• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land side

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Anumerical model study on tide-induced residual currents around Chejudo Island (제주도 주변의 조석 잔차류에 대한 수치 모델 연구)

  • 박용향;김성일
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 1987
  • A number of hydrographic studies and some recent current measurements around Chejudo Island suggest an existence of a clockwise residual flow in the west and north coasts of the island all the year round. On the eastern side of the island the Tsushinma Current flows northward and northeastward. The contribution of tide-induced residual currents to the observed residual. flow around the island was examined here through numerical solution of the two-dimensional nonlinear shallow-water equations. The calculated tide-induced residual currents show a clockwise circulation around the island. Significant residuals of 2-4cms$\^$-1/are confined over sloping bottom topography around t he island and the far-field residuals are negligibly small. The inclusion of a permanent current into the model was also attempted in order to see the effects of the Tsushima Current system on the residual circulation around the is land. It was found that combined effects of tide-induced residuals and the permanent current field associatedwith the Tsushima Current explain qualitatively not only the observed clock wise residuals in the west and north coasts but also the northward flow on the eastern side of the island.

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Downtown Area Cadastral Boundary Surveying Using Real-time GPS/GLONASS Combination

  • Seo, Dong-Ju;Kim, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Chool
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2003
  • To manage national territory and cadastral data efficiently, accuracy and cost-efficiency in cadastral boundary surveying is inevitable. The efficient management of cadastral data is a very important element in national land management. Survey techniques are being introduced. Recently, improvements in survey techniques have been made with the development of satellite surveying, Allowing accurate and fast surveys. If we can calculate the output accurately in real-time in survey fields, it will open a new method in cadastral detail surveying. According to the classification on Law of cadastral surveying, Cadastral surveying can be divided into cadastral control point surveying and cadastral detail surveying. The control point survey can be divided into cadastral triangulation surveying and cadastral traverse surveying. The detailed survey is usually perform by plane surveying. Among these, cadastral detail surveying will be reviewed in this study. In this study, the combination of the satellites, such as US managed GPS and Russian managed GLONASS was used. In the satellite survey in downtown, data interruption symptoms arose(according to the mask angle of the satellite). Therefore; we combined the satellites to get date more accurately. A block of Haewoondae New City in Busan, Korea, which has Numerical Cadastral Law was selected as the sample area for this study. Block II and III are surrounded by high rise apartments. One side of Block I and IV is level ground and the other side is full of high rise apartments. Especially, Block II is surrounded by high rise apartment houses with 20 meters width. In the results of the study Block II did not satisfy the allowable precision, while Block I, II and IV satisfied the allowable precision of the enforcement regulations of Cadastral Law. Therefore, it is judged that the traditionally used Total Station method should be used for supplementary survey on Block II, in stead.

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Relationship Between Farm Land Structure and Machine Efficiency

  • Singh, Gajendra;Ahn, Duck-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 1993
  • Effective machine capacity is affected by the physical and geometrical conditions of the fields. In the small and scattered farmland structure field efficiency is greatly influenced by plot geometry. In this paper, a method for estimating field efficiency and effective machine capacity was developed . The developed method was applied to Korean paddy cultivation. Various time elements related to farm operations for small and scattered plots are discussed in this paper . Available working time is divided into two parts, viz. the preparation time for machine operation and actual working time. Two kinds of machine efficiencies, namely , Machine Efficiency 1, applicable on a single large plot or set of well consolidated plots ; and Machine Efficiency 2, applicable on small and scattered multiple plots, are considered. Based assumptions made and steps followed to construct the model are discussed. Effective capacity of each machine based on different plot geometries are calculated y the model. Machine efficiency on a single plot increases with increase in the dimension of longer side of the plot . Low speed, low theoretical capacity machines have higher machine efficiency which is only slightly influenced by plot geometry. As plot geometry is improved , the machine efficiency of high speed, high capacity machines increases rapidly. The effects of short side length and plot size on machine efficiency on a single plot depend on the type of farm operation. For a particular plot shape, as plot size increases, machine efficiency on multiple plots increases rapidly. The effects of consolidation on machine efficiency is highly significant if the plot size is small and/or machine size is large.

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Numerical Evaluation of Tidal Characteristic Changes after Saemangeum Sea-dike Closing (수치모형(數値模形)을 이용(利用)한 새만금 방조제(防潮堤) 축조후(築造後)의 조석(潮汐) 운동(運動) 예측(豫測))

  • Park, Chang-Kyu;Lee, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.7 no.1 s.13
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2001
  • During the performance of large scale tidal land reclamation project along the coast line, the construction of large scale structures such as sea-dikes, closing estuaries will induce big changes of near-shore hydraulic behavior. In this paper, its is aimed to verify the change of tide and currents after the construction of sea-dike of the Saemangeum project along the coast line. Numerical scale model "TRISULA" which development by Delft Hydraulics in the Netherlands was used. "TRISULA" is adopting the finite difference numerical scheme, and mostly using for hydro-dynamic solution along the sea and estuaries. Model boundary is covering $100{\times}170$ Km and constructed with $133{\times}337$ grids. Outer side boundary is divided 48 sections, and input 37 tidal components are gained from another big scale numerical "Yellow Sea" model. Model calibrations & verifications were performed th field tide & current datas which were measured along sea-dike alignment during Aug. $1997{\sim}Apr$. 1999. And then, numerical simulation with the tide condition dated 17 Apr. 1999 was performed with & without sea-dike construction condition for the comparison. Evaluated boundary is 20 km out-side from sea-dike alignment. Four cross lanes were set up, each of lane contains 3 points, for the comparison of sea-dike construction effects. Results showing the tidal amplitude is reducing approximately 20 cm after the construction of sea-dike during spring tide condition, amplitude 6.9m. Currents after construction of sea-dikes along the alignment, the northern part shows 50%(inner), 90%(outer) and the southern part shows 10%(inner) 50%(outer) of the currents before construction.

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Study on The Salinization in Groundwater of the Eastern Area of Cheju Island (제주도 동부지역 지하수의 염수화에 관한 연구)

  • 김지영;오윤근;류성필
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2001
  • According to the results of the groundwater quality investigation about 230 holes all over the country, the groundwater which was in excess of standard grows larger every year and closed holes increased to 23,457 holes in 1997 from 15,724 holes in 1996. This is the major reasons that water quality contamination, shortage of water quantity, increasing of salinity and so on. There are 7 groundwater salinization sources which are condisered as most important on a regional level. And among theses the Cheju Island groundwater salinization sources are (1) halite solution, (2) natural saline groundwater, (3) sea-water intrusion. The method of taking an isotopes is one of research methods of the origin of groundwater salinization and is used in so many studies because it has very high confidence. $^{18O}O, ^2H, ^3H, ^{14}C$ and so on in an isotopes are frequently used in the method of them. Consequently on this study we analyzed major ions and $^3H$ in groundwater, sea-water and rain of the eastern part of cheju island known as contaminated site from long time ago to examine the origin of groundwater salinization. Relation ratios of the major ions versus chloride ion shows similar tendency to sea-water. This indicates that sea-water entered the groundwater layer. And amount of $^3H$ in holes of the land side is higher than of the sea side. Relation of chloride ion versus $^3$H indicates negative character. Therefore we can think that the reason of groundwater salinization of this part is natural saline groundwater and halite solution by relation.

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Landscape Analysis of Geographic Features of East Sea-gateway(東海口) in Shilla Dynasty (신라 동해구에 대한 지형.경관 분석)

  • Ahn Gye-Bog;Hwang Kook-Woong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.33-44
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    • 2005
  • In order to reveal the geographical landscape's features of the East Sea-gateway(東海口), which has existed only in the era of Shilla as unique east path, we have carried out analysis of the old maps(邑誌圖) and satellite imagery, and geographical features analysis in the application of digital maps, and the result is as follows. 1. Analysis of materials from the Chosun dynasty describes landscapes called sea gates(海口) (note that this should not be capitalized); a place where the river meets the sea and the sea comes far into the land. Sea gate landscapes may have an island, but this is not a prerequisite. 2. According to the satellite imagery, the capital city of Shilla Dynasty had five passages. four or them are broad corridors, but one of them is narrow. The east side of the capital city is blocked by mountains and there was an important path which leads into the East Sea. 3. According to the cross section of the mountains, there is the only rule East-path. There was no alternative way. There was only one way-out to the east side from the capital city. This is the unique path which reaches a length of 28km. Judging from this, it seems that this path was called the East Sea-gateway. 4. The landscape of the East Sea-gateway was shaped like the letter 'V' and reached to the landscape of the sea gate. However, the route was blocked - part by the mountains, and also the part in the crisis of loss of path-landscape which has lost its own character of closure as several valleys are merged together.

Technical Suggestions for Smart Airport Realization - Viewpoint of Passenger Convenience (스마트공항 실현을 위한 기술적 제언 - 여객 편의성 관점)

  • Hong, Jin Woo;Oh, Jeong Hoon;Lee, Han Kyu;Kim, Moon Ku;Song, Ho Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.268-271
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    • 2018
  • Smart Airport which applies the new ICT technologies to the airport is a future airport to provide convenient and safe services for passengers who are airport users, and promote the efficient management of the airport system in point of airport operator's view. The ranges of smart airport include the overall area of the airport like land side, terminal, and air side. In this paper, we propose a technical solution for airport process of terminal providing passenger convenience in various ranges for smart airport realization. Self-service such as web or mobile check-in, self check-in/tagging/back drop/boarding etc. should be strengthened to smartize the airport process and technologies such as automatic immigration, smart security search and automatic AI-based baggage search should be applied. In this paper, we explain the concept of smart airport and smart process, and then propose technical considerations.

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Housing Policy for Low-income Households (Ger Areas) in Mongolia: Based on Generic Characteristic of Developing Countries

  • Ishdorj, Saruul;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Park, Moonseo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.138-145
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    • 2017
  • As that experienced in other developing countries, Mongolia has already faced multilateral side issues for two decades due to economic growth that created Ger areas or internationally 'Slum', public housing and living conditions for low-income citizens, on the basis of rapid migration from rural areas to urban. Ger areas appear to be the main cause of environmental pollution problems and impending comfortable living conditions of the city's residents by covering more than half area of Ulaanbaatar city. Also, the spread of the Ger areas has many side issues such as prevention of urban development and unaesthetic. Most inhabitants of the areas are on low-incomes, and living in the detached houses or felt yurts (Ger) usually build within a low budget, by themselves or unprofessional people, and by using materials of poor quality. Therefore, Ger areas are an inevitable issue that requires effective, proper and immediate housing policy coordination under the government and even the housing market. Unfortunately housing policies, laws, and projects adopted by Mongolian government have shown inefficient results. The government housing policies, unlike other developing countries did not target low-income households' housing which is the priority issue for two decades. But only in 2014, the Long-term housing policy with the strategy for affordable housing initiated the housing policy for low-income households. This policy has five main broad directions such as redevelopment of Ger area, the land readjustment, public rental housing, new settlements and new city and reconstruction for old apartments, which are rather general and would require tremendous financial resources if each of the directions is implemented simultaneously without prioritization. Therefore this research aims to suggest the efficient and adequate housing policy direction for the low-income households in Ger area based on achievement of other developing countries' strategies, performances and generic characteristic with explanatory models. Also, this research adopts a literature analysis method that uses various research reports, related papers in domestic and international journals, and theses by experts, researchers, public institutions, and agencies.

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A Study on Methods of the use of Coastal Station for the Analysis of Marine Contamination - Focusing on Busan Coastal Sea Area - (해양오염도 분석을 위한 연안 정점 데이터의 활용방안에 관한 연구 - 부산연안해역을 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Jin-Wook;Kim, Ho-Yong;Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2006
  • The land area, which is on the inner side of the water line, is controlled to a certain degree due to the purposes of space utilities controllers' respective roles, but the sea area is not so much controlled as the land area. However, as interest in the security and utility of the marine space, as well as that in the consistent development of the land space, has increased, there has been increase of the requirement for information about marine data and environment. The object of this study, Busan, plays various roles such as a harbor and bay, a tourist resort, and a port unlike coastal seas of other areas, and thus needs systematic control because it has numerous environmental factors. However, there are limitations in the number of data about Busan coastal sea constantly provided while the acquisition of data from main points and many areas is important for the analysis of marine contamination in Busan coastal sea area. Thus, using nautical charts with numerical values in preparing increase of the demand of them according to the degree of information requirement for the analysis of the changes in coastal areas, this study constructs property data and space data by combining vertex data about Busan's 17 coastal sea areas provided by NFRDI, and tries to present the analytical techniques for grasping the environmental conditions and continuity of the coastal areas and methods of their utilities, using GIS Geostatistical Analysis Technique.

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Rehabilitation Ecology by Revegetation: Approach and Results from Two Mediterranean Countries

  • Martin, Arnaud;Khater, Carla;Mineau, Herve;Puech, Suzette
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2002
  • Human activities greatly affect the environment causing its degradation. Urban development and road networks construction cause main impacts on ecosystems and particularly on vegetation cover: road constructions induce complete degradation of the vegetation cover and often leaves a hare land, sometimes without even a soil cover. Reconstitution of vegetation cover is necessary to limit superficial erosion and land slipping on the road, towards a reintegration of the site in the neighbouring landscape. Many approaches have been studied over the last 30 years aiming at this reconstitution of vegetation cover. At frost, the main purpose of land reclamation was to create a new ecosystem. At this time, the environment created was rather a "garden" with a new soil adapted to the plantation of "decorative" species. Then, in early 90′s many studies on the restoration ecology concept rather focused on adapting the vegetation to the existing conditions on the site, as in a side road embankment for example. Nowadays, we notice a large tendency towards the use of such adapted native species instead of industrially produced seeds. In southern France, our team have led research on the potentials of those local species for their use in revegetation processes with hydro-seeding. We therefore developed an approach combining the use of different types of species: Industrially produced, native and wild cultivated species. This method integrates the benefits of using available low costing seeds that are already used on large scale projects with better adapted species, issued form the cultivation of native species and seed production for their use on smaller scale and more costly but more effective results. The use of wild cultivated species seeds was developed in order to limit the cost and reduce harsh natural seed withdrawal in the natural environment In the case of the use of native species. Besides, the use of such seeds allowed a larger geographical scale of use than with local native seeds. In addition, our team began two years ago a research project in Lebanon aiming at the Introduction and development of the revegetation techniques in Lebanon. In fact, this country bared since 20 years the consequences of urban pressure on its environment especially by the development of quarries and road networks. Therefore, pioneer work is necessary to aim at the adaptation of these techniques to the local environment.