• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean corn

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Selection of Optimal Application Condition of Corn Waste Biochar for Improvement of Corn Growth and Soil Fertility

  • Kang, Se-Won;Kim, Seong-Heon;Park, Jong-Hwan;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Cho, Ju-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to select an optimal approach to corn waste biochar (BC) application, and to evaluate the effects of combined application of BC and inorganic fertilizer (IF) on corn growth and soil chemical properties in a pot experiment. Corn growth differed with BC application timing and BC application levels. Based on the characteristics of corn growth in pot-based experiments, the selected optimal application conditions of BC were application of $500kg\;10a^{-1}$ at 20 days before sowing. Also, the chemical properties of the tested soil with BC after corn harvesting were significantly improved than those in the other treatments. In particular, soil pH and CEC regardless of application conditions were markedly increased by 0.04~0.19 units and $0.08{\sim}2.58coml_c\;kg^{-1}$ in BC treatments than without BC treatments. Additionally, combined application of BC and IF had greater effects on corn growth than single application of BC. Therefore, the results suggest using properly BC application conditions and a combination of BC and IF for effective corn cultivation in an upland field.

Gelatinization Properties of Starch Dough with Moisture Content, Heating Temperature and Heating Time (수분함량, 가열온도 및 가열시간에 따른 전분 반죽의 호화특성)

  • Lee, Boo-Yong;Lee, Chang-Ho;Lee, Cherl-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.428-438
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    • 1995
  • The gelatinization properties of corn and waxy corn starch doughs were examined at various moisture contents, heating temperatures and heating times. The onset temperatures of gelatinization with 1% CMC using Brabender Amylograph were $64^{\circ}C$ for both corn and waxy corn starch. In the gelatinization properties using DSC, onset temperature$(T_o)$, maximum peak temperature$(T_p)$, completion temperature$(T_c)$ and enthalpy of the corn starch were $68.15^{\circ}C,\;74.01^{\circ}C,\;85.65^{\circ}C$ and $3.2\;cal/gram$ respectively. While those of the waxy corn starch were $68.24^{\circ}C,\;75.43^{\circ}C,\;93^{\circ}C$ and $4.2\;cal/gram$ respectively. In enzymatic analysis, when the moisture content increased from 36% to 52% and heating temperature from $60^{\circ}C$ to $100^{\circ}C$, the gelatinization degree of starch dough increased from about 10% to about 62%. The gelatinization degree of waxy corn starch dough was $15{\sim}20%$ higher than that of corn starch dough under the same gelatinization conditions. The regression equations of gelatinization degree (Y) of starch dough in the range of $36{\sim}52%$ moisture content $(X_1)\;60{\sim}100^{\circ}C$ heating temperature $(X_2)\;and\;0{\sim}2.0$ min heating time $(X_3)$ were examined using response surface analysis. The regression equation of corn starch dough was: $Y=28.659+8.638\;X_}+15.675\;X_2+7.770\;X_3-1.620\;{X_1}^2+10.790\;X_1X_2-4.220\;{X_2}^2+0.510\;X_1X_3+1.980\;X_2X_3-6.850\;{X_3}^2\;(R^2=0.9714)$ and that of waxy corn starch dough was: $Y=32.617+12.535\;X_1+20.470\;X_2+8.608\;X_3+4.093\;{X_1}^2+13.550\;X_1X_2-4.467\;{X_2}^2+1.560\;X_1X_3+2.160\;X_2X_3-9.527\;{X_3}^2$\;(R^2=0.9621)$. As the moisture content, heating temperature and heating time increased, the reaction rate constant(k) of gelatinization increased. The greatest reaction rate constant was observed at initial 0.5 min heating time of 1st gelatinization stage. At the heating temperature of $90^{\circ}C$, gelatinization of starch dough was completed almost in the initial 0.5 min heating time. The reaction rate constant of waxy corn starch dough was higher than that of corn starch dough under the same gelatinization conditions. At the 52% moisture content, the regression equation between reaction rate constant(k) and heating temperature(T) for corn starch dough was $log\;k=11.1140-4.1226{\times}10^3(1/T)$ (r=-0.9520) and that of waxy corn starch dough was $log\;k=10.1195-3.7090{\times}10^3(1/T)$ (r=-0.9064).

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Development of Rotating Corn Type Garlic Separator(I) -Prototype and its performance test- (회전 원추형 마늘 쪽분리기 개발에 관한 연구 (I) -시작기 개발 및 성능시험-)

  • 이종수;김기복;이정삼
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.131-140
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to develop a garlic separator which could to reduce the labor in preparation of seeding. After consideration of the design criteria of a garlic separator such as no additional conveying device, simple construction and operation, enhancement of separating efficiency, reduction of damage, degree a rotating corn type garlic separator was designed. The effects of design parameters such as height and angle of the inner and outer corns, rotating speed of inner corn on the separating performance of the prototype were estimated. In performance was compared with manual work. The results are summarized as follows. 1. Garlic bulbs were separated by a spiral movement in the gap between inner rotating corn and outer fixed corn. At constant feed rate of garlic bulbs, the capacity of garlic separation increased with increase of rotating speed of inner corn. Especially, the capacity was very high at the rotating speeds of 300 and 400rpm. 2. The damage degree of separated garlics increased with rotating speed of corn within 10%. Above 300rpm, separability of Uisung garlic was about 100% and incomplete separation of Namdo garlic was within 2%. 3. The capacity of prototype garlic separator developed in this study was 30 times as large as that of human being.

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Causal Relationship among Bioethanol Production, Corn Price, and Beef Price in the U.S.

  • Seok, Jun Ho;Kim, GwanSeon;Kim, Soo-Eun
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.521-544
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    • 2018
  • This paper investigates the impact of ethanol mandate on the price relationship between corn and beef using the monthly time-series data from January 2003 through December 2013. In addition, we examine the non-linearity in ethanol, corn, and beef markets. Based on the threshold cointegration test, we find the symmetric relationship in pairs with ethanol production-corn price and ethanol production-beef price whereas there is the asymmetric relationship between prices of corn and beef. Employing the threshold vector error correction and vector error correction models, we also find that the corn price in the U.S is caused by both ethanol production and beef price in a long-run when the beef price is relatively high. On the other hand, the corn price does not cause both ethanol production and beef price in the long run. Findings from this study imply that demanders for corn such as ethanol and beef producers have price leadership on corn producers.

Morphological Studies on Ear Characteristics of Korean Indigenous Corn Lines Collected in Pusan and Kyungnam

  • Lee, In-Sup
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.197-200
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    • 1999
  • In order to get abundant germplasm for develop- ing new corn varieties, major morphological characteristics of ear were evaluated with a total of 210 Korean indigenous maize lines collected from various parts of Pusan City and Kyungnam Province, Korea. The ear shape of Korean indigenous maize was mainly cone type or similar to cone type. Cylinder type or similar to cylinder type of corn was collected from the north-west mountainous. region of Kyungnam Province, whereas cone type or similar to cone type was collected from the plain region. In the kernel colors of each ear, ears with mono colored kernels were 55.7% of the total, and ears with two to four mixed colors were 44.3%. Among the mono colored ears, brown was the most abundant at 16.8%. There was an average of 12∼14 rows per ear. Kernal rows per ear varied from 8∼20. Waxy corn was predominant at 67.2%, mixed corn with waxy kernel and common kernel at 11.0%, and common corn at 21.8%.

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산란계에서 High Oil Corn의 사료가치 평가

  • 이봉덕;김영호;김동준
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.108-110
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    • 2000
  • A 12-w feeding trial was conducted with 600 38-wk-old layers to evaluate the nutritive value of high oil corn(HOC) in layer diets. For the control, a commercial corn-soybean meal basal diet was used. An iso-calorie diet(HOC-ISO) was prepared replacing corn with HOC in the control diet. In addition a third diet was prepared by simply replacing corn with HOC on 1:1 basis to give a high energy diet(HOC-1:1). There were 5 replicates per treatment, and 40 birds per replicate. Birds were housed in an open-sided layer house equipped with wire cages. Feed and water were provided ad libitum, and 17L:7D lighting program was adopted. No significant difference (P>0.05) was found among dietary treatments in laying performance. Also physical qualities of eggs were not significantly affected by the feeding of HOC. Although not significant, HOC-ISO tended to improve the laying rate during the summer. The HOC feeding significantly increased the polyunsaturated fatty acids contents in egg yolk, especially the linoleic acid The AME contents of Chinese yellow corn, U.S. corn, and HOC were 3177, 3158 and 3387 kcal/kg respectively.

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Plantar Corn Caused by Epidermal Cyst (표피낭종에 의해 생긴 발바닥 티눈)

  • Lee, Eun Sang;Burm, Jin Sik;Kim, Yang Woo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.656-659
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    • 2005
  • Plantar corn is a circumscribed and sharply demarcated hard mass of traumatic hyperkeratosis, which has a central core impacting the dermis deeply and causes pain while walking. The cause of the corn is the mechanical stress to the skin induced by several causative factors; extrinsic(tight shoes) or intrinsic(bony prominence), or combined(the claw toe). We found 7 cases of patients with a painful recurrent plantar corn which had an epidermal cyst under its lesion. These corns and cysts were excised totally and there was no recurrence in all cases during two to four months follow-up period. We think that an epidermal cyst may be another intrinsic factor for the development of a plantar corn. So, an epidermal cyst should be considered once in a recurrent plantar corn to be recalcitrant against popular treatments.

Quality Characteristics of Bread Supplemented with Extruded Corn Fiber (압출성형 옥수수 섬유질 첨가에 따른 식빵의 품질 특성)

  • Lee, Kyu-Chul;Ryu, Gi-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.8
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    • pp.1290-1295
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    • 2013
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality characteristics of bread supplemented with extruded corn fiber. The extrusion was conducted as the moisture content of the corn fiber reached 30% and 40% (at $140^{\circ}C$ and 200 rpm). The bread baked with 5% extruded corn fiber at a 40% feed moisture exhibited the highest specific volume. The hardness of the bread supplemented with 10% corn fiber was the highest during storage compared to bread supplemented with extruded corn fiber and the control (100% wheat flour). However, the hardness of bread with corn fiber or extruded corn fiber (5%) was lower than the control. In the sensory evaluation, preferences decreased with the increased addition of untreated and extruded corn fiber. Quality characteristics, such as specific volume and texture, of bread baked with extruded corn fiber were better than bread baked with corn fiber. This improvement in quality is likely due to modification of corn fibers and starch gelatinization from the extrusion process. Supplement of extruded corn fiber had the potential for bread making compared to raw corn fiber.

Effect of Casein Soy Protein and Corn Gluten as Protein Sources in Diets on the Cellular Development of Rats during the Prenatal and Lactating Periods (식이내 단백질 급원의 종류가 태아기와 수유기동안 흰쥐의 세포 발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, In-Ok;Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.156-162
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    • 1984
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of three types of protein source in a basal diet during the prenatal and lactating periods on the cellular growth and development of organs in rate. Twenty four pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 187.7${\pm}$18.5 g were fed ad libitum diets containing casein, soy protein, or corn gluten. The weight of organ and the contents of DAN, RNA, and protein of organs in pups were determined at 0, 3, 7, 14, and 21 days after the birth. Dietary intake of rats during trimester of pregnancy and lactation were significantly higher in the rats fed case in containing diet than those of rats fed the corn gluten diet. Body weight of the progeny fed casein diet at birth and after 7 days were significantly higher than those of rats fed the corn gluten diet. The weight of brain, liver, and kidney of pups which fed corn gluten diet were significantly lower than those fed the casein diet. DNA contents in the brain of pups fed the casein and the soy protein were slightly higher than those fed the corn gluten diet. RNA and protein contents of the brain, and DNA, RNA and protein contents of the liver of the corn gluten treated group were significantly lower than those of the others.

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Study on Productivity of Corn and Nutrient Runoff of the Soil by Application of Swine Manure in the Slopes (경사지에 대한 가축분뇨 시용시 옥수수의 생산성과 양분유실에 관한 연구)

  • 육완방;안승현;최기춘
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application levels of swine manure fermented with sawdust(SMFS) and degree of the slope on productivity of corn, and nitrogen and organic matter runoff in corn cultivation soil. Main plots were consisted of the degree of slope, such as 0, 5 and 10, and the subplots consisted of application levels of SMFS, such as control, 200kgNha and 400kgNha. Lysimeter was constructed with 0.33m width, 3m length and 0.4m height. Dry matter(DM) yields of corn decreased as the slope increased but there was no significant differences between the degree of the slope. DM yields increased significantly as application levels of SMFS increased (pc0.05). DM yields decreased according to continuous cultivation of corn. Total nitrogen(TN) contents of the whole corn decreased as the slope increased(p<0.05). TN content in SMFS treatments was higher than that of non-SMFS treatment but there was no significantly different between SMFS treatments. TN yields decreased significantly as the slope and the application level of SMFS increased(p<0.05). Nitrogen and organic matter yields in the runoff waters increased as the slope and application levels of SMFS increased. The runoff of nitrogen and organic matter was more affected by the increase of the slope than application levels of SMFS. (Key words : Corn, Runoff, Swine manure, Degree of slope, Lysimeter)

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