• 제목/요약/키워드: Just-in-time

검색결과 2,181건 처리시간 0.035초

Effect of Reperfusion after 20 min Ligation of the Left Coronary Artery in Open-chest Bovine Heart: An Ultrastructural Study (재관류가 허혈 심근세포의 미세구조에 미치는 영향 : 재관류 손상에 관한 연구)

  • 이종욱;조대윤;손동섭;양기민;라봉진;김호덕
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제31권8호
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    • pp.739-748
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    • 1998
  • Background: It has been well documented that transient occlusion of the coronary artery causes myocardial ischemia and finally cell death when ischemia is sustained for more than 20 minutes. Extensive studies have revealed that ischemic myocardium cannot recover without reperfusion by adequate restoration of blood flow, however, reperfusion can cause long-lasting cardiac dysfunction and aggravation of structural damage. The author therefore attempted to examine the effect of postischemic reperfusion on myocardial ultrastructure and to determine the rationales for recanalization therapy to salvage ischemic myocardium. Materials and methods: Young Holstein-Friesian cows(130∼140 Kg body weight; n=40) of both sexes, maintained with nutritionally balanced diet and under constant conditions, were used. The left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD) was occluded by ligation with 4-0 silk snare for 20 minutes and recanalized by release of the ligation under continuous intravenous drip anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital(0.15 mg/Kg/min). Drill biopsies of the risk area (antero-lateral wall) were performed at just on reperfusion(5 minutes), 1-, 2-, 3-, 6-, 12-hours after recanalization, and at 1-hour assist(only with mechanical respiration and fluid replacement) after 12-hour recanalization. The materials were subdivided into subepicardial and subendocardial tissues. Tissue samples were examined with a transmission electron microscope (Philips EM 300) at the accelerating voltage of 60 KeV. Results: After a 20-minute ligation of the LAD, myocytes showed slight to moderate degree of ultrastructural changes including subsarcolemmal bleb formation, loss of nuclear matrix, clumping of chromatin and margination, mitochondrial destruction, and contracture of sarcomeres. However, microvascular structures were relatively well preserved. After 1-hour reperfusion, nuclear and mitochondrial matrices reappeared and intravascular plugging by polymorphonuclear leukocytes or platelets was observed. However, nucleoli and intramitochondrial granules reappeared within 3 hours of reperfusion and a large number of myocytes were recovered progressively within 6 hours of reperfusion. Recovery was apparent in the subepicardial myocytes and there were no distinct changes in the ultrastructure except narrowed lumen of the microvessels in the later period of reperfusion. Conclusions: It is likely that the ischemic myocardium could not be salvaged without adequate restoration of coronary flow and that the microvasculature is more resistant to reversible period of ischemia than subendocardium and subepicardium. Therefore, thrombolysis and/or angioplasty may be a rational method of therapy for coronarogenic myocardial ischemia. However, it may take a relatively longer period of time to recover from ischemic insult and reperfusion injury should be considered.

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Study about porous of Korean traditional pottery (한국전통옹기의 통기성에 관한연구)

  • Kim, Seok-Ho
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • 제9권
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2006
  • Human hunted and picked to survive and a vessel was made naturally to store something being hunted and picket, which was a great invention. In modern times, society changed and development of science gave us convenience in making a vessel and various kinds of store instruments which was made of pure natural material, of new stuff, such as plastic and iron. but human became to be inclined to regress into nature because of problems of environment. We can say that the representative trend is well-being, after all this is a symptom to return to life being persued by predecessors before the science civilization was developed. Ancestors have lived with nature, adapted themselves to it. For examples they have built the house which became to be a part of nature and just like it, and studied a method of storing food to eat for four seasons, then displayed a storagehouse and storage containers everywhere of the house. Now Korean has the custody of kimchi in refrigerator at every house, but our forefathers controled a timing to eat food with studying a method of storage to put to use nature. With hot wind of well-being, Korean food is becoming to be globalized, according to this, concern about the wisdom of progenitors is growing more and more. It's an example that the world shows concern seriously about the pottery, which have stored kimchi for a long time fleshly, in globalization of kimchi. This study have three purposes, the first. checking documents about the development history of pottery which is a kind of ceramic, and then the second, through an scientific experiment, with studying characteristic of pottery being built by the wisdom of ancestors, informing the merit of pottery and necessity to the world, and futhermore, the third, working up the development of close environmental vessels putting to use the characteristic of pottery.

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A Case of the Shoulder-Hand Syndrome Caused by a Crush Injury of the Shoulder (견관절부 외상후 발생된 Shoulder-Hand Syndrome)

  • Jeon, Jae-Soo;Lee, Sung-Keun;Song, Hoo-Bin;Kim, Sun-Jong;Park, Wook;Kim, Sung-Yell
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 1989
  • Bonica defined, that reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) may develop pain, vasomotor abnoramalities, delayed functional recovery, and dystrophic changes on an affected area without major neurologic injury following trauma, surgery or one of several diseased states. This 45 year old male patient had been crushed on his left shoulder by a heavily laden rear car, during his job street cleaning about 10 years ago (1978). At first the pain was localizea only to the site of injury, but with time, it spreaded from the shoulder to the elbow and hand, with swelling. X-ray studies in the local clinic, showed no bone abnormalities of the affected site. During about 10 years following the injury, the had recieved several types of treatments such as nonsteroidal analgesics, steroid injections into the glenoidal cavity (10 times), physical therapy, some oriental herb medicines, and acupuncture over a period of 1~3 months annually. His shoulder pain and it's joint dysfunction persisted with recurrent paroxysmal aggrevation because of being mismanaged or neglected for a sufficiently long period these fore permiting progression of the sympathetic imbalance. On July 14 1988 when he visited our clinic. He complained of burning, aching and had a hyperpathic response or hyperesthesia in touch from the shoulder girdle to the elbow and the hand. Also the skin of the affected area was pale, cold, and there was much sweating of the axilla and palm, but no edema. The shoulder girdle was unable to move due to joint pain with marked weakness. We confirmed skin temperatures $5^{\circ}C$ lower than those of the unaffected axilla, elbow and palm of his hand, and his nails were slightly ridged with lateral arching and some were brittle. On X-ray findings of both the shoulder AP & lateral view, the left humerus and joint area showed diffuse post-traumatic osteoporosis and fibrous ankylozing with an osteoarthritis-like appearance. For evaluating the RSD and it's relief of pain, the left cervical sympathetic ganglion was blocked by injecting 0.5% bupivacaine 5 ml with normal saline 5 ml (=SGB). After 15 minutes following the SGB, the clinical efficacy of the block by the patients subjective score of pain intensity (=PSSPI), showed a 50% reduction of his shoulder and arm pain, which was burning in quality, and a hyperpathic response against palpation by the examiner. The skin temperatures of the axilla and palm rose to $4{\sim}5^{\circ}C$ more than those before the SGB. He felt that his left face and upper extremity became warmer than before the SGB, and that he had reduced sweating on his axilla and his palm. Horner's sign was also observed on his face and eyes. But his deep shoulder joint pain was not improved. For the control of the remaining shoulder joint pain, after 45 minutes following the SGB, a somatic sensory block was performed by injecting 0.5% bupivacaine 6 ml mixed with salmon calcitonin, $Tridol^{(R)}$, $Polydyn^{(R)}$ and triamcinolone into the fossa of the acromioclavicular joint region. The clinical effect of the somatic block showed an 80% releif of the deep joint pain by the PSSPI of the joint motion. Both blocks, as the above mentioned, were repeated a total of 28 times respectively, during 6 months, except the steroid was used just 3 times from the start. For maintaining the relieved pain level whilst using both blocks, we prescribed a low dose of clonazepam, prazocin, $Etravil^{(R)}$, codeine, etodolac micronized and antacids over 6 months. The result of the treatments were as follows; 1) The burning, aching and hyperpathic condition which accompanied with vaosmotor and pseudomotor dysfunction, disappeared gradually to almost nothing, within 3 weeks from the starting of the blocks every other day. 2) The joint disability of the affected area was improved little by little within 6 months. 3) The post-traumatic osteoporosis, fibrous ankylosis and marginal sclerosis with a narrowed joint, showed not much improvement on the X-ray findings (on April 25, 1989) 10 months later in the follow-up. 4) Now he has returned to his job as a street cleaner.

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A Study on the Knowledge and Awareness of Dental Hygienists and Dental Hygiene Students about Hepatitis B (치과위생사와 치위생과 학생의 B형 간염에 대한 지식과 인식에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Suk;Choi, MI-Hye;Kang, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the knowledge and awareness of dental hygienists and dental hygiene students about hepatitis B in an attempt to lay the solid foundation for the prevention of hepatitis B and infection control, as dental hygienists were highly likely to be exposed to HBV during job performance. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. 32.5% of the dental hygienists and 15.6% of the dental hygiene students were aware of their own HBsAg and HBsAb states. The dental hygienists who were cognizant of the states statistically significantly outnumbered the dental hygiene students who were (p=.000). 2. As for vaccination against hepatitis B, 71.8% of the dental hygienists and 47.3 % of the dental hygiene students were inoculated against it. The dental hygienists who were vaccinated against it outnumbered the dental hygiene students who were, and the disparity between the two was statistically significant (p=.000). 3. In the event of those who were vaccinated against hepatitis B, the dental hygienists were better cognizant than the dental hygiene students of the right time for the vaccination, required vaccination frequency (three times) and confirmation of the formation of hepatitis B antibody (p=.000). 4. Regarding awareness of hepatitis B infection route, the dental hygienists knew significantly better than the dental hygiene students that hepatitis B might be infected via blood (p=.030), sexual relations (p=.000), contaminated needle sticks (p=.000), mothers with hepatitis B positive during delivery (p=.000), toothbrushes/razors (p=.000) and exchange of drinking cups (p=.000). 5. As to the relationship between health status and knowledge on hepatitis B infection route, the respondents who were in bad shape had the best knowledge about that, followed by those in an average state of health and healthy respondents. And the dental hygienists had a significantly better knowledge than the dental hygiene students (p=.001). 6. Just a small number of the dental hygienists and students knew about the hepatitis B-related past experiences of their families, and the gap between the two was insignificant.

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A Study on Management of Records of Art Archives (미술 아카이브의 미술기록관리 방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Hye-Rin;Kim, Ik-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • 제20호
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    • pp.151-212
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    • 2009
  • Museums are producing new value and being redefined as places that reproduce context, as the process of globalization are being reflected in museum activities. The new additional functions and roles to the traditional mission of museums allow artworks to find potential functions of art archive and meseum. At the same time, the public has faced originality and aura of an artwork by viewing the physical subject. However, with the appearance of a new digital object, the initiative of viewing has moved over from the artwork to the hands of the public. Now, the public does not go to the museum to see an artwork, but has started to adopt to an opposite paradigm of bringing the artwork forward to the screen. Therefore, they are not satisfied any longer with just seeing an artwork, but demand more information about the artworks and reproduce it as knowledge. Therefore, this study aimed to find types and characteristics through definition and range selection of art archive at this point where the value of art archive is enhanced and systematic management is required, and to present record management methods according to art archive structure and core execution function. It especially stressed that the basis of overall art archive definition was in an 'approach' paradigm rather than a 'preservation' paradigm, and embodied various application methods of digitalized art records. The digital object of an artwork was recognized as the first materialization of an actual artwork, and the digital original of an artwork was presented as the core record. Art archive managed under physical and intellectual control were organically restructured focusing on digital original copies of artworks, which are the core record in a digital technology environment, and could be provided to users in forms of various services that meet their demands. The beginning of systematic management of such art records will become a first step to enhance historical value, establish art cultural identity, and truly possess art culture.

Studies on the Rice Yield Decreased by Ground Water Irrigation and Its Preventive Methods (지하수 관개에 의한 수도의 멸준양상과 그 방지책에 관한 연구)

  • 한욱동
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.3225-3262
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    • 1974
  • The purposes of this thesis are to clarify experimentally the variation of ground water temperature in tube wells during the irrigation period of paddy rice, and the effect of ground water irrigation on the growth, grain yield and yield components of the rice plant, and, furthermore, when and why the plant is most liable to be damaged by ground water, and also to find out the effective ground water irrigation methods. The results obtained in this experiment are as follows; 1. The temperature of ground water in tube wells varies according to the location, year, and the depth of the well. The average temperatures of ground water in a tubewells, 6.3m, 8.0m deep are $14.5^{\circ}C$ and $13.1^{\circ}C$, respercively, during the irrigation period of paddy rice (From the middle of June to the end of September). In the former the temperature rises continuously from $12.3^{\circ}C$ to 16.4$^{\circ}C$ and in the latter from $12.4^{\circ}C$ to $13.8^{\circ}C$ during the same period. These temperatures are approximately the same value as the estimated temperatures. The temperature difference between the ground water and the surface water is approximately $11^{\circ}C$. 2. The results obtained from the analysis of the water quality of the "Seoho" reservoir and that of water from the tube well show that the pH values of the ground water and the surface water are 6.35 and 6.00, respectively, and inorganic components such as N, PO4, Na, Cl, SiO2 and Ca are contained more in the ground water than in the surface water while K, SO4, Fe and Mg are contained less in the ground water. 3. The response of growth, yield and yield components of paddy rice to ground water irrigation are as follows; (l) Using ground water irrigation during the watered rice nursery period(seeding date: 30 April, 1970), the chracteristics of a young rice plant, such as plant height, number of leaves, and number of tillers are inferior to those of young rice plants irrigated with surface water during the same period. (2) In cases where ground water and surface water are supplied separately by the gravity flow method, it is found that ground water irrigation to the rice plant delays the stage at which there is a maximum increase in the number of tillers by 6 days. (3) At the tillering stage of rice plant just after transplanting, the effect of ground water irrigation on the increase in the number of tillers is better, compared with the method of supplying surface water throughout the whole irrigation period. Conversely, the number of tillers is decreased by ground water irrigation at the reproductive stage. Plant height is extremely restrained by ground water irrigation. (4) Heading date is clearly delayed by the ground water irrigation when it is practised during the growth stages or at the reproductive stage only. (5) The heading date of rice plants is slightly delayed by irrigation with the gravity flow method as compared with the standing water method. (6) The response of yield and of yield components of rice to ground water irrigation are as follows: \circled1 When ground water irrigation is practised during the growth stages and the reproductive stage, the culm length of the rice plant is reduced by 11 percent and 8 percent, respectively, when compared with the surface water irrigation used throughout all the growth stages. \circled2 Panicle length is found to be the longest on the test plot in which ground water irrigation is practised at the tillering stage. A similar tendency as that seen in the culm length is observed on other test plots. \circled3 The number of panicles is found to be the least on the plot in which ground water irrigation is practised by the gravity flow method throughout all the growth stages of the rice plant. No significant difference is found between the other plots. \circled4 The number of spikelets per panicle at the various stages of rice growth at which_ surface or ground water is supplied by gravity flow method are as follows; surface water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥ 98.5. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥62.2 Ground water at the tillering stage‥‥‥‥‥ 82.6. Ground water at the reproductive stage ‥‥‥‥‥ 74.1. \circled5 Ripening percentage is about 70 percent on the test plot in which ground water irrigation is practised during all the growth stages and at the tillering stage only. However, when ground water irrigation is practised, at the reproductive stage, the ripening percentage is reduced to 50 percent. This means that 20 percent reduction in the ripening percentage by using ground water irrigation at the reproductive stage. \circled6 The weight of 1,000 kernels is found to show a similar tendency as in the case of ripening percentage i. e. the ground water irrigation during all the growth stages and at the reproductive stage results in a decreased weight of the 1,000 kernels. \circled7 The yield of brown rice from the various treatments are as follows; Gravity flow; Surface water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥514kg/10a. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥428kg/10a. Ground water at the reproductive stage‥‥‥‥‥‥430kg/10a. Standing water; Surface water at all growh stages‥‥‥‥‥‥556kg/10a. Ground water at all growth stages‥‥‥‥‥‥441kg/10a. Ground water at the reproductive stage‥‥‥‥‥‥450kg/10a. The above figures show that ground water irrigation by the gravity flow and by the standing water method during all the growth stages resulted in an 18 percent and a 21 percent decrease in the yield of brown rice, respectively, when compared with surface water irrigation. Also ground water irrigation by gravity flow and by standing water resulted in respective decreases in yield of 16 percent and 19 percent, compared with the surface irrigation method. 4. Results obtained from the experiments on the improvement of ground water irrigation efficiency to paddy rice are as follows; (1) When the standing water irrigation with surface water is practised, the daily average water temperature in a paddy field is 25.2$^{\circ}C$, but, when the gravity flow method is practised with the same irrigation water, the daily average water temperature is 24.5$^{\circ}C$. This means that the former is 0.7$^{\circ}C$ higher than the latter. On the other hand, when ground water is used, the daily water temperatures in a paddy field are respectively 21.$0^{\circ}C$ and 19.3$^{\circ}C$ by practising standing water and the gravity flow method. It can be seen that the former is approximately 1.$0^{\circ}C$ higher than the latter. (2) When the non-water-logged cultivation is practised, the yield of brown rice is 516.3kg/10a, while the yield of brown rice from ground water irrigation plot throughout the whole irrigation period and surface water irrigation plot are 446.3kg/10a and 556.4kg/10a, respectivelely. This means that there is no significant difference in yields between surface water irrigation practice and non-water-logged cultivation, and also means that non-water-logged cultivation results in a 12.6 percent increase in yield compared with the yield from the ground water irrigation plot. (3) The black and white coloring on the inside surface of the water warming ponds has no substantial effect on the temperature of the water. The average daily water temperatures of the various water warming ponds, having different depths, are expressed as Y=aX+b, while the daily average water temperatures at various depths in a water warming pond are expressed as Y=a(b)x (where Y: the daily average water temperature, a,b: constants depending on the type of water warming pond, X; water depth). As the depth of water warning pond is increased, the diurnal difference of the highest and the lowest water temperature is decreased, and also, the time at which the highest water temperature occurs, is delayed. (4) The degree of warming by using a polyethylene tube, 100m in length and 10cm in diameter, is 4~9$^{\circ}C$. Heat exchange rate of a polyethylene tube is 1.5 times higher than that or a water warming channel. The following equation expresses the water warming mechanism of a polyethylene tube where distance from the tube inlet, time in day and several climatic factors are given: {{{{ theta omega (dwt)= { a}_{0 } (1-e- { x} over { PHI v })+ { 2} atop { SUM from { { n}=1} { { a}_{n } } over { SQRT { 1+ {( n omega PHI) }^{2 } } } } LEFT { sin(n omega t+ { b}_{n }+ { tan}^{-1 }n omega PHI )-e- { x} over { PHI v }sin(n omega LEFT ( t- { x} over {v } RIGHT ) + { b}_{n }+ { tan}^{-1 }n omega PHI ) RIGHT } +e- { x} over { PHI v } theta i}}}}{{{{ { theta }_{$\infty$ }(t)= { { alpha theta }_{a }+ { theta }_{ w'} +(S- { B}_{s } ) { U}_{w } } over { beta } , PHI = { { cpDU}_{ omega } } over {4 beta } }}}} where $\theta$$\omega$; discharged water temperature($^{\circ}C$) $\theta$a; air temperature ($^{\circ}C$) $\theta$$\omega$';ponded water temperature($^{\circ}C$) s ; net solar radiation(ly/min) t ; time(tadian) x; tube length(cm) D; diameter(cm) ao,an,bn;constants determined from $\theta$$\omega$(t) varitation. cp; heat capacity of water(cal/$^{\circ}C$ ㎥) U,Ua; overall heat transfer coefficient(cal/$^{\circ}C$ $\textrm{cm}^2$ min-1) $\omega$;1 velocity of water in a polyethylene tube(cm/min) Bs ; heat exchange rate between water and soil(ly/min)

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A Survey on the Knowledge and Attitude of Workers Concerning Occupational Health (근로자의 산업보건 지식과 태도에 관한 조사연구)

  • 박영식;조수열;남철현
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 1992
  • This research was carried out on 1,017 production workers for four months from May to August, 1991, to search more effective management method of their health by grasping their knowledge and attitude on industrial health. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. As for general characteristics, 74.2% were male and 25.8% were female among the 1,017 workers. The two largest age groups were 30~39, 38.7%. As for education level, graduation from high school was 58.6%, 61.2% were married, 35.9% owned their house, and workers who worked more than 1 year less than 5 years was 52.9%, workers who worked 8 hours a day was 46.7%, the largest group income level was 60~69 thousand won 21.2%, and the degree of satisfaction with work was ordinary, 45.6%. 2. The degree of recognition concerning occupational diseases was 92.5% at a very high rate. Causes of occupational diseases under the present work field were in order of noise, dust, heavy metal. The largest group of the counterplan for prevention was an improvement of working environment, 62.0%. 3. The major cause that threatens worker's health was poor working environment, 31.4%. As the best method for workers' health management, working environment management was pointed. 4. As for health examination result, the response that it is of use to health management was 53.8%. As for examination method and result, 42.7% responded that they are formal. The practice period was more than once every six months as the largest group, and the highest desire for improvement was that they wants an exact information of the result. 5. 49.3% of the respondents know about the measurement of working environment an the response that the measurement is necessary to improve working environment was 57.9%, and that the results from the measurement were reflected on improvement an management 57.5%. Appropriate period to take a measurement was more than once per six months, 40.2% and per three months, 29.1%. 6. As for safety and halth instruction, 34.5% were educated for both, 38.2% for only safety education and just 4.6% for only health education. 51.9% responded that they had never been educated out of work place. The period of its practice was more than once a month, 39.5% and every three months, 21.3%. 7. The importance of safety and health showed that the one is equal to the other, 59.8%, that the one is more important, 29.6%, and that other is more important, 7.6%. 67.7% said the necessity of a safety and health manager. 8. In spite of more or less health obstacle of work environment, 14.9% of the respondents wanted to overwork to gain an allowance for over-time work, 39.9% didn't, and 40.2% according to condition and state. 9. As the most important cause of industrial accident, 40.2% indicated unsafe behavior. As for the individual protective instrument, 66.1% of all the respondents said they have worn it to protect industrial diseases. 10. As for the degree of understanding of the contents in Industrial Safety and Health Law and Industrial Law of Accident Insurance, an affirmative response was respectively 49.3% and 50.8% and the sources of safety-health information were televisions and radios, 28.0%. Therefore, it is necessary that we do positive working environmental improvement, continuous management and health education's inforcement to increase their health and prevent occupational diseases.

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An Exploratory Study on Measuring Brand Image from a Network Perspective (네트워크 관점에서 바라본 브랜드 이미지 측정에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Jung, Sangyoon;Chang, Jung Ah;Rho, Sangkyu
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.33-60
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    • 2020
  • Along with the rapid advance in internet technologies, ubiquitous mobile device usage has enabled consumers to access real-time information and increased interaction with others through various social media. Consumers can now get information more easily when making purchase decisions, and these changes are affecting the brand landscape. In a digitally connected world, brand image is not communicated to the consumers one-sidedly. Rather, with consumers' growing influence, it is a result of co-creation where consumers have an active role in building brand image. This explains a reality where people no longer purchase products just because they know the brand or because it is a famous brand. However, there has been little discussion on the matter, and many practitioners still rely on the traditional measures of brand indicators. The goal of this research is to present the limitations of traditional definition and measurement of brand and brand image, and propose a more direct and adequate measure that reflects the nature of a connected world. Inspired by the proverb, "A man is known by the company he keeps," the proposed measurement offers insight to the position of brand (or brand image) through co-purchased product networks. This paper suggests a framework of network analysis that clusters brands of cosmetics by the frequency of other products purchased together. This is done by analyzing product networks of a brand extracted from actual purchase data on Amazon.com. This is a more direct approach, compared to past measures where consumers' intention or cognitive aspects are examined through survey. The practical implication is that our research attempts to close the gap between brand indicators and actual purchase behavior. From a theoretical standpoint, this paper extends the traditional conceptualization of brand image to a network perspective that reflects the nature of a digitally connected society.

A Study for the establishment environment of the Labor Archives (노동 아카이브(Labor Archives) 설립 환경에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Kun-Hong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • 제20호
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    • pp.77-114
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    • 2009
  • The actual conditions of the labor unions are primitive. First, there is no good records management regulation. At this research, I found it that most regulations of the labor unions were all the same. I think they have been copied a kind of one of originality. Second, the definition of records were very narrow, like documentary evidence. Third, the classification, filing, disposal regulations are the below level of the public institution in 1970s. Fourth, there are no standards of the records scheduling for the labor records. What kind of labor records have the historical values? I could not find, only the documentary evidence value. So, I think The actual conditions of the labor unions are primitive. I investigated the collections of the Southern Labor Archives in USA. There were many kind of records. For example, the records of regional labor unions also central labor unions, pamphlets, journals, photos, personal records, oral history, organizational records like protocols article of associations internal rules, minute books etc. Like this the collections of the Southern Labor Archives in USA are very various. But our actual conditions of the labor unions is far from that. Rather, we just have tried collected records for publishing the white papers. But this habitual practice would not be desirable. Because they must manage the records from the producing time. Mostly, 'laborer history HANNAE' were organised, and they are trying the collecting and management of the labor records. Also They are trying the computerizing, compilation. 'HANNAE' has the condition for the transformation of the labor archives. But if they want to be really, they must make the records management infra and so, should normalize the record management firstly. For example, They must be keep the standardized records management regulations, records scheduling redesigned. the developing standard model for the records management. And they have the vision for the hub of the labor archives. When coming to this, it will be realized the labor archives Now the records for the working class are disappearing. The managing the records for the labor is another labor movement. All together should join it. But I think the supporting of the archival science research colleagues will be the essential part.

A study on the Ritualized of Royal Archery of early Chosun Dynasty (조선전기 군례(軍禮)의 정비와 사례(射禮)의 의례화)

  • Lee, Wang Moo
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • 제54호
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    • pp.319-348
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    • 2014
  • This paper examines the centered on the Ritualized of Royal archery as a national event led to the demonstration of military rites was settled during the early Chosun Dynasty. And aims at considering of traditional of archery a Royal family and high position military people's. It was maintained as an system for both stability of royal family and centralization of government authority. As we know, since ancient times, the performance number of shooting arrows had been reduced in the early Chosun Dynasty. And one more reason is, traditionally Royal family liked shooting archery. For example, King Taejong was very openly shooting archery to inside palace and outside field. He says the archery is a principal element of military persons. Anyhow, to the King Jungjong, many Kings played shooting archery. However, at that time, the Royal archery came from ancient Korea and Kingdom of Koryo. In this historical background, Military rites will be established not just from ancient China. It specially called five manner of rituals. However, the rule of Confucianism to be Government police, archery ritual was declined. It's involved Curriculum of education. And this is related to the who got the new group of government authority. They are young confucianist. From there, the Confucianism manners, were to change of traditional of archery in Early Chosun Dynasty.