• Title/Summary/Keyword: Knowledge Management in the team

검색결과 254건 처리시간 0.028초

팀 네트워크 특성과 경계관리 활동이 지식경영 성과에 미치는 영향: 팀 신뢰의 매개역할 (The Effects of Team Network Characteristics and Boundary Spanning Activities on Knowledge Management Performances: The Mediating Role of Trust)

  • 고유미;김지영;정명호
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.101-120
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    • 2013
  • The effective management of knowledge has become one of the critical success factors in current organizations. In spite of the extensive use of Knowledge Management System (KMS), useful information and knowledge resources are still transmitted through personal networks among people in organizations. Thus, social network theory which focuses on social relationships in organization can be a fruitful theoretical resource for enhancing Knowledge Management (KM) performances. In this study, we investigate the effects of intra-team network characteristics (i.e., group density and degree of centralization) and external boundary spanning activities on knowledge management performances of a team. We also acknowledge that all group members do not necessarily agree on the team goal and actively disseminate useful information and knowledge. Drawing on the political perspective on KM which emphasizes the role of trust among group members, we examine the mediating effects of team trust between internal/external network characteristics and KM performances. From the data of 220 teams in financial companies in Korea, we found that: (1) group density had positive effects on KM performances (i.e., knowledge creation, sharing, and use). (2) However, centralization was not significantly associated with KM performances. (3) Team trust was found to be an important factor mediating the relationship between intra-team network characteristics, boundary spanning activities, and KM performances. Based on these results, we discuss and suggest possible implications of the findings when designing and implementing KM practices.

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팀 조직의 활동이 지식경영 활동 및 성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증적인 분석 (An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Team Activity on the Knowledge Management Performance)

  • 김창호;이건창;정남호
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, organizations have chosen a team-organization as a standard activity level and it leads a significant change in process of knowledge producing. Nevertheless team-organization for building up effective performance and a good communication in organization has influenced knowledge management performance, the empirical analysis and survey have not proved yet. This study, therefore, makes an analysis that the change of organization base on team activity influences knowledge management performance. This study, based on 312 data by using LISREL as a model for studying, provides a result that a team-based activity positively influences knowledge management efficiency.

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팀 내·외부 관계망이 지식 중개자 활동에 미치는 영향 (Influences of intra- and inter-team networks on knowledge brokerage behavior)

  • 강민형;김병수
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2018
  • Knowledge transfer among employees integrates individual knowledge scattered within a firm, thus increases organizational effectiveness. In particular, the role of knowledge broker, which enables knowledge sharing across multiple teams or subunits, is critical for the success of knowledge management. This study classified the types of knowledge broker that facilitates knowledge flows among team, and examined the influences of various intra- and inter-team social networks. Survey responses from 128 employees of four R&D teams were gathered and analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling. The results of analysis showed that all types of inter-team networks(i.e., emotional closeness network, frequency of interaction network, and perceived expertise network) had significant influences on related knowledge brokerage behaviors. In case of intra-team networks, only the emotional closeness network showed significant influence. These results proved the necessity of managing various types of intra- and inter-team networks to encourage knowledge brokerage behaviors within a firm.

팀 구성원의 심리적 다양성과 구성원 간 지식네트워크 특성이 팀 성과에 미치는 효과: 학습 분위기의 조절효과를 중심으로 (The Effect of Team Members' Psychological Characteristics and Knowledge Network Characteristics among Team Members on Team Performance)

  • 문윤지;강소라
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2011
  • This study investigated the factors that facilitate knowledge creation of team with the aspect of knowledge management. We considered two characteristics which are team members' psychological characteristics (achievement needs and conflict emotion) and knowledge network characteristics among team members (internal cohesion and external bridging) and verified the relationship between these characteristics and team performance. Furthermore, we examined whether these characteristics have a different effect on team performance according to the mastery climate. This study performed a survey targeting team members in knowledge based firms and 376 final surveys to be used as a sample in this study. The result showed that team members' psychological characteristics and knowledge network characteristics among Team members have an influence on team performance significantly. In addition, the master climate moderated the relationship between team members' psychological characteristics and team performance.

지식근로자의 공유인지와 팀 효과성의 관계 (The Relation with Shared Cognition for Knowledge Worker and Team Effectiveness)

  • 임희정;강혜련
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.67-90
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    • 2005
  • Attention has been focused recently on the concept of shared cognition which encompasses the notion that effective team members hold knowledge that is overlapping and complementary with teammates. This shared cognition is expected to improve team effectiveness. In contrast to the continued efforts in developing theoretical approach of shared cognition, empirical studies are meager. Thus, we conducted an empirical study to investigate the role of shared cognition on team effectiveness. This study classifies shared cognition into two types, team mental model and transactive memory system, by shared meaning. A total of 121 new product development teams in the IT industry were surveyed for the data collection. The results of analysis can be summarized as follows: first, team mental model has a positive influence on team performance, team innovative behavior and team learning effect. And the relation with team mental model and team performance is moderated by the similarity of knowledge structure among the expert. Second, transactive memory system has a positive influence on team performance, team innovative behavior and team learning effect.

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과학기술 연구개발조직의 팀 연구 지원을 위한 지식포털 모델 (Design of a Knowledge Portal for Supporting Team Work in Research & Development Organizations)

  • 박성주;이홍주;김종우;김규중;안형준
    • 경영정보학연구
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2003
  • A knowledge portal is an integrated gateway for accessing relevant knowledge, collaborating and communicating with other users, and also linking internal applications which is becoming crucial in the age of information abundance. Research and development is a typical knowledge-intensive activity. However, knowledge management support in R&D has been minimal in most research organizations. In this paper, a knowledge portal is designed to support team-based researches in science and technology for searching and browsing knowledge, and also communicating with other team members, coordinating research project and collaborating with other researchers. Automating knowledge acquisition from various knowledge sources, knowledge categorization by applying text categorization method, and knowledge recommendation can help to relieve management effort and increase the efficiency of knowledge management processes. A prototype system based on the suggested model is also presented.

팀 내외의 사회적 자본이 R&D 성과에 미치는 영향: 지식공유의 매개효과 (The Effect of Social Capital within and outside the Team on the R&D Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing)

  • 황호민;이상곤
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2019
  • This study explores the role of knowledge sharing between their social capital and performance in R&D setting. R&D environment is composed of experts from various domains with different backgrounds, such as technologies and experiences. Thus, increasing team social capital and enhancing knowledge sharing are critical for R&D performance. Social capital and Knowledge sharing are classified into two : Social capital and Knowledge sharing within/outside team. A empirical study was conducted at a research institute of large company that leads the advanced research and development of the domestic chemical industry. Data was collected 292 copies out of 500 copies (Response rate 58.4%). The result indicated that both social capital within and outside team had a positive effect on R&D Performance. Social capital within team had a significant impact on knowledge sharing within the team only, and social capital outside team had a significant effect on knowledge sharing outside the team only. Only knowledge sharing outside the team had a positive effect on R&D Performance and the mediating role of knowledge sharing was acquired for social capital outside team and R&D Performance only. From these key findings, this study suggests that, within the team, social capital alone can achieve results, but outside the team, it is necessary that not only social capital but also knowledge sharing are needed in order to achieve results.

팀의 지식 공헌을 가로막는 조용한 장벽: 팀원의 위상(지위) 불일치를 중심으로 (Agree or Disagree? An Insidious Obstacle to Knowledge Contribution: The Role of Team Status Disagreement)

  • 강성모;권상집
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2021
  • 사회적 위계서열에 대한 연구는 최근 경영 및 조직연구에 있어 관심이 증가하는 연구 주제이다. 하지만 팀내 사회적 위계서열에 관한 연구가 풍부함에도 불구하고 팀원 간의 지위 불일치(Status disagreement)에 관한 연구는 거의 존재하지 않는다. 특히 지위 불일치가 팀 성과에 영향을 미치는 팀원들의 공헌도를 감소시키는 이유와 메커니즘에 대한 이해가 부족한 편이다. 본 연구는 팀원 간의 지위 불일치는 지식공유를 감소시키고 지식은폐를 증가시켜 결과적으로 지식 공헌도를 감소, 팀 성과에 부정적인 영향을 미친다고 제안하였다. 또한, 팀 특성 중 하나인 기술(Skill) 차별화는 지위 불일치의 부정적인 영향을 더욱 악화시킬 수 있다고 제시하였다. 본 연구는 선행 연구를 토대로 지위 불일치, 지식공헌, 그리고 팀성과에 관련된 명제를 제안하고 시사점 및 향후 연구 방향 등에 관한 추가 논의를 진행하였다.

네트워크 구조와 조직학습문화, 지식경영참여가 개인창의성 및 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증분석: SI제안팀과 R&D팀의 비교연구 (Exploring Influence of Network Structure, Organizational Learning Culture, and Knowledge Management Participation on Individual Creativity and Performance: Comparison of SI Proposal Team and R&D Team)

  • 이건창;서영욱;채성욱;송석우
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2010
  • Recently, firms are operating a number of teams to accomplish organizational performance. Especially, ad hoc teams like proposal preparation team are quite different from permanent teams like R&D team in the sense of how the team forms network structure and deals with organizational learning culture and knowledge management participation efforts. Moreover, depending on the team characteristics, individual creativity will differ from each other, which will lead to organizational performance eventually. Previous studies in the field of creativity are lacking in this issue. So main objectives of this study are organized as follows. First, the issue of how to improve individual creativity and organizational performance will be analyzed empirically. This issue will be performed depending on team characteristics such as ad hoc team and permanent team. Antecedents adopted for this research objective are cultural and knowledge factors such as organizational learning culture, and knowledge management participation. Second, the network structure such as degree centrality, and structural hole is used to analyze its influence on individual creativity and organizational performance. SI (System Integration) companies are facing severely tough requirements from clients to submit very creative proposals. Also, R&D teams are widely accepted as relatively creative teams because their responsibilities are focused on suggesting innovative techniques to make their companies remain competitive in the market. SI teams are usually ad hoc, while R&D teams are permanent on an average. By taking advantage of these characteristics of the two kinds of teams, we will prove the validity of the proposed research questions. To obtain the survey data, we accessed 7 SI teams (74 members), and 6 R&D teams (63 members), collecting 137 valid questionnaires. PLS technique was applied to analyze the survey data. Results are as follows. First, in case of SI teams, organizational learning culture affects individual creativity significantly. Meanwhile, knowledge management participation has a significant influence on Individual creativity for the permanent teams. Second, degree centrality Influences individual creativity significantly in case of SI teams. This is comparable with the fact that structural hole has a significant impact on individual creativity for the R&D teams. Practical implications can be summarized as follows: First, network structure of ad hoc team should be designed differently from one of permanent team. Ad hoc team is supposed to show a high creativity in a rather short period, implying that network density among team members should be improved, and those members with high degree centrality should be encouraged to show their Individual creativity and take a leading role by allowing them to get heavily engaged in knowledge sharing and diffusion. In contrast, permanent team should be designed to take advantage of structural hole instead of focusing on network density. Since structural hole can be utilized very effectively in the permanent team, strong arbitrators' merits in the permanent team will increase and therefore helps increase both network efficiency and effectiveness too. In this way, individual creativity in the permanent team is likely to lead to organizational creativity in a seamless way. Second, way of Increasing individual creativity should be sought from the perspective of organizational culture and knowledge management. Organization is supposed to provide a cultural atmosphere in which Innovative idea suggestions and active discussion among team members are encouraged. In this way, trust builds up among team members, facilitating the formation of organizational learning culture. Third, in the ad hoc team, organizational looming culture should be built such a way that individual creativity can grow up fast in a rather short period. Since time is tight, reasonable compensation policy, leader's Initiatives, and learning culture formation should be done In a short period so that mutual trust is built among members quickly, and necessary knowledge and information can be learnt rapidly. Fourth, in the permanent team, it should be kept in mind that the degree of participation in knowledge management determines level of Individual creativity. Therefore, the team ought to facilitate knowledge circulation process such as knowledge creation, storage, sharing, utilization, and learning among team members, which will lead to team performance. In this way, firms must control knowledge networks in permanent team and ad hoc team in a way mentioned above so that individual creativity as well as team performance can be maximized.

지식근로자 팀효과성의 선행요인 -구성원의 인지적 유사성 vs 속인적 유사성- (The Influence of Cognitive and Demographic Similarities of Knowledge Workers on Team Effectiveness)

  • 강혜련;박숙영
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2003
  • Team-members may have diverse backgrounds and characteristics and such diversity is getting increased in teams in terms of demographics(gender, age, and educations) and capabilities(knowledge, skills, and experiences). A meta-analysis of the last 40 years studies, however, concluded that diversity in teams does not have the consistent main effect on team performances. On the other hand, according to theories of selection and socialization, similarity in values, backgrounds, and experiences buttress the positive and effective working environment. Therefore, we conduct an empirical study in favor of similarity in work teams for the sake of team effectiveness. We investigated the importance of the similarity of team-members on IT team effectiveness. Two aspects of similarity, demographic and cognitive, were considered together. The shared mental model(SMM) was introduced as the representative construct for the cognitive similarity. We found that SMM is more important than the demographic similarities on team effectiveness.

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