• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning Evaluation System

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Advanced performance evaluation system for existing concrete bridges

  • Miyamoto, Ayaho;Emoto, Hisao;Asano, Hiroyoshi
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.727-743
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    • 2014
  • The management of existing concrete bridges has become a major social concern in many developed countries due to the large number of bridges exhibiting signs of significant deterioration. This problem has increased the demand for effective maintenance and renewal planning. In order to implement an appropriate management procedure for a structure, a wide array of corrective strategies must be evaluated with respect to not only the condition state of each defect but also safety, economy and sustainability. This paper describes a new performance evaluation system for existing concrete bridges. The system evaluates performance based on load carrying capability and durability from the results of a visual inspection and specification data, and describes the necessity of maintenance. It categorizes all girders and slabs as either unsafe, severe deterioration, moderate deterioration, mild deterioration, or safe. The technique employs an expert system with an appropriate knowledge base in the evaluation. A characteristic feature of the system is the use of neural networks to evaluate the performance and facilitate refinement of the knowledge base. The neural network proposed in the present study has the capability to prevent an inference process and knowledge base from becoming a black box. It is very important that the system is capable of detailing how the performance is calculated since the road network represents a huge investment. The effectiveness of the neural network and machine learning method is verified by comparing diagnostic results by bridge experts.

A Design and Implementation of Web-based Learning System with Self-Study Plan (자기 학습 계획을 갖는 웹기반 학습 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Jang, Duk-Sung;Cho, Hyun-Uk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.11A no.4
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2004
  • In the information-oriented society, the paradigm of education has changed from the existing traditional teaching-centered education to the learning-centered education. In the Web-based Learning System which an learning-centered educational environment using the internet, students should have responsibility of their learning as taking more opportunities to participate their learning positively, to control their process of learning and to evaluate their learning by themselves to improve self-directed loaming ability. In this paper, the Web-based Learning System with a Self-Study Plan to lead students to select own purposes and methods of the study and write a self_evaluation is developed. The Self-Study Plan is a guide to lead the process, an order to have an individualized study and a report to evaluate own study. In addition, the suggested System is designed through object-oriented method using the extension mechanism of UML to archive the improvement of reuse and maintenance.

The outlook and challenges of teaching and learning material industry (유아교육 관련 교재교구 산업의 과제와 전망)

  • Kim, Kyu-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the challenges and outlook of textbook teaching and learning material industry. 1. The challenges of teaching and learning material industry. First, classification criteria are needed. Second, Evaluation Standard are needed. Third, quality control is needed. Fourth, ready-made products are insufficient. Fifth, economic policy for teaching and learning material industry is required. Sixth, manage system for teaching and learning material is necessary. Seventh, distribution system for teaching and learning material should be reformed. 2. The outlook of teaching and learning material industry. First, accreditation system will be introduced. Second, teaching and learning material industry will develop continually. Third, eco-friendly and sustainable system will be built. Fourth, multimedia industry will be extended. Fifth, managing system to enhance usage rate will be settled.

Learner Perception of an Educational Recommender System based on Relative Importance of Learner Variables

  • Woorin HWANG;Hyo-Jeong SO
    • Educational Technology International
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.231-260
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    • 2024
  • This study suggests that educational recommender systems should be explainable and extend beyond the commercially driven algorithms that primarily rely on user preferences and purchase behaviors. Instead, we propose a recommendation method that considers how and why people learn by employing the relative importance of various learner variables. To develop a recommendation algorithm, 100 adult participants used 4 to 6 foreign language learning mobile applications(apps), generating a dataset of 557 user perception reports. Using this data, we designed and developed a recommender system based on the importance weights of 14 learner variables, categorized into four groups: (a) demographic information, (b) motivational orientation for language learning (instrumental vs. integrative), (c) learning styles, and (d) learning experience. The results based on RandomForestRegressor model revealed that language learning motivation, learning styles (specifically information processing), and usage frequency were significantly more influential than general demographic factors in predicting learners' evaluation of the apps. Furthermore, learners' perception of the recommender system revealed that the recommender system was relevant and engaging, effectively meeting their needs and assisting them in selecting appropriate language learning apps. Overall, this study demonstrates the potential of educational recommender systems that consider learners' motivation, experience, and learning styles.

Development of a Sign Language Learning Assistance System using Mediapipe for Sign Language Education of Deaf-Mutility (청각장애인의 수어 교육을 위한 MediaPipe 활용 수어 학습 보조 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jin-Young;Sim, Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1355-1362
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    • 2021
  • Recently, not only congenital hearing impairment, but also the number of people with hearing impairment due to acquired factors is increasing. The environment in which sign language can be learned is poor. Therefore, this study intends to present a sign language (sign language number/sign language text) evaluation system as a sign language learning assistance tool for sign language learners. Therefore, in this paper, sign language is captured as an image using OpenCV and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). In addition, we study a system that recognizes sign language behavior using MediaPipe, converts the meaning of sign language into text-type data, and provides it to users. Through this, self-directed learning is possible so that learners who learn sign language can judge whether they are correct dez. Therefore, we develop a sign language learning assistance system that helps us learn sign language. The purpose is to propose a sign language learning assistance system as a way to support sign language learning, the main language of communication for the hearing impaired.

Web-based E-learning System Supporting an Effective Self-directed Learning Environment (효과적인 자기주도적 학습 환경을 지원하는 웹 기반 이-러닝 시스템)

  • Kim, Mi-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.524-535
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    • 2011
  • For success in E-learning, support from a learning environment that enables learners to perform self-directed learning more effectively is assumed. However, most existing e-learning systems do not maximize the improvement in learners' self-regulated learning ability because they only partially accommodate factors that can facilitate self-directed learning. In this paper, a web-based e-learning system is designed and proposed that enables support of an enhanced self-directed learning environment by providing various learning methods, evaluation methods, learning content levels, and strategies for learning motivation in various conditions, and synthetically reflecting them. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed system, it was applied to the subject of data structures in a university course, and an online survey was conducted with the students. The results indicated that the proposed system can support a learning environment in which students can perform more effective self-directed learning, enhancing their learning ability.

The comparison on the learning effect of low-achievers in mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction (수학 성취도가 낮은 학생의 보충 지도 과정에서 블렌디드 e-러닝과 개별화 교수체제의 효과 비교 분석)

  • Song, Dagyeom;Lee, Bongju
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the impact on low-achievers in mathematics who studied mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction after school. Blended e-learning is defined as the management of e-learning using the e-study run by the education office in local. Personalized system of instruction was proceeded as follows; (1) all students are given a syllabicated learning task and a study guide, (2) students study the material autonomously according to their own pace for a certain period of time, (3) the teacher strengthens the students' motivation through grading and feedback after students study a subject and solve the evaluation problem. The learning materials for Personalized system of instruction are re-edited the offline education contents provided by the blended e-learning to the level of students. The 118 $7^{th}$ grade students from the D middle school participated in this study. The results were verified by achievement tests before and after the study, as well as survey regarding their attitude toward mathematics. The results are as follows. First, Blended e-learning has more positive impacts than Personalized system of instruction in mathematics achievement. Second, there was no difference in mathematics achievement according to their self-directed learning between Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction. Third, both types utilizing Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction have positive effect on attitude toward mathematics, and there is not their difference between two methods of teaching and learning mathematics.

A Case Study on the Development and Evaluation of an Web-based Learning Program (웹기반 교육 프로그램의 개발과 프로그램 운영에 따른 효과 고찰)

  • 이영미;장정옥;오유진
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.35 no.8
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    • pp.886-895
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    • 2002
  • Introduction and application of virtual education has been rapidly increased in these days. A variation of information communication technology has an effect on education in interconnect with network as internet in the world that exceed the limit of time and regional. Computer and network communication technology through the medium of internet make an entrance cyber education as a new education paradigm. It must be affective on learner who have various educational characteristics and requirements. It begins to appear quality, quantity improvements of knowledge and the development of information technology that web based cyber education. This study was conducted to develop the web based education program and to evaluate the effectiveness of learning satisfaction and accomplishment and to compare the cyber lecture system with the traditional lecture system During the second semester of 2001, this study was investigated 317 registered students in a "Food and Culture" class at Kyungwon University. The data were obtained from pre and post-study with self-administered questionnaire. The evaluation and satisfaction score of students who were registered in cyberclass was negative tendency to compare pre with post-test scores, because of insuffciency of computer-aided lecture system. The major problem was inconvenient in checking system for connecting times in cyberclass which was one of evaluation point in final score. Another problem was frequently disconnection during cyber studying and not to concentrate each time in the cyber lecture because of eye fatigue, boring due to less interesting contents than other newly developed web-site. The students was prefer to mix type of the cyber and traditional lecture type class. The result of final score an each class, the score of cyber class (71.36 $\pm$ 22.44) was significantly lower than other groups (mixed type : 76.66 $\pm$ 19.99, traditional type :79.17 $\pm$ 15.72) (p < 0.05). Cyber class was attempted to present a useful and interesting teaching and learning tool which can be applied successfully in a longer term. The result suggest that various teaching and learning strategies should be developed considering the fact that the student learn alone most in time.t in time.

A Study on the Technical Evaluation of the Quality Certification for e-Learning Contents (이러닝 콘텐츠 품질인증 기술성 평가기준에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Tae In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 2015
  • The increase of social interest for the e-Learning industry leads to the increase of e-learning contents and the system providers which are targeted at private education companies and public institutions. As the e-Learning is used in various areas, the evaluation for evaluation criteria and suitability are needed to provide a high-quality service and reliability. Previous works suggested the evaluation criteria for quality certification, however, the technical evaluation criteria are not provided. In this paper, we suggest the technical evaluation criteria for quality certification of e-Learning contents and describe the detailed features. Through the proposed work, we can establish the technical evaluation criteria and suggest detailed evaluation items for them by providing examples. It is expected that the proposed study is able to be utilized in e-Learning industry, if the policy is reflected and notified according to the feedback of the results of the trial service.

Exploration on Teaching and Learning Strategies through Analyzing Cases of Foreign Engineering Education (해외 공학교육 사례분석을 통한 교수학습 전략 탐색)

  • Kwon, Sung-Ho;Shin, Dong-Wook;Kang, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to explore teaching and learning strategies through analyzing cases of foreign engineering education. With the analysis criteria composed of engineering education model, teaching and learning method, evaluation strategy, and technology supporting strategy, 10 foreign colleges of engineering in 5 countries were examined and analyzed. Teaching and learning strategies deduced from analysis state as follows. First of all, it need to develop engineering education models that reform should be made in systematic approach to teaching and learning, workplaces and laboratories, evaluation, technology support, etc. Secondly, the strategy for teaching and learning recommends supporting student directed learning, active learning participation, and collaboration learning by inductive learning strategies such as problem based learning, inquiry learning, project based learning, studio based learning, and blended learning. Thirdly, the evaluation strategy suggests that evaluation should be made to reflect students' learning and facilitate continuous learning based current learning results while it is necessary to build up a whole evaluation system. Finally, it is the educational technology approach for systematic engineering education that is required considering that many foreign colleges of engineering have reformed engineering education through technology supporting systems and are maximizing research and education in connection with other universities. This study is expected to contribute as preliminary data in developing further teaching and learning models and strategies for nurturing engineering students.