal muscle's EMG there was a high activity level and thus showed that there was a large contribution of this muscle for the optimum performance of the Bandal Chagi.

Correction of Syndactyly using Pentagonal Flap with Minimal Skin Graft (오각형피판과 최소한의 피부이식을 이용한 합지증의 교정)

  • Bae, Byoung Man;Eo, Su Rak;Kim, In Kyu;Koh, Sung Hoon;Jones, Neil F.
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.64-69
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The key of treatment in syndactyly is to separate the fused digits safely, and to create a normal web space with enough cutaneous coverage. Despite many techniques have described the correction of syndactyly, skin graft still remains the annoying one. We designed the pentagonal flap from hand dorsum to reconstruct the web space reliably and try to minimize the need for skin graft. Methods: Between July 2003 and August 2005, six cases of syndactyly were corrected at UCLA Medical Center and Hallym University Sacred Heart Hospital using dorsal pentagonal flap for web space reconstruction and straight incisions for the sides of digits to minimize the need for skin graft. The proximal edge of the pentagonal flap was designed in V shape to allow for easy closure of the donor site after advancement. The pentagonal flap was advanced volarly with the underlying dermofat tissues to form a digital web. In some cases, skin defects were unavoidable and covered with full thickness skin graft from the inguinal area. Results: Syndactyly were seen in 4 cases of Apert syndrome, 1 postburn scar webbing with PIP joint contracture and 1 recurrence after the incomplete reconstruction. In all Apert syndrome, straight line incision was used along the sides of the fingers and skin graft was needed. But, in 2 cases of incomplete type, we could save the need for skin graft only for the correction of syndactyly. We could get a good looking web space without any complications such as flap or graft loss. Conclusion: As a modification of Sherif's V-Y dorsal metacarpal flap, we believe pentagonal flap could be one of the easiest and safest way to reconstruct the web space of syndactyly in functional and cosmetic standpoint.

Studies on the Printability of Hanji by Sizing and Calendering

  • Kang Jin-Ha;Seo Seung-Man;Park Seong-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.37 no.5 s.113
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2005
  • The development of printable Hanji is regarded as an important work to create a new demand of Hanji in information-oriented era. Hanji has rougher surface, huger absorption of ink and lower optical properties and printabilities than common printing papers. Improving those shortcomings of Hanji is required to be printable Hanji. Sizing and calendering have known as a way to make properties of paper good. Accordingly, this research was performed to find out useful sizing agents for reforming its drawbacks. Four sizing agents (CMC, com starch, PVA, AKD) were used in this research. The optical properties and the printabilities of sized Hanji were tested. The obtained results were as follows. Based on concentration, each sizing agent was prepared. These were CMC(0.5, 1, $1.5\%$), corn starch(1, 2, $3\%$), PVA(1, 5, $10\%$), AKD(0.5, 0.1, $0.15\%$) respectively. After sizing, we performed calendering treatment with pressure of 0.5, $1\;kgf/cm^2$. All the sizing agents and calendering treatment improved the properties of Hanji to some extent. Particularly, com starch was good for gloss. In case of printability, $1\%$ AKD with $1\;kgf/cm^2$ was recommendable for typography ink density, $3\%$ com starch with $0.5\;kgf/cm^2$, inkjet ink density, $2\%$ com starch with $0.5\;kgf/cm^2$, inkjet ink girth. PVA and AKD without calendering were counter-effective agents for inkjet ink density. Printable Hanji is required to have not only better surface strength enough to appear non-picking, higher ink density and lower show-through than base paper but also the lowest ink girth in comparison with base paper. When referring to them, efficient sizing agents were regarded as $0.1\%$ AKD with $1\;kgf/cm^2$, calender pressure, for typography printing and $2\%$ com starch with $0.5\;kgf/cm^2$, calender pressure, for inkjet printing.

Influence of Ammonia and Nitrite on the Survival and Growth of the Tiger Crab, Orithyia sinica (Linnaeus) Larvae (범게, Orithyia sinica 유생의 생존과 성장에 미치는 암모니아와 아질산의 영향)

  • Gu, Ja-Geun;Kim, Jong-Man;Jang, Cha-Hwan;Ji, Jeong-Hun;Gang, Ju-Chan
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2004
  • This study investigates the influence of waterborne ammonia and nitrite on the zoea and megalopa stage larvae of tiger crab, Orithyia sinica under laboratory condition, focusing on the effects on survival and growth as deleterious responses of toxicant. Survival rate of zoea stage larvae exposed to control levels, and to 5, 10, 20 and 50 mg/L total ammonia-N, using a continuous flow system for 20 days was 80, 77, 45, 40 and 37%, respectively. Growth rate of zoea stage larvae exposed to 20 and 50 mg/L total ammonia was significantly lower than in controls after 20 days (P< 0.05). Survival rate and growth rate of megalopa stage larvae exposed to ammonia also decreased at greater than 10 and 50 mg/L, respectively. In the nitrite exposure experiment with zoea and megalopa stage larvae of tiger crab, survival rate was decreased in a concentration and exposure period-dependent way. The growth rate of zoea and megalopa stage larvae of tiger crab exposed to nitrite decreased at greater than 150 mg/L nitrite concentration.

A Study on the Mean Skin Temperature of the Man Who Stay in the Room (재실자의 평균피부온(平均皮膚溫)에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to form a calculation formula of the mean skin temperature on the human body in a heated room by the use of floor heating system. Korean traditional floor heating system is a long way from being defunct. The floor heating systems based on hot water have been coming into wide use mainly in the apartment house. However, it is considered that the design process and evaluation method for the floor heating systems in the standpoint of human being are not established so far. In the floor heating systems, air temperature as well as floor temperature should be considered as physical factors which affect the sensation of human body. Furthermore, extremely few studies have been performed on the sitting with legs crossed posture sedentary which is the typical dwelling life style of residents from the ancient times in Korea, while a large number of studies on the influence of the floor heating systems on the human body in standing and sitting on a chair sedentary have been carried out. Especially, it is essential to elucidate how mean skin temperature on the human body is affected by thermal conduction in the contact area between the sitting with legs crossed posture sedentary human body and floor including thermal radiation due to the combination of air temperature and floor temperature, but the studies dealt with such issues have hardly been performed. Based on the above statements, the influence of the environment condition due to the combination of air temperature and floor temperature is discussed in the present investigation through theoretical of mean skin temperature on the human body in the floor heating systems.

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The Medical Study about Pediatrics for Geum(金) and Won(元) Dynasty (금원대(金元代)의 소아과학(小兒科學)에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Kuk;Kim, Ki-Wook;Kim, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2008
  • Pediatrics in Geumwon(金元) age had fanned peculiar children's etiology, Byeonggihak(病機學) and Byeonjeungnon(辦證論) curative system grounded on medical theory in Geumwonsadaega(金元四大家). Yuwanso(劉完素), who was front-running man in that age, used so many times 'Yanggyeoksan(凉隔散)' or 'Bangpungtongseongsan(防風通聖散)' which have Hanryang(寒凉) disposition for curing children's disease in view of pathology in Yeoldahanso(熱多寒少), which is his special academic thought, after then Judangye(朱丹溪) succeed Yuwanso(劉完素)'s this view of pathology, Yang-eumjahyeol(養陰滋血) developed the one and made it a standing rule to cure children. Also Idongwon(李東垣) grasped that the main cause of disease is starvation because of war. As a result of it, he insisted on theory, internal cause's outbreak of person's illness, Naesangbiwi(內傷脾胃), Baekbyeong-yusaeng(百病由牛). In this view of this principle, he assorted and used following medicine 'Seungma(升麻), Siho(柴胡), Hwanggi' as 'Seungbalyanggi(升發陽氣)' method to cure children, and concentrated on children's spleen and stomach cure with this way. Jangjongjeong(張從政) applied 'Purgation therapy[攻下法]', Hantoha(汗吐下) centered on the theory of exogenous factors[外因說] , which explains that children's disease is Sagichimseup(邪氣侵襲), too. Like this, in Geumwon(金元) age, they had studied very seriously about main cause of children' s disease in two part, an internal cause and an external cause. Also, in pathological part they had approached academically 'Hwayeolchibyeong(火熱致病)' and 'Gigiseunggangsiljo(氣機乘降失調)' from diverse angles.

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Method and Application of Searching Hot Spot For Reengineering Software Using AOP (AOP를 이용한 재공학에서의 핫 스팟 탐색과 응용)

  • Lee, Ei-Sung;Choi, Eun-Man
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.16D no.1
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2009
  • Complicated business logic makes program complexity more complicated. It's inevitable that the program must undergo reengineering processes all the way of in its lifetime. Hot spot analysis that has diverse purposes is getting an important question more and more. As a rule, reengineering process is done by UML model-based approach to analyze the legacy system. The smallest fragment of targets to be analysed is unit, that is function or class. Today's software development is to deal with huge change of software product and huge class including heavy quantity of LOC(Lines Of Code). However, analysis of unit is not precise approach process for reliable reengineering consequence. In this paper, we propose very precise hot spot analysis approach using Aspect-Oriented Programming languages, such as AspectJ. Typically the consistency between UML and source is needed code to redefine the modified library or framework boundaries. But reengineering approach using AOP doesn't need to analyze UML and source code. This approach makes dynamic event log data that contains detailed program interaction information. This dynamic event log data makes it possible to analyze hot spot.

An Anti-Trojan Horse Mechanism with Attached Data from Developers (개발자 첨부 자료에 의한 트로이 목마 대응 기법)

  • Cho, Eun-Sun;Yeh, Hong-Jin;Oh, Se-Chang;Hong, Sun-Ho;Hong, Man-Pyo
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.220-231
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    • 2002
  • Trojan-horse programs are the programs that disguise normal and useful programs but do malicious thing to the hosts. This paper proposes an anti-Trojan horse mechanism using the information attached to the code by the developers. In this mechanism, each code is accompanied with the information on their possible accesses to resources, and based on this information users determine whether the code is malicious or not. Even in the case a code is accepted by users due to its non-malicious appearance, its runtime behaviors are monitored and halted whenever any attempts to malicious operations are detected. By hiring such runtime monitoring system, this mechanism enables detecting unknown Trojan horses and reduces the decision-making overhead being compared to the previous monitoring-based approaches. We describe the mechanism in a formal way to show the advantages and the limitations of the security this mechanism provides.

A framework for modelling mechanical behavior of surrounding rocks of underground openings under seismic load

  • Zhang, Yuting;Ding, Xiuli;Huang, Shuling;Pei, Qitao;Wu, Yongjin
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.519-529
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    • 2017
  • The surrounding rocks of underground openings are natural materials and their mechanical behavior under seismic load is different from traditional man-made materials. This paper proposes a framework to comprehensively model the mechanical behavior of surrounding rocks. Firstly, the effects of seismic load on the surrounding rocks are summarized. Three mechanical effects and the mechanism, including the strengthening effect, the degradation effect, and the relaxation effect, are detailed, respectively. Then, the framework for modelling the mechanical behavior of surrounding rocks are outlined. The strain-dependent characteristics of rocks under seismic load is considered to model the strengthening effect. The damage concept under cyclic load is introduced to model the degradation effect. The quantitative relationship between the damage coefficient and the relaxation zone is established to model the relaxation effect. The major effects caused by seismic load, in this way, are all considered in the proposed framework. Afterwards, an independently developed 3D dynamic FEM analysis code is adopted to include the algorithms and models of the framework. Finally, the proposed framework is illustrated with its application to an underground opening subjected to earthquake impact. The calculation results and post-earthquake survey conclusions are seen to agree well, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Based on the numerical calculation results, post-earthquake reinforcement measures are suggested.

The Effect of Palmultang(八物湯) on the Ovarian Functions and Differential Gene Expression of Caspase-3, MAPK and MPG in Female Mice (팔물탕(八物湯)이 자성생쥐의 생식능력과 Caspase-3, MAPK 및 MPG 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • Joo, Jin-Man;Baek, Seung-Hee;Kim, Eun-Ha;Kim, Dong-Chul
    • The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.91-110
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : These experiments were undertaken to evaluate the effect of administration of Palmultang on ovarian functions and differential gene expressions related cell viabilities caspase-3, MAPK and MPG in female mice. Materials and Methods : We administered the Palmultang to 6-week-old female ICR mice for 4, 8, or 12 days. The female mice were injected PMSG and hCG for ovarian hyperstimulation. And then recovered ovaries were minced and extracted mRNA and analyzed cell viability related gene expression. We chose the caspase-3 for cell apoptosis, MAPK and MPG genes for cell viability and DNA repair. To compare the differences, we set a control group treated with plain water at the same volume by the same way. Results : In case of administration of Palmultang, the mean number of total ovulated oocytes and the number of morphologically normal oocytes increased significantly compared to a control group. We were also examined the embryonic developmental competence in vitro. The administration of Palmultang in a concentration with 10 and 100 mg/ml were beneficial effect of embryonic development in preimplantation period. The administration of Palmultang play a role of prevention of cell apoptosis and DNA damages and also increased cell proliferation resulted in ovarian functions. Conclusion : From our results suggested that the medication of Palmultang has beneficial effect on reproductive functions of female mice via prevention of cell apoptosis and DNA damaging and promotion of cell proliferation.

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