• Title/Summary/Keyword: Light and space

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A Study on the Spatial effect of Phenomenological Light and Water in Architectural works of Steven Holl (스티븐 홀 작품에 나타난 현상학적 빛과 물의 공간작용)

  • 안우진;손광호;고성룡
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.27
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2001
  • The tendency of formalization in Contemporary Architecture deeply relies on the thought of Western Philosophy, which emphasizes the art of image perceived visually but ignores the body and perception of a human beig who uses the architecture and lives in it. On the contrary, Merleau-Ponty asserted long time ago that the world and the body are inseparably related to each other. The phenomenology is important in Architecture, since the center of thought should be taken back to the human body if a artistic meaning can be obtained by Architecture. From this point of view, the meaning of Contemporary Architecture can be renewed by the phenomenological idea of Merleau-Ponty as a means of expanding thought that overcomes the limit of formalization in Contemporary Architecture. This research aims to ream from Steven Holl's work, and show the Architectural elements that are used for preceptual experience of phenomenon and the function of those element sin Architectural space of his works. The result of study on about the phenomenal light and water in Architectural space of Steven Holl is as follows; First, in perceptional experience of phenomenon, time is an important element, which is successive and make a field that cause perceptional experience. Second, light, as a phenomenological element, acted as a means of expressing the comparison and change of light and shadow in Architectural space and showing the change of color by the diversity of time in inner space. Third, water, as a phenomenal lens, not only acted functional but also functioned as an element of sensual experience in Architectural space. It acted as an image containing time, space, just like a mirror that reflect the environment.

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Gamma-Ray Burst Observation by SNIPE mission

  • Lee, Jae-Jin;Kim, Hong Joo;Nam, Uk-Won;Park, Won-Kee;Shon, Jongdae;Kim, Soon-Wook;Kim, Jeong-Sook;Kang, Yong-Woo;Uhm, Z. Lucas;Kang, Sinchul;Im, Sang Hyeok;Kim, Sunghwan
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.39.3-40
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    • 2020
  • For the space weather research, KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute) is developing the SNIPE (Small-scale magNetospheric and Ionospheric Plasma Experiment) mission, which consists of four 6U CubeSats of ~10 kg. Besides of space weather research, the SNIPE mission has another astrophysical objective, detecting Gamma-Ray Bursts(GRB). By cross-correlating the light curves of the detected GRBs, the fleet shall be able to determine the time difference of the arriving signal between the satellites and thus determine the position of bright short bursts with an accuracy ~100'. To demonstrate the technology of the GRB observation, CSI gamma-ray detectors combined with GPS and IRIDIUM communication modules are placed on each SNIPE CubeSat. The time of each spacecraft is synchronized and when the GRB is detected, the light curve will be transferred to the Mission Operation Center (MOC) by IRIDIUM communication module. By measuring time difference of each GRB signals, the technology for localization of GRB will be proved. If the results show some possibilities, we can challenge the new astrophysical mission for investigating the origin of GRB.

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A Study on Lighting Environmental Evaluation Based on Biophilia (바이오필리아 이론에 기초한 빛 환경 평가 연구)

  • Yang, So-Yeon;Lee, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of study developing Development evaluation methods of light environment for indoor of middle school based on 'Biophilia'. This study is mainly based on literary review and survey research. To construct structural questionnaire based on 'Light and Space' of Biophilic Design for well being lighting environmental evaluation. We construct structural questionnaire that have 10 evaluation factors and 60 detail evaluation items to evaluate lighting environment for indoor of middle school based on biophilia theory. To survey students' subjective evaluation, the participant of study has been selected with the total number of 232 middle school students. The data were analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis by IBM SPSS statistics 21. The result of pearson correlation analysis between satisfaction of indoor light environment and school life satisfaction, satisfaction of the whole indoor light environment was found showing positive relationship with school life satisfaction. The results of light environmental evaluation were factor 3,6,8,9 was lower than others. This study was designed to suggesting an evaluation method of light environment of the school. Biophilia theory said when 10 evaluation factor are in harmony, light environment can be well-being. So, factor 3,6,8,9 that are important elements to increase the satisfaction of lighting environment are consider carefully for the plan of indoor lighting environment.

PHOTOMETRIC SOLUTIONS OF W UMA TYPE STARS: GSC2576-0319 AND GSC2584-1731 (W UMa형 식쌍성 GSC2576-0319와 GSC2584-1731의 측광해)

  • Lee, Chung-Uk;Lee, Jae-Woo;Jin, Ho;Kim, Chun-Hwey
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2006
  • High-precision photometric observations were performed in BVI bandpasses using Am robotic telescope at Mt. Lemmon Observatory for two binary stars, which are reclassified as W UMa-type systems from ROTSE(Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment) follow-up observations and show peculiar light variations. In order to analyze W UMa-type eclipsing binaries systematically, the light curve analysis script using 2005 version of Wilson-Devinney binary code is constructed. The orbital inclinations of GSC2S84-1731 and GSC2576-0319 are $43.^{\circ}5\;and\;57.^{\circ}6$ from light-curve analysis, respectively. Spot model is applied to explain the asymmetric light curve for GSC2S84-1731 and the spot parameters are derived.


  • Sung, Hyun-Il;Park, Won-Kee;Yang, Yuna;Lee, Sang-Gak;Yoon, Tae Seog;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Kang, Wonseok;Park, Keun-Hong;Cho, Dong-Hwan;Park, Sunkyung
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2013
  • We present near-infrared light curves of HBC 722 after its the September 2010 outburst. We have been monitoring its near-infrared light curves since November 2010 with Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute Infrared Camera System (KASINICS). HBC 722 exhibits large changes in optical and near-infrared brightness since its outburst. The J, H, and $K_s$ light curves over about 2.5 years show that in all observed bands HBC 722 progressively became fainter until around April 2011, down to J ~10.7, H ~9.9, $K_s$ ~9.3, but it is getting brighter again. Large scatter in the obtained light curve prevents us from finding whether there is any short timescale variation as reported in other optical observations. The near-infrared color of HBC 722 is becoming bluer since its outburst. The pre-outburst Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of HBC 722 is consistent with that of a slightly reddened Class II YSO with the exception of the extraordinary IR-excess in the far-infrared region.


  • Sohn, Young-Jong;Byun, Yong-Ik;Yim, Hong-Suh;Rhee, Myung-Hyun;Chun, Mun-Suk
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 1998
  • The structure of the magnetic funnel element in the intermediate polar is con-sidered in terms of an important site for the X-ray absorption and the reemis-sion of the X-ray as the optical light. In this paper the column density and the optiacl depth vary with the filling factor, which is introduced to characterize the structure of matter in the magnetic funnel element. The results of the en-ergy dopendence of the X-ray spectrum and the modulation depth of the X-ray light curve are discussed.

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  • 이용삼;전용우
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 1991
  • UBV light curves of an early type close binary AQ Cas are made with the observations obtained at Yonsei University from 1982 to 1989. Light losses in U are shown at the phase around 0.55 and 0.90 which might be produced by the stream of mass transfer. Four times of minimum light derived from our observations. With the collected minima including ours, new light elements are determined. Phtometric solution with B and V light curves is made by using Wilson-Devinney codes.

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  • 김진희;정장해
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.263-272
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    • 2002
  • A total of 616 observations (308 in B, 308 in V) to. V523 Cas was made on three nights from October 19 to 21 in 1999 using the 1.8m telescope with 2K CCD camera of the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory of KAO. With our data we constructed the BV light curves and determined 4 times of minimum light. We also obtained physical parameters of the system by combined analysis of both light and radial velocity curves using the Wilson-Devinney code.


  • Nha, Il-Seong
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 1991
  • Sixteen unitary Light curves of AR Lac in B and V are made at Yonsei University Observatory in the period of 1980-1988. Some overview findings of light variations are made. (1) The light variation outside eclipse follow none of the wave migration patterns reported by previous investigators. (2) Complicated shapes outside eclipse are apparently much reduced in the light curves of 1983-1984. This suggests than, in the future, AR Lac has a chance to attain a normal state with no complicated interactions. (3) The depths of the primary and the secondary mid-eclipses are changing year-to-year. (4) The K0 star, the larger component, has brightened by $0.^m$ 14 in V, while the G2 star has shown a fluctuation of about $0.^m$05 in V. (5) The B-V values at primary mid-eclipse have no correlation with the depth variations. (6) Independently of the increase of maximum brightness, the B-V colors in the non-eclipsed phases changed slightly over the years.

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