• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landsat Image

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Assessing the Extent and Rate of Deforestation in the Mountainous Tropical Forest

  • Pujiono, Eko;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kwak, Doo-Ahn;Lee, Jong-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.315-328
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    • 2011
  • Landsat data incorporated with additional bands-normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and band ratios were used to assess the extent and rate of deforestation in the Gunung Mutis Nature Reserve (GMNR), a mountainous tropical forest in Eastern of Indonesia. Hybrid classification was chosen as the classification approach. In this approach, the unsupervised classification-iterative self-organizing data analysis (ISODATA) was used to create signature files and training data set. A statistical separability measurement-transformed divergence (TD) was used to identify the combination of bands that showed the highest distinction between the land cover classes in training data set. Supervised classification-maximum likelihood classification (MLC) was performed using selected bands and the training data set. Post-classification smoothing and accuracy assessment were applied to classified image. Post-classification comparison was used to assess the extent of deforestation, of which the rate of deforestation was calculated by the formula suggested by Food Agriculture Organization (FAO). The results of two periods of deforestation assessment showed that the extent of deforestation during 1989-1999 was 720.72 ha, 0.80% of annual rate of deforestation, and its extent of deforestation during 1999-2009 was 1,059.12 ha, 1.31% of annual rate of deforestation. Such results are important for the GMNR authority to establish strategies, plans and actions for combating deforestation.

A Trace of Landcover Change in a Landslide Vulnerable Area (산사태 취약지에서의 토지피복상태 변화 추적)

  • Chun, Ki-Sun;Park, Jae-Kook
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2007
  • Kangwondo area is mountainous and landslide is easily happened easily during the rainy period in summer time. Especially, when there is torrential downpour caused by the unusual weather change, there will be greater possibility to see landslide. Another reason behind landslide is the continuous forest fire in these several years. Since the surface of the earth has been changed by the fire, when rainfall comes, landslide just happens easily. Also, it is reported that landcover condition, excepted rainfall condition, is the most effect for determining landslide susceptibility area. In this study, it is determined a landslide vulnerable area and landcover information is extracted from four satellite image(Landsat TM), about the landslide vulnerable area, which is pictured for each year. And which distribution change is analyzed. also, NDVI picture is made and distribution change of vegetation vitality is analyzed to study that change of landcover have a effect on landslide. As a result, could know that forest and NDVI are decreasing in landslide vulnerable area.

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Extraction of the aquaculture farms information from the Landsat- TM imagery of the Younggwang coastal area

  • Shanmugam, P.;Ahn, Yu-Hwan;Yoo, Hong-Ryong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2004.03a
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2004
  • The objective of the present study is to compare various conventional and recently evolved satellite image-processing techniques and to ascertain the best possible technique that can identify and position of aquaculture farms accurately in and around the Younggwang coastal area. Several conventional techniques performed to extract such information fiom the Landsat-TM imagery do not seem to yield better information about the aquaculture farms, and lead to misclassification. The large errors between the actual and extracted aquaculture farm information are due to existence of spectral confusion and inadequate spatial resolution of the sensor. This leads to possible occurrence of mixture pixels or 'mixels' of the source of errors in the classification techniques. Understanding the confusing and mixture pixel problems requires the development of efficient methods that can enable more reliable extraction of aquaculture farm information. Thus, the more recently evolved methods such as the step-by-step partial spectral end-member extraction and linear spectral unmixing methods are introduced. The farmer one assumes that an end-member, which is often referred to as 'spectrally pure signature' of a target feature, does not appear to be a spectrally pure form, but always mix with the other features at certain proportions. The assumption of the linear spectral unmxing is that the measured reflectance of a pixel is the linear sum of the reflectance of the mixture components that make up that pixel. The classification accuracy of the step-by-step partial end-member extraction improved significantly compared to that obtained from the traditional supervised classifiers. However, this method did not distinguish the aquaculture ponds and non-aquaculture ponds within the region of the aquaculture farming areas. In contrast, the linear spectral unmixing model produced a set of fraction images for the aquaculture, water and soil. Of these, the aquaculture fraction yields good estimates about the proportion of the aquaculture farm in each pixel. The acquired proportion was compared with the values of NDVI and both are positively correlated (R$^2$ =0.91), indicating the reliability of the sub-pixel classification.ixel classification.

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A Study on the Classification for Satellite Images using Hybrid Method (하이브리드 분류기법을 이용한 위성영상의 분류에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Young-Joon;Kim, Jin-Il
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.2
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents hybrid classification method to improve the performance of satellite images classification by combining Bayesian maximum likelihood classifier, ISODATA clustering and fuzzy C-Means algorithm. In this paper, the training data of each class were generated by separating the spectral signature using ISODATA clustering. We can classify according to pixel's membership grade followed by cluster center of fuzzy C-Means algorithm as the mean value of training data for each class. Bayesian maximum likelihood classifier is performed with prior probability by result of fuzzy C-Means classification. The results shows that proposed method could improve performance of classification method and also perform classification with no concern about spectral signature of the training data. The proposed method Is applied to a Landsat TM satellite image for the verifying test.

Geological Application of Lineaments from Satellite Images - A Case Study of Euiseong Sub-basin (위성 영상선구조의 지질학적 응용 - 의성소분지의 경우)

  • 김원균;김상완;원중선;민경덕;김정우
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2000
  • To evaluate the feasibility of using lineaments for the interpretation of regional geological structures, the extracted lineaments from satellite image and surveyed surface geological features mapped in the field were analyzed for the Euiseong Sub-basin. The lineaments extracted from Landsat-5 TM images show primary directions of N20$^{\circ}$~30$^{\circ}$E, N60$^{\circ}$~70$^{\circ}$E, N60$^{\circ}$~70$^{\circ}$W, which represent the trends of faults, strikes, and joints. In the sedimentary formation in the northern part of Palgongsan Uplift Zone, primary directions of the lineaments are NNE and NWW, and NEE in southern parts. The analysis of satellite lineaments is proved to be very useful to study the large-scale structures and surface geology of the Euiseong Sub-basin, whereas the previous research using brittle tectonics approach was advantaged in the outcrop scale in interpretation.

Study on Selection of Optimized Segmentation Parameters and Analysis of Classification Accuracy for Object-oriented Classification (객체 기반 영상 분류에서 최적 가중치 선정과 정확도 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Bin;Eo, Yang-Dam;Heo, Joon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2007
  • The overall objective of this research was to investigate various combination of segmentation parameters and to improve classification accuracy of object-oriented classification. This research presents a method for evaluation of segmentation parameters by calculating Moran's I and Intrasegment Variance. This research used Landsat-7/ETM image of $11{\times}14$ Km developed area in Ansung, Korea. Segmented images are generated by 75 combinations of parameter. Selecting 7 combinations of high, middle and low grade expected classification accuracy was based on calculated Moran's I and Intrasegment Variance. Selected segmentation images are classified 4 classes and analyzed classification accuracy according to method of objected-oriented classification. The research result proved that classification accuracy is related to segmentation parameters. The case of high grade of expected classification accuracy showed more than 85% overall accuracy. On the other hand, low ado showed around 50% overall accuracy.

Dempster-Shafer Fusion of Multisensor Imagery Using Gaussian Mass Function (Gaussian분포의 질량함수를 사용하는 Dempster-Shafer영상융합)

  • Lee Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.419-425
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    • 2004
  • This study has proposed a data fusion method based on the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory The Dempster-Shafer fusion uses mass functions obtained under the assumption of class-independent Gaussian assumption. In the Dempster-Shafer approach, uncertainty is represented by 'belief interval' equal to the difference between the values of 'belief' function and 'plausibility' function which measure imprecision and uncertainty By utilizing the Dempster-Shafer scheme to fuse the data from multiple sensors, the results of classification can be improved. It can make the users consider the regions with mixed classes in a training process. In most practices, it is hard to find the regions with a pure class. In this study, the proposed method has applied to the KOMPSAT-EOC panchromatic image and LANDSAT ETM+ NDVI data acquired over Yongin/Nuengpyung. area of Kyunggi-do. The results show that it has potential of effective data fusion for multiple sensor imagery.

Enhancing Classification Performance by Separating Spectral Signature of Training Data Set (교사 자료의 분광 특징 분리에 의한 감독 분류 성능 향상)

  • 김광은
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a method to enhance the performance of supervised classification by separating the spectral signature of the training data sets for each class. Using clustering technique, a training data set is divided into several subsets which show a pattern of the normal distribution with small value of spectral variances. Then a supervised classification is applied with the divided training data set as training data for the temporary subclasses of the original class. The proposed method is applied to a Landsat TM image of Busan area for the applicability test. The result shows that the proposed method produces better classified results than the conventional statistical classification methods. It is expected that the proposed method will reduce the effort and expense for selecting the training data set for each class in an area which has spectrally homogeneous signature.

Comparison between Neural Network and Conventional Statistical Analysis Methods for Estimation of Water Quality Using Remote Sensing (원격탐사를 이용한 수질평가시의 인공신경망에 의한 분석과 기존의 회귀분석과의 비교)

  • 임정호;정종철
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 1999
  • A comparison of a neural network approach with the conventional statistical methods, multiple regression and band ratio analyses, for the estimation of water quality parameters in presented in this paper. The Landsat TM image of Lake Daechung acquired on March 18, 1996 and the thirty in-situ sampling data sets measured during the satellite overpass were used for the comparison. We employed a three-layered and feedforward network trained by backpropagation algorithm. A cross validation was applied because of the small number of training pairs available for this study. The neural network showed much more successful performance than the conventional statistical analyses, although the results of the conventional statistical analyses were significant. The superiority of a neural network to statistical methods in estimating water quality parameters is strictly because the neural network modeled non-linear behaviors of data sets much better.

Usefulness of Canonical Correlation Classification Technique in Hyper-spectral Image Classification (하이퍼스펙트럴영상 분류에서 정준상관분류기법의 유용성)

  • Park, Min-Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.26 no.5D
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    • pp.885-894
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is focused on the development of the effective classification technique using ultra multiband of hyperspectral image. This study suggests the classification technique using canonical correlation analysis, one of multivariate statistical analysis in hyperspectral image classification. High accuracy of classification result is expected for this classification technique as the number of bands increase. This technique is compared with Maximum Likelihood Classification(MLC). The hyperspectral image is the EO1-hyperion image acquired on September 2, 2001, and the number of bands for the experiment were chosen at 30, considering the band scope except the thermal band of Landsat TM. We chose the comparing base map as Ground Truth Data. We evaluate the accuracy by comparing this base map with the classification result image and performing overlay analysis visually. The result showed us that in MLC's case, it can't classify except water, and in case of water, it only classifies big lakes. But Canonical Correlation Classification (CCC) classifies the golf lawn exactly, and it classifies the highway line in the urban area well. In case of water, the ponds that are in golf ground area, the ponds in university, and pools are also classified well. As a result, although the training areas are selected without any trial and error, it was possible to get the exact classification result. Also, the ability to distinguish golf lawn from other vegetations in classification classes, and the ability to classify water was better than MLC technique. Conclusively, this CCC technique for hyperspectral image will be very useful for estimating harvest and detecting surface water. In advance, it will do an important role in the construction of GIS database using the spectral high resolution image, hyperspectral data.