• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean National Nutrition Survey

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Association between Sleep Duration, Dental Caries, and Periodontitis in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013~2014 (한국 성인에서 수면시간과 영구치 우식증 및 치주질환과의 관련성: 2013~2014 국민건강영양조사)

  • Lee, Da-Hyun;Lee, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2017
  • We evaluated the association between sleep duration, dental caries, and periodontitis by using representative nationwide data. We examined 8,356 subjects aged ${\geq}19$ years who participated in the sixth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013~2014). Sleep duration were grouped into ${\leq}5$, 6, 7, 8, and ${\geq}9$ hours. Presence of dental caries was defined as caries in ${\geq}1$ permanent tooth on dental examination. Periodontal status was assessed by using the community periodontal index (CPI), and a CPI code of ${\geq}3$ was defined as periodontitis. A chi-square test and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to determine statistical significance. Model 1 was adjusted for age and sex, model 2 for household income, educational level, and marital status plus model 1, and model 3 for smoking status, alcohol consumption, blood pressure level, fasting blood glucose level, total cholesterol level, and body mass index plus model 2. The prevalence of dental caries according to sleep duration showed a U-shaped curve of 33.4%, 29.4%, 28.4%, 29.4%, and 31.8% with ${\leq}5$, 6, 7, 8, and ${\geq}9$ hours of sleep, respectively. In the fully adjusted model 3, the risk of developing dental caries was significantly higher with ${\leq}5$ than with 7 hours of sleep (odds ratio, 1.23; 95% confidence interval, 1.06~1.43). The prevalence of periodontitis according to sleep duration showed a U-shaped curve of 34.4%, 28.6%, 28.1%, 31.3%, and 32.5%, respectively. The risk of periodontitis was significantly higher with ${\geq}9$ than with 7 hours of sleep in models 1 and 2, whereas the significant association disappeared in model 3. In a nationally representative sample, sleep duration was significantly associated with dental caries formation and weakly associated with periodontitis. Adequate sleep is required to prevent oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontitis.

Association between the Number of Existing Permanent Teeth and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (현존자연치아수와 만성폐쇄성폐질환과의 연관성)

  • Shin, Hye-Sun;Ahn, Yong-Soon;Lim, Do-Seon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.217-224
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the number of existing permanent teeth is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a representative sample of Korean adults. Data from 3,107 subjects who participated in the 2009 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were examined. The dependent variable was COPD and the independent variable was the number of existing permanent teeth. Spirometry results were classified into three groups (normal pattern, restrictive pattern, and obstructive pattern) by trained technicians. We used dichotomized COPD variables (no vs. yes). The number of existing permanent teeth was evaluated by oral examination and divided into 3 groups (0~19, 20~27, and 28). Demographic factors (age group and sex group), socioeconomic status (education and income), health behaviors (smoking and drinking), oral health and behavior (frequency of toothbrushing; periodontitis; decayed, missing, filled, permanent teeth index; and denture status), and general health status (body mass index, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension) were included as confounders in the analysis. Bivariate analysis and multivariate logistic regression analyses including confounders were applied, and all analyses considered a complex sampling design. Stratified analysis was performed by smoking status. After controlling for various confounders, there was a significant association between the number of existing permanent teeth and COPD (odds ratio [OR], 1.90; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20~3.00 for the 20~27 group; OR, 3.93; 95% CI, 1.75~8.84 for the 0~19 group). The association was more significant in current smokers (OR, 8.90; 95% CI, 2.53~31.33). Our data indicate that the number of existing permanent teeth was independently associated with COPD, especially in current smokers. Further longitudinal research is needed to determine whether oral health promotion plays a role in the improvement of lung function and prevention of COPD.

Comparison of the mental health, metabolic syndrome and nutrient intake by Gender in Problem drinkers ; Based on The Fifth(2010-2012) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (성별에 따른 문제음주자의 정신건강, 대사증후군과 영양소 섭취; 제 5기(2010-2012) 국민건강 영양조사를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Young -Sil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5159-5168
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    • 2014
  • The study examined the relationship among metal health, metabolic syndrome and nutrient acceptance according to gender. Implemented until 2010-2012, the 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, as an original document, was used for the study. The target was problem drinkers with more than 12 points under AUDIT. Regarding mental health, it was classified into stress, depression and suicidal impulse. Metabolic syndrome was defined when three causes of BMI, waist circumference, FBS, HDL and BP were out of the normal range. The nutrient intake was obtained to confirm the energy intake of nine non-nutrients (Nutrient adequacy ratio: NAR) and the proper intake of the average non-nutrient (Mean adequacy ratio: MAR). These variables were analyzed by frequency, cross analysis and multiple regression analysis through SPSS18.0. In the general features, there was a significant difference according to age, occupation and marital status. In mental health, stress, depression and suicidal impulse were examined. Metabolic syndrome was dependant on FBS, HDL and BP. The nutrient acceptance depended on calcium, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, and MAR. Logistic regression analysis performed on the variables showed significant differences. Stress, depression, and thoughts of suicide was significantly higher in men aged 19-29 years, and women aged 30-49 years. In the case of the male, those who employed have metabolic syndrome more than those who unemployed. In terms of female, those who were belonged into the middle - low economic level have undergone with metabolic syndrome. In the part of a Mean adequacy ratio(MAR), the male who unmarried, employed, were in the middle low economic levelwere higher. In the case of the female, it was higher for those who were in the middle - low economic level. Overall, an effective way of planning the solution regarding mental health, metabolic syndrome and nutrient intake can be found by considering these features.

Association of Lifestyle Factors With the Risk of Frailty and Depressive Symptoms: Results From the National Survey of Older Adults (노인의 라이프스타일 요인이 허약 및 우울 위험도에 미치는 영향: 노인실태조사 자료를 바탕으로)

  • Lim, Seungju;Kim, Ah-Ram;Park, Kang-Hyun;Yang, Min-Ah;Park, Ji-Hyuk
    • Therapeutic Science for Rehabilitation
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2024
  • Objective : This study aimed to investigate the association between lifestyle factors and risk of frailty and depressive symptoms among older South Korean adults. Methods : This study included 10,072 individuals aged 65 or older from the 2017 National Survey of Older Koreans, a cohort of community-dwelling older South Koreans. The following lifestyle factors were assessed: physical activity, nutrition management (NM), and leisure/social activity participation (AP). Frailty was measured using the frail scale and depressive symptoms were measured using the Geriatric Depression Scale. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine the odds ratios. Results : All lifestyle factors were associated with the risk of frailty and depressive symptoms in the study population. Regular exercise (≥3 times/wk, odds ratio [OR] = 0.59, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] = 0.52~0.91; OR = 0.66, 95% CI = 0.59~0.75), active NM (OR = 0.86, 95% CI = 0.80~0.91; OR = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.76~0.86), leisure AP (OR = 0.79, 95% CI = 0.74~0.84; OR = 0.71, 95% CI = 0.66~0.77) and social AP (OR = 0.92, 95% CI = 0.88~0.96; OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.78~0.87) were correlated with lower odds ratios of frailty and depressive symptoms. Conclusion : Adopting a healthier lifestyle characterized by regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and active engagement in various activities can effectively reduce the risk of frailty and depressive symptoms among the older population. Ultimately, this study emphasized the essential role of lifestyle choices in promoting the physical and mental well-being of older adults.

A Study of Health Behavior through Comparative Analysis of Self-perceived Health Status and Health Examination Results (주관적 건강인식과 건강검진 결과의 비교분석을 통한 건강행위 연구)

  • 문상식;이시백
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.11-36
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze health behavior by comparing the difference between self-perceived health status and health examination results. The study subjects consist of 7,702 people aged over 20, surveyed by Health Interview survey, Health Examination survey, Dietary Life survey, Health Consciousness and Behavior survey. Data used in the study are drawn from raw data from a 1998 National Health and Nutrition survey. General characteristics variables are sex, age, education level, residential area, marital status, occupation, and living standard while dichotomous variables, ‘not healthy’ and ‘healthy’ are used to measure self-perceived health status. Variables for health examination results are high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, liver diseases, liver inflammation, kidney diseases, normal weight, regular diet, optimum sleeping time(7-8 hours), regular health examination and health behavior practice group. Major findings of the study are as follows: 1) Analysis of self-perceived health status and health behavior by disease: Variables significantly correlated with high self-perceived health status have strong associations with high health behavior practice, which supports the hypothesis that as one has high self-perceived health status, one is more likely to practice health promoting behavior. The results of analysis of health behavior differences by dividing subjects into two categories, ‘cases of illness’ and ‘cases of no illness’ indicate that drinking, sleeping time, health examination are significant variables (p〈0.001, 0.05) whereas smoking, weight control, regular exercise, regular diet are not significant. 2) Analysis of disparity patterns between self-perceived health status and health examination: The hypothesis that health behaviors would be different according to the disparity pattern between self-perceived health status and health examination is supported as a result of χ2 test. Among Type I : Self-perceived health status is high and actual health status is good (no disease) Type II: Self-perceived health status is high and actual health status is poor(have disease) Type III: Self-perceived health status is low and actual health status is good(no disease) Type IN: Self-perceived health status is low and actual health status is poor(have disease) Type I and Type IV show no disparity, Type I shows the highest health promoting behavior whereas Type IV shows the lowest health promoting behavior. Type II, and III, compared to Type I, practise lower health promoting behavior. Multi-logistics regression analysis was conducted to find out the degree of impact on health behavior. Independent variables are general characteristics, self-perceived health status and health examination result and presence of illness, while the dependent variable is health promoting behavior. The analysis of the impact of self-perceived health status on the health promoting behavior shows that smoking, drinking, weight control, regular exercise, health examination practice, and/or regular diet are significantly correlated to self-perceived health status. High self-perceived health status is inversely related to high health promoting behavior. This finding supports the hypothesis that the higher one perceives one's health, the more likely one is to practice health promoting behavior. On the contrary, the presence of illness has little impact on health promoting behavior. 3) Multiple logistics analysis on how disparity patterns between self-perceived health status and health examination affect health behavior: The results of multiple logistics analysis made on health behavior variables compared to the standard variable are as follows: When analyzed on the standard of Type I, smoking is a significant risk factor for the Type IV. In case of drinking, all the patterns show a high probability of relative risk ratio. With regard to weight control, it is a risk factor for Type II while all the patterns show high probability of not practising when analyzed on the standard of type IV. Type III and IV show high probability of not doing regular exercise while Type IV, shows a high probability of not taking appropriate sleeping time. When analyzed on the standard of type IV, all the patterns show a high probability of not taking health examinations. Type III and IV show a high probability of not having regular meals. As for overall health promoting behavior, Type III and IV show a high relative risk ratio. These two groups have low self-perceived health status. It implies that self-perceived health status has significant impact on health promoting behavior. This is also supported by the fact that Type I with high self-perceived health status and no illness shows a high practice rate of health promoting behavior. Types II and III the groups with high disparity between self-perceived health status and health examination results, show a low practice rate of health promoting behavior when compared to Type I. Type IV, that is the group with low self-perceived health status and actual illness, shows the lowest practice of health promoting behavior. It is highly probable that this type proves to be the poorest health group.

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Risk of Food intake Between Meals and Experience of Dental caries Among Young Koreans (한국 청소년들의 간식섭취와 치아우식증경험과의 상관성)

  • Choi, Yong-Keum;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Park, Deok-Young
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.361-365
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    • 2011
  • This study aims to find out the correlation between the number of snack intake frequency by the young Korean and the experience of dental caries by nationwide level, using data of Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2007. participants whose age among 12 to 18 years-old were analyzed for this study. Of 373 total participants in this analysis, 200 were male and 173 were female. The Multiple Logistic Regression Analysis was used to estimate the association between food intake between meals and experience of dental caries. Data were weight-adjusted. The results were evidently found that those who eat between meals more frequently are likely to be linked more closely to the dental caries, in terms of the correlation between property of demography and the experience of disease (OR:2.1, CI:1.1-4.0). Thus, It is to raise the awareness of effect on dental health, regarding a kind of food consumed, an appropriate nutritional education or dietary consultation is required regularly at school.

The High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and related factors in Korean middle-aged (한국 중년의 고밀도지단백(HDL) 콜레스테롤과 관련요인)

  • Kim, Sang-Lak;Kam, Sin;Kim, Myung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.423-432
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to promote health in middle-aged Koreans (40-59 years old) by understanding health behaviors that affect high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level among various health behaviors. In a national health and nutrition survey, raw data combined on a total of 7,406 persons, IV-3 (2009), V-1 (2010), V-2 (2011), V-3 (2012), and VI-1 (2013), were selected as the final analysis subjects. HDL cholesterol was divided into two groups: less than 40 mg/dl and more than 40 mg/dl. The results of multiple logistic regression analysis were as follows: OR=3.916 for males, OR=3.439 for normal than low weight, OR=7.336 for obesity than low weight, OR=1.629 for alcohol consumption, OR=1.498 for smokers, OR=1.426 for don't practice moderate physical activity, OR=1.264 for no walking exercise, OR=1.510 for carbohydrates normal intake than low intake, OR 1.787 for carbohydrates over intake than low intake when HDL cholesterol increased from 40 mg/dl to less than 40 mg/dl. Korean middle-aged high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels should be increased to maintain proper health through aerobic exercise, smoking cessation, proper drinking habits, obesity relief, healthy eating out, and healthy food choices. This requires continuous publicity and education within the community, and a social environment should be built that enables health behavior to be practiced in daily life.

A Study on the Pollution of Bisphenol A in Surface Sediment around Gwangyang Bay (광양만 주변해역의 표층퇴적물 중 Bisphenol A의 오염에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Hyeon-Seo;Kim Yong-Ok;Shin Tai-Sun;Horiguchi Toshihiro
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to survey the pollution of bisphenol A(BPA) and total organic carbon(TOC) in surface sediments around Gwangyang bay. BPA is suspected chemicals as endocrine disruption. Gwangyang bay Is located on the mid south coast of Korea. It is a semi-closed bay which Yeosu petrochemical industrial complex, POSCO(Pohang Steel Company) and Gwangyang container harbor are located. The surface sediments were collected at 15 stations with gravity corer at October, 1999, February, May and August, 2000. Also, the stream and intertidal sediment were collected at 5 sites at August, 2000. Concentrations of BPA in surface sediments were in the range of 0.46 to 24.59 ng/g dry wt.. Seasonal range(mean value) of BPA are 0.59 to 9.00(1.88) ng/g dry wt. at October, 0.99 to 2.97(1.57) ng/g dry wt. at February, 0.46 to 24.59(2.53)ng/g dry wt. at May and 0.54 to 2.46 (1.29)ng/g dry wt. at August. BPA was seasonally fluctuated, and the highest mean value and range were detected at May, 2000. BPA was highly distributed in the inner part of Kwangyang bay than Yosu sound. Concentrations of BPA in stream and intertidal sediments showed the highest value in downstream near Yochon petrochemical industrial complex and Yondung stream. It suggests that the source of BPA are industrial wastewater and municipal sewage. TOC in surface sediments were in the range of 0.09∼1.22%. There was no any correlation between the BPA and TOC.

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Research on Proper Dietary Recommendations for Korea (한국인(韓國人)의 균형식(均衡食) 권장에 관한 연구(硏究) -한국인(韓國人)의 식생활(食生活)의 추이(해방후 30년간)-)

  • Lee, Ki-Yull;Leekim, Yang-Cha
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 1977
  • This study was designed to evaluate the changes and improvements in the Korean diet during the last thirty years (since independence in 1945), and to make recommendations for the improvement of their nutritional status, consequently contributing to the physical and mental welfare of the Korean people. The results and recommendations are as follows: 1. The total calorie and carbohydrate intake decreased by $8{\sim}12%$ in the 1970's, as compared with the 1940's and the 1950's. 2. The intake of calcium and vitamiu A increased $30{\sim}50%$ and $20{\sim}60%$ respectively in the 1960's and 1970's as compared with the 1940,s. But this intake level is still lower than the RDA values. 3. The vitamin C intake was somewhat higher in the mountainous and farming areas than in urban areas. 4. In the 1970's, the decrease of untriend intake due to seasonal variation was marked especially for protein, niacin, vitamin $B_1$, and vitamin C. 5. The consumption of protein foods (meats and legumes) increased in an amount of $15{\sim}36g$ per day. There was a marked increase in the intake of meat in farming areas and of milk in urban areas in the 1970's. This increased intake of animal proteins is a very desirable dietary change. 6. The cereal consumption was lowest in urban areal, but there was a general decrease in the intake of the cereal group in the entire area in the 1970's. For the farmers, the intake of cereal food decreased most, from 750 g to 576 g, but cereals still composed a high proportion of the entire diet. 7. Fruits and vegetables showed the highest intake for the urban people, as expected. For the whole area, this food group showed an increase of 8.7% in the 1970's, as compared with the 1960's. 8. The gradual ihcrease in the intake of the fats and oil group was a desirable dietary change. but the absolute amount was too low. 9. A 7% increase in height and a 9% incrrase in weight for growing children and adolescents was observed in the 1970's as compared with the 1940's, but several kinds of deficiency diseases, such as nutritional anemia and dental caries were still apparent in many areas. 10. To improve cur food life and to cope with food shortages faced in Korea, an efficient and nationwide nutrition education program should be implemented. This would maximize efficiency of intake from the limited food sources for a balanced diet. 11. As it is of utmost importance to provide growing children with a desirable physical, sccial mental, and especially nutritional environment, a well-planned and organized school feeding program should be practiced widely and efficiently. 12. Young mothers and pregnant women should be educated on the importance of their children's nutrition, especially for the critical fetal and infancy periods. 13. More thorough and continuous nutritional survey studies on the changes in dietary patterns for the entire nation should be pursued, evaluated and documented. This would Provide a good information guide for future nutritional study programs. 14. It is the nutritionistist's strong desire that national leaders, especially decision makers recognize the fact that improvement of the nutritional status of the People is one of the most economic and preventative ways of improving their physical and mental health. This is closely related to the economic development and strength of the nation.

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Non-farming family's Food Habits and Health Behavior Compared with Farming Family living in Rural, Korea (농촌 거주 비농업 종사 가족의 식습관과 건강 행동)

  • Chung Kum iu;Cho Sook Ja;Cho Young Sook;Park Dong yean;Won Hyang Rye;Rhie Seung Gyo
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.139-157
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    • 2005
  • In rural area, as the source of family income is related with the agriculture works, the living condition of non-farming family used to be lower except some family groups with a little higher income. In order to find out the improvement in rural life, data about the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming family were observed. This study evaluated the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming families by comparing them with those of the farming families in rural area. The survey was made by trained interviewers and a total of 1,870 subjects from 9 provinces were questioned to collect the data through sampling probability proportional to size. The non-farming families were $29.6\%$ of the total and they were with no spouse($38\%$), low number of family members(2.86), and aged husband(66.8 years) or wife(58.5 years). $83.1\%$ of the non farming families were having breakfast however, $95.1\%$ of the farming families were doing it. And the number of side dishes in non farming families was low(1-2 kinds: $17.7\%$). Out of non farming families, $47.3\%$ took no nutritional supplements and out of the farming families it was 40.8 $\%$ With regard to having snacks, $22\%$ of non-farmers had snacks daily and it was greater than that of farmers($16.6\%$). But the ratio of non-snack taking of the non-farmers($29.6\%$) was higher than that of farmers($24.5\%$). The sorts of snacks also varied and for farmers it used to be fruit and noodles and for non-farmers it was bread and milk. Instant foods were often selected by $35.6\%$ of non-farmers. Dining out with a frequency of once per month was reported in $23.2\%$ of non-farming families, but $47.6\%$ of them did not dine out at all. In case of food production for family consumption, small portion of non-farmers cultivated pepper($13.3\%$), Korean cabbage ($16.2\%$), and sesame($6.2\%$) but almost all of the farmers cultivated such crops. However, non-farmers produced soybean sprouts($0.7\%$), soybean curd($0.2\%$), and eggs($7.2\%$) and it was compared with the fact that farmers produced soybean sprouts($9.7\%$), soybean curd ($4.6\%$), and eggs($5.1\%$). Non-farmers stocked the fermented foods: Doenjang ($57.8\%$), Kochujang ($56.1\%$), Kanjang ($53.6\%$), Kimchi ($77.9\%$) and Jangajji ($37.2\%$), and this ratios were smaller than those of farmers: Doenjang ($93.6\%$), Kochujang ($92.9\%$), Kanjang ($87.9\%$), Kimchi ($97.7\%$) and Jangajji ($66.7\%$). As to health behavior of the subjects, non-farmers had less medical examinations and bathing than farmers did. Non-farmers and their wives used public bath facilities more often and it may be due to the low condition of bathing facilities. And the ratio of daily alcohol consumption was $15\%$ and it was higher than that of the farmers. Most of the spouse of the farmers did not drink($78\%$), but the wives of the non-farmers were drinking more frequently. More farmers smoked than non-farmers and $45\%$ of male farmers were smokers.

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