• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean angelica

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Comparision of Chemical Components of Angelica gigas Nakai and Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa (토당귀와 일당귀의 화학성분 비교)

  • Hwang, Jin-Bong;Yang, Mi-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.1113-1118
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    • 1997
  • Chemical components of domestic Angelica gigas Nakai and Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa were analyzed. Proximate analysis of each species showed crude protein 18.1% and 13.4%, crude lipid 8.9% and 4.3%, crude fiber 8.6% and 9.4%, crude ash 7.4% and 8.2%, and carbohydrate 57.0% and 64.7%, respectively. Contents of potassium which was found to be the most abundant mineral in both species were 2,740.0 mg% and 2,582.8 mg%, and those of sucrose were 0.4 % and 0.3% respectively while neither fructose nor glucose were detected in each species. Major fatty acids in Angelica gigas Nakai and Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa were linoleic acid (60.8% and 59.5%), palmitic acid (17.4% and 15.3%), oleic acid (8.8% and 7.7%) (respectively) but there was no significant difference between two species. Arginine was revealed as the most abundant amino acid in both species with 2,599.8 mg% in Angelica gigas Nakai and 1,543.4 mg% in Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Angelica gigas Nakai and Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa also were shown to contained 10.5 mg% and 12.2 mg% $vitamin\;B_1$, 0.1 mg% and 0.04 mg%, $vitamin\;B_2$, 4.3% and 0.8% decursin, and 988.0 mg% and 900.0 mg% tannin, respectively.

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Sensory and Mechanical characteristics of Shinsunchosulgi by Different Ratio of Ingredient (신선초설기의 재료배합비에 따른 관능적$\cdot$텍스쳐 특성)

  • Lee Hyo-Gee;Lee Eun-Mi;Cha Gyung-Hee
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.21 no.4 s.88
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    • pp.422-432
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    • 2005
  • Shinuncho(Angelica keiskei koidz)sulgi is a kind of steamed rice cake by an earthenware steamer. I made Shinuncho-sulgi samples with different amounts of Angelica keiskei koidz - powder and different types of sugars (sugar or honey). The more Angelica keiskei koidz powder it has the bitter it tastes but the lower sweetness, moistness and chewiness it has. Samples with honey have higher sweetness, moistness and chewiness but lower bitterness and after-swallowing than ones with sugar. Color is Shinsuncho-sulgi with $3\%$ of Angelica keiskei koidz - powder and honey has been judged to have the best quality. Flavor and Overall-acceptability are Shinsuncho-sulgi with $2\%$ of Amge;oca keiskei koidz - powder and honey has been judged to have the best quality. The more Angelica keiskei koidz powder it has the higher hardness but the significantly cohesiveness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness it has. Samples with honey have higher hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness, but lower adhesiveness, than ones with sugar. The moisture content of Shinsuncho-sulgi is $35.89\~37.08\%$. Samples with honey have higher b-value but lower L-value and a-value than ones with sugar. Based on the results of the study, the best ratio of ingredients is as follow non-glutinous flour 196g, Angelica keiskei koidz powder $2\%$ (4g), honey 35ml, salt 2g, water 20ml and $37.08\%$ of moisture content.

Antioxidant properties of Angelica dahurica extracts fermented by probiotics strains isolated from gimchi

  • Ji, Joong Gu;Yoo, Sun Kyun
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.1276-1284
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    • 2018
  • probiotics strains promoting the health are a collection of microorganisms that improve or restore microbial populations in the intestines. In this study, Leuconostoc probiotics was isolated from fermented gimchi and identified. Angelica dahurica, containing abundantly antioxidant activity, imperator, is a wildly grown species of angelica native. Before fermentation, total phenolics compound were $48.83{\pm}4.9GAE\;mg/g$ in the Angelica dahurica extract. After fermentation total phenolic compounds were $97.7{\pm}12.6GAE\;mg/g$. The total amount of phenol in the fermented product was 30.2% higher than that before fermentation. The total flavonoid content before fermentation was $9.86{\pm}4.3mg/g$ and the total flavonoid content was $37.17{\pm}7.4mg/g$ after fermentation, which was 82.3% higher than before fermentation. The DPPH radical scavenging activity, superoxide radical scavenging activity, hydroxy radical scavenging activity and $Fe^{{+}{+}}$ chelating antioxidative activity of the Angelica dahurica extract were $41.6{\pm}7.1%$, $65.7{\pm}8.4%$, $55.26{\pm}9.4%$ and $17.5{\pm}4.6%$, respectively. After fermentation, they were $60.3{\pm}12.6%$, $78.8{\pm}8.3%$, $56.9{\pm}4.9%$ and $36.6{\pm}8.9%$, respectively. Therefore, the present study suggests that the fermentation using the probiotics strain of the Angelica dahurica extract can be used as a functional health food and cosmetic material with increased antioxidant capacity.

Phenolic Compounds Isolated from the Leaves of Angelica keiskei Showing DPPH Radical Scavenging Effect (신선초에서 페놀성 화합물의 분리 및 이들의 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성)

  • Jo, Hyun-Woo;Park, Jong-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.146-149
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    • 2008
  • From the leaves of Angelica keiskei (Umbelliferae), luteolin, protocatechuic acid, guaijaverin, hyperoside and cynaroside were isolated and characterized by spectral data. Luteolin and protocatechuic acid showed potent DPPH radical scavenging activity.

Quality Characteristics of Pound Cake Containing Angelica gigas NAKAI with Various Levels of Rice Flour (쌀가루 첨가량을 달리한 당귀파운드케이크의 품질특성)

  • An, Sang-Hee;Park, Geum-Soon
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.763-771
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    • 2012
  • Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of pound cakes containing Angelica gigas NAKAI(Korean Angelica) with various levels of rice flour were investigated in this study. There were significant differences in the specific gravity of dough, and it had the lowest value of 0.848 in the control group. The weight of pound cakes was significantly increased by addition of rice flour, but the volume, specific volume and baking loss rate were significantly decreased by addition of rice flour. The moisture content and pH of pound cakes were found to increase with increasing rice flour content. DPPH radical scavenging activity of the control group was 51.02%, whereas pound cakes with rice flour ranged from 51.90~55.75%. The L value of brightness was increased, but a and b values were decreased significantly by addition of rice flour. In all of items of texture, the control group was higher than those of the pound cakes prepared with various levels of rice flour. Sensory evaluation scores in terms of appearance, flavor, taste, texture and overall preference for pound cakes showed that 50% and 75% substituted sample groups were higher than those of the other groups. The results of this study suggest that addition of 50~75% rice flour is the best substitution ratio for Korean Angelica pound cakes.

The Evaluation of Metabolizable Energy of Angelica Keiskei (Angelica utilis Makino) Products (명일엽 가공산물의 대사 에너지 함량 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Mi;Choi, Jin-Ho;Choi, Kum-Boo;Yeo, Ik-Hyun
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2010
  • We conducted comparative study on metabolizable energy content of extracts of angelica keiskei and its byproduct. Total six different groups consisting of five test groups treated with angelica keiskei and one control group were compared. Each of the five test groups were given 30% of one of whole plant, extracts, fermented of extracts, byproduct and extracts plus byproduct, respectively, mixed with AIN93M. After 3 days of adjustment period, all groups were subjected to 4 days of test period during which the amounts of feed intake and excretion were measured everyday. All feces were treated for the prevention of decomposition and changes before its energy content were measured using a bomb calorimeter. The amount of excretion was $4.8\;{\pm}\;0.3\;g$/rat/3 days in control group and 9.9-15.0 g/rat/3 days in the groups were added with extracts of angelica keiskei indicating that the angelica keiskei-treated groups produce 2-3 times more excretion. Metabolic energy of control diet was 4,133.3 kcal. This was found to be 15 to 20% higher compared with the metabolic energy content ranging from 3,117.0 kcal/kg (extracts of angelica keiskei) to 3,259.8 kcal/kg (extracts plus byproducts) angelica keiskei-treated groups. This is interpreted as the result of the decreased metabolic energy in the test diets were substituted with 30% of ngelica keiskei-treated ingredient which has low metabolic content itself. One notable finding is that the metabolic content of the group mixed with byproducts and extracts (1,763.0 kcal/kg) is 27% higher than that of extracts of angelica keiskei (1,286.8 kcal/kg) indicating that mechanical grinding increases the rate of digestion and absorption increasing, in turn, the energy content used in the body. The results of analysis of overall caloric absorption showed absorption rate in order of Whole plant < extracts < byproduct < extract plus byproduct < fermented of extract.

The Effect of Intravenous Injection of the Water Extract of Angelica gigas Nakai on Gliosis in the Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Rats (당귀 추출물 정맥 주사가 Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion 모델 흰쥐에서 Gliosis 억제에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Bong-Keun;Jeon, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Sun-Ae;Shim, An-Na;Seong, Kee-Moon;Lee, Eon-Jeon
    • Journal of Pharmacopuncture
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : Gliosis becomes physical and mechanical barrier to axonal regeneration. Reactive gliosis induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion is involved with up-regulation of CD81 and GFAP (Glial fibrillary acidic protein). The current study is to examine the effect of the Angelica gigas Nakai(intravenous injection. 100 mg/kg twice in a day) on CD81 and GFAP of the rat in the brain after middle cerebral artery occlusion. Methods : Cerebral infarction was induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion. And after intravenous injection of water extract of Angelica gigas Nakai, the size of cerebral infarction was measured. Examination of optical microscope were also used to detect the expression of CD81 and GFAP in the brain of the rat. Results : The following results were obtained : We found that size of cerebral infarcion induced by MCAO (Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion) in rats were decreased after intravenous injection of Angelica gigas Nakai. We injected the extract of Angelica gigas Nakai to the MCAO in rats, and the optical microscope study showed that Angelica gigas Nakai had effect on protecting the cells of hippocampus. We found that GFAP, CD81 and ERK of the brain in rats with cerebral infarction after MCAO were meaningfully decreased after intravenous injecting Angelica gigas Nakai. We found that c-Fos expression of the brain in rats with cerebral infarction after MCAO were significantly increased after intravenous injecting Angelica gigas Nakai. Conclusions : These results indicate that Angelica gigas Nakai could suppress the reactive gliosis, which disturbs the astrocyte regeneration in the brain of the rat with cerebral infarction after MCAO by controlling the expression of CD81 and GFAP. And the effect may be modulated by the up-regulation of c-Fos and ERK.

Determination of the Origin of Angelica Roots using Angelica gigas Chloroplast Based SSR Markers (엽록체기반 SSR marker를 이용한 당귀의 기원 판별)

  • Park, Sang Ik;Hwangbo, Kyeong;Gil, Jinsu;Chung, Hee;Kim, Ho Bang;Kim, Ok Tae;Kim, Seong Cheol;Koo, Sung Cheol;Um, Yurry;Lee, Yi
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.361-366
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    • 2017
  • Background: In the herbal medicinal industry, Angelica gigas Nakai, Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels. and Angelica acutiloba (Siebold & Zucc.) Kitag. are often confused, because the roots of the three species can not be distinguished by their appearance. This confusion can cause serious side effects. In this study, we determined the origins of Angelica roots distributed in the Korean market using the simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed based on the A. gigas chloroplast DNA sequence. Methods and Results: We collected twenty seven A. gigas and three A. acutiloba samples from the Seoul, Daegu, and Cheongju herbal medicinal markets. Fifty sections of one collection were mixed and ground to make a powder, which was used for DNA extraction using the cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. Chloroplast based SSR markers were applied to the DNA for the determination of the species. In addition, polymorphism was found in eight samples. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the A. gigas roots collected from herbal medicinal markets were clearly discriminated from A. sinensis and A. acutiloba even though they were grouped into four clusters. Conclusions: This study showed that chloroplast based SSR markers would help the discrimination of Angelica roots in the Korean herbal medicinal industry and the markers are useful to prevent confusion between Angelica roots.

Coumarin Glycosides from the Roots of Angelica dahurica (구릿대 뿌리의 Coumarin 배당체(2))

  • Kwon, Yong-Soo;Kim, Chang-Min
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 1992
  • From the roots of Angelica dahurica Bentham et Hooker(Umbelliferae), three coumarin glycosides have been isolated and identified as skimmin, $8-O-{\beta}-D-glucopyranosyl$ xanthotoxol and $tert.-O-{\beta}-D-glucopyranosyl-heralenol$. $8-O-{\beta}-D-Glucopyranosyl-xanthotoxol$ was isolated for the first time from plant source.

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