• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Information Model

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Numerical Simulation for Recirculation of Air Mass in the Coastal Region Using Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model (라그랑지안 입자확산모델을 이용한 광양만 권역에서의 공기괴 재순환현상 수치모의)

  • Lee, Hwa-Woon;Lee, Hyun-Mi;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Choi, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2010
  • Air mass recirculation is a common characteristic in the coastal area as a result of the land-sea breeze circulation. This study simulates the recirculation of air mass over the Gwangyang Bay using WRF-FLEXPART and offers a basic information about the effective domain size that can reflect recirculation. For this purpose, WRF is set up four nested domains and three cases are selected. Subsequently FLEXPART is operated on the basis of WRF output. During the clear summer days with weak wind speed, particles that emitted from Yeosu national industrial complex and Gwangyang iron works flow into emission sources because of the land-sea breeze. When land-sea breeze is strengthen, the recirculation phenomena appears clearly. However particles aren't recirculated under weak synoptic condition. Also plume trajectory is analyzed and as a consequence, the smallest domain area have to be multiplied by 1.3 to understand recirculated dispersion pattern of particles.

Land Use Classification of TM Imagery in Hilly Areas: Integration of Image Processing and Expert Knowledge

  • Ding, Feng;Chen, Wenhui;Zheng, Daxian
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1329-1331
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    • 2003
  • Improvement of the classification accuracy is one of the major concerns in the field of remote sensing application research in recent years. Previous research shows that the accuracy of the conventional classification methods based only on the original spectral information were usually unsatisfied and need to be refined by manual edit. This present paper describes a method of combining the image processing, ancillary data (such as digital elevation model) and expert knowledge (especially the knowledge of local professionals) to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the satellite image classification in hilly land. Firstly, the Landsat TM data were geo-referenced. Secondly, the individual bands of the image were intensitynormalized and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image was also generated. Thirdly, a set of sample pixels (collected from field survey) were utilized to discover their corresponding DN (digital number) ranges in the NDVI image, and to explore the relationships between land use type and its corresponding spectral features . Then, using the knowledge discovered from previous steps as well as knowledge from local professionals, with the support of GIS technology and the ancillary data, a set of conditional statements were applied to perform the TM imagery classification. The results showed that the integration of image processing and spatial analysis functions in GIS improved the overall classification result if compared with the conventional methods.

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A GIS Approach to Select a Suitable Site for Industrial Complex in North Korea (북한지역 산업단지 적지선정을 위한 GIS 적용)

  • 이근수;정종철
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.241-249
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to provide the basic data to select the most proper site, which is essential for the economic activation of North Korea by means of the GIS tool. In this purpose, firstly, Nampo area is sampled as model case, classifying the factors into the natural environmental one and socio- cultural one. Secondly, to analyze the land use status and topographic status which is essential for natural environment factor. Besides USLE(Universal Soil Loss Equation), which is one of the disaster effect assessments, is being applied to suggest the selection method for minimizing the environment change by way of assuming the land effluence amount. The started could advance to prove the ideal model in selecting the most suitable site while minimizing the environmental change by means of the composite tool of GIS and USLE.

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    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.298-301
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study is to cross-validate of spatial probability model, artificial neural network at Boun, Korea, using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Landslide locations were identified in the Boun, Janghung and Youngin areas from interpretation of aerial photographs, field surveys, and maps of the topography, soil type, forest cover and land use were constructed to spatial data-sets. The factors that influence landslide occurrence, such as slope, aspect and curvature of topography, were calculated from the topographic database. Topographic type, texture, material, drainage and effective soil thickness were extracted from the soil database, and type, diameter, age and density of forest were extracted from the forest database. Lithology was extracted from the geological database, and land use was classified from the Landsat TM image satellite image. Landslide susceptibility was analyzed using the landslide­occurrence factors by artificial neural network model. For the validation and cross-validation, the result of the analysis was applied to each study areas. The validation and cross-validate results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the existing data on landslide locations.

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Analysis of the Inundation Potential by Elevation for the Land Evaluation in the Potentially Inundated Farms - A Case Study in Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyungsangnamdo - (상습침수 농경지의 토지평가를 위한 고도별 침수 잠재성 분석 - 경상남도 창녕군 이방면을 대상으로 -)

  • Park In-Hwan;Jang Gab-Sue;Seo Dong-Joe
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.2 s.109
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2005
  • A large scale of riverside rearrangement has been recently done in the major rivers in Korea. So inundation possibility in agricultural area closed by these rivers has been higher than the possibility a few years ago. However, land use in this area has not been adjusted to a change of this situation near the rivers. Therefore, when typhoon or heavy rain is happened on this area, it can cause a large damage in agricultural area. This study analyzed inundation potentiality in agricultural area at Ibang-myeon, Changnyeong-gun, Kyeongnam-province, Korea by using the logistic regression model and the piecewise regression model. The first thing we did was to transfer the inundation area per elevation to the accumulated inundation area per elevation. This accumulated inundation area per elevation as an distribution function could be described by the logistic regression model(LRM), and piecewise regression model(PRM) could make it much more accurate to analyze the inundation area per elevation. As a result, the regression models derived from LRM and PRM showed $R^2$ over 0.950. The models derived from LRM and PRM in Ibang-myeon noted that frequently inundated area(FIA) was shown up to 12.12m in elevation, and potentially inundated area(PIA) was shown up to 14.60m in elevation. In FIA, regular agricultural activity would be impossible. And It would be not easy to continue the regular agricultural activity in PIA. So, this land should be rearranged to be used for a buffer zone for ecosystem protection, landscape conservation and things like that in riverside.

A Study of the Price Determinants for Public Residential Land Investment - From the Perspective of Land and Market Factors - (택지지구 공동주택용지의 투자가격 결정요인에 관한 연구 - 토지특성 및 시장요인 관점에서 -)

  • Choi, Kiheon;Lee, Sangyoub
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.108-115
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    • 2016
  • The price determinant for land investment depends on the internal information process and subjective decision making by management in general. Accordingly, the systematic frame to determine the feasibility of investment price to the public residential land for multi-housing development by private sector has not been proposed. The purpose of this study is to explore the frame to determine the investment price for public residential land from the perspectives of land attribute and apartment market factor. Multiple regression has been implemented to confirm the eligibility of proposed model. Research findings indicate that the land area, floor area ratio, coverage ratio, location have been identified as the total land cost determinant, and for the determinants for floor area land cost, the ratio of apartment, sale price, rent price, etc, have been identified. This research intends to provide the basis for land providers to predict the land value as a raw material in market and present the indicators for land buyers to review the price adequacy for the investment.

Analysis of the Big6 Skills Model and the Modified Big6 Models (Big6 모델 및 수정 모델 분석 연구)

  • Park, Juhyeon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.331-359
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse the Big6 model and the Big6 modification model to find out the characteristics of the Big6 model and to derive implications for applying the Big6 model in the field. For this purpose, the information literacy standards of the AASL and the ACRL were compared with the Big6 model. The Big6 model, influenced by Bloom's taxonomy was analyzed alongside the Big6+3 model, the Big8 model and the modified Big6 model, provided by LG Science Land. As a result, the Big6 model could be used as an information problem-solving model, metacognitive activation strategy, and scaffolding to improve students' information literacy. In addition, it could be used as a model for constructivism, inquiry-based learning, the integration of curriculum, collaborative education, and ICT technology. How teacher-librarians or librarians apply the Big6 model is related to the improvement of critical thinking skills. Teacher-librarians and librarians need to plan situations, subjects, topics, and methods in a systematic and specific way when applying the Big6 model to the information literacy curriculum.

Landslide Stability Analysis and Prediction Modeling with Landslide Occurrences on KOMPSAT EOC Imagery

  • Chi, Kwang-Hoon;Lee, Ki-Won;Park, No-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2002
  • Landslide prediction modeling has been regarded as one of the important environmental applications in GIS. While, landslide stability in a certain area as collateral process for prediction modeling can be characterized by DEM-based hydrological features such as flow-direction, flow-accumulation, flow-length, wetness index, and so forth. In this study, Slope-Area plot methodology followed by stability index mapping with these hydrological variables is firstly performed for stability analysis with actual landslide occurrences at Boeun area, Korea, and then Landslide prediction modeling based on likelihood ratio model for landslide potential mapping is carried out; in addition, KOMPSAT EOC imagery is used to detect the locations and scalped scale of Landslide occurrences. These two tasks are independently processed for preparation of unbiased criteria, and then results of those are qualitatively compared. As results of this case study, land stability analysis based on DEM-based hydrological variables directly reflects terrain characteristics; however, the results in the form of land stability map by landslide prediction model are not fully matched with those of hydrologic landslide analysis due to the heuristic scheme based on location of existed landslide occurrences within prediction approach, especially zones of not-investigated occurrences. Therefore, it is expected that the resets on the space-robustness of landslide prediction models in conjunction with DEM-based landslide stability analysis can be effectively utilized to search out unrevealed or hidden landslide occurrences.

A Geographically Weighted Regression on the Effect of Regulation of Space Use on the Residential Land Price - Evidence from Jangyu New Town - (공간사용 규제가 택지가격에 미치는 영향에 대한 공간가중회귀분석 - 장유 신도시지역을 대상으로-)

  • Kang, Sun-Duk;Park, Sae-Woon;Jeong, Tae-Yun
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we examine how land use zoning affects the land price controlling other variables such as road-facing condition of the land, land form, land age after its development and land size. We employ geographically weighted regression analysis which reflects spatial dependency as methodology with a data sample of land transaction price data of Jangyu, a new town, in Korea. The results of our empirical analysis show that the respective coefficients of traditional regression and geographically weighted regression are not significantly different. However, after calculating Moran's Index with residuals of both OLS and GWR models, we find that Moran's Index of GWR decreases around 26% compared to that of OLS model, thus improving the problem of spatial autoregression of residuals considerably. Unlike our expectation, though, in both traditional regression and geographically weighted regression where residential exclusive area is used as a reference variable, the dummy variable of the residential land for both housing and shops shows a negative sign. This may be because the residential land for both housing and shops is usually located in the level area while the residential exclusive area is located at the foot of a mountain or on a gentle hill where the residents can have good quality air and scenery. Although the utility of the residential land for both housing and shops is higher than its counterpart's since it has higher floor area ratio, amenity which can be explained as high quality of air and scenery in this study seems to have higher impact in purchase of land for housing. On the other hand, land for neighbourhood living facility seems to be valued higher than any other land zonings used in this research since it has much higher floor area ratio than the two land zonings above and can have a building with up to 5 stories constructed on it. With regard to road-facing condition, land buyers seem to prefer land which faces a medium-width road as expected. Land facing a wide-width road may have some disadvantage in that it can be exposed to noise and exhaust gas from cars and that entrance may not be easy due to the high speed traffic of the road. In contrast, land facing a narrow road can be free of noise or fume from cars and have privacy protected while it has some inconvenience in that entrance may be blocked by cars parked in both sides of the narrow road. Finally, land age variable shows a negative sign, which means that the price of land declines over time. This may be because decline of the land price of Jangyu was bigger than that of other regions in Gimhae where Jangyu, a new town, also belong, during the global financial crisis of 2008.

Estimation of Spatial Evapotranspiration Using Terra MODIS Satellite Image and SEBAL Model - A Case of Yongdam Dam Watershed - (Terra MODIS 위성영상과 SEBAL 모형을 이용한 공간증발산량 산정 연구 - 용담댐 유역을 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Yong-Gwan;Kim, Sang-Ho;Ahn, So-Ra;Choi, Min-Ha;Lim, Kwang-Suop;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to build a spatio-temporal evapotranspiration(ET) estimation model using Terra MODIS satellite image and by calibrating with the flux tower ET data from watershed. The fundamentals of spatial ET model, Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land(SEBAL) was adopted and modified to estimate the daily ET of Yongdam Dam watershed in South Korea. The daily Normalized Distribution Vegetation Index(NDVI), Albedo, and Land Surface Temperature(LST) from MODIS and the ground measured wind speed and solar radiation data were prepared for 2 years(2012-2013). The SEBAL was calibrated with the forest ET measured by Deokyusan flux tower in the study watershed. Among the model parameters, the important parameters were surface albedo, NDVI and surface roughness in order for momentum transport during calculation of sensible heat flux. As a result of the final calibration, the monthly averaged albedo and NDVI were used because the daily values showed big deviation with unrealistic change. The determination coefficient($R^2$) between SEBAL and flux data was 0.45. The spatial ET reflected the geographical characteristics showing the ET of lowland areas was higher than the highland ET.