• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Culture Acceptance Attitude

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The Effect of Government Officials' Cultural Bias to their Social Acceptance including a Case Study of Implementing New Air Traffic Flow Management System (공무원의 문화적 편향이 사회적 수용성에 미치는 영향 연구: 새로운 항공교통시스템 도입 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo-Jung;Jin, Jang-Won;Park, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.493-503
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    • 2021
  • In this study aviation authority officials were classified into four cultural groups according to culture theory, and then questioned to determine the effects of cultural bias on their social acceptance of a new air traffic flow management system. Based on previous studies, cultural biases were categorized as egalitarianistic, individualistic, fatalistic, and hierarchical, and social acceptances were considered to be influenced by four variables, that is, perceptions of usefulness, work attitude, intention to use, and behavior (job absorption). Empirical analysis showed that hierarchy had a significant positive effect on social acceptance, and egalitarianism was found to have a significant positive effect on social acceptance with 95% credibility. We propose the organizational culture of Korean government be changed to accept the diverse opinions of government officials during the implementation phase of the new system recommended by ICAO.

Study on Changes of Attitude toward Ideal Number of Children and Value System for Children (이상자녀수(理想子女數) 및 자녀(子女)에 대(對)한 가치관(價値觀) 변천(變遷)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young-Bong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.203-209
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    • 1974
  • This study is intended to comparison of the recent ideal number of children and atrial approach for analyzing value system for children that form attitude affecting birth control with earlier study conducted 10 years ago. In general the traditional fertility pattern of Korea may be considered as 'early marriage and high fertility' backed by the confucian value system of a farming-oriented country. A selective attitude favoring sons contributes substantially to fertility. But Korea is now moving toward a late marriage and fertility pattern. This has been due to the repid introduction of western culture and a partial acceptance of western value systems, a relative weakening of traditional value systems, a gradual increase in infant and child servival rates thresh medicines, and a desire to avoid having too many children because of economic poverty. This study showed following results: Ideal number of sons and daughters in urban area was decreased by 0.2 respectively compared to earlier study. In rural area, the number of decrease of sons and daughters was 0.5 and 0.2 respectively. The conception concerning Happiness has changed to wealth from health in previous opinion. Regarding attitude toward having sons, 98 percent of them wanted to have sons positively, moreover 10 percent of them wanted two or more sons. Regarding reasons for the wanting sons, we see that economic and traditional considerations, such as dependance in old age, and inheritance of the family line, are a principle concern of about 56 percent in both areas. The rate of dependence in old age was decreased conspicuously compare to previous study while the rate of helding rituals was increased remarkably in rural area. Among reasons for limiting family size. 'for better living and for better education for their children were main rasons reted 46 percent in urban, 51 percent in rural areas. The rates were not changed compare to previous study. Regarding attitude of those who have no son or children, the rate of re-marriage with second wife was decreased remarkably in rural area and the rate of living without special behaivor for having son was increased compare to previous study.

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A Qualitative Study on Acceptance of Korean Wave Culture and Internalization of Ideal Beauty among Vietnamese Female Students in Korea (베트남 여성 유학생의 한류 문화 수용과 이상적 미 내면화 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Kang, Yeonghoon;Lee, Ha Kyung;Kim, Woo Bin
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.456-468
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    • 2020
  • Vietnam is becoming a leading country in the consumption of Korean wave. Many Vietnamese students have visited Korea due to a significant interest in the Korean wave. This study used focus group interviews with 12 Vietnamese female students in order to examine the experience of the Korean wave acceptance (RQ1), the experience of internalization toward ideal beauty (RQ2) and differences of internalization towards ideal beauty depending on the living period in Korea (RQ3). First, the results of RQ1 showed that Vietnamese students were accepting the Korean wave through media, Korean and social interaction in their daily lives. They also have a positive attitude toward Korean cosmetics and K-pop among various content of the Korean wave. Second, four focal meanings were composed through RQ2. They were the standards of ideal beauty, the causes of ideal beauty internalization and the results of ideal beauty internalization. The results of ideal beauty internalization were separated into the perception dimension and behavior dimension. Last, the results of RQ3 found that the strength of internalization of ideal beauty can very depending on the living period in Korea. This study has academic implications in that it understands Vietnamese female students who become a member of Korean society from a sociocultural perspective. The results of this study are useful to establish practical implications for young Vietnamese consumers to build desirable aesthetic values.

The Effect of the Organizational Characteristics of Fashion Companies on Acceptance Intention of Big Data Analysis System (패션기업의 조직 특성이 빅데이터 분석 시스템의 수용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Seyoon;Yang, Sujin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.378-391
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    • 2017
  • The application of Big Data has been introduced to the Korean fashion industry; however, the literature has not yet investigated how well high technologies are being perceived and adopted by the practitioners of fashion companies. Recognizing the lack of research, the current research explores how big data analysis has been adopted by fashion practitioners based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that considers the effect of organizational characteristics (i.e., innovation, slack, and IS infra maturity). First, all TAM relationships were accepted as significant; however, the effect of perceived ease of use on the attitude toward big data was greater than perceived usefulness. Regarding organizational characteristics, while organization innovation had positive impacts on perceived usefulness as well as perceived ease of use, organization slack did not show significant and positive influence on perceived ease of use only. On the other hand, IS infra maturity had a negative effect on perceived usefulness while it did not have any significant impact on perceived ease of use. Finally, the level of perceived usefulness is decreasing as the IS infra of the fashion organization becomes more mature. With the results, the study suggested that fashion industry needs more education on the usage of big data analysis systems and development in related analysis tools.

Effect of Eating Environments on the Liking of Sodium or Sugar Reduced Foods (섭취 환경 조건이 나트륨 및 당 저감식품 기호도에 끼치는 영향)

  • Kim, So Hyun;Kim, Eui-Su;Chung, Seo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the possibility of reducing sodium and sugar intake in the Bulgogi bowl and yogurt, respectively, by utilizing food and non-food factors. Sodium and sugar replacers were the target food factors, and eating environment was the target non-food factor. The sodium content of Bulgogi bowls was reduced by 40%, and a flavor enhancer was applied to compensate for the reduced saltiness. Low calorie sweeteners, such as sucralose and stevia, were used to lower the sugar content of yogurt by 30%. Consumers were asked to evaluate the samples in one of the three eating environments: private booth evaluation, BOOTH; watching video clips during evaluation, VIDEO; conversation with friends during evaluation, FRIEND. The results showed that applying sodium or sugar replacers were effective in lowering sodium or sugar intake, respectively, without compromising the acceptance level of samples. Significant influences of the eating environment were observed on liking and perception of samples, but the influence patterns were not consistent between Bulgogi bowl and yogurt.

Language use in multicultural families and the acceptance of multiculturalism: A case study of Korea (한국 다문화 가정의 언어사용과 다문화 수용 양상)

  • Ko, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2012
  • I researched the acceptance attitude to the multiculturalism of Korean people and the relationship between language and society through two Korean films, and . And I researched the language form in the multicultural families in the way conducting the survey targeting international marriage immigrant women. The content and conclusion in shortly are as in the following. (1) The acceptance attitude to the multiculturalism of Korean people is somewhat positive in such a case having no interests among themselves. (2) It depends upon the society and the culture for the foreigners to come into contact and learn the language easily. It means well-adapted to the certain society for the foreign workers to use status-language such as slang and jargon in the society. And this is the good example to show us the relationship between the language and certain society. (3) The language form of the multicultural families in Korea is mainly Korean, but two languages are used in order to communicate well with monolingual. This is called 'bilingualism', and according to the result of my research I think it is 'listening comprehension type bilingualism'. From this time forward it is urgently needed to develop the contents in relation to multiculturalism and the 'bilingualism' education program for multicultural families instead of the education of Korean being limited to communication itself in order to improve adaptiveness to multiculturalism in Korean society.

Development and application of Technology.Home Economics Teaching-Learning Lesson Plan on Clothing Lifes to Raise youth's awareness of traditional clothing culture (청소년의 전통 의생활 문화 인식 고취를 위한 가정과 교수.학습 과정안 개발 및 적용 -고등학교 1학년 '가정생활 문화의 변화' 단원을 중심으로-)

  • Ban, Youn-Ja;Kim, Nam-Eun;Lee, Hye-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2011
  • We investigated youth's awareness of traditional clothing culture in order to promote it, and we developed and applied the Teaching-Learning process related to clothing life chapters. We analyzed 12 types of high school freshman textbooks under the revised $7^{th}$ national curriculum and selected 5 major subjects of learning 'traditional culture', 'History of Han-bok', 'colors of Han-bok', 'pattern & material of Han-bok', 'globalization of Han-bok' related to 'change of home life & culture' chapter. Also we developed 5-period Teaching-Learning Lesson Plan and 48-teaching materials(22 for students, 22 - for classes, 4 for teachers) and applied it to usual classes. The mean score of youth's awareness of traditional clothing culture in the post-test was significantly higher than in the pre-test. We concluded it was highly efficient in the youth's awareness of traditional clothing culture as right awareness about traditional clothing life culture, acceptance of foreign culture, positive attitude in traditional culture. Awareness about traditional clothing culture education was improved significantly, so we recognized importance of traditional culture education through it. We suggest that various themes on traditional culture should be developed and more reinforced. Also we need various traditional culture succession research as field of food life, house life and study Korea's cultural heritage.

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Korean representation of biotechnology : For college students and lay adults (생명공학에 대한 한국인들의 표상: 대학생들과 일반 성인들을 중심으로)

  • Kyo-Heon Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.165-187
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    • 2002
  • This study examines Korean representation of the biotechnology and psychological factors which can influence lay people's perception and attitude about biotechnology. Korean college students(N=433) and lay adults(N=90) whom had college education participated in the study. Participants of the study 1 were asked to list words which comes to mind when associate with the biotechnology in broad sense, and several specific applications in health, medicines, agriculture and research. Participants of the study 2 were asked to list possible benefits and costs of biotechnology and their specific applications. In study 3, Participants responded the questionnaires about perceptions and attitudes of biotechnology. Korean people associated the biotechnology with its costs or risks and benefits. Korean college students mainly got the informations of the biotechnology from TV, newspapers, or internet. They trusted the scientist group and NGO group on their judgements about the assessment of risk and benefit of the biotechnology. College students showed the positive attitude with the applications in medicines and negative attitude with the applications in agriculture and public using of individual's genetic information. The radicalism, sensitivity in behavioral activation system, and trust/cynicism were to be found as a significant influencing factor for interest/knowledge and behavioral intention in related with biotechnology. Finally, more extensive knowledge of biotechnology did not lead to greater acceptance of it.

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Student, Dietitian Reactions to Multicultural Food Service in Hannam School District (다문화 음식 급식에 대한 하남지역 중학생의 인식, 만족도, 메뉴 기호도 및 영양사의 태도연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Sup;Lim, Jae-Rong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.478-489
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    • 2011
  • Student and dietitian reactions to a multicultural food service menu were studied. Food habits in a multicultural family could delay the acculturation of the children to traditional Korean food and could cause the isolation of children from the community. Also, Korean students need to be exposed to other cultures and foods because it can be a challenge to eat novel foods when students grow up. To help both multicultural and Korean children adjust to new foods, a multicultural menu was included in a school's food service. Students regarded the multicultural menu as access to another culture, but they felt that improvement of the food quality and menu diversity were required. The degree of satisfaction with the food quality, appearance, freshness, temperature, and menu diversity were all moderate. The multicultural menu was served as a single menu item or a combination menu item. The main dish single items - pasta, jajangmyeon, onigiri, hamburgers, rice and curry, kaupatmu, kaupatkung, and donburi - were liked, but nasi goreng was liked only moderately. The soup - based dish single item, tempura soba, was liked, while tomyum was disliked. The side dish single items - tangsuyook, Japanese donkatsu, baked sausage and potatoes, tandoori chicken, chicken britto, Vienna schnitzels, tender tortillas, and fried chicken wings - were liked. The desserts single items-sandwiches, pineapples, waffles, pizza, bread with strawberry jam, mangoes, and tacoyaki - were liked. The combination menus - Italian, Indian, and American - were liked, but the southeast Asian menu was the least favored. Acceptance of combination and single menu items were similar. Male students liked multicultural menu items more than female students in all categories. Approximately 60% of dietitians had experience serving the single menu items for multicultural food service. The appropriate serving times were twice per month. Dietitians guessed that 80% of the students liked the multicultural menu. The dietitians preferred serving American or Chinese foods to southeast Asian food. There were two difficulties in serving the multicultural menu, which were voiced as as lack of skill in cooking the items and improper cooking utensils and tableware for the items. Despite all the difficulties, the dietitians served the multicultural menu because it provided menu diversity, rather than for educational reasons.

The Political Fandom of Korean and the Acceptance of the Film : ,(2013) vs.,(2014) (한국인의 정치적 팬덤 정서와 영화의 수용 : <변호인>,(2013)과 <국제시장>,(2014)을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Bae Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.289-304
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    • 2018
  • The fandom phenomenon of political emotion originated from ideological conflicts between the conservative and the progressive amplifies social conflicts in South Korea in interpreting and accepting films as culture media. The purpose of this paper is to examine why the structure of political consciousness in South Korea is fandomized, what is the acceptance of cinema at the center of the controversy of political ideology, and what is the desirable attitude of film reception. I conducted a discourse analysis that closely examined the debates and articles on the internet regarding ,(2013) and ,(2014) which were controversial in terms of conservatism and progressivism. As a result, First, while Korean society has not constituted a consensus on modern and contemporary history, it has easily led the acceptance of cinema to the controversy surrounding the political ideology. Second, the failure of constructing consensual memories of modern and contemporary history has made the conservative and the progressive not acknowledge the other's achievements. Third, film interpretation and meaning production are ultimately the roles of the audience, and on interpretation, diversity should be respected but conformity would be rejected. Film acceptance and interpretation should focus on rational awareness of social reality and would reflect on the social ideal objectively.