• Title/Summary/Keyword: Making Space

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A Design of Dual-band Microstrip Antenna Loading Inverted-L-shaped Parasitic Elements Vertically at Radiation Apertures for GPS Applications (방사개구면에 역 L형 기생소자를 세운 GPS용 이중대역 마이크로스트립 안테나 설계)

  • Choi, Yoon-Seon;Woo, Jong-Myung
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we present novel dual-band microstrip antennas using inverted-L-shaped parasitic elements vertically at radiation apertures for GPS L1(1.575 GHz) and L2(1.227 GHz) bands. For making dual band which has large interval, the inverted-L-shaped parasitic element was loaded at the radiation aperture of a half-wavelength patch antenna(GPS L1) in opposite direction of the feeding point for receiving the low frequency(GPS L2). The low frequency occurs by perturbation and coupling between the patch and parasitic. Next, due to use circular polarizations at the GPS applications, two inverted-L-shaped parasitic elements were loaded at radiation apertures of each polarizations and the feeding point was moved at diagonal part of the patch. The dimensions of the designed circularly polarized antenna were $88.5{\times}79{\times}10.4mm^3$ ($0.36{\lambda}L{\times}0.32{\lambda}L{\times}0.04{\lambda}L$, ${\lambda}L$ is the free-space wavelength at 1.227 GHz). Measured -10 dB bandwidths were 116.3 MHz(7.4%) and 64.3 MHz(5.2%) at GPS L1 and L2 bands, respectively. All of these cover the respective required system bandwidths. The measured 3 dB axial ratio bandwidths were 11.7 MHz(0.74%) and 14 MHz(1.14%), respectively. Within each of the designed bands, broadside radiation patterns were observed.

A Study on the Characteristics and Distribution of the Time-Spatial Occurrence of Offensive Odors -Gangwon Province - (악취의 시공간적 발생 특성 및 분포도 분석 - 강원지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Byoung-Ug;Hyun, Geun-Woo;Bae, Sun-Hak;Hong, Young-Kyun;Lee, Yeong-Seob;Yi, Geon-Ho;Huh, In-Ryang;Choi, Seung-Bong
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study is aimed at offering basic data for making plans for offensive odor management after researching offensive odor occurrence and characteristics in Gangwon Province. Methods: The data used in the study is based on offensive odor data analyzed by the Gangwon Institute of Health and Environment from 2012 to 2019. The data were reclassified by year, month, facility, and region to identify characteristics of occurrence. Finally, a distribution map of offensive odors was created using ArcGIS. Results: The highest monthly frequency of offensive odor occurrence falls in June, August, and July, and the summer season and third quarter are the highest. According to the latest eight-year data for Gangwon Province, complaints about offensive odors in county areas are more frequent than those in city areas. There are many offensive odor complaints in Wonju, Cheorwon, and Heongsung. The main offensive odor emission facilities are livestock and waste treatment (recycling) facilities. Complaints about offensive odors are relatively lower the Yeongdong area than Yeongseo area, which is considered to be the result of characteristics of land-sea breezes and geographical factors. Offensive odors from livestock facilities count for an average of 53.9% of the total, and the inadequacy rate of livestock facilities averages 36.9%. Conclusions: To maintain a clean environment in Gangwon Province, it is strongly recommended that an offensive odor reduction plan for livestock facilities be established. Areas with a high density of offensive odor occurrence should be identified and systematically managed with short- and mid-term measures. If offensive odors is managed using GIS, it is possible to identify the characteristics of occurrence by time and space and also by facility. In addition, since systematic data management is possible, it is believed that a rapid response to offensive odors, prediction of their spread, and efficient management are possible.

Value Assessment for Inland Wetlands according to Ecological Geographic Distribution (생태지리적 입지에 따른 내륙습지 가치평가)

  • Lee, Jung-Hwan;Im, Ran-Young;Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Park, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.456-464
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    • 2016
  • Korea established an inventory of 1,916 sites of inland wetlands during a nationwide investigation from 2000 to 2010. If inland wetlands is included in or near various protected areas designated by the government, it can be selected as a wetland to be managed with priority. This study evaluated the aspect of management of inland wetlands by analyzing the correlation between locations of national protected areas and inland wetlands. As a result, it was shown that a considerable percentage of current inland wetland was located in areas that were designated and managed as protected areas by the government, as they had a high value of natural environment protection (527 sites, 31.61 %). When the range was widened to a radius of 1 km for protected areas, 959 sites were included and 57.53 % of sites were located in or nearby the protected areas. Among them, 46.79 % of sites were distributed up to or within a 1 km radius of waterside areas and rivers; it accounted for 81.33 % of wetlands located in protected areas. Therefore, it was found that locations of current inland wetlands were mostly in contact with rivers. The results of overlay analysis were classified into high, medium and low; the correlation of location with inland wetlands was analyzed through the analysis of separation distance of various protected areas. The number of wetlands located in areas of a 'high' value of protection was 998 (59.87 %); 289 sites (17.34 %) were distributed in areas of a 'low' value of protection. This implies that these wetlands are located in artificial areas and are more exposed to environmental pressures. Thus, these wetlands could be determined as inland wetlands, which we considered for the establishment of measures to prevent damage.

Designing fuzzy systems for optimal parameters of TMDs to reduce seismic response of tall buildings

  • Ramezani, Meysam;Bathaei, Akbar;Zahrai, Seyed Mehdi
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2017
  • One of the most reliable and simplest tools for structural vibration control in civil engineering is Tuned Mass Damper, TMD. Provided that the frequency and damping parameters of these dampers are tuned appropriately, they can reduce the vibrations of the structure through their generated inertia forces, as they vibrate continuously. To achieve the optimal parameters of TMD, many different methods have been provided so far. In old approaches, some formulas have been offered based on simplifying models and their applied loadings while novel procedures need to model structures completely in order to obtain TMD parameters. In this paper, with regard to the nonlinear decision-making of fuzzy systems and their enough ability to cope with different unreliability, a method is proposed. Furthermore, by taking advantage of both old and new methods a fuzzy system is designed to be operational and reduce uncertainties related to models and applied loads. To design fuzzy system, it is required to gain data on structures and optimum parameters of TMDs corresponding to these structures. This information is obtained through modeling MDOF systems with various numbers of stories subjected to far and near field earthquakes. The design of the fuzzy systems is performed by three methods: look-up table, the data space grid-partitioning, and clustering. After that, rule weights of Mamdani fuzzy system using the look-up table are optimized through genetic algorithm and rule weights of Sugeno fuzzy system designed based on grid-partitioning methods and clustering data are optimized through ANFIS (Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System). By comparing these methods, it is observed that the fuzzy system technique based on data clustering has an efficient function to predict the optimal parameters of TMDs. In this method, average of errors in estimating frequency and damping ratio is close to zero. Also, standard deviation of frequency errors and damping ratio errors decrease by 78% and 4.1% respectively in comparison with the look-up table method. While, this reductions compared to the grid partitioning method are 2.2% and 1.8% respectively. In this research, TMD parameters are estimated for a 15-degree of freedom structure based on designed fuzzy system and are compared to parameters obtained from the genetic algorithm and empirical relations. The progress up to 1.9% and 2% under far-field earthquakes and 0.4% and 2.2% under near-field earthquakes is obtained in decreasing respectively roof maximum displacement and its RMS ratio through fuzzy system method compared to those obtained by empirical relations.

An Analysis on the Contents of STS in the High-School 'Science' Textbooks according to the Curriculum Revised in 2009- Focused on the Unit of 'Evolution of Life' and 'Health of Humanity and Scientific Technology' (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 고등학교 '과학' 교과서의 STS 내용분석 - '생명의 진화'와 '인류의 건강과 과학기술' 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Kyeong-Ha;Son, Yeon-A;Kim, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.343-357
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    • 2015
  • The present study aims to analyze the extent of the use of STS contents in the areas of 'Evolution of Life' and 'Health of Humanity and Scientific Technology' in 'Science' textbooks and to determine whether they meet the goals of the curriculum revised in 2009. The analysis of the 7 types of textbooks according to the STS topics areas indicated big differences between textbooks as little as 16.67% and as much as 58.33%. Also, among the topics associated with STS, 'Space Development and National Defense' and 'Environmental Problems' were not included. In the STS activity areas, the areas of 'Structured Debate,' 'Interpretation of Data,' 'Research and Investigation' showed great frequency. On the other hand, the STS activity areas of 'Field Activities,' 'Problem-solving and Decision-making,' 'Role Playing,' 'Simulation,' 'Case Study,' and 'Research Design' showed small frequency. Analysis of the STS contents for each area indicated 67.57% for the contents relevant to 'the applicability of science' accounting for the largest part whereas 'Understanding of Occupations related to Science' accounted for 1.63%, showing a great difference in their frequency. Seven standards except 'the applicability of science' were included each contents beyond 10% or less than 10% proportion. The STS contents included in the life science area of the 7 types of convergence-style 'Science' textbooks for the high-school accounted for an average of 20.75%, from as little as 12.35% to as much as 26.90%, depending on the publishes.

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A Study of Precedence and Result Factors on Team Commitment on Distribution and Hotel Employees (유통·호텔 종사원의 팀에 대한 몰입의 선행요인과 결과요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Baek-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Il
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to identify team commitment affecting employees' innovative activities and factors affecting team commitment including empowerment by leaders and job enrichment factors. In other words, so as to explain outcome variables of innovative activities, this study aims to emphasize employees' attachment roles towards their groups within nomological network, and identify the motives encouraging employees' innovative activities. The research purpose is significant due to the realistic situation of hotel industry. The reason why innovative activities are important can be found in recent changes of business environment. Also, unlike other various studies on precedence factors encouraging employees' innovative activities, this study classified those precedence factors into job and leader characteristics, and it emphasized the importance of team commitment as the process that job and leader characteristics are connected to innovative activities. Research design, data and methodology - The survey for this study was conducted during October 6th ~ November 10th in 2014 to the employees who are working in 5-star hotels in Korea. As for the selection of hotels and sampling method, convenience sampling method was used to the employees in 5-star hotels. Self-report method was used in the survey, judging that the employees' characteristics would be relatively homogeneous. 311 questionnaires were distributed in total, and 275 reponses were collected. After excluding the missing and unreliable responses, 245 questionnaires were used in the research. SPSS and AMOS programs were used for the analysis. Results - First, empowering leadership had positive effects on hotel employees' team commitment. It indicates that hotel employees are more committed to their team when their leaders set examples, provide information, and involve employees in decision-making process. Second, as a result of the relationship analysis in task diversity, task significance, task identity and team commitment, task diversity and task significance had significant effect on team commitment, while task identity had no significant effect on team commitment. It indicates that team commitment is enhanced when the employees can conduct diverse types of jobs and get more opportunities to talk with the guests. Also, the repetition for the same jobs in hotel rooms and the space for preparing food and beverage do not lead to team commitment, even though the employees fulfill their duties to the end. Third, hotel employees' team commitment has positive effect on their innovative activities. It indicates that employees voluntarily conduct innovative activities when they are attached to their team and identifies themselves with the team. Conclusions - There are theoretical and practical implications in this study. First, in terms of the theoretical perspective, this study proposes structural framework in team commitment, and it identifies the psychological mechanism in team commitment from the aspect of social exchange, which resulted in identification of precedence factors related to team commitment. In addition, this study presents new possibilities for relevant studies about team commitment by examining the effect on team commitment when the importance of innovative activities is emphasized in recent business environment.

A study on the Need for Introducing the Information and Communication Facilities Maintenance Mandatory System: In view of Apartment House Environment) (정보통신설비의 유지관리 의무화제도 도입 필요성에 관한 연구(공동주택환경을 중심으로))

  • Lim, Sang-Chool;Kim, Sun-Hyung
    • Journal of The Institute of Information and Telecommunication Facilities Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2007
  • According to an apartment house environment and the service provide method of major telecom operators, is providing optic-LAN service with installing the equipments of optical office center and optic distribution at MDF(Main Distribution Frame) and under-ground of apartment. therefore the distribute is deepening between service providers because of space securement to install equipments and spare pipe securement to reinstall UTP cable. These were reasons that operators leaned to subscriber collection and neglected to maintenance, in addition, insist the facilities invested by each operators is his own assets for all that in-plant of apartment house is private land. So, would not being touched by others. Accordingly, this study will search it through the field current condition examine that service's types and methods which various telecom operators and broadcast operators are providing, the current conditions of being maintained, the problems of being happened. etc. and would like to improve that the users could use the services safely by making the information & communication facilities maintenance mandatory under the regular size of apartment house circumstances through the analysis of various laws relations which are managed information & communication construction work law, telecommunication basis law, home network. etc. technical standards by the Ministry of Information and Communication and are managed housing law, construction law, the regulation related to house construct standards. etc. by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation.

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An Analysis of STS Contents in the High School Chemistry(II) Textbook (화학II 교과서의 STS 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Kim, Yun-Hi;Moon, Seong-Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2002
  • The STS contents, emphasized in the 6th curriculum, in the chemistry textbooks(II) were analyzed. The STS contents in textbooks showed average value of 2.7%. The chapter of ‘chemical bond and compound' were included 3.8% of STS contents. And the chapter of ‘atomic structure and periodic table', ‘state of material and solution', ‘science of material', and ‘chemical reaction' contained 3.2%, 2.2%, 1.9%, and 1.9% of STS contents, respectively. When the STS contents were analyzed by STS topics of Piel, the results are as follows; 33.7% on effect of technological developments, 27.5% on environmental quality and utilization of natural source, 19.6% on human engineering, 13.8% on energy, and 5.4% on sociality of science. However, there were no topics on population, space research and national defense. When the STS contents were analyzed by student activities of SATIS, most of the activities were research and case study. There were few field activities of practical investigation, problem solving and decision making, research design and stimulation. There were no activities of role play.

Making 2.5D with Vanishing Point in Photoshop (Photoshop Vanishing Point를 이용한 2.5D 제작에 관한연구)

  • Yoon, Young-Doo;Choi, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.146-153
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    • 2009
  • Thanks to computer graphic technology development, graphic design programming is easily accessible by any home computer user today since it is free from the burdens of complicated 알고리듬 or the expensive graphic tools that were required in the past. The term 알고리듬 2.5 is commonly used by computer graphic designers to refer to 2D, a form of pseudo-3D. In this study, by using 2.5D, which was previously utilized for strengthening visual effects and engine efficiency, together with Adobe Photoshop along with After Effects, I will incorporate these into motion graphics. Today, motion graphics dominate the advertisement and image markets. Since viewers have developed higher expectations, a more dynamic 3D space graphic technology is preferred over the outdated 2D basis. In this study, I will produce a 2.5D image which is generated through a vanishing point filter of Adobe Photoshop and After Effects based on still image information and captured at an angle of Axonometric Projection. Also, I will compare the effectiveness of the production process and camera angle flexibility between the previous 3D process and new 2.5 D process.

Developing Experimental Method of Real-time Data Transfer and Imaging using Astronomical Observations for Scientific Inquiry Activities (과학탐구활동을 위한 천문 관측 자료의 실시간 전송 및 영상 구현 실험 방법 개발)

  • Kim, Soon-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.183-199
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    • 2012
  • Previous Earth Science textbooks have mostly lacked the latest astronomical phenomena frequently being reported in mass media such as popular science magazines. One of the main directions in the revision of the 2009 National Curriculum of Korea is to actively include those phenomena. Furthermore, despite a close link between astronomy and physics, the concept of modern physics has not been actively introduced in Earth Science textbooks and at the same time the linkage of physics to astronomy has rarely been studies in physics textbooks. Therefore, the concept of integration among different fields in science is emphasized in the new National Curriculum. Transient phenomena in the high energy astrophysical objects are examples that reflect such issue. The purpose of this study is to introduce transferring a real-time data and making imaging of astronomical observations using e-Science. As a first step, we performed the first experiment for a large data transfer of astronomical observation between Korea and Japan using KOREN, a National Research and Education Test Network. We introduce actively on-going fields of e-Science in observational activities of astronomy and astrophysics, and their close interrelationship with scientific inquiry activities and public outreach activities. We discuss our experiment in the scientific and educational aspects to the primitive e-Science activity in the Korean astronomical society and, in turn, provide a prospective view for its application to the scientific inquiry activities and public outreach activities in the upcoming commercial Gbps-level internet environments.