• Title/Summary/Keyword: Line Scanning Camera

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A Study on the Mark Reader Using the Image Processing (영상처리를 이용한 Mark 판독 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 김승호;김범진;이용구;노도환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.83-83
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    • 2000
  • Recently, Vision system has being used all around industry. Sensor systems are used for Mark Reader, for example, optical scanning is proximity sensor system, have many disadvantages, such as, lacking user interface and difficulty to store original specimens. In contrast with this, Vision systems for Mark Reader has many advantages, including function conversion to achieve other work, high accuracy, high speed, etc. In this thesis, we have researched the development of Mark Reader by using a Vision system. The processing course of this s)'stem is consist to Image Pre-Processing such as noise reduction, edge detection, threshold processing. And then, we have carried out camera calibration to calibrate images which are acquired from camera. After searching for reference point within scanning area(60pixe1${\times}$30pixe1), we have calculated points crossing by using line equations. And then, we decide to each ROI(region of interest) which are expressed by four points. Next we have converted absolute coordinate into relative coordinate for analysis a translation component. Finally we carry out Mark Reading with images classified by six patterns. As a result of experiment which follows the algorithm has proposed, we have get error within 0.5% from total image.

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The Welding Process Control Using Neural Network Algorithm (Neural Network 알고리즘을 이용한 용접공정제어)

  • Cho Man Ho;Yang Sang Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2004
  • A CCD camera with a laser stripe was applied to realize the automatic weld seam tracking in GMAW. It takes relatively long time to process image on-line control using the basic Hough transformation, but it has a tendency of robustness over the noises such as spatter and arc tight. For this reason, it was complemented with adaptive Hough transformation to have an on-line processing ability for scanning specific weld points. The adaptive Hough transformation was used to extract laser stripes and to obtain specific weld points. The 3-dimensional information obtained from the vision system made it possible to generate the weld torch path and to obtain the information such as width and depth of weld line. In this study, a neural network based on the generalized delta rule algorithm was adapted for the process control of GMA, such as welding speed, arc voltage and wire feeding speed.

Three Dimension Scanner System Using Parallel Camera Model (패러렐 카메라모델을 이용한 3차원 스캐너 시스템)

  • Lee, Hee-Man
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.27-32
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, the three dimension scanner system employing the parallel camera model is discussed. The camera calibration process and the three dimension scanning algorithm are developed. The laser strip line is utilized for assisting stereo matching. An object being scanned rotates on the plate which is activated by a stepping motor, The world coordinate which is. the measured distance from the camera to the object is converted into the model coordinate. The facets created from the point. cloud of the model coordinate is used for rendering the scanned model by using the graphic library such as OpenGL. The unmatched points having no validate matching points are interpolated from the validate matching points of the vicinity epipolar lines.

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Development of Green-Sheet Measurement Algorithm by Image Processing Technique (영상처리기법을 이용한 그린시트 측정알고리즘 개발)

  • Pyo, C.R.;Yang, S.M.;Kang, S.H.;Yoon, S.M.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.51-54
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is the development of measurement algorithm for green-sheet based on the digital image processing technique. The Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC) technology can be defined as a way to produce multilayer circuits with the help of single tapes, which are used to apply conductive, dielectric and / or resistive pastes on. These single green-sheets have to be laminated together and fired in one step all. Main functionality of the green-sheet film measurement algorithm is to measure the position and size of the punching hole in each single layer. The line scan camera coupled with motorized X-Y stage is used for developing the algorithm. In order to measure the entire film area using several scanning steps, the overlapping method is used. In the process of development of the algorithm based on the image processing and analysis, strong background technology and know-how have been accumulated.

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Applicability of Color Corescanner to the Analysis and Data-base of Drill Cores (시추코어 분석 및 데이터베이스화를 위한 칼라 코어스캐너의 응용)

  • ;Ghodrat Rafat
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2001.03a
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    • pp.249-256
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    • 2001
  • Optical Color Corescanner firstly developed by DMT-GeoTec, Germany and further upgraded through the Korea-Germany joint project is capable of duplicating the core surfaces. The tool uses a digital CCD line camera. As the core is rotated by an electric motor, the camera scans the uppermost line, everytime with a circumferential increment of up to 0.05mm(20pixels/mm) and hence a complete 360$^{\circ}$ unwrapped image(core image) is produced. This paper illustrated diverse research benefits of such core images from several test sites in our country. All scanned images could be stored as a data-base one and easily used with software facilities \circled1 to evaluate a percental distribution of mineral components or grain size etc. not only for the rock classification but also for e.g. the assessment of building stones, \circled2 to study potential reservoirs as a hydrocarbon indicator using ultraviolet fluorescence reflection from cores, \circled3 to facilitate the qualitative and quantitative analysis of fractures, \circled4 to evaluate the fractures and thin bedded reservoirs using spectral color responses. Based on abundant scanning experiments, it would seem that this imaging work should lead to reflecting the future trend in underground survey toward a more comprehensive understanding of the properties and behaviors of in situ rocks.

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Vibration Evaluation and Accuracy Improvement for a Digital Pile Rebounding and Penetration Monitoring System (DPRMS) (디지털 항타관리기(DPRMS)의 진동영향 평가 및 측정 정밀도 향상 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Jung-Taek;Lee, Kye-Young;Lee, Sang-Hun;Han, Song-Soo;Chung, Jin-Tai
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5 s.110
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    • pp.514-520
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    • 2006
  • In this study, the performance of a digital pile rebounding and penetration monitoring system (DPRMS) is evaluated and the measurement precision of the DPRMS is improved. The DPRMS is a high speed line-scanning camera system to measure the rebound and penetration of a pile in a construction work. A main problem in the DPRMS is a measurement error, which is caused by a shock or vibration due to a hammer impact. The measurement error is investigated by analyzing vibration signals of the DPRMS during the impact. Moreover, the frequency response functions of the DPRMS are also analyzed. As a result, it is found that the tripod height has an influence on the DPRMS performance and a shorter tripod is better. One more founding in this study is that the DPRMS should be placed with a appropriate distance from a pile for improving the measurement precision.

Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter of the Solar Flare Telescope at NAOJ

  • Hagino, Masaoki;Sakurai, Takashi;Hanaoka, Yoichiro;Shinoda, Kazuya;Noguchi, Motokazu;Miyashita, Masakuni;Fukuda, Takeo;Suzuki, Isao;Arai, Takehiko;Takeyama, Norihide
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.85.2-85.2
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    • 2011
  • A new infrared spectro-polarimeter was installed in 2008 onto the Solar Flare Telescope of NAOJ in the Mitaka headquarters. The Solar Flare Telescope had been operated previously as a filter-based magnetograph and obtained vector magnetograms of active regions with the Fe I 630.3nm line during 1992 - 2005. The aim of this new instrument is to measure the distribution of magnetic helicity over the whole Sun and for an extended period with high magnetic sensitivity in the infrared wavelengths. This spectro-polarimter is able to obtain polarizations in both photospheric and chromospheric layers. In order to take full Stokes profiles, we observe Fe I 1564.8 nm and He I 1083.0 nm lines (with the neighboring photospheric Si line) for the photospheric and chromospheric magnetic field vectors, respectively. The infrared detector of this instrument is a $640{\times}512$-pixel InGaAs camera produced by a Belgian company Xenics. The frame rate of the camera is 90 frames/sec. The 640-pixel row of this camera is set along the spectrograph slit of the polarimeter. Since the slit only covers the solar hemisphere, a full disk map is obtained by raster scanning the solar disk twice. A magnetic map is made of about $1200{\times}1200$ pixels with a pixel size of 1.8 arcsec. It generally takes 1.5 hours to scan the whole Sun. Although some issues on the instrument calibration still remain, a few maps of the whole Sun at the two wavelengths are now taken daily. In this presentation, we will introduce the instrument and present some observational results.

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MTF Assessment and Image Restoration Technique for Post-Launch Calibration of DubaiSat-1 (DubaiSat-1의 발사 후 검보정을 위한 MTF 평가 및 영상복원 기법)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Deok;Park, Won-Kyu;Kwak, Sung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.573-586
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    • 2011
  • The MTF(modulation transfer function) is one of parameters to evaluate the performance of imaging systems. Also, it can be used to restore information that is lost by a harsh space environment (radioactivity, extreme cold/heat condition and electromagnetic field etc.), atmospheric effects and falloff of system performance etc. This paper evaluated the MTF values of images taken by DubaiSat-1 satellite which was launched in 2009 by EIAST(Emirates Institute for Advanced Science and Technology) and Satrec Initiative. Generally, the MTF was assessed using various methods such as a point source method and a knife-edge method. This paper used the slanted-edge method. The slantededge method is the ISO 12233 standard for the MTF measurement of electronic still-picture cameras. The method is adapted to estimate the MTF values of line-scanning telescopes. After assessing the MTF, we performed the MTF compensation by generating a MTF convolution kernel based on the PSF(point spread function) with image denoising to enhance the image quality.

Reconstruction of body contour with digital camera image (Digital Camera의 영상을 이용한 신체 단면도 제작)

  • Kwon, KT;Kim, CM;Kang, TY;Park, CS;Song, HK
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2003
  • I. Purpose It is essential to have the correct body contour information for the calculation of dose distribution. The role of CT images in the radiation oncology field has been increased. But there still exists a method to use cast or lead wire for the body contour drawing. This traditional method has drawbacks such as in accurate and time consuming procedure. This study has been designed to overcome this problem. II. Materials and Methods A digital camera is attached to a pole which stands on the opposite side of the gantry. Positional information was acquired from an image of the phantom which is specially designed for this study and located on the isocenter level of the simulator Laser line on the patients skin or on the phantom surface was digitized and reconstructed as the contour. Verification of usefulness this technique has been done with various shape of phantoms and a patients chest III. Results and Conclusions Contours from the traditional method with the cast or lead wire and the digital image method showed good agreement within experimetal error range. This technique showed more efficiente in time and convenience. For irregular shaped contour, like H&N region, special care are needed. The results suggest that more study is needed. To use of the another photogrammatory techinique with two camera system may be better for the actual clinical application

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A Study on the Image Restoration in the Defocussed Image (Defocussed된 화상의 복#에 관한 연구)

  • 이명종;안수길
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 1985
  • The point spread function of defocussed image is known as two dimensional function, one of rectangular type and Gaussian type function and etc, and the defocussed image can be modeled as the convolved output between original image and the supposed PSF. But, in .case of analog method using the scanning line of TV camera, one dimensional Process can be effective, and it was shown thats the defocussed image can be analyzed as the convolved output betlween the original image and the pule with finite width in the horizontal irection. And uslng TV camera and a analog compound high pass filter, the restoration experiment Is matte and we have got some pictures with remarked improvements.

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