• 제목/요약/키워드: Lidar observations

검색결과 28건 처리시간 0.022초

라만 라이다의 석영 채널을 이용한 고도별 황사 농도 산출 (A Retrieval of Vertically-Resolved Asian Dust Concentration from Quartz Channel Measurements of Raman Lidar)

  • 노영민;이권호;이한림
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.326-336
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    • 2011
  • The Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) observation provides a specific knowledge of the temporal and vertical distribution and the optical properties of the aerosols. Unlike typical Mie scattering Lidars, which can measure backscattering and depolarization, the Raman Lidar can measure the quartz signal at the ultra violet (360 nm) and the visible (546 nm) wavelengths. In this work, we developed a method for estimating mineral quartz concentration immersed in Asian dust using Raman scattering of quartz (silicon dioxide, silica). During the Asian dust period of March 15, 16, and 21 in 2010, Raman lidar measurements detected the presence of quartz, and successfully showed the vertical profile of the dust concentrations. The satellite observations such as the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) confirmed spatial distribution of Asian dust. This approach will be useful for characterizing the quartz dominated in the atmospheric aerosols and the investigations of mineral dust. It will be especially applicable for distinguishing the dust and non-dust aerosols in studies on the mixing state of Asian aerosols. Additionally, the presented method combined with satellite observations is enable qualitative and quantitative monitoring for Asian dust.

지상 Scanning LiDAR에 의한 암사면의 3차원 모델링 (3D Modelling of Steep Rock Face by Terrestrial Scanning LiDAR)

  • 이용창
    • 한국측량학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국측량학회 2007년도 춘계학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2007
  • LIDAR is a relatively new technological tool that can be used to accurately georeference terrain features, and also is becoming an important 3D mapping tool in GIS. In this study it is described the capabilities of terrestrial LIDAR that was used to build a 3D terrain model of extremely steep rock face, along with the useful data and examples of contributions terrestrial lidar has made to outcrop studies. For this, High-resolution terrestrial lidar acquisition, processing, interpretation are discussed and applied to mapping of geological surfaces in three dimensions. We expected that lidar is a tool with which we can improve our current field methods and quantify the observations geologists make.

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12-year LIDAR Observations of Tropospheric Aerosol over Hefei (31.9°N, 117.2°E), China

  • Wu, Decheng;Zhou, Jun;Liu, Dong;Wang, Zhenzhu;Zhong, Zhiqing;Xie, Chenbo;Qi, Fudi;Fan, Aiyuan;Wang, Yingjian
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2011
  • 12-year LIDAR observations of tropospheric aerosol vertical distribution using a Mie scattering LIDAR in Hefei ($31.9^{\circ}N$, $117.2^{\circ}E$) from 1998 to 2009 are presented and analyzed in this paper. Characters of temporal variation and vertical distribution of tropospheric aerosol over Hefei are summarized from the LIDAR measurements. The impacts of natural source and human activities on the aerosol vertical distribution over Hefei could be seen clearly. Dust particles from the north in spring could affect the aerosol distributions below about 12 km over Hefei, and aerosol scale height in April reaches $2.29{\pm}0.68\;km$. Both LIDAR measurements and surface visibility imply that aerosols in the lower troposphere have been increasing since about 2005.

뉴욕 주의 악기상 현상에 대한 뉴욕 주 Mesonet 도플러 윈드 라이다의 자료동화 효과 (Impact of Assimilation of New York State Mesonet Doppler Wind Lidar on High Impact Weather Predictions in New York State)

  • 계준경
    • 대기
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.481-497
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    • 2024
  • The New York State (NYS) Mesonet consists of 126 surface weather stations across the state with 17 of the sites also instrumented with active and passive profiler systems. The NYS Mesonet (NYSM) is the first and only state-run network in the USA, that includes a combination of surface stations, Doppler wind lidars (DWL) and thermodynamic profiles from Microwave Radiometers (MWR). NYSM's continuous and extensive observations from the surface to the lower atmosphere have a wide range of applications in air quality and human health, forecasting of severe storms, and predicting renewable energy production. This study provides results of assimilating the NYSM surface station data and the DWL wind profiles. The impact of NYSM observations on predictive skill is evaluated for one tornadic supercell case that has large uncertainties in analysis with respect to low-level temperature, moisture, and wind variability. Compared to forecasts assimilating solely conventional observations except NYSM, the additional assimilation of NYSM observations effectively corrects the cold and dry biases in central New York State, resulting in a more accurate representation of surface conditions. Notably, the assimilation of NYSM DWL wind profiles improves the prediction of the location and intensity of convective systems, thereby creating an environment that increases the likelihood of supercell and tornado formation.

수동형-능동형 위성센서 관측자료를 이용한 대기 에어러솔의 3차원 분포 및 복사강제 효과 산정 (Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing by Three Dimensional Observations from Passive- and Active- Satellite Sensors)

  • 이권호
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2012
  • Aerosol direct radiative forcing (ADRF) retrieval method was developed by combining data from passive and active satellite sensors. Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) retrieved form the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) as a passive visible sensor and aerosol vertical profile from to the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) as an active laser sensor were investigated an application possibility. Especially, space-born Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) observation provides a specific knowledge of the optical properties of atmospheric aerosols with spatial, temporal, vertical, and spectral resolutions. On the basis of extensive radiative transfer modeling, it is demonstrated that the use of the aerosol vertical profiles is sensitive to the estimation of ADRF. Throughout the investigation of relationship between aerosol height and ADRF, mean change rates of ADRF per increasing of 1 km aerosol height are smaller at surface than top-of-atmosphere (TOA). As a case study, satellite data for the Asian dust day of March 31, 2007 were used to estimate ADRF. Resulting ADRF values were compared with those retrieved independently from MODIS only data. The absolute difference values are 1.27% at surface level and 4.73% at top of atmosphere (TOA).


  • Fukushima, H.;Kobayashi, H.;Murayama, T.;Ohta, S.;Uno, I.
    • 대한원격탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한원격탐사학회 2002년도 Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2002
  • Asian dust aerosol layer of 4-6 km altitude accompanied by low clouds was observed by LIDAR and sky-radiometer in Tokyo urban area on April 10, 2001. To synthesize the top of atmosphere (TOA) reflectance, radiative transfer simulation conducted assuming aerosol/cloud vertical structure and aerosol size distribution that were modeled after the ground observations. The refractive index of Asian dust is derived from a laboratory measurement of sampled Chinese soil particles. The synthesized TOA reflectance is compared to the SeaWiFS-derived one sampled at the low cloud pixels whose airmass is the same as the one passed at the observation site. While the two TOA reflectances compare generally well with few percent difference in reflectance, possible sources of the discrepancy are discussed.

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CALIPSO위성 탑재 라이다를 이용한 동북아시아 지역의 대기 에어러솔 3차원 광학특성 분포 (3-D Perspectives of Atmospheric Aerosol Optical Properties over Northeast Asia Using LIDAR on-board the CALIPSO satellite)

  • 이권호
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제30권5호
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    • pp.559-570
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    • 2014
  • 위성 탑재 라이다 시스템이 관측하는 후방산란 신호는 대기 에어러솔의 3차원 공간적인 분포 특성 및 시간적인 변화를 탐지할 수 있게 한다. 본 연구에서는 Cloud-Aerosol LIDAR and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation(CALIPSO) 위성에 탑재된 Cloud-Aerosol LIDAR with Orthogonal Polarization(CALIOP) 라이다 관측자료를 이용하여 2012년 한 해 동안의 동북아시아 지역(북위 20도 - 50도, 동경 110 도 - 140 도)의 대기 에어로졸의 시공간 분포를 분석하였다. 입자 소산계수와 편광소멸도의 통계 분석으로부터 각 고도별 에어러솔 입자의 광학 특성정보를 분석하였고, 각 계절별 에어러솔 광학 특성값의 연직분포정보를 정량화할 수 있었다. 또한, 편광소멸도 자료는 연중 0.5 이상의 큰 값을 보이고 있어 지역 대기에는 비구형성 입자에 의한 영향이 많이 받고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 지역적 규모의 3차원 에어러솔 분포 정보에 대한 기초연구로서, 향후 추가 자료 조사를 통하여 보다 다양한 이벤트성 사례와 에어러솔 기후학적 정보를 생산할 것이다.

Aerosol Observation with Raman LIDAR in Beijing, China

  • Xie, Chen-Bo;Zhou, Jun;Sugimoto, Nobuo;Wang, Zi-Fa
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.215-220
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    • 2010
  • Aerosol observation with Raman LIDAR in NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan) LIDAR network was conducted from 17 April to 12 June 2008 over Beijing, China. The aerosol optical properties derived from Raman LIDAR were compared with the retrieved data from sun photometer and sky radiometer observations in the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). The comparison provided the complete knowledge of aerosol optical and physical properties in Beijing, especially in pollution and Asian dust events. The averaged aerosol optical depth (AOD) at 675 nm was 0.81 and the Angstrom exponent between 440 nm and 675 nm was 0.99 during experiment. The LIDAR derived AOD at 532 nm in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) was 0.48, which implied that half of the total AOD was contributed by the aerosol in PBL. The corresponding averaged LIDAR ratio and total depolarization ratio (TDR) were 48.5sr and 8.1%. The negative correlation between LIDAR ratio and TDR indicated the LIDAR ratio decreased with aerosol size because of the high TDR associated with nonspherical and large aerosols. The typical volume size distribution of the aerosol clearly demonstrated that the coarse mode radius located near 3 ${\mu}m$ in dust case, a bi-mode with fine particle centered at 0.2 ${\mu}m$ and coarse particle at 2 ${\mu}m$ was the characteristic size distribution in the pollution and clean cases. The different size distributions of aerosol resulted in its different optical properties. The retrieved LIDAR ratio and TDR were 41.1sr and 19.5% for a dust event, 53.8sr and 6.6% for a pollution event as well as 57.3sr and 7.2% for a clean event. In conjunction with the observed surface wind field near the LIDAR site, most of the pollution aerosols were produced locally or transported from the southeast of Beijing, whereas the dust aerosols associated with the clean air mass were transported by the northwesterly or southwesterly winds.

Raman Lidar for the Measurement of Temperature, Water Vapor, and Aerosol in Beijing in the Winter of 2014

  • Tan, Min;Shang, Zhen;Xie, Chenbo;Ma, Hui;Deng, Qian;Tian, Xiaomin;Zhuang, Peng;Zhang, Zhanye;Wang, Yingjian
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2018
  • To measure atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and aerosol simultaneously, an efficient multi-function Raman lidar using an ultraviolet-wavelength laser has been developed. A high-performance spectroscopic box that utilizes multicavity interference filters, mounted sequentially at small angles of incidence, is used to separate the lidar return signals at different wavelengths, and to extract the signals with high efficiency. The external experiments are carried out for simultaneous detection of atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and aerosol extinction coefficient in Beijing, under clear and hazy weather conditions. The vertical profiles of temperature, water vapor, and aerosol extinction coefficient are analyzed. The results show that for an integration time of 5 min and laser energy of 200 mJ, the mean deviation between measurements obtained by lidar and radiosonde is small, and the overall trend is similar. The statistical temperature error for nighttime is below 1 K up to a height of 6.2 km under clear weather conditions, and up to a height of 2.5 km under slightly hazy weather conditions, with 5 min of observation time. An effective range for simultaneous detection of temperature and water vapor of up to 10 km is achieved. The temperature-inversion layer is found in the low troposphere. Continuous observations verify the reliability of Raman lidar to achieve real-time measurement of atmospheric parameters in the troposphere.

Development of High Spectral Resolution Lidar System for Measuring Aerosol and Cloud

  • Zhao, Ming;Xie, Chen-Bo;Zhong, Zhi-Qing;Wang, Bang-Xin;Wang, Zhen-Zhu;Dai, Pang-Da;Shang, Zhen;Tan, Min;Liu, Dong;Wang, Ying-Jian
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제19권6호
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    • pp.695-699
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    • 2015
  • A high spectral resolution lidar (HSRL) system based on injection-seeded Nd:YAG laser and iodine absorption filter has been developed for the quantitative measurement of aerosol and cloud. The laser frequency is stabilized at 80 MHz by a frequency locking system and the absorption line of iodine cell is selected at the 1111 line with 2 GHz width. The observations show that the HSRL can provide vertical profiles of particle extinction coefficient, backscattering coefficient and lidar ratio for cloud and aerosol up to 12 km altitude, simultaneously. For the measured cases, the lidar ratios are 10~20 sr for cloud, 28~37 sr for dust, and 58~70 sr for urban pollution aerosol. It reveals the potential of HSRL to distinguish the type of aerosol and cloud. Time series measurements are given and demonstrate that the HSRL has ability to continuously observe the aerosol and cloud for day and night.