• Title/Summary/Keyword: Lighting applications

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  • Khaled Nassar;Soo-Young Kim
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 2007
  • Nighttime construction is being adopted by many state DOT's as a way to mitigate the impact of construction operations on the traveling public. Although a number of states have developed standard specifications for nighttime lighting, these standards are usually in the form of generic requirement statements that only specify minimum illuminance levels. The lighting standards do not include specific ways to achieve this illuminance level such as lighting arrangements and configurations for various work zone plans and construction operations. This leaves confusion between the traffic engineers and the contractors and does not guarantee consistency in those plans, thus affecting productivity and safety (lighting conditions account for 18% to 28% of work zone accidents). The main objective of this study is to utilize three dimensional animation and lighting analysis software to study and model lighting conditions of a construction site. This is expected to increase the safety and productivity of construction operations by achieving consistency in work zone lighting schemes. A computerized model was developed, called Nitelite. Various lighting schemes can be studied using the software to provide for typical applications including lighting fixture's locations, luminance, mounting height, tilt angle, and fixture type. The results from the developed software tool were validated through comparisons with previous research conducted using field measurements.

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A Study on the Cost Effective DSM Method for Lighting Power Control through Pilot Test Based on Pre-Verified Methodologies (다양한 형태의 조명(형광등) 전력제어 실증시험을 통한 비용효과적인 전력수요관리방법 도출)

  • Yang, Seung-Kwon;Kim, Dae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2013
  • The portion of lighting power consumption for our country is up to 20~30% of the total amount. Currently, most of the DSM(Demand side management) of lighting power is delivered in supply of high efficient lighting to customers. On the contrary, applications of lighting power to power load leveling are still rare. In this paper, the simulations for various control types of lighting power for load leveling are tried, and we obtained the cost effective and optimal control method through that. This simulation was executed in test office with fluorescent light by us based on applying 8 control types(on, off & dimming), considering customers' satisfaction, for instance, minimum intensity of illumination allowed. According to the result of this test, we found that mixed type(chessboard(on-off) plus dimming control(10%)) is most effective.

Design of LED Lighting System using Bluetooth Wireless Communcation (Bluetooth 무선 통신 기능을 이용한 LED 조명시스템 설계)

  • Kim, Hye Myeong;Yang, Woo Seok;Cho, Young Seek;Park, Dae Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2015
  • The Light Emitting Diode(LED) lighting control system proposed in this thesis is made up of a sensor module, a microcontroller, Bluetooth wireless communication, LED Driver, and LED downlight. The sensor module, comprised of an infrared sensor, an illumination sensor, and a temperature sensor, was designed to one Printed Circuit board(PCB). The system is able to identify the environment information collected by the sensor, and make it possible to control lighting automatically and manually through sensors. In addition, depending on users' conditions, a color temperature can be controlled. CS-1000, a spectroradiometer, was employed to measure the changing values of a color temperature in 8 steps. According to a test, it was found that it was possible to change a color temperature from 3187K of Warm White LED to 5598K of Cool White LED. The Bluetooth based wireless communication technique makes it possible to control more lighting devices than other wireless communication techniques does.

Analysis of User Preference about the Color Rendering Index, Correlated Color Temperature and Illuminance of LED Lighting in Merchandising Spaces (상업공간에서의 사용자 선호 LED 조명 연색지수와 상관색온도, 조도의 분석)

  • Lee, Su-Jung;Yoon, Hea-Kyung
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to recommend the proper Color rendering index (CRI), the Correlated Color Temperature (CCT), and illuminance levels of Light-Emitting Diode (LED) lighting based on the analysis of the criteria of the current CRI, the CCT, and illuminance levels in merchandising spaces with LED lighting conditions. It would be a basic material to apply in line with user preference for LED merchandising lighting. To this end, it examines relevant literature review on the experiments designed to test whether lighting characteristics affect brightness perception, color appearance, and pleasantness. Highly saturated colors appear brighter than low saturated colors. Two lighting applications - grocery and clothing shop - were created in elaborating the effect of LED lighting characteristics of CRI on color appearance and the CCT and illuminance on pleasantness. The findings show that the criteria of CIE Ra<80 are appropriate to provide better color appearance of illuminated products in terms of LED lighting that can enhance color saturation, particularly for the red color. Furthermore, 2700 K and less than 500 lux for grocery, 4000 K and more than 500 lux for clothing shop are found to be the proper the CCT and illuminance levels respectively to bring better preference under LED lighting.

Design of a Remote Lighting Control System Using Time Division Multiplex Transmission (시분할 다중 전송방식을 이용한 원격 조명제어 설계)

  • 정성재;김일환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.33-33
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    • 2000
  • In this paper a new distributive control system for BA(Building Automation ) lighting control used on general microprocessors is presented. For optimal lighting control and saving energy, The system have to control the group and pattern lighting control as well as individual light control at one time. Tn this paper, This functions are accomplished with low-cost and simple microprocessor. A plurality of modulated light control terminals are connected to the central control unit through a pair of power line. This power line provide both power and signal to the each terminal and the data is transmitted through cyclic time division multiplex transmission. With this structure a low-cost distributive control system for lighting applications has been achieved, allowing energy and maintenance saving and reliability increase of the light control system.

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A Study on Development Direction of Smart Pole for Smart City Construction

  • Kim, Tae Yeun;Bae, Sang Hyun
    • Journal of Integrative Natural Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2019
  • Smart pole is one of mega trend in smart city development. It has multi-function to get as much as data from the street to better city management. And smart street lighting of smart pole as core part of smart city development is being implemented by many cities in globally. Refer to the latest edition of Navigant Research's Smart City Tracker includes smart city projects in 221 cities, a quarter of which are deploying smart street lighting ranging from initial pilots to citywide and regional deployments that span tens and even hundreds of thousands of lights. The most important feature of smart street lighting solution is "Connectivity" through the IoT technology. In order to implement the smart city, we should have so-called intelligent watchdog and mesh networked post for keeping the various smart city technology development progress and operation properly. Smart street lighting solution could be main infrastructure as an enabler for a range of smart city applications. We can talk about the expected role of smart street lighting for the smart city development on this paper.

A Study on Developing a Teardrop LED Lighting Fixture and Economic Analysis at Industrial Clean Rooms (산업용 클린룸에서의 Teardrop LED 등기구 개발 및 경제성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lhee, Sang Choon;Choi, Yeo Jin;Choi, Young Joon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2013
  • On the electricity consumption in Korea, the lighting sector takes about 17% of annual total electricity consumptions. In the midst of higher interests on energy conservation measures, design and choice of energy-saving lighting fixtures have been more important. With growth of technology-intensive industries like advanced material, semiconductor, and biotechnology from the 1980s, needs for clean room and thus illumination at clean rooms have been increased. In this paper, development, specification, and features of a Teardrop LED(hereinafter TD LED) lighting fixture as replacement of Teardrop florescent lighting one that has been popularly installed at clean rooms were presented. Also we performed the economic analysis of return on investment(ROI) about energy savings by the installation of the TD LED lighting fixture at a new-built clean room. The economic analysis showed that the new-developed TD LED lighting fixture would be able to withdraw the initial installation cost within 4 years. Lastly, improvement directions and development plans of the next TD LED lighting fixture for wider applications at clean rooms were described.

A study for electrical construction engineering of the fluorescent lighting fixture modularized to unit length (배선 일체화된 형광등기구에 대한 시공기술 연구)

  • Go, Jae-Wan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07e
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    • pp.22-24
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    • 2005
  • A study to assess and show applications of the easy lighting constructions of the new technics has presented in this paper, we have taken the present men-power to determine the optimum levels of the selected labour cost and analysis of the unit prices on the new developed lighting device for modularized to unit length, named Lite-way.

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A Design of 3D Graphics Lighting Processor for Mobile Applications (휴대 단말기용 3D Graphics Lighting Processor 설계)

  • Yang, Joon-Seok;Kim, Ki-Chul
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.837-840
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents 3D graphics lighting processor based on vector processing using pipeline chaining. The lighting process of 3D graphics rendering contains many arithmetic operations and its complexity is very high. For high throughput, proposed processor uses pipelined functional units. To implement fully pipelined architecture, we have to use many functional units. Hence, the number of functional units is restricted. However, with the restricted number of pipelined functional units, the utilization of the units is reduced and a resource reservation problem is caused. To resolve these problems, the proposed architecture uses vector processing using pipeline chaining. Due to its pipeline chaining based architecture, it can perform 4.09M vertices per 1 second with 100MHz frequency. The proposed 3D graphics lighting processor is compatible with OpenGL ES API and the design is implemented and verified on FPGA.

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Image-Based Relighting - Luminance Mapping Based on Lighting Functions

  • Manabe, Tomohisa;Raytchev, Bisser;Tamaki, Toru;Kaneda, Kazufumi
    • International Journal of CAD/CAM
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2012
  • The paper proposes a method for generating a sequence of images with smooth transition of illumination from two input images with different lighting conditions. Our relighting approach is image-based, such as the light field rendering. We store the luminances (pixel RGB values) into "lighting functions" consisting of a couple of parameters related to normal vectors. Images with different light positions are rendered by interpolating the luminances retrieved from the lighting functions. The proposed method is a promising technique for many applications requiring a scene with variety of lighting effects, such as movies, TV games, and so on.