• Title/Summary/Keyword: Local Public Officials

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Collaborative Archiving Project with Citizens: A Case Study on the Paju Central Library (시민과 함께 하는 기록화 사업 :파주중앙도서관 사례)

  • (Myung Hee Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2023
  • With the objective of recording the life stories of Paju's long-time residents, the Paju Central Library has been implementing the "Human in Paju" project by forming the Citizen Oral History team since 2017. Building upon the success of this initiative, Paju Central Library became the first library in the country to establish a Records Management team. Subsequently, regulations were enacted, and a committee comprising citizens and officials was formed to ensure the continuous development of the archival project. Moreover, they emphasized public discourse and collaboration at every stage by creating a system to raise awareness of the importance of archiving throughout Paju and support citizens in becoming active participants in the project. This paper aims to present a case study of this exemplary local government library.

Economic Feasibility Analysis of 'Hye-Ahn', a Government-Wide Big Data Platform (범정부 빅데이터 플랫폼인 '혜안'의 경제적 타당성 분석)

  • Myong-Hee Kim;Heung-Kyu Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2024
  • The use of big data needs to be emphasized in policy formulation by public officials in order to improve the transparency of government policies and increase efficiency and reliability of government policies. 'Hye-Ahn', a government-wide big data platform was built with this goal, and the subscribers of 'Hye-Ahn' has grown significantly from 2,000 at the end of 2016 to 100,000 at August 2018. Additionally, the central and local governments are expanding their big data related budgets. In this study, we derived the costs and benefits of 'Hye-Ahn' and used them to conduct an economic feasibility analysis. As a result, even if only some quantitative benefits are considered without qualitative benefits, the net present value, the benefit/cost, and internal rate of return turned out to be 22,662 million won, 2.3213, and 41.8%, respectively. Since this is larger than the respective comparison criteria of 0 won, 1.0, and 5.0%, it can be seen that 'Hye-Ahn' has had economic feasibility. As noticed earlier, the number of analysis using 'Hye-Ahn' is increasing, so it is expected that the benefits will increase as time passes. Finally, the socioeconomic value gained when the results of analysis using 'Hye-Ahn' are used in policy is expected to be significant.

Establishment and Operation of the Local Government Archives: Recommendations (지방기록물관리기관 설립의 방향과 방법)

  • Ji, Su-gol
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.21
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    • pp.247-281
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    • 2009
  • Local governments in Korea, sixteen in total, shall establish local government archives to and manage preserve their permanent archives to comply with the Public Records Management Act amended in October 2006. National Archives of Korea(NAK) directed the local governments to recruit legally qualified archivists by the end 0f 2006 and to plan on the establishment and operation of the local government archives by the end 2007. However, none of the government archives was established by far. Government officials in NAK and the local governments raised the limits of the budget and human resources. What is more serious is that they don't concern why the archives are necessary and what missions and functions the archives should have. In this paper, I summarized the present situation and problems in establishing the local archives, and what we will do to establish normal government archives. First, local governments should establish "local government records commissions" and employ qualified archivists. The local government records commission should comprise concerned and qualified members. The records commission, as a policy and decision-making body, should make plans and implement the plans to establish the local archives, establish professional training programs to produce qualified archivists, promote local archives community activities, determine operational issues, and make a long-term development plan satisfying local demands. Second, the local government archives share existing repositories of NAK. Third, after the establishment of the archives, the local archives should perform normal records and archives management of the local governments as records acts mandate, do general records surveys and appraise the records created in the local governments. The local government archives should collect valuable local archives including private archives, and arrange and make usable them to provide access. They also promote and coordinate various cultural heritage community activities related to the local archives.

Problems and Improvement Strategies of Environmental Impact Assessment by Local Government in South Korea - Case Studies of 8 Local Governments including Seoul, Jeju, Busan and Daejeon - (지방자치단체의 환경영향평가 제도 운영현황 및 개선방안 - 서울, 제주, 부산, 대전 등 8개 지자체를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Oh;Min, Byoungwook
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.132-143
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the accomplishments and limits of the local governments' environmental impact assessment operation system and to propose a policy plan to improve it through an analysis of the current status of the operations by local governments. As the research method, based on an understanding of the basic purpose and concept of the local government's environmental impact assessment, the current status of environmental impact assessment by major local governments such as Seoul, Jeju, Busan, Daejeon, etc. is analyzed and in-depth interviews with public officials in charge are conducted. Through the extensive discussions, the current situation and the problems are identified. The accomplishments of the local governments' operation of environmental impact assessment are: it is possible, first, to select evaluation targets and items in accordance with regional characteristics; second, to continuously strengthen the management and monitoring the evaluation result after through its own follow-up control. The limits revealed are; first, internal organization problems, which are largely due to the fact that the project approvers and the environmental impact assessment consultants are the same; second, poor cooperation system between the department of environmental impact assessment and other departments; third, lack of professionalism in the working forces; and forth, a limited pool of the skilled judges; and last, it was found that there could be frequent problems of overlapping regulation during coordinating target projects and evaluation contents.

Relationships Among Demographic Characteristics, Leadership, Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment (인구통계학적 특성, 리더십 및 조직유효성간의 관계와 조직문화의 매개효과분석)

  • Jee, Kyoung-Yee;Kim, Jung-Won;Kwon, Jong-Wook
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.117-147
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    • 2012
  • The role of middle managers in local administrative organizations is getting important in showing administrative capacity of public officials who are members, enhancing effectiveness and competitiveness of an organization. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of demographic characteristics as well as the mediating effects of organizational culture between leadership of middle managers and organizational effectiveness such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment using the sample from local administrative organizations of Kangwon province. Results of empirical study are summarized. In final suggestions, implications and some limitations of the present study are discussed as well.

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A Case Study on the Establishment of Assessment Standards for the Site Selection of Waste Treatment Facility (폐기물 처리시설 입지선정 평가기준 설정에 관한 사례연구)

  • Jung, Jong-Gwan;Jang, Won
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.137-152
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    • 1997
  • The siting process of municipal solid waste treatment facility consists of a structured set of policies that guide the implementation of waste management goals. The main problems of siting process are the social and political context or the community opposition. During the past, the traditional siting process has been obsolete in most pans of the country, so public officials and researchers have tried to experiment with new policies and procedures. A number of controversial issues offer insight into the factors that are related to the local residents opposition to new waste treatment facilities. The purpose of this case study focused on the establishment of criteria in the site selection of waste treatment facilities which can carry out resources recovery. incineration and landfill simultaneously. That is to say. the main points are to make concrete the quantification standards of assignment and take an objective allotment scale according to the assessment factors. The summarized results are as follows; 1. To promote the site selection based on the guideline such as rational. objective and due process of law, it is desirable to inform the local residents the methods of assessment in advance. 2. Totally 20 factors for the site selection are divided into 3 categories such as living environment characteristics, technological location characteristics and socio-economic factors. And the supposed magnitude of weight in all items are equally applied. 3. In regard to 20 assessment factors, the allotment of point is distributed by the specific location characteristics. Namely to make the assessment easily, each factors are set the scale from 1 to 5 points en masse along the data which are acquired in the region.

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An Exploratory Study on Development Plan of Consumer-centered Cluster Complex in 6th Industry (수요자 중심의 6차산업 특화단지 조성을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Yun-Sang;Ahn, Hyeon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2018
  • Korea seems to have introduced the legal basis for supporting and revitalizing the 6th industry since about 2010. Problems such as lack of systematic support system, inadequacy of cooperation and cooperation between ministries, and poor efficiency have been raised. Also, there is a lack of information on the designation, development method, participant, and management plan of the 6th industrial complex. In this study, we review prior researches and cases related to the 6th industry and examine how to efficiently create the 6th industry-specific complex by analyzing the requirements of customers for the enterprises, residents, professionals and officials of the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan areas. As a result of the questionnaire survey, some suggestions for the establishment of the 6th industry specialization complex were drawn. First, 77.5% of the total requires a combination of public and mixed use, which can be expected to have positive effects such as sharing development gains with local residents and improving resettlement of local residents. Second, the 6th industrial complex should be harmonized with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd industries. However, unlike the standardized land use plan of existing industrial complex, it is necessary to expand the distribution and sales space to reflect the demand for tertiary industry. It is also necessary to consider measures for securing primary industrial sites or securing primary industrial sites through external procurement. Third, it is necessary to establish and operate a plan reflecting rent and rental demand after leasing for a certain period.

Site Analysis and Improvements on Pilot Project of Core-Based Residential Environment Improvement (거점확산형 주거환경개선 시범사업 실태조사 및 개선방향 연구)

  • Paik, Hae-Sun;Lee, Young-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to find out the cause of delay by analyzing the process of 12 Core-based Improvement pilot projects, especially focused on lands, buildings, population status. For this purpose, it performed a literature research on maintenance plan reports, various statistics of building and population status analysis, a field research and an individual interview with public officials in charge at local governments of 12 project districts. The findings are as follows; 1) it was difficult to cope flexibly to environmental changes because the core sector was so large that the plan was led to areal improvement. 2) the project was selected without reflecting the characteristics of the core sector and the area of residents-led renovation properly in terms of building status such as building density and old buildings ratio, 3) the coordinator group for socially disadvantaged class in the district was not operated and thus foundation for residents-led renovation was not set up. In conclusion, it should be presented the proper size of the core sector when the core-based residential environment improvement project is initiated in the future. In addition, building status is taken into consideration when designating the core sector and the area of residents-led renovation. The coordinator group needs to be operated from the early stage of the project as well.

Study on the Current status and Direction of Environmental Governance around Urban forest in Korea : With a Focus on the Recognition of Local Government Officials (도시숲의 환경거버넌스 현황과 방향성에 관한 연구 : 지자체 담당자의 인식 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jae-Hyun;Tae, Yoo-Lee;Chang, Chu-Youn;Kim, Kyung-Mok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.99 no.4
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    • pp.580-589
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    • 2010
  • In Korea, Public demand for quality of life is increasing gradually with socioeconomic growth. It is really necessary urban forestry because urban forest is one of the important factors in citizen's living environment. There is expected to participate government, citizen, NGOs and the corporate sector in urban forestry. This study was investigated the directions of environmental governance in urban forestry focused local government. As a result, urban forestry official recognized the importance of urban forestry by partnership. In order to manage urban forest efficiently, the committee must be comprised of various stakeholder and researcher have need to develop support system for management. Especially, it shows that they prefer corporations participate to create and manage urban forest.

A Policy Implementation Analysis on the Care Voucher for the Aged -Focusing on Choice and Competition- (노인돌보미바우처 정책집행분석 -선택과 경쟁은 실현되는가?-)

  • Yang, Nan-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.77-101
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    • 2009
  • As a case study in the field of policy implementation research, this study focuses on how the logic of consumer choice and provider competition operates on the front line of policy processing. To find the implementation process of the program, 39 interview data were analyzed, including voucher users, care workers, social workers in 4 agencies and local public officers in one of the district in Seoul, and relevant officials from the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family affairs and the Center for Social Service Management. The main results are as follows: In the level of policy implementation, user choice and competition, which was the main logic behind the implementation of the voucher program, did not occur as expected by policy makers. Instead of user choosing his/her provider, it was found that the providers were choosing its users. Secondly, the case study found that providers have formed a caucus which allocated the local users equally amongst the providers. In this process, local public officers have supported the meeting by providing them with a list of users. Such results may be interpreted as a habitual execution from the tradition of supply-side subsidy, rather than the way of implementation in the market system. Thirdly, although voucher users could not choose their preferred agency in the first stage of service, some other choices exists so that users may choose their preferred care-giver and time for service. Finally, the change of agency and care-giver in the way of delivering services were observed.

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