• 제목/요약/키워드: KOMPSAT image

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Image Registration Method for KOMPSAT-2 clouds imagery (구름이 존재하는 아리랑 2호 영상의 영상정합 방법)

  • Kim, Tae-Young;Choi, Myung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2009.03a
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    • pp.250-253
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    • 2009
  • 고해상도 컬러 위성 영상 촬영을 위한 다중분광 센서를 탑재한 위성의 영상은, 탑재체에 장착된 센서의 위치에 따라, 동일 지역에 대해 센서 간의 촬영시각의 차이가 발생한다. 만약 이동하는 구름이 촬영될 경우, 센서별 촬영 영상간에는 구름과 지상과의 상대적 위치가 달라진다. 고해상도 컬러 위성 영상을 생성하기 위해, 영상 정합(image registration) 기법이 사용되는 데, 일반적인 영상 정합 알고리즘은 촬영 영상에서의 특징점(feature point)이 움직이지 않는 것을 전제로 수행한다. 그 결과 이동하는 구름 경계부에서 정합점(matching point)이 추출될 경우, 지상 영역에서의 정합품질이 좋지 않다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 구름 경계부에서 정합점이 추출되지 않는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 실험 영상으로 구름이 존재하는 아리랑2호 영상을 사용하였고, 제안된 영상 정합 알고리즘은 지상 영역에서의 정합 품질이 높였음을 보였다.

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Change Detection in Land-Cover Pattern Using Region Growing Segmentation and Fuzzy Classification

  • Lee Sang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2005
  • This study utilized a spatial region growing segmentation and a classification using fuzzy membership vectors to detect the changes in the images observed at different dates. Consider two co-registered images of the same scene, and one image is supposed to have the class map of the scene at the observation time. The method performs the unsupervised segmentation and the fuzzy classification for the other image, and then detects the changes in the scene by examining the changes in the fuzzy membership vectors of the segmented regions in the classification procedure. The algorithm was evaluated with simulated images and then applied to a real scene of the Korean Peninsula using the KOMPSAT-l EOC images. In the expertments, the proposed method showed a great performance for detecting changes in land-cover.

Study on Improvement of Oil Spill Prediction Using Satellite Data and Oil-spill Model: Hebei Spirit Oil Spill (인공위성 원격탐사 데이터와 수치모델을 이용한 해상 유출유 예측 향상 연구: Hebei Spirit호 기름 유출 적용)

  • Yang, Chan-Su;Kim, Do-Youn;Oh, Jeong-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 2009
  • In the case of oil spill accident at sea, information concerning the movement of spilled oil is important in making response strategies. Aircrafts and the satellites have been utilized for monitoring of spilled oil. In these days, numerical models are using to predict the movement of the spilled oil. In the future a coupling method of modeling and remote sensing data should be needed to predict more correctly the spilled oil. The purpose of this paper is to present an application of satellite image data to an oil spill prediction model as an initial condition. Environmental Fluid Dynamics Computer Code (EFDC) was used to predict the movement of the oil spilled from Hebei Spirit incident occurred in Taean coastal area on December 7,2007. In order to make the model initial condition and to compare the model results, two satellite images, KOMPSAT-2 MSC and ENVISAT ASAR obtained on December 8 and 11, were used during the period of the oil spill incident. The model results showed an improvement for the prediction of the spilled oil by using the initial condition deduced from satellite image data than the initial condition specified at the oil spill incident site in the respects of the distributed spilled area.

Development of New Photogrammetric Software for High Quality Geo-Products and Its Performance Assessment

  • Jeong, Jae-Hoon;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Rhee, Soo-Ahm;Kim, Hyeon;Kim, Tae-Jung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we introduce a newly developed photogrammetric software for automatic generation of high quality geo-products and its performance assessment carried out using various satellite images. Our newly developed software provides the latest techniques of an optimized sensor modelling, ortho-image generation and automated Digital Elevation Model (DEM) generation for diverse remote sensing images. In particular, images from dual- and multi-sensor images can be integrated for 3D mapping. This can be a novel innovation toward a wider applicability of remote sensing data, since 3D mapping has been limited within only single-sensor so far. We used Kompsat-2, Ikonos, QuickBird, Spot-5 high resolution satellite images to test an accuracy of 3D points and ortho-image generated by the software. Outputs were assessed by comparing reliable reference data. From various sensor combinations 3D mapping were implemented and their accuracy was evaluated using independent check points. Model accuracy of 1~2 pixels or better was achieved regardless of sensor combination type. The high resolution ortho-image results are consistent with the reference map on a scale of 1:5,000 after being rectified by the software and an accuracy of 1~2 pixels could be achieved through quantitative assessment. The developed software offers efficient critical geo-processing modules of various remote sensing images and it is expected that the software can be widely used to meet the demand on the high-quality geo products.

Mapping of Drought Index Using Satellite Imagery (위성영상을 활용한 가뭄지수 지도제작)

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2004
  • It is necessary to manage water resources in rural areas in order to achieve proper development of new water resources, sustainable usage and reasonable distribution. This paper aims to analyze multi-temporal Landsat-7 ETM+data for soil moisture that is essential for crops in Ahnsung area. The ETM data was also fused with KOMPSAT-1 images in order to be used as backdrop watershed maps at first. Multi-temporal Images showed also the characteristics of soil moisture distribution. Images taken in April showed that rice paddy had as low reflectance as artificial features. Compared with April scenes, those taken in Hay and June showed wetness index increased in the rice paddies. The mountainous areas have almost constant moisture index, so the difference between the dates was very low while reservoirs and livers had dramatic changes. We can calculate total potential areas of distribution of moisture content within the basin and estimate the areas being sensitive to drought. Finally we can point out the sites of small rice paddies lack of water and visualize their distribution within the same basin. It can be said that multi-temporal Landsat-7 ETM+ and KOMPSAT data can be used to show broad drought with quick and simple analysis. Drought sensitiveness maps may enable the decision makers on rural water to evaluate the risk of drought and to measure mitigation, accompanied with proper data on the hydrological and climatic drought.

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A Comparative Analysis for the Digitizing Accuracy by Satellite Images for Efficient Shoreline Extraction (효율적인 해안선 추출을 위한 위성영상별 디지타이징 정확도 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Park, Ju-Sung;Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2015
  • The existing field survey and aerial photography involve the waste of manpower and economic loss in the coastline survey. To minimize these disadvantages, the digitization for efficient coastline extraction was conducted in this study using the points extracted from the standard coastline of the approximate highest high water and the diverse satellite images (KOMPSAT-3, SPOT-5, Landsat-8 and Quickbird-2), and the comparative accuracy analysis was conducted. The differences between the standard coastline points of the approximate highest high water and the coastline of each satellite were smallest for KOMPSAT-3, followed by Quickbird-2, SPOT-5 and Landsat-8. The significant probability from between the multipurpose applications satellite and Quickbird-2 (significant probability two-tailed) was statistically significant at 1% significance level. Therefore, high-resolution satellite images are required to efficiently extract the coastline, and KOMPSAT-3, from which images are easily acquired at a low cost, will enable the most efficient coastline extraction without external support.

Estimation of Simulated Radiances of the OSMI over the Oceans (대양에서의 OSMI 모의 복사량 산출)

  • 임효숙;김용승;이동한
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.227-238
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    • 1999
  • In advance of launch, simulated radiances of the Ocean Scanning Multispectral Imager (OSMI) will be very useful to guess the real imagery of OSMI and to prepare for data processing of OSMI. The data processing system for OSMI which is one of sensors aboard Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) scheduled for launch in 1999 is developed based on the SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS). Simulation of radiances requires information on the spectral band, orbital and scanning characteristics of the OSMI and KOMPSAT spacecraft. This paper also describes a method to create simulated radiances of the OSMI over the oceans. Our method for constructing a simulated OSMI imagery is to propagate a KOMPSAT orbit over a field of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) pigment concentrations and to use the values and atmospheric components for calculation of total radiances. A modified Brouwer-Lyddane model with drag was used for the realistic orbit prediction, the CZCS pigment concentrations were used to compute water-leaving radiances, and a variety of radiative transfer models were used to calculate atmospheric contributions to total radiances detected by OSMI. Imagery of the simulated OSMI radiances for 412, 443, 490, 555, 765, 865nm was obtained. As expected, water-leaving radiances were only a small fraction (below 10%) of total radiances and sun glint contaminations were observed near the solar declination. Therefore, atmospheric correction is critical in the calculation of pigment concentration from total radiances. Because the imagery near the sun's glitter pattern is virtually useless and must be discarded, more advanced data collection planning will be required to succeed in the mission of OSMI which is consistent monitoring of global oceans during three year mission lifetime.

Semantic Segmentation of Hazardous Facilities in Rural Area Using U-Net from KOMPSAT Ortho Mosaic Imagery (KOMPSAT 정사모자이크 영상으로부터 U-Net 모델을 활용한 농촌위해시설 분류)

  • Sung-Hyun Gong;Hyung-Sup Jung;Moung-Jin Lee;Kwang-Jae Lee;Kwan-Young Oh;Jae-Young Chang
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_3
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    • pp.1693-1705
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    • 2023
  • Rural areas, which account for about 90% of the country's land area, are increasing in importance and value as a space that performs various public functions. However, facilities that adversely affect residents' lives, such as livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels, are being built indiscriminately near residential areas, damaging the rural environment and landscape and lowering the quality of residents' lives. In order to prevent disorderly development in rural areas and manage rural space in a planned manner, detection and monitoring of hazardous facilities in rural areas is necessary. Data can be acquired through satellite imagery, which can be acquired periodically and provide information on the entire region. Effective detection is possible by utilizing image-based deep learning techniques using convolutional neural networks. Therefore, U-Net model, which shows high performance in semantic segmentation, was used to classify potentially hazardous facilities in rural areas. In this study, KOMPSAT ortho-mosaic optical imagery provided by the Korea Aerospace Research Institute in 2020 with a spatial resolution of 0.7 meters was used, and AI training data for livestock facilities, factories, and solar panels were produced by hand for training and inference. After training with U-Net, pixel accuracy of 0.9739 and mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 0.7025 were achieved. The results of this study can be used for monitoring hazardous facilities in rural areas and are expected to be used as basis for rural planning.

Analysis of SAR Image Quality Degradation due to Pointing and Stability Error of Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite (위성체 지향 및 안정화 오차로 인한 영상레이더 위성 영상 품질 저하 해석)

  • Chun, Yong-Sik;Ra, Sung-Woong
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.445-458
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    • 2008
  • Image chain analysis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite is one of the primary activities for satellite design because SAR image quality depends on spacecraft bus performance as well as SAR payload. Especially, satellite pointing and stability error make worst effect on the original SAR image quality which is implemented by SAR payload design. In this research, Image chain analysis S/W was developed in order to analyze the SAR image quality degradation due to satellite pointing and stability error. This S/W consists of orbit model, attitude control model, SAR payload model, clutter model, and SAR processor. SAR raw data, which includes total 25 point targets in the scene of $5km{\times}5km$ swath width, was generated and then processed for analysis. High resolution mode (spotlight), of which resolution is 1m, was applied. The results of image chain analysis show that radiometric accuracy is the most degraded due to the pointing error. Therefore, the successful design of attitude control subsystem in spacecraft bus for enhancing the pointing accuracy is most important for image quality.

Standardization of High-resolution Satellite Image data (고해상도 위성 영상자료 표준화 동향)

  • Lee, Dong-Han;Seo, Doo-Chun;Lim, Hyo-Suk
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the definition and the requirement from Users of standardization of high resolution satellite image data will be presented. If Users do not use the satellite image data, the satellite will be useless thing though it has been developed and operated now. The standardization of the satellite image data will make Users use the image data with no problem, so KARI has to do the standardization of it as a space agency that has developed and operated the satellite. For the standardization of it, the technical requirement to develop the satellite, the international standardization for the satellite image data and the requirement from Users will be reflected into the satellite development, and then the format and content of the satellite image data to Users have to be accommodated with the standard format of it. In addition to it, the calibration and validation just make sure of the quality of the satellite image data. For this, KARI has just been doing the standardization of KOMPSAT series in stages.

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