• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean traditional prescription

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Comparison between Word Embedding Techniques in Traditional Korean Medicine for Data Analysis: Implementation of a Natural Language Processing Method (한의학 고문헌 데이터 분석을 위한 단어 임베딩 기법 비교: 자연어처리 방법을 적용하여)

  • Oh, Junho
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to help select an appropriate word embedding method when analyzing East Asian traditional medicine texts as data. Methods : Based on prescription data that imply traditional methods in traditional East Asian medicine, we have examined 4 count-based word embedding and 2 prediction-based word embedding methods. In order to intuitively compare these word embedding methods, we proposed a "prescription generating game" and compared its results with those from the application of the 6 methods. Results : When the adjacent vectors are extracted, the count-based word embedding method derives the main herbs that are frequently used in conjunction with each other. On the other hand, in the prediction-based word embedding method, the synonyms of the herbs were derived. Conclusions : Counting based word embedding methods seems to be more effective than prediction-based word embedding methods in analyzing the use of domesticated herbs. Among count-based word embedding methods, the TF-vector method tends to exaggerate the frequency effect, and hence the TF-IDF vector or co-word vector may be a more reasonable choice. Also, the t-score vector may be recommended in search for unusual information that could not be found in frequency. On the other hand, prediction-based embedding seems to be effective when deriving the bases of similar meanings in context.

Suppressive Effect of Solanum Iyratum Aqueous Extract Via Down-regulation of $TNF-{\alpha}$ and $IFN-{\gamma}$ Production on Collagen-induced Arthritis in Mice

  • Kim, Seung-Hyung;Seo, Chang-Woo;Kim, Chang-Min;Kim, Yang-Jin;Lee, Boo-Kyun;Choi, Yong-Sun;Oh, Hwang;Yoon, Ho-Sok;Lee, Seon-Goo;Lee, Jang-Cheon;Lee, Young-Cheal
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.1278-1284
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    • 2007
  • Solanum Iyratum Thunb (Solanaceae) has multiple applications in korean traditional medicine because of its cytotoxic, immunological and anti-inflammatory activities. However, no study on the anti-arthritic activity of Solanum Iyratum Thunb has been reported in vivo. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease with chronic inflammation characterized by hyperplasia of synovial cells in affected joints, which ultimately leads to the destruction of cartilage and bone. Cytokine production were assessed during CIA(collagen-induced arthritis) model mice in lymph node (LN), in knee joint and spleen, using ELISA. DBA/1j mice were immunized with bovine type II collagen. After a second collagen immunization, mice were treated with Solanum Iyratum Thunb (SLT) orally at 400, 200 mg/kg once a day for 4 weeks. The severity of arthritis within the knee joints was evaluated by histological assessment of cartilage destruction and pannus formation. SLT significantly suppressed the progression of CIA and inhibited the production of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in serum and spleen cell culture supernatant. The erosion of cartilage was dramatically reduced in mouse knees after treatment with SLT. In conclusion, our results demonstrates that SLT significantly suppressed the progression of CIA. This action was characterized by suppression of arthritis index, cartilage erosion and synovial cell infiltration and the decreased production of $TNF-{\alpha}$, $IFN-{\gamma}$, CD4+, CD19+, CD3+/CD69+ cells (in lymph node), CD11b+/Gr-1 + (in knee joint).

Study on The Anti-HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) Activity of Korean Traditional Prescriptions (Herb complexes) (한약 탕제분획의 항 Herpes simplex virus 활성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Bong-Joo;Ko, Byung-Seob;Yang, Ki-Sang;Park, Kap-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.417-429
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    • 1996
  • Herpes simplex viruses(HSV) are one of the most common infectious virus of man. Though chemotherapies and antibiotics against HSV have been developed in many countries, but anti-HSV agents were not satisfactory to mankind by their toxic reaction and side effects. In order to search for anti-HSV agents from Korean traditional prescriptions, we extended the number of specimens. Both methanol extract and boilling water extract of the Korean traditional prescriptions were screened to detect anti-HSV activities by MTT assay. Korean traditional prescriptions showing anti-HSV activities as methanl extracts were Paekyopsan, Chesupwilyungtang, Yongdamsagantang, and prescription 11. Four methanol extracts showing anti-HSV activities were freationated by hexane and their efficacies were tested. Hexane freationations of Paekyopsan, Chesupwilyungtang, and prescription 11 showed in anti-HSV activities both haxane and methanol fractionation.

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On the Legality of the Telemedicine between the Patient and Doctor Under the Medical Service Act - Focused on the Prescriptions to the Distanced Patients- (의사 환자 간 원격 의료의 의료법상 적법성에 관하여 - 원격 환자에 대한 처방 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jang Han
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.3-23
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    • 2021
  • Telemedicine is a field of medicine in which medicine doctors who are in remote distance can treat the patients using audio, video devices which can help the diagnosis. In medicine, even the face-to-face diagnosis and treatment is the traditional way, the telemedicine could provide the convenient way for the patients in long distance, disabled or anyone who want to be stay ones' home. But telemedicine has the task to maintain the quality of medical cares compare with the traditional medicine. Among the several types of telemedicine, the specific type telemedicine in which the medicine doctors examine, diagnosis and do the prescription to the remotely distanced patients could be defined tele-prescription. Under The Medical Service act, it is unclear that teleprescription could be allowed. The Medical Service Act has introduced the specific clause for the prescription. That clause includes the duty of patients who have to receive the prescriptions directly from medical doctors. Under this clause, the constitutional court had decided the tele-prescription was illegal, but the supreme court has been decided tele-prescription could be legalized under the certain circumstances. But the other supreme court decided the tele-prescription was illegal under the article 34 of presenting Medical Service Act. So to understand the interpretations of Supreme court and Constitutional court decisions for the cases of prescription via telephone, we need to understand the history and presented reasons for the revision of prescription clause and also need to understand the other related clauses in the same act. In conclusion, To consider the values of telemedicine should be the level with the ordinary treatments, It is reasonable to interpret that the presenting Medical Service Act only legalize the telemedicine between doctor to doctor and which is regulated by the telemedicine clause.

Development of Efficient Order Communication and Pharmacy Supporting System for Traditional Korean Medicine (효율적인 한의 처방조제지원시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Chul;Kim, Sang-Kyun;Jang, Hyun-Chul;Kim, An-Na;Kim, Ik-Tae;Song, Mi-Young
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to develop the order communication system for Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM) which can support prescribing decisions and provide the toxicological information. The relative vulnerability of the infrastructure of TKM has made us start the study. We carried out the benchmarking for TKM charting solution firstly, and then designed the intelligent search and supporting method for prescription decisions. We developed of the medical herbs database and the web-based order communication program which can be used in medical field actually. This system supplies a various functions to oriental medical doctors such as management for prescription history, search for herb's effects, generating prescriptions, inventory management, alerting of toxicity and taboo, guideline for taking medicine, and so on. The design and implementation process has been described in this research. We expect that this system will play an important role in electronic medical record(EMR) or electronic health record(EHR) binding diagnosis and management functions.

Antimicrobial Activity of Korean Traditional Prescription (Kumkue-Yoryak) and Herb Simplexes Extracts to Vibrio Parahemolyticus (Vibrio parahemolyticus에 대한 한방처방(금궤요략) 및 그 구성약재의 항균활성에 관한 연구)

  • Ma, Jin-Yeul;Kim, Jin-Sook;Jung, Kyu-Yong;Park, Kap-Joo
    • Korean Journal of Oriental Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2000
  • Vibrio become prevailing if superficial temperature of ocean is raised and their activities of area are expanded and most of ocean creatures(fishes, oysters etc) are polluted with vibrio. The one who has taken these polluted fishes and oysters uncooked caused foodpoisoning and diarrhea from Vibrio. Frequently these diseases breakout is disposed in westsea shore of Korea. According to ancient and traditional Korean medical book - Kumkue Yorak - and their single, we carried out experiment check the activities of natural medicinal effects on Vibrio parahemolyticus. The prescriptions of trial materials are processed from extraction boiling water and 80% methanol and followed by freeze dried and adsorbed to every discs in dosage of 10mg. Gentamycin of 10mg were used for control. The result of compound prescription displayed special diseases in antimicrobial activities of boiling water and MeOH extraction compared with control. In single prescription, extraction of boiling water and MeOH of Schisandra sphenanthera(clear zone : 15mm) presented extraordinal antimicrobial activity. The MBC of Schisandra sphenanthera extracts was expressed 2.56mg/ml in boiling water and MeOH.

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Minh Mang Thang, the Mysterious Vietnamese Prescription Containing Korean Ginseng

  • Thi Hong Van Le;Van Dan Nguyen;Manh Hung Tran
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.6
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2024
  • Emperor Minh Mang (明命), the second ruler of the Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam, reigned from 1820 to 1841. He is widely regarded by contemporary historians as the most distinguished monarch of his dynasty, despite some controversial policies. One aspect of his extraordinary legacy is the remarkable 142 offspring he sired - 78 princes and 64 princesses - earning him the unprecedented distinction of having the most progeny among kings in world history. Vietnamese people suppose Minh Mang's prolific reproductive success to the consumption of a specially prescribed medicine known as Minh Mang Thang (明命湯, MMT). This medicine, often associated with sexual potency and fertility, is characterized by intriguing names such as "One night Five sexes," "One night Six sexes born Five babies," or "Six sexes Three pregnancies." Vietnamese folklore vividly recounts Minh Mang's exceptional sexual prowess, attributing it to the use of MMT. MMT formulations, which include various herbs, notably Korean ginseng, may incorporate additional botanical ingredients depending on their intended purpose. This paper aims to explore the origins, history, ingredients, and applications of MMT, unraveling the mystery behind this mystical prescription that has inspired several oriental medicinal researchers. Through this investigation, we seek to shed light on the cultural and historical contexts surrounding Minh Mang's use of MMT and its enduring impact on traditional Vietnamese medicine and folklore.

Consideration in the Interpretation of the Gwibi-tang (귀비탕(歸脾湯)의 방론(方論)에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Hye-Youn;Kim, Ho-Kyoung;Lee, Myoung-Sun;Kim, Hong-Jun
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the interpretation of the Gwibi-tang(歸脾湯, GBT) prescription in order to obtain the traditional significance. Methods : We have analyzed the interpretation on the GBT prescription through translations and comparisons based on classic books about the oriental medical prescriptions. Results : 1. The source of GBT in Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑) is Guchiryuyo(口齒類要), Jeongcheryuyo(正體類要) and Gyojubuinyangbang(校註婦人良方) etc. 2. Meaning of "GwiBi(歸脾)" in the GBT name is returning to the Bi(脾) which is origin of generating Gi(氣) and Blood(血). 3. GBT is composed of Sagunja-tang(四君子湯), Hwanggi-tang(黃芪湯) and Danggwibohyeol-tang(當歸補血湯) etc. 4. According to wide range of symptom, GBT can be varied by adding or subtracting herbs. Conclusions : In this study, we have demonstrated various methodologies. This paper will be useful to the future researchers and clinicians to conduct a study on herbal medicines such as the GBT.

A Historical Study on the Treatments of 鼻鼽(bí qiú) ('비구(鼻鼽)'에 대한 의사학적 연구)

  • Oh, Byung-Gun;Maeng, Woong-Jae;Kim, Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2011
  • Rhinitis, inflammation of the nasal cavity caused by the disease in our country that a recent trend is the rapidly increasing number of patients. It causes multiple complications and interfere with daily life and social life in case of being viewed as a mild cold. The rhinitis treatment for symptomatic therapy in modern medicine is staying because the situation is exposing the limitations. so traditional medicine is trying to find a solution but that is not easy. In modern medicine, rhinitis is defined as a set of histological lesions and clinical symptoms, but traditional medicine has developed in dealing with each symptoms in disease. The treatment that doesn't distinguish any treatment in growing numbers of patients does not seem to validate, because doctors treat without considering the difference of recognition. Looking at the symptoms for each, I found that each symptoms and causes are varied according to doctors and era. In spite of considering all of that in treatment, it was ignored or underestimated in modern medicine. Furthermore, in traditional medicine, they just conjugated certain period theory and only had limited treatment by a lack of integrated awareness about definition and mechanism. In addition, in case of mentioning about the causes of prescription in each medical books, there were not enough explain about pathological states. Therefore, these causes should be made to further the research about the validity, pathogenesis and treatment. We can see that theory could be established and modified by the accumulation of clinical experience, observations through classification by each of the causes, prescription and treatment. In traditional medicine simply does not pay attention only to nasal inflammation, such as the impact of Meridian and organs considered to have focused on the fundamental treatment. This increased immune resistance to the modern rhinitis patients may offer new therapeutic approaches. I hope this paper would be helpful to find the treatment with uncovered theory in modern medicine.

Historical study of 濟衆入效方 -focusing on 交效散 (『제중입효방(濟衆立效方)』에 관한 의사학적 고찰 - 교효산(交效散)을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Duk Ho;Kim, Hong-kyoon;Ahn, Sang Woo
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2008
  • "濟衆立效方" is the oldest Koryo dynasty medical document known to date. Despite its historical importance, due to the absence of its original copy, its true characters could not be understood. Through comparison of the many documents that cited 濟衆立效方, it could be found that 濟衆立效方 can be classified into two parts based on its contents and form. In Chinese medical texts, neither the name 交效散 nor any similar prescription is mentioned. 濟衆立效方 was the first in suggesting the usage of pine needles and salt for fomentation and not for internal use. Thus 交效散 can be thought of as the oldest indigenous prescription preserved in Korean history. 濟衆立效方 conveys records of the combination of the ancient origin pine needle fomentation and the creative addition of salt.

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