• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean Paper

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The Change of Physical Properties of Artificial aging Paper in the Cleaning Process for the Conservation Treatment of Historical Paper Documents - Focusing on Immersion Wet Cleaning - (고문헌 보존처리의 클리닝 방법에 따른 인공열화지 물성 변화 - 침적 습식클리닝을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Seon Hwa;Cho, An Naa
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.228-237
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    • 2013
  • Paper relics are affected by a number of complex physical, chemical, biological and artificial damaging factors due to the vulnerability of organic materials. Wet cleaning is a conservation treatment method for removing pollutants from paper artefacts. This study was carried out in order to analyse the effect of wet cleaning on Hanji (Traditional Korean paper made from mulberry trees) which is the main material used in Korean paper relics (historical paper documents). For this study, the color change and folding endurance of artificially degraded paper was analysed before and after immersion wet cleaning. The result showed that washing each twice in 30 minutes is the most appropriate method for obtaining cleaning efficiency and material stability.

Present Status and Future Trend for E-Paper

  • Suzuki, Akira
    • 한국정보디스플레이학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.08a
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    • pp.521-523
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    • 2006
  • It is said that first year of e-Paper was 2004, when "sigma-Book" (LCD) by Panasonic and e-Book "Librie" (EPD) by Sony were introduced in the market. After that, many prototypes of e-Paper have followed in 2005. And also the related technologies have been evolved. I summarize the present status of e-Paper technologies and then propose the future trend.

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Natural Dyeing Characteristics of Korean Traditional Paper with Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria Scop) (안개나무 추출물을 이용한 한지의 천연염색 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Seung-Il;Choi, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate natural dyeing properties of Korean traditional paper (Hanji). We dyed the Korean traditional paper with dyestuff which extracted from wood meal of Cotinus coggygria Scop (smoke tree) using hot-water, ethanol and $K_{2}CO_{3}$ solution. As mordants, 0.5% of $AlK(SO_4)_2$, $FeCl_2$, and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$ solution were used respectively. The color of dyed Hanji mainly depended on not the methods of extraction but the kinds of mordant. The dyed Hanji mordant with $AlK(SO_4)_2$ colored vivid yellow, $FeCl_2$ colored dark olive, and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$ colored brown and/or orange. The dyed Hanji with hot-water extractive had the highest K/S value and ethanol and $K_{2}CO_{3}$ solution extractives were followed. The K/S value of dyed Hanji mordant with $AlK(SO_4)_2$ was higher than that of $FeCl_2$ and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$. The dyeing effectiveness of after-mordanting method was superior to the others but sim-mordanting method was the worst.

Conservation of Golden Decorative(Jikgeumdan) Jeogori and Chima of Costumes Excavated from Hangju Gi' Tomb of Angang, Kyungsangbukdo Province - Re-adhesion of Gold Leaves in Gilt Paper Strips - (경상북도 안강 행주 기씨 묘 출토 직금단 치마와 저고리 보존처리 - 직금단 편금사의 금박 재접착을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Joon-Suk;Noh, Soo-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this research is to conserve of golden decoration(Jikgeumdan) of Chima(skirt) and Jeogori(Korean jacket) of the costumes excavated from Hangju Gi' tomb(17th Century) of Joseon dynasty$(1392{\sim}1910)$ and to focus on the development of conservation skill to prevent flakings of gold leaves in gilt paper strips. Up to the present, in case of golden decorations of costumes excavated from tombs of Joseon dynasty, some of gold leaves in gilt paper strips of costumes were flaked away by deterioration of adhesives in tombs. However, most of gold leaves were flaked away and totally lost by wet cleaning for eliminating contaminants after excavation. In order to prevent flaking, preliminary experiments for re-adhesion of gold leaves have been carried out. Firstly, simulation was performed using gold leaf which was available in the market. Adhesives used in this research were water-soluble adhesives(hide glue(cow, rabbit), glue made from air bladders of sciaenoid fish and Primal AC-3444 of acrylic emulsion) and solvent-soluble adhesives(acrylic adhesive Paraloid B-67 and B-72). Because of difficulty in wetting and spreading of adhesive solutions into the interface between gold leaf and Korean paper, water-soluble adhesives were not proper for adhesion of gold leaf and Korean paper. Solvent-soluble adhesives were easily infiltrated into interface between gold leaf and Korean paper and the adhesive force was also satisfied. From this result, the researchers chose more flexible Paraloid B-72$(Tg\;40^{\circ}C)$ 1% solution than Paraloid B-67$(Tg\;50^{\circ}C)$ for adhesion of gold leaf and Korean paper. Secondly, using Paraloid B-72 1% solution, the estimations of re-adhesions of gold leaves in gilt paper strips of Jeogori were carried out. When Paraloid B-72 1% solution was injected three times into the interface between gold leaf and Korean paper, the re-adhesion was most effective. On the basis of the results in these preliminary experiments, re-adhesions of gold leaves in gilt paper strips of Chima and Jeogori were carried out on condition of three times injections of Paraloid B-72 1% solution before wet cleaning. After wet cleaning, the most of the gold leaves were survived, which was confirmed by both the examination with the naked eye and the microscopic examination.

A Study on the Development of Traditional Korean Paper Changphanji by the Bast Fiber of Paper Mulberry (닥나무의 인피섬유(靭皮纖維)를 이용(利用)한 전통(傳統) 한지장판지(韓紙壯版紙) 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Cheon, Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 1990
  • This study was carried out to develop the traditional korean paper changphanji from the bast fiber of paper mulberry The results obtained were as follows: 1. The variations in the basis weight were remarkable, but there were no significant adverse effects on the tensile strength and thickness. 2. The stamping have contributed to the improvement of smoothness and the control of thickness. The automatic pressing system recommended to obtain good control of thickness. 3. The average density of the traditional korean paper changphanji was 1.06g/$cm^3$. 4. The changphanji developed in this study gave a clude, but excellent toughness and warm feeling. Some fiber lumps, dark spots and bamboo, screen marks were also obserded. 5. The tensile strength of four-fold sheet changphanji is highest and those of two-fold sheet changphanji is lowest. the lengthwise tensile strength was higher than crosswise one due to the fiber. 6. The elongation of three-fold sheet changphanji was highest 7. The water absorption of all products ranged from 11.3g/$m^2$ to 17.5g/$m^2$. 8. The wight loss by abrasion was 34.0%(four-fold sheet) 31.6%(three fold sheet), 31.0% (two-fold sheet)respectively. 9. Based on the results obtained. tensile strength and elongation, the four-fold sheet was excellent. the use of the bast fiber of paper mulberry as a raw material is attractive point which can not obtained from the commercial changphanji made from other raw materials.

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Studies on the Dyeing of Hanji by Natural Dye-stuffs(III) - With a focus on the mugwort - (천연염료를 이용한 한지염색에 관한 연구(III) - 쑥을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeon, Cheol;Ahn, Young-Hwan;Jeon, Hyung-Ja
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.38 no.3 s.116
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    • pp.61-65
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    • 2006
  • The objective of this study was to find in what color Korean handmade paper(Hanji) is dyed when it is dyed with a pigment extracted from mugworts using different kinds of mordant, and how the paper is discolored and variety of strength under the condition of accelerated aging test. The results of this experiment are as follows. Among mugwort mordants, only ferrous sulfate mordant produced unique khaki color with a slightly lower degree of discoloration, so it is considered to be applicable in dyeing Korean paper. Bright yellow and light green colors were obtained using mugwort but their chroma was too low for actual use. With regard to water used, colors obtained using underground water had high chroma, but when distilled water was used paper was colored in useless light green. Mordant was found to lower the strength of Korean handmade paper, and the lowering of strength was even more serious under the condition of forced deterioration.

A Study on Jongi-sim used in the Costumes of Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 복식에 사용된 종이심에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Suk-Kyeong;Hong, Na-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.65 no.2
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2015
  • This study is about Jongi-sim(Paper used for interlining) used in costumes of the Joseon Dynasty. Terms related to Jongi-sim include 'Anji(按紙)', 'Soh(槊)' and 'Gyeok(隔)'. Anji is a term that refers to Jongi-sim used on padded clothes. Soh refers to stiff and thick paper inserted between fabrics. Gyeok is predicted to be a term that refers to the use of paper as both interlining and lining. Chojuji(草注紙) was used for Jongi-sim in Cheolik, Aekjueum, Baji and Dae among kings and crown princes' ceremonial costumes. Chojuji and Jeojuji(楮注紙) were used in women's royal costumes such as Jeogori, Hosu and Chima. Doryeonji(搗鍊紙) was used in Dae and Yangyieom. Gongsangji(供上紙) was used for the interlining or lining in Yangyieom. Excavated costumes that used Jongi-sim for the entire clothes are Cheolik and Jangjeogori. Jongi-sim placed in Git(collar) was sometimes placed together with cotton. Geodeulji of Jangot used paper in invisible parts as to replace fabric by paper. Danryeong and Dapho attached Jongi-sim to Mu, and stiff paper was inserted.

Adoption of Foreign Technologies in Korean Manufacturing Firms: Characteristics and Microfoundations

    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2015
  • The primary goal of this paper is to explore the microeconomic foundation of Korean firms' adoption of foreign technologies. The paper also reviews the overall trend of international technology transfers to Korea. The period covered in this paper is Korea's high growth era, from the 1960s to the 1990s. The works of this paper center on the two questions of what characterizes foreign technologies which had been imported through licensing contracts, and which driving forces expedite technology adoption by firms. The Korean experience provides the context of success in the catch-up growth. The co-movement of technology imports with capital goods imports manifests Korea's effort to improve the technical efficiency toward the world frontier. Underlying this trend are firms' decisions to adopt new technologies. The paper shows that firms respond proactively to wage increases by adopting newer technologies and thus, in turn, increasing employment, which implies the existence of a virtuous interactive mechanism among these factors.

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A Study on the Associate NP of There Constructions

  • Kim, Sun-Woong
    • Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2002
  • This paper discusses the nature of the associate NP of English there constructions and attempts to capture the underlying similarity between the associate NP in English and the nominative object in Korean. Specifically, this paper is centered on the Case property of the associate NP. As the first step, previous proposals on the case of the associate NP are critically reviewed. Through the criticism, this paper opposes to Chomsky's (1995, 2000, 2001) analysis and to Lasnik's (1999) partitive Case analysis. In particular, convincing reason for the partitive Case assignment to the associate NP, other than other cases, cannot be found. This paper, therefore, adopts a recent claim of Boeckx (2000) that the Case under consideration is nominative by Agree. His idea is extended to the analysis of the presentational expletive construction. This paper draws a conclusion that the associate NP of the presentational expletive construction has accusative by Agree. This dichotomy (or split) is also observed in the nominative object construction in Korean. In the nominative object construction, the nominative object has nominative Case by Agree, whereas the regular object has accusative by Agree.

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The morpho-syntactic study on the construction of 'eumcikha' in Korean. ('음직하' 구성의 형태·통사적 연구)

  • Shi, Chung-Kon
    • Korean Linguistics
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    • v.48
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    • pp.193-221
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    • 2010
  • The goal of this paper is to reanalyze the structure of 'eumcikha(음직하)' in Korean. We have several important previous works for it. This paper argued against previous works and pointed outd their problems. At first, this paper regarded the construction of 'eumcikha' as one of the modality dependent noun constructions. In this paper I proposed some possibilities of new structure of 'eumcikha'. 1) The structure of 'eumcikha' is not regarded as the 'embedded sentence+upper sentence' construction. 2) It is not also considered as the 'main verb+auxiliary verb' construction. 3) It is not recognized as a morphological one unit, although they have lots of in common. In this paper, I proposed that the construction of 'eumcikha' has both syntactic property and morphological property. Owing to these properties, it is so difficult to determine the structure of it.