• Title/Summary/Keyword: Kriging Interpolation Method

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A Bayesian Estimation of Price for Commercial Property: Using subjective priors and a kriging technique (상업용 토지 가격의 베이지안 추정: 주관적 사전지식과 크리깅 기법의 활용을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chang Ro;Eum, Young Seob;Park, Key Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.761-778
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    • 2014
  • There has been relatively little study to model price for commercial property because of its low transaction volume in the market. Despite of this thin market character, this paper tried to estimate prices for commercial lots as accurate as possible. We constructed a model whose components consist of mean structure(global trend), exponential covariance function and a pure error term, and applied it to actual sales price data of Seoul. We explicitly took account of spatial autocorrelation of land price by utilizing a kriging technique, a representative method of spatial interpolation, because the land price of commercial lots has feature of differential price forming pattern depending on submarkets they belong to. In addition, we chose to apply a bayesian kriging to overcome data scarcity by incorporating experts' knowledge into prior probability distribution. The chosen model's excellent performance was verified by the result from validation data. We confirmed that the excellence of the model is attributed to incorporating both autocorexperts' knowledge and spatial autocorrelation in the model construction. This paper is differentiated from previous studies in the sense that it applied the bayesian kriging technique to estimate price for commercial lots and explicitly combined experts' knowledge with data. It is expected that the result of this paper would provide a useful guide for the circumstances under which property price has to be estimated reliably based on sparse transaction data.

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Enhancement of Geomorphology Generation for the Front Land of Levee Using Aerial Photograph (항공영상을 연계한 하천 제외지의 지형분석 개선 기법)

  • Lee, Geun Sang;Lee, Hyun Seok;Hwang, Eui Ho;Koh, Deuk Koo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.3D
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    • pp.407-415
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    • 2008
  • This study presents the methodology to link with aerial photos for advancing the accuracy of topographic survey data that is used to calculate water volume in urban stream. First, GIS spatial interpolation technique as Inverse Distance Weight (IDW) and Kriging was applied to construct the terrain morphology to the sand-bar and grass area using cross-sectional survey data, and also validation point data was used to estimate the accuracy of created topographic data. As the result of comparison, IDW ($d^{-2}_{ij}$, 2nd square number) in Sand-bar area and Kriging Spherical model in grass area showed more efficient results in the construction of topographic data of river boundary. But the differences among interpolation methods are very slight. Image classification method, Minimum Distance Method (MDM) was applied to extract sand-bar and grass area that are located to river boundary efficiently and the elevation value of extracted layers was allocated to the water level point value. Water volume with topographic data from aerial photos shows the advanced accuracy of 13% (in sand-bar) and 12% (in grass) compared to the water volume of original terrain data. Therefore, terrain analysis method in river linking with aerial photos is efficient to the monitoring about sand-bar and grass area that are located in the downstream of Dam in flooding season, and also it can be applied to calculate water volume efficiently.

Gain Parameter Determination for the Feeding Speed and Skew Controller of Media Transport System using Optimization Technique (최적화 기법을 적용한 매체 이송 시스템의 이송속도 및 비틀어짐 제어기의 이득값 결정)

  • Cha, Ho-Young;Bum, Sun-Ho;Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Soon-Geul
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.607-613
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we made a simple paper feeding system which is one of MTS (media transport system) and controllers. The plant has a flexible paper and two driving rollers and two driven rollers. The control system has two conventional PID controllers. Skew angle and feeding speed of MTS deteriorate the quality of feeding system. In order to control a feeding speed and skew of feeding paper, we control rotational velocity of two driving rollers. Therefore, this controller has two inputs and two outputs as MIMO (multi-input and multi-output) system. The control inputs were the feeding speed and the skew displacement of the paper. The control outputs were the rotational velocity to each driving roller. To find appropriate PID gains of two controllers, we proposed an optimization technique. We assume the system variables and performance of a whole system as follows. PID gains of two controllers for skew and feeding speed are system variables. System performance is both skew and feeding speed. We simulates to making mathematical correlation using global Kriging interpolation. To find appropriate value of system variables, optimization method is simulation in sequence as following method. First, the optimization solver simulates with DOE (design of experiment) tables to find correlation equation of both system variable and performances. Then, the solver guesses the appropriate values and simulates if the system variables are appropriate or not. If the result of validation doesn't satisfy the convergence and iteration tolerance, the solver makes a new Kriging models and iterates this sequence until satisfy the tolerances.

Spatial Estimation of the Site Index for Pinus densiplora using Kriging (크리깅을 이용한 소나무림 지위지수 공간분포 추정)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Park, Key-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.102 no.4
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    • pp.467-476
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    • 2013
  • Site index information given from forest site map only exist in the sampled locations. In this study, site index for unsampled locations were estimated using kriging interpolation method which can interpolate values between point samples to generate a continuous surface. Site index of Pinus densiplora in Danyang area were calculated using Chapman-Richards model by plot unit. Then site index for unsampled locations were interpolated by theoretical variogram models and ordinary kriging. Also in order to assess parameter selection, cross-validation was performed by calculating mean error (ME), average standard error (ASE) and root mean square error (RMSE). In result, gaussian model was excluded because of the biggest relative nugget (37.40%). Then spherical model (16.80%) and exponential model (8.77%) were selected. Site index estimates of Pinus densiplora throughout the entire area in Danyang showed 4.39~19.53 based on exponential model, and 4.54~19.23 based on spherical model. By cross-validation, RMSE had almost no difference. But ME and ASE from spherical model were slightly lower than exponential model. Therefore site index prediction map from spherical model were finally selected. Average site index from site prediction map was 10.78. It can be expected that regional variance can be considered by site index prediction map in order to estimate forest biomass which has big spatial variance and eventually it is helpful to improve an accuracy of forest carbon estimation.

Reconstruction of the Volcanic Lake in Hanon Volcano Using the Spatial Statistical Techniques (공간통계기법을 이용한 하논화산의 화구호 복원)

  • Choi Kwang-Hee;Yoon Kwang-Sung;Kim Jong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.4 s.115
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    • pp.391-403
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    • 2006
  • The Hanon volcano located in the southern pan of Cheju Island, Korea has a wetland in its crater being used as a farmland. Previous researchers presumed this wetland was a maar lake in the past. Based on the seismic refraction method, the wetland sediment layer was estimated between 5 to 14 m deep, which is mostly in accordance with previous researches. However, this shows only the depths at some sites, not representing the whole spatial distribution. This study is an attempt to reconstruct the volcanic lake in Hanon crater by applying the spatial statistical techniques based on the depth information from the seismic survey and known data. The procedure of reconstruction is as follows: First, the depth information from the seismic survey and known data were collected and it was interpolated by IDW and Ordinary Kriging method. Next, with the interpolation map and the present DEM the paleo DEM was constructed. Finally, using the paleo lake level on core data, the boundary of volcanic lake was extracted from the paleo DEM. The reconstructed lake resembles a half-moon in the north of the central scoria cone. It is estimated that the lake was 5 m deep on average and 13 m deep at the deepest point. Although there are slight differences according to the interpolation techniques, it is calculated that the area of the lake was between 184,000 and $190000m^2,$ and its volume approximately $869,760m^3$. Because of the continuous deposition processes after the crater formation, the reconstructed volcanic lake would not indicate an actual lake at a specific time. Nevertheless, it offers a significant clue regarding the inner morphology and evolution of the crater.

Development of an anisotropic spatial interpolation method for velocity in meandering river channel (비등방성을 고려한 사행하천의 유속 공간보간기법 개발)

  • You, Hojun;Kim, Dongsu
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.7
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    • pp.455-465
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    • 2017
  • Understanding of the two-dimensional velocity field is crucial in terms of analyzing various hydrodynamic and fluvial processes in the riverine environments. Until recently, many numerical models have played major roles of providing such velocity field instead of in-situ flow measurements, because there were limitations in instruments and methodologies suitable for efficiently measuring in the broad range of river reaches. In the last decades, however, the advent of modernized instrumentations started to revolutionize the flow measurements. Among others, acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) became very promising especially for accurately assessing streamflow discharge, and they are also able to provide the detailed velocity field very efficiently. Thus it became possible to capture the velocity field only with field observations. Since most of ADCPs measurements have been mostly conducted in the cross-sectional lines despite their capabilities, it is still required to apply appropriate interpolation methods to obtain dense velocity field as likely as results from numerical simulations. However, anisotropic nature of the meandering river channel could have brought in the difficulties for applying simple spatial interpolation methods for handling dynamic flow velocity vector, since the flow direction continuously changes over the curvature of the channel shape. Without considering anisotropic characteristics in terms of the meandering, therefore, conventional interpolation methods such as IDW and Kriging possibly lead to erroneous results, when they dealt with velocity vectors in the meandering channel. Based on the consecutive ADCP cross-sectional measurements in the meandering river channel. For this purpose, the geographic coordinate with the measured ADCP velocity was converted from the conventional Cartesian coordinate (x, y) to a curvilinear coordinate (s, n). The results from application of A-VIM showed significant improvement in accuracy as much as 41.5% in RMSE.

Shape Optimization of Ball Valve for High Temperature (고온용 볼 밸브의 형상 최적화)

  • Kim, Nam-Hee;Byeon, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Kwon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2017
  • The main purpose of the ball valve ball is to be moved by the rotation of the stem when fully open or completely closed. In this study the heat of the initial model, which used a structure interaction analysis technique, tried to examine the structural safety of the high temperature for the ball valve. In the initial model the stress of the exiting sheet was more than the yield strength. We selected two design shapes with variables of length and thickness for the optimization of the sheet. The Kriging interpolation method was applied to a meta-model-based optimization technique. As a result, it was possible to find a thickness and length for the sheet within the yield strength. This was done by measuring the value of the capacity coefficient of the valve and evaluating the performance of the ball valve.

Development of Subsurface Spatial Information Model System using Clustering and Geostatistics Approach (클러스터링과 지구통계학 기법을 이용한 지하공간정보 모델 생성시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2008
  • Since the current database systems for managing geotechnical investigation results were limited by being described boring test result in point feature, it has been trouble for using other GIS data. Although there are some studies for spatial characteristics of subsurface modeling, it is rather lack of being interoperable with GIS, considering geotechnical engineering facts. This is reason for difficulty of practical uses. In this study, we has developed subsurface spatial information model through extracting needed geotechnical engineering data from geotechnical information DB. The developed geotechnical information clustering program(GEOCL) has made a cluster of boring formation(and formation ratio), classification of layer, and strength characteristics of subsurface. The interpolation of boring data has been achieved through zonal kriging method in the consideration of spatial distribution of created cluster. Finally, we make a subsurface spatial information model to integrate with digital elevation model, and visualize 3-dimensional model by subsurface spatial information viewing program(SSIVIEW). We expect to strengthen application capacity of developed model in subsurface interpretation and foundation design of construction works.

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Development of bias correction scheme for high resolution precipitation forecast (고해상도 강수량 수치예보에 대한 편의 보정 기법 개발)

  • Uranchimeg, Sumiya;Kim, Ji-Sung;Kim, Kyu-Ho;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.575-584
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    • 2018
  • An increase in heavy rainfall and floods have been observed over South Korea due to recent abnormal weather. In this perspective, the high-resolution weather forecasts have been widely used to facilitate flood management. However, these models are known to be biased due to initial conditions and topographical conditions in the process of model building. Theretofore, a bias correction scheme is largely applied for the practical use of the prediction to flood management. This study introduces a new mean field bias correction (MFBC) approach for the high-resolution numerical rainfall products, which is based on a Bayesian Kriging model to combine an interpolation technique and MFBC approach for spatial representation of the error. The results showed that the proposed method can reliably estimate the bias correction factor over ungauged area with an improvement in the reduction of errors. Moreover, it can be seen that the bias corrected rainfall forecasts could be used up to 72 hours ahead with a relatively high accuracy.


  • Lee Ju Young;Krishinamurshy Ganeshi
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2005
  • Groundwater recharge is defined in an addition of water to groundwater reservoir. Recently, many people have been moving to the Edwards aquifer and urban and agricultural industry have been expending. Hydrologists and water planning managers concern about insufficient groundwater amounts and irrigation water price variability. In this paper, I focus on estimates of local recharge volumes and quantify preferential flow through GIS technique. Chloride Mass Balance (CMB) and hydrochemical components have been widely applied to recharge rate and evaluate flow paths. The CMB method is based on relationship between wet-dry chloride deposition data and Rainfall data. These data are manipulated using ArcGIS. Especially, hydrochemical concentration distribution is good index for groundwater residence times or flow paths such as $[Mg^{2+}]/[Ca^{2+}],[Cl]$ and log$([Ca^{2+}]+[Mg^{2+}])/[Na^+]$. Well information such as hydrological-hydrochemical data are imported into ArcGIS and manipulated by interpolation techniques. For each potentiometric surface and water quality, point data are converted to spatial data through each Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) techniques.

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