• Title/Summary/Keyword: MESIC

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Distribution patterns of specice populations along the environmental gradients in mt. moak provincial park, korea (環境傾度에 의한 母岳山 植物個體群의 分布類型)

  • Kim, Jeong-Un;Yim, Yang-Jai
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 1992
  • The environmental gradient analyses were applied for the distribution patterns of species populations in mt. moak provincial park in korea. The species populations were sequentially ordered along the environmental gradients such as soil moisture, soil ph, soil organic matter content and elevation and were grouped into seven ecological groups by the two-dimensional analyses of temperature-moisture gradient : zelkova serrata group on mesic-lower parts near the streames and well drained stony slopes, carpinus tschonoskii group on mesic-middle parts, quercus acutissima group on lower parts destroyed by human activities, quercus variabilis group on xeric-middle parts, quercus serrata group on xeric-upper middle parts, quercus mongolica group on xeric-upper parts and pinus densiflora group on xeric-rock ridge lines, hillocks and lower parts interfered by human. Four forest vegetation types, zelkova forest dominated by the c. tschonoskii group on mesic-middle parts, oak forest dominated by the groups of q. acutissima, q. variabilis, q. serrata and q. mongolica on xeric sites and pine forest dominated by the p. densiflora group on dry and poor sites, were separated in mosaic chart by the two-dimensional analysis.

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Local and regional steppe vegetation palatability at grazing hotspot areas in Mongolia

  • Amartuvshin, Narantsetsegiin;Kim, Jaebeom;Cho, Nanghyun;Seo, Bumsuk;Kang, Sinkyu
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2022
  • Background: Climate and livestock grazing are key agents in determining current Mongolian steppe vegetation communities. Together with plant coverage or biomass, palatability of steppe community is regarded as a useful indicator of grassland degradation, in particular, at grazing hotspots in arid and semi-arid grasslands. This study analyzed relationships between livestock grazing pressure and steppe vegetation palatability at three summer pastures with different aridity (dry, xeric, and mesic) and livestock numbers (1,100, 1,800, and 4,100 sheep units, respectively). At each site, it was surveyed coverage, biomass, and species composition of different palatability groups (i.e., palatable [P], impalatable [IP], and trampling-tolerant [TT]) along a 1-km transect from grazing hotspots (i.e., well) in every July from 2015 to 2018. Results: In results, total vegetation coverage increased with wetness, 7 times greater at mesic site than dry one in averages (33.1% vs. 4.5%); biomass was 3 times higher (47.1 g m-2 vs. 15.7 g m-2). Though P was the dominant palatability group, the importance of IP in total coverage increased with aridity from mesic (0.6%) to dry (40.2%) sites. Whereas, TT increased with livestock numbers across sites. Locally, IP was observed more frequently near the wells and its spatial range of occurrence becomes farther along the transects with aridity across sites from mesic (< 100 m) to dry (< 700 m from the well). Conclusions: Our results showed that the importance of IP and its spatial distribution are different at both local and regional scales, indicating that the palatability parameters are sensitive to discern balance between selective-grazing demand and climate-driven foraging supply in Mongolian rangelands.

Taxonomical Classification and Genesis of Cheongpung Series Distributed on Diluvial Terrace (홍적대지 토양인 청풍통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Park, Chan-Won;Jang, Byoung-Choon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.224-229
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Cheongpung series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy, and to dicuss the formation of Cheongpung series distributed on the diluvial terrace. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Cheongpung series were investigated, and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil survey laboratory methods manual. The typifying pedon of Cheongpung series has red (2.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam Ap horizon (0-18 cm), red (2.5YR 4/8) clay BAt horizon (18-35 cm), red (2.5YR 4/2) cobbly clay Bt1 horizon (35-65 cm), and red (2.5YR4/6) cobbly clay Bt2 horizon (more than 65 cm). The typifying pedon has an argillic horizon from adepth of 18 to more than 65 cm, and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. It can be classified as Ultisol, not as Alfisol. It has udic soil moisture regime, and can be classified as Udult. Also that meets the requirements of Typic Hapludults. It has 35% or more clay at the particle-size control section, and have mesic soil temperature regime. Therefore Cheongpung series can be classified as fine, mesic family of Typic Hapludults, not as fine, mesic family of Ultic Hapludalfs. Cheongpung series occur on moderately elevated diluvial terrace which have relatively stable geomorphic surface. They are developed as Ultisols with clay mineral weathering, translocation of clays to accumulate in an argillic horizon, and leaching of base-forming cations from the profile for relatively long periods under humid, and temperate climates in Korea.

Taxonomical Classification and Genesis of Asan Series Distributed on Rolling and Hilly Areas (구릉지 토양인 아산통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Moon, Yong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1258-1263
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Asan series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy and to discuss the formation of Asan series distributed on the rolling to hilly areas. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Asan series were investigated and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil survey laboratory methods manual. The typifying pedon of Asan series has dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) gravelly loam Ap horizon (0-18 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 5/6) gravelly clay loam BA horizon (18-30 cm), red (2.5YR 4/6) gravelly clay loam Bt1 horizon (30-52 cm), red (2.5YR 4/8) gravelly clay loam Bt2 horizon (52-98 cm), and red (2.5YR 4/8) gravelly clay loam C horizon (98-160 cm). The typifying pedon has an argillic horizon from a depth of 30 to 98 cm and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. It can be classified as Ultisol, not as Inceptisol. It has udic soil moisture regime, and can be classified as Udult. Also that meets the requirements of Typic Hapludults. It has 18-35% clay at the particle-size control section, and has mesic soil temperature regime. Therefore Asan series can be classified as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Hapludults, not as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Dystrudepts. Asan series occur on rolling to hilly areas in residual materials derived from granite gneiss, schist, and gneiss rocks. They are developed as Ultisols with clay mineral weathering, translocation of clays to accumulate in an argillic horizon, and leaching of base-forming cations from the profile for relatively long periods under humid and temperate climates in Korea.

Taxonomical Classification of Cheongweon Series Distributed on Broad Continental Alluvial Plains (하성평탄지 토양인 청원통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Park, Chan-Won;Chun, Hyen-Chung;Moon, Yong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1272-1278
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Cheongweon series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy and to discuss the formation of Cheongweon series distributed on broad continental alluvial plains. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Cheongweon series were investigated and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil survey laboratory methods manual. The typifying pedon of Cheongweon series has dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam Ap horizon (0~18 cm), dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam BA horizon (18~30 cm), dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6) silty clay loam Bt1 horizon (30~60 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam Bt2 horizon (60~91 cm), brown (10YR 4/4) silt loam BC horizon (91~104 cm), and mottled (7.5YR 4/6, and 7.5YR 5/2) silt loam C horizon (104~160 cm). The typifying pedon has an argillic horizon from a depth of 30 to 91 cm and a base saturation (sum of cations) of 35% or more at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. It can be classified as Alfisol, not as Incceptisol. It has udic soil moisture regime, and can be classified as Udalf. Also that meets the requirements of Hapluadalf. It has anthraquic condition, and keys out as Anthraquic Hapludalf. That has fine silty textural family, and has mesic soil temperature regime. Therefore Cheongweon series can be classified as fine silty, mixed, mesic family of Anthraquic Hapludalfs, not as fine silty, mixed, mesic family of Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts.

A Gradient Analsis of the Mixed Forest of Seonusan Area in Southwestern Korea (선운산지역 삼림군집의 경도분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Un;Yim, Yang-Jai
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 1986
  • The environmental gradient analyses and the continum analyses were applied for the ordinationa of forest vegetation in Seonunsan area. In the soil moisture gradient, mesic to xeric, Zelkova serrata, Carpinus tschonoskii, Quercus aliena, Carpinus laxiflora, Quercus serrata, Quercus variabilis and Pinus densiflora type were arranged as a series of sequence along the gradient. In two dimensional analyses of soil moisture and organic matter gradients seven vegetation types mentioned above were also separated one another. Especially Carpinus tschonoskii in mesic-fertile sites adn Pinus densiflora in xeric-sterile were noticeable. The results of continum analyses were corresponded to those of environmental gradient analses for the forest vegetation.

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Classification of Anthropogenic Soil "Ingwan" Series

  • Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Cho, Hyun-Jun;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Shin, Kook-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.535-541
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    • 2015
  • Korean soil classification system is based on the US soil taxonomy. This study aimed to understand and inform the soil taxonomy of 2010 and 2014 US soil classification systems. Ingwan series belonged to anthropogenic soil was classified to coarse loamy over sandy, mixed, mesic family of Aquic Udorthents based on the soil taxonomy of 2010 and coarse loamy over sandy, mixed, mesic family of Anthroportic Udorthents based on the soil taxonomy of 2014. An anthropogenic soil is increasing in Korea. Considering the domestic relationship depending on US soil taxonomy, it is important to be well-informed of the taxonomy and apply the updated taxonomy system properly to the domestic soil classification. This study of defining the anthropogenic soil will provide useful information on soil management and its utilization.

Forest Vegetation of Southern Area of Mt. Naejang National Park, Korea (내장산 남부지역의 삼림식생)

  • Kil, Bong-Seop;Kim, Jeong-Un;Kim, Young-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2000
  • The forest vegetation of southern area of Mt. Naejang National Park, Korea was classified into nine communities of Zelkova serrata, Torreya nucifera, Quercus aliena, Carpinus tschonoskii, C. laxifora Q. variabilis, Q. serrata, Q. mongolica and Pinus densiflora based on the floristic composition and physiognomy Q. mongolica community distributes at elevation above 600 m in sea level, Q. variabilis community on xeric ridges and Q. serrata community on xeric slopes at elevation 250 m∼600 m, C. tschonoskii community on mesic sites and C. laxiflora community on xeric ones at elevation 200 m∼400 m,Q. aliena community on mesic slopes and Zelkova serrata community on mesic stony slopes at stream sides, Torreya nucifera community around the Paegyang temple and Pinus densiflora community on lower parts or ridges of mountain. The actual vegetation map of the area was made in scale 1: 25,000, including above mentioned nine plant communities.

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Taxonomical Classification of Bugog Series (부곡통의 분류)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Geun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Hong, Suk-Young;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Choe, Eun-Young
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.472-477
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Bugog series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy : A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Bugog series were investigated and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual. The typifying pedon of Bugog series has strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) loam Ap horizon (0~22 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/4) clay loam BAt horizon (22~41 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam Bt1 horizon (41~59 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) silty clay loam Bt2 horizon (59~78 cm), brown (7.5YR 4/4) silty clay loam Btx1 horizon(78~90 cm), and brown (7.5YR 4/4) Btx2 horizon(90~160 cm). That occurs on swale foot slope in area of mainly granite gneiss, granite, and schist rock materials. The typifying pedon has an argillic horizon from a depth of 22 to more than 160 cm and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 75 cm below the upper boundary of the fragipan. That can be classified as Ultisol, not as Alfisol. The pedon has udic soil moisture regime, and can be classified as Udult. That has a fragipan with an upper boundary within 100 cm of the mineral soil surface, and keys out as Fragiudult. Also that meets the requirements of Typic Fragiudult. That has 18% to 35% clay at the particle-size control section, and has mesic soil temperature regime. Bugog series can be classified as fine silty, mixed, mesic family of Typic Fragiudults, not as fine loamy, mixed, mesic family of Typic Fragiudalfs.

Taxonomical Classification and Genesis of Anryong Series Distributed on Mountain Foot Slope (산록경사지 토양인 안룡통의 분류 및 생성)

  • Song, Kwan-Cheol;Hyun, Byung-Keun;Sonn, Yeon-Kyu;Zhang, Yong-Seon;Park, Chan-Won;Jang, Byoung-Choon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to reclassify Anryong series based on the second edition of Soil Taxonomy and to discuss the formation of Anryong series distributed on the mountain foot slope. Morphological properties of typifying pedon of Anryong series were investigated and physico-chemical properties were analyzed according to Soil survey laboratory methods manual. The typifying pedon of Anryong series has brown (7.5YR 4/4) loam Ap horizon (0-22 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) cobbly clay loam BAt horizon (22-35 cm), strong brown (7.5YR 4/6) cobbly clay loam Bt1 horizon (35-55 cm), reddish brown (5YR 5/4) cobbly clay loam Bt2 horizon (55-82 cm), and brown (7.5YR 5/4) cobbly clay loam Bt3 horizon (82-120 cm). The typifying pedon has an argillic horizon from a depth of 22 to 120 cm and a base saturation (sum of cations) of less than 35% at 125 cm below the upper boundary of the argillic horizon. It can be classified as Ultisol, not as Alfisol. It has udic soil moisture regime, and can be classified as Udult. Also that meets the requirements of Typic Hapludults. It has 18-35% clay at the particle-size control section, and have mesic soil temperature regime. Therefore Anryong series can be classified as fine loamy, mesic family of Typic Hapludults, not as fine loamy, mesic family of Ultic Hapludalfs. Anryong series occur on mountain foot slope positions in colluvial materials derived from acid and intermediate crystalline rocks. They are developed as Ultisols with clay mineral weathering, translocation of clays to accumulate in an argillic horizon, and leaching of base-forming cations from the profile for relatively long periods under humid and temperate climates in Korea.