• Title/Summary/Keyword: MPEG Media Transport

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Content Insertion Technology using Mobile MMT with CMAF (CMAF 기반 Mobile MMT를 활용한 콘텐츠 삽입 기술)

  • Kim, Junsik;Park, Sunghwan;Kim, Doohwan;Kim, Kyuheon
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.560-568
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    • 2020
  • In recent years, as network technology develops, the usage of streaming services by users is increasing. However, the complexity of streaming services is also increasing due to various terminal environments. Even when streaming the same content, it is necessary to re-encode the content according to the type of service. In order to solve the complexity and latency of the streaming service, Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) has standardized the Common Media Application Format (CMAF). In addition, as content transmission using a communication network becomes possible, the Republic of Korea's Ultra High Definition (UHD) broadcasting standard has been enacted as a hybrid standard using a broadcasting network and a communication network. The hybrid service enables various services such as transmitting additional information of contents or providing user-customized contents through a communication network. The Republic of Korea's UHD transmission standard utilizes MPEG Media Transport (MMT), and Mobile MMT is an extension of MMT to provide mobile network-specific functions. This paper proposes a method of inserting CMAF contents suitable for various streaming services using signaling messages of MMT and Mobile MMT. In addition, this paper proposes a model for content insertion system in heterogeneous network environment using broadcasting and communication networks, and verifies the validity of the proposed technology by checking the result of content insertion.

Extension of MPEG-2 TS and MPEG-C Part 3 for Higher Quality Stereoscopic Video Broadcasting Service (고화질 스테레오스코픽 비디오 방송서비스를 위한 MPEG-2 전송스트림과 MPEG-C part 3의 확장 방안)

  • Kang, Jeon-Ho;Lee, Gil-Bok;Kim, Kyu-Heon;Cheong, Won-Sik;Yun, Kug-Jin
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.750-761
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    • 2011
  • Currently, 3DTV technologies are being developed as the future services of the HD digital broadcast environment. As one of the various research topics to apply 3DTV technologies to the conventional broadcasting network, methods to configure stereoscopic videos are being studied. In this paper, we proposed a method to broadcast high quality stereoscopic videos based on analysis of a method to add a stereoscopic descriptor to the PMT of MPEG-2 transport streams and a method to transmit stereoscopic videos by the expansion of MPEG-C part 3 which are from precedent studies. The proposed technique maintains compatibility with conventional MPEG-2 transport streams by showing only reference video for models that do not support 3D broadcasting. Therefore, the compatibility between conventional broadcasting and stereoscopic videos should make this method useful when activating 3D services in the communications and broadcasting area

Design of Service Signaling Structure based on MMT for Terrestrial UHD Broadcasting Systems in Heterogeneous Network (이기종망 환경에서의 지상파 UHD 방송을 위한 MMT 기반 서비스 시그널링 구조 설계)

  • Seo, Minjae;Paik, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2015
  • UHD(Ultra High Definition) Broadcasting is the focus of attention recent days. However, current broadcasting system faces with difficulty of bandwidth, encoding and so on. To solve this problem, MMT was suggested as the one of solutions. MMT is designed to be based on IP network and it has characteristics that can deliver multimedia through many networks at the same time. UHD Media service can be available with the current broadcasting system that divides media data into hierarchical data based on MMT. To provide this service, information about heterogeneous network should be delivered and signalling should be given to perceive it. For UHD media data service, the information about data from heterogeneous networks should be transported for providing presentation information and service for the receiver models. The present MMT signalling has not much information about heterogeneous services with hierarchical media data. In this paper, we suggest the design of service signaling structure based on MMT for UHD broadcasting systems.

Design and Implementation of Interworking Gateway with QoS Adaptation (QoS 적응 기능을 갖는 연동 게이트웨이의 설계 및 구현)

  • Song, Byeong-Hun;Choe, Sang-Gi;Jeong, Gwang-Su
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.619-627
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    • 1999
  • To support multimedia services between network domains with different environments, it is required to map the functionalities in many aspects. In this paper, we implemented interworking gateway which provides protocol conversion and QoS(Quality of Service) adaptation to interwork DAVIC services based on ATM(Asynchronous TRansfer Model )network and Internet AV services. The interworking gateway converts RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol ) message into DSM-CC(Digital Storage Media Command & Control) messages to control the stream that is served in ATM network, and transmits data stream by using RTP(Real-Time Transport Protocol) The interworking gateway provides QoS adaptation functionalities by QoS monitoring and MPEG filtering to meet the variation of network bandwidth.

An Implementation of Digital TV Stream Analyzer (디지털 TV 스트림 분석기 구현)

  • 정혜진;김용한
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.82-97
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we describe a software implementation of a digital TV stream analyzer that can be used for analyzing and verifying digital TV bitstreams on personal computes. It accepts as input MPEG-2 transport streams (TS's) already stored on hard disks and doesn't require any special hardware. After classifying TS packets into program specific information(PSI) TS section auido, video, program clock reference (PCR) private data and null packets, it displays their contents through a graphic user interface along with the syntax elements of the TS header. Also it displays the decoded I frame nearest in time axis the TS packet currently shown This feature helps pin pointing the specific location of problematic parts in bitstreams. The bitsteam analyzer provides the compliance test of MPEG-2 Systems standard and the data injection functionality with which one can easily insert additional data to existing MPEG-2 bitstreams. Using the resulting system one can produce at low test streams for interactive broadcasting and data broadcasting for laboratory use.

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Implementation of the Audio CODEC for Digital Audio Broadcasting Service (디지털 오디오 방송 서비스를 위한 오디오 코덱의 구현)

  • 장대영;홍진우
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2001
  • This paper Introduces an implementation of MPEG-2 AAC codec system for digital audio broadcasting. This system consists of the encoder and the decoder. This system includes MPEG-2 system multiplexing and demultiplexing modules for Interfacing to the ETRI-DAB system. Four DSPs are adopted for the encoder and three DSPs for 7he decoder. Each DSP Processes system control. 1/0 control, audio signal processing. multiplexing and demultiplexing. This Paper also discusses some near future estimations relaxed to the DAB system and it\`s services. Currently a stereo audio codec is available but multi-channel audio codec and MPEG-4 audio cosec wall be also Implemented.

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Development of a back-end system for PC-based terrestrial DMB receivers (PC 기반 지상파 DMB 수신용 백엔드 시스템 개발)

  • Kim Seung-yong;Kim Yong Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.209-212
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 PC 환경에서 지상파 디지털 멀티미디어 방송(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, DMB)을 수신할 수 있는 PC 기반 지상파 DMB 수신기용 백엔드 시스템 개발에 대해 서술한다. 지상파 DMB는 기존의 지상파 아날로그 또는 디지털 TV에 비해 탁월한 이동 수신 성능을 보인다. 본 논문에서는 국내 지상파 DMB 표준안에 부합하는 수신기의 백엔드 (back-end)를 PC 환경에서 소프트웨어로 구현하였다. 지상파 DMB는 유럽의 디지털 오디오 방송(Digital Audio Broadcasting, DAB) 표준인 EUREKA-147을 기반으로 MPEG-4 표준에 의한 멀티미디어 서비스를 제공한다. 지상파 DMB의 멀티미디어 서비스는 MPEG-4 AVC(Advance Video Coding) 압축 비디오와 BSAC(Bit Slice Arithmetic Coding) 압축 오디오를 MPEG-4 시스템의 SL(Sync Layer) 표준으로 패킷화 후 MPEG-2 TS(Transport Stream)에 실어 DAB의 스티림 모드를 통해 전송하는 방식을 사용한다. 본 논문에서는, 지상파 DMB 수신을 위한 프론트엔드(front-end)는 외장형 기기를 이용하고, 이로부터 USB 인터페이스를 통해 기저대역 다중화 스트림을 PC 상으로 업로드한 뒤, 소프트웨어에 의해 역다중화하고 압축을 푼 후, 오디오와 비디오를 재생하는 지상파 DMB 백엔드 시스템을 구현하고 이를 검증하였다.

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MPEG-2 TS Header Extension for Efficient Adaptive HTTP Streaming of SVC/MVC (SVC/MVC의 효율적인 적응 HTTP 스트리밍을 위한 MPEG-2 TS 헤더의 확장)

  • Jang, Euy-Doc;Kim, Jae-Gon;Lee, Jin-Young;Bae, Seong-Jun;Kang, Jung-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.111-113
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    • 2010
  • 본 논문에서는 SVC(Scalable Video Coding) 및 MVC(Multiview Video Coding) 등의 다계층 비디오의 효율적인 적응 HTTP 스트리밍을 위한 MPEG-2 TS(Transport Stream) 헤더의 확장을 제안한다. 먼저 TS로 다중화한 SVC/MVC를 HTTP를 통하여 스트리밍 할 경우 계층별 적응 스트리밍을 지원하기 위한 기존 TS의 한계점을 분석하고, TS 헤더의 확장을 통하여 TS 레벨에서 효율적인 적응을 제공하는 시그널링 기법을 제시한다. 본 논문의 제안 기법은 TS 헤더의 private_data를 추가적으로 정의하여 스케일러빌리티 및 뷰 정보를 기술함으로써 TS 단위로 스케일러블 계층 및 뷰 간 적응 스트리밍을 제공한다.

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Synchronization Schemes for SVC Signals in the Layered Modulation System (계층적 변조 시스템에서 SVC 신호의 동기화 방안)

  • Huynh, Tan-Bao;Kim, Seung-Chul;Sohn, Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2009
  • The paper describes synchronization schemes for scalable video coding signals over the DVB-S2 network. The MPEG-4 SVC signals include a base layer signal and an enhancement layer signal. They are packetized into MPEG-2 transport streams and transmitted on separate RF channels through the DVB-S2 system. The DVB-S2 receiver is required to synchronize each layer signal together to recover the full pictures. Some new schemes to synchronize two. layered SVC signals in MPEG-4 SVC decoder are proposed and analyzed.

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An Implementation of Digital TV Stream Analyzer (디지틸 TV 스트림 분석기 구현)

  • 정혜진;김용한
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2000
  • 본 논문에서는 디지털 TV 방송 스트림을 분석, 검증하기 위한 시스템을 PC 상에서 소프트웨어 기반으로 구현하였다. 저장되어 있는 MPEG-2 트란스포트 스트림(transport stream, TS) 파일을 입력으로 받으며 별도의 하드웨어 장치를 사용하지 않는다. 이 분석기는 PSI(program specific information), TS 섹션, TS 헤더 등 기본 내용뿐만 아니라, TS 패킷들을 오디오, 비디오, PCR(program clock reference), 부가 데이터, 널(null) 패킷 등으로 구분하여 그래픽 사용자 인터페이스 통하여 보여 준다. 또한, 현재 표시되고 있는 TS 패킷과 가장 가까운 I 프레임를 디스플레이 해줌으로써 비트스트림 상의 오류 부분과 실제 영상과 쉽게 매칭시킬 수 있도록 해 준다. 본 논문의 분석기는 MPEG-2 비트스트림 적합성 검사 기능도 제공하며, 데이터 방송을 위한 여러 가지 부가 데이터를 MPEG-2 기본 스트림에 삽입하는 기능도 갖고 있다. 본 논문의 분석기를 이용함으로써 저비용으로 방송 스트림을 분석, 검증할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 실험실 연구를 위한 데이터 방송용 비트스트림을 저비용으로 제작할 수 있다.

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