Character industry is not only knowledge-based industry chiefly with copyrights but also motive power for creative economy to take a role functionally over the fields of industries because it has industrial characteristic as complement product to promote sale value in manufacturing industry and service industry and increase profit on sales. Since 2003, the national policy related to character has aimed to maximize effect among connected industries, extend its business abroad, enforce copyrights through the improvement of marketing system, develop industrial infrastructure through raising quality of character products. With the result of this policy, the successful cases of connected contents have been crystallized and domestic character industry has stepped up methodically since 2007. It is needed to reset the scales of character industry and industrial stats because there are more know-how of self industry promotion and more related characters through strategy of market departmentalization starting with cartoon, animation, games, novels, movies and musicals. Especially, The Korea government set our target for 'Global Top Five Character Power' since 2009 and has started to carry out to find global star characters, support to establish network among connected industries, diversify promotion channels, and develop licensing business. Particularly, since 2013, There have been prospered the indoor character theme park with time management just like character experimental marketing or Kids cafes using characters, the demand market of digital character focusing on SNS emoticon, and the performance market for character musical consistently. Moreover, The domestic and foreign illegal black markets on off-line have been enlarged, so we need another policy alternative. To prepare for the era of exploding character demand market and diversifying platform, it is needed to set up a solid strategy that is required the elements of policy changes in character industry to vitalize character industry and support new character design and connected contents. the following shows that the elements of policy changes related to the existing policy, the current position of market. Nowadays, the elements of policy changes in domestic character industry are that variety of consumers in the digital character market according to platform diversification, Convergence contents of character goods for the Korean waves, legalization of the illegal black contents market, and controling the tendency of consumers in departmentalized market. This can help find the policy issue entirely deferent with the existing character powers like US, Japan or Europe. In its final analysis, the alternatives are the promotion of models with contract copyrights of domestic and foreign connected contents, the diversification of profit models of platform economy, the additive development of target market related to enlarging the Korean waves, and the strategy of character market for the age-specific tendency according to developing character demand market.
Movie captured audience's whole sense organs to the screen which is made up of visual story-telling decorated by color, sound, and smell. The audience rediscovered native emotions(pleasure, fear, terror) suppressed and left in the compressed world of space and time, that is to say a movie world separated from the real world, by being immersed in the movie story. This study revealed audience's feelings of pleasure and fear by analyzing the movie . First of all, the pleasure would be discussed in terms of Nietzsche's "the will to power." Nietzsche defined something to breathe, move, and will as being alive, and he insisted that its power to life is 'the will to power.' Human beings wish to have power and want to increase it: pleasure, the real motivation of human behaviors and phenomena. The movie well revealed the pleasure by showing nonperson's challenge and victory against social rulers. Second, the fear and terror of the audience will be discussed in terms of in Lacan's psychoanalysis. Lacan extended Freud's id, ego, and superego into the worlds of reality, imagine, and symbol, and suggested a father in symbol world among those worlds. He suggested as a basic and connecting instrument of the socialization just like Signifi$\acute{e}$ and Signifiant, Saussure' basic linguistic structure in "Cours de lingustique g$\acute{e}$n$\acute{e}$rale"(1916). Because father is the symbol and the metaphor of law, the absence of him and resistance against him means obstacles of social stabilization. Finally this paper will also discuss that the fear from the absence of law and the pleasure provoked by self-preserving instincts, that is to say natural feelings, are connected to values of progressivism and conservatism.
This study was aimed to describe the population dynamics and secondary production of Tapes philppinarum on Chohwa and Toksan tidal flats in Kwangyang Bay, from June 1994 to July 1995. The size distributions in shell length showed bimodal patterns from June 1994 to April 1995. Thereafter the distribution changed to the passage of time, indicating an increase in shell length. The mean densities decreased gradually with month. Chohwa A sustained highestdensity, followed by Chohwa B, Toksan C, and Toksan D. The recruitment of new year class occurred first on the upper tidal flat, and then moved to the lower tidal flat. The mean biomass in flesh dry weight of each year class increased in spring just before the spawning period, and thereafter decreased progressively. Annual mean biomass wasrecorded as 170.7 g m$\^$-2/ at Chohwa A, 220.7 g m$\^$-2/ at Chohwa B, 21.8 g m$\^$-2/ at Toksan C, and 45.2 g m$\^$-2/ at toksan D. Annual productions of Ruditapes philippinarum were estimated as 259.72 g m$\^$-2/ yr$\_$-1/ at Chohwa A, 359.79 g m$\^$-2/ yr$\_$-1/ at Chohwa B, 45.02 g m$\^$-2/ yr$\_$-1/ at Toksan c, 68.88 g m$\^$-2/ yr$\_$-1/ at Toksan D. Annual productions were much higher on Chohwa tidal flat than those on Toksan tidal flat. While P:B ratio were higher on Toksan tidal flat as 1.70 than those on Chohwa tidal flat as 1.58. In conclusion, the Chohwa tidal flat showed higher biomass and producion of Ruditapes philippinarum, whereas the Toksan tidal flat showed higher P:B ratio. The total amount of potential food might influence on the density, biomass nad produciton, whereas the amount of food and space per individual might influence on the growth rate and P:B ratio.
Recent fMRI and EEG research for neural representations of action concepts insist that processing of action concepts evoke the simulation of sensory-motor information. Moreover, there are several behavioral studies showing that understanding of action verbs or sentences describing actions interfere or facilitate current action performance. However, it is unclear that online interaction between processing of action concepts and current action is based on the simulation of sensory-motor information, or other neural mechanisms. The present research aims to explore the underlying neural mechanism that how the perception of action language influence the performance of current action using high-spacial temporal resolution EEG and multiple source analysis techniques. For this, participants were asked to perform a cued-motor reaction task in which button-pressing hand action and pedal-stepping foot action were required according to the color of the cue, and we presented auditorily action verbs describing the responding actions (i.e., /press/, /step/, /stop/) just before the color cue and examined the interaction effect from the semantic congruency between the action verbs and the current action. Behavioral results revealed consistently a facilitatory effect when action verbs and responding actions were semantically congruent in both button-pressing and pedal-stepping actions, and an inhibitory effect when semantically incongruent in the button-pressing action condition. In the results of EEG source waveform analysis, the semantic congruency effects between action verbs and the responding actions were observed in the Wernicke's area during the perception of action verbs, in the anterior cingulate gyrus and the supplementary motor area (SMA) at the time when the motor-cue was presented, and in the SMA and primary motor cortex (M1) during action execution stage. Based on the current findings, we argue that perceived action verbs evoke the facilitation/inhibition effect by influencing the expectation and preparation stage of following actions rather than the directly activating the particular motor cortex. Finally we discussed the implication on the neural representation of action concepts and methodological limitations of the current research.
This study was carried out to evaluate residual characteristics of tolclofos-methyl in ginseng and elucidate the reason for its high detection rate from fresh ginseng selling at markets. Seeds of ginseng were sowed after seed dressing with tolclofos-methyl and after a year of growth, the young seedlings were transplanted to field. They were then harvested annually until three-years of growth and the pesticide residue was analyzed in them. LOD and LOQ of the pesticide were 0.001 and 0.003 mg/kg, respectively. Recovery test was carried out to validate the analytical method for tolclofos-methyl in ginseng. The ginseng seedlings were fortified with the test pesticide at the level of LOQ, ten times of LOQ and maximum residue concentration of tolclofos-methyl. Its recovery ranged from 77.37 to 100.16%. Residual concentration of tolclofos-methyl in ginseng seedlings just before transplanting and two-year-old ginseng were from 7.58 to 8.05 and from 6.46 to 6.79 mg/kg, respectively. In case of three-year-old ginseng, it was found to be from 4.18 to 4.35 mg/kg. As a result of annual pesticide residue analysis, concentration of the pesticide was found to decrease time-coursely in ginseng. This may be due to decomposition and increasing of fresh weight of the ginseng during the cultivation periods of three years.
Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
The aim here is to analyse the system of description of GIS in all of the high school textbooks passed with the official approval, to find the degree to which teachers understand about GIS, and to consider the present condition of GIS instruction. Most of the authors of textbooks generally underestimate importance of GIS, and there is difference among their awareness. In the system of description of GIS, there are only a few kinds of textbooks in which explanation of GIS is made coherently from the purpose of instruction aim through the chapter summary and to overall test in both of the Korean Geography and the World Geography. This trend is due to the degree of distribution of the GIS specialists in writing a textbook while the other texts books shows just a brief introduction of GIS concept. Although there is the limit for teachers to study how to teach GIS due to its very technological aspect as well as few previous training and teacher's guide. Thus it is evident that about a half of teachers who responded taught high school students without a knowledge on GIS, and a few of them even never referred to that concept. These facts may negatively affect the status of a geography in the society of information. For the solution of these issues, it is considered how to repair the description system and its contents. Besides, the variation among textbooks is reduced at the further revision of the 7th curriculum. And the printed matters of GIS are sufficiently provided for the teachers to use as their teaching aids. It is desirable that the GIS instruction models should be further developed for college education, and the programs for the on-the-job teachers training should be arranged. Besides, the previous training for the on-the-job teachers should be achieved more practically with enough time before the revision of curriculum.
Kim, Eun-Mi;Kwon, Jin-O;Kang, Chang-Wan;Song, Kuk-Man;Min, Dong-Won
Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
A research program for the roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) has been set up at the Jeju Experimental Forest of Warm-temperate and Subtropical Forest Research Center in Jeju Island. To explore the home range size and habitat environment, 3 males and 3 females have been captured and released with GPS-CDMA based telemetry since 24th April 2012. Among them 2 females were captured at Hannam Forest of Seoguipo, were pregnant and monitored by the tracking system. There are significantly different patterns in behavior around the parturition. After parturition they show recurrence behavior toward one point in the forest, while they have irregular patterns in moving before. To calculate the home range size, the MCP (minimum convex polygon) and Kernel Method are applied through the extension of ESRI ArcView GIS 3.2a. The pregnant female captured 9th May 2012 has the size of MCP=67ha and Kernel 95%=0.5ha and the pregnant female captured 12th July 2012 has the size of MCP=82ha and Kernel 95%=0.9ha. Although a fawn could move immediately just after the birth likely others to avoid any risks, they stay at very narrow space significantly, and the size become wider when more time goes by. Furthermore, they mainly have a home range away from human activity area such as forest tracking roads. The habitat environment for the parturition is summarized as 40years old cryptomeria forests with new sprouting shrubs for foods, which are the controlled forest through the thinning and removing shrubs 2 years ago. This means that forest works could cause positive results for the parturition and survival of young. The period of parturition is earlier than highland in Jeju Island, the size of home range is narrower than other countries, and the habitat environment of the shelter for a fawn is similar to previous research in other countries.
Today, more chronically ill and handicapped people are being cared for at home by a family member caregiver. The task of caring for a family momber may mean that the caregiver has less time and money and more work which may result in increased fatigue and symptoms of illness. This study was done to examine the well-being of family caregivers. Fifty three family caregivers were interviewed. Concepts were measured using existing tools and included : Burden(25 item 5 point scale), Social sup-port (21 item 7 point scale), Health status defined by a symptom checklist(48 item S point scale), and Well -being defined by a quality of life scale (14 item 7 point scale) and caregiving activities. Data collection was done by interview and Q-sort. Social support and well - being were positively correlated as were symptoms and burden. Symptoms and burden were negatively correlated with social support and well-being. Items on the quality of life scale had a mean score range from 3.09 to 4.96. Quality of life related to income was lowest (3.09) but the desire to use more money for the patient was rated 2.90 on the burden scale where the item means ranged from 0.73 to 3.55. The high mean of 3.55 was for obligation to give care and the low 0.73 was (or not feeling that this was helping the patient. Mean scores for symptoms ranged from 0.26 to 2.15 with the 2.15 being for “worry about all the things that have to be done.” Over half of the patients were dependent for help with some activities of daily living. The caregivers reported doing an average of 3.40 out of five patient care activities including bathing (77.4%), shampooing (67.9%), and washing face and hands (49.1%), and 3.74 out of seven home maintenance activities including laundry (98.1%), cooking (83.0%), and arranging bed-ding(75.5%). The caregivers reported their spouse as one of the main sources of social support, including in times of loneliness and anger The mean score for loneliness as burden was 2.15 and ranked fourth and 31 (58.5%) of the sample reported being lonely recently and not being satisfied with the support received. Similarly anger caused by the patient was given a mean score of 2.13, and anger was reported to have been present recently by 38 (71.7%) of the sample and satis-faction with the support given was low. Having someone to help deal with anger ranked twelfth out of 21 items on the social support scale and had a mean score of 3.98 (range 3.49 to 5.98). Spouses were reported as a major source of social support but the fact that 50% of the caregivers were caring for a spouse, may account for the quality of this source of social support having been affected. These caregivers faced the same problems as others at the same stage of life. but because of the situation, there was a strain on their resources, particularly financial and social. In conclusion it was found that burden is correlated negatively to quality of life and positively to symptoms, but in this sample, symptoms and bur-den were scored relatively low. Does this indicate that the caregivers accept caregiving as part of their destiny and accept the quality of their lives with burden and symptoms just being a part of caregiving\ulcorner Does the correlation between the bur-den and symptoms indicate they are a measure of the same phenomenon or that the sample was of a more mobile, less burdened group of caregivers\ulcorner Quality of life was the one variable that was significant in explaining the varience on burden. Further study is needed to validate the conclusions found in this study but they indicate a need for nurses to ap-proach these caregivers with a plan tailored to each individual situation and to give consideration to interventions directed at improving quality of life and expanding social support networks for those caring for spouses.
This article defines sijo's musicality in two ways and verifies how musicality is shown in modern sijo with some examples. First, the first metre of a song's fourth part, that is, the sijo's jongjang, should include a reverse of its poetic image. A song consists of five parts. Each part is sung as a part of the song, that is, the sijo's dimetre, trimetre, or tetrametre, but its fourth part is sung as the monometre which is the first metre of its jongjang. This is because the first metre of a sijo's jongjang forms the axis of the reverse in its poetic image, and when this works properly, it can maintain musicality as a sijo. Second, a sijo's tetrametre and sijo-chang's gak should correspond as the same value along with the completion of its meaning. If a sijo does not keep the metre, each part's completion of meaning and also the sijo-chang's gak become problematic, so it is impossible to perform sijo-chang. Only when each part's completion of meaning and the gak of the metre correspond to each other as the same value, the sijo can maintain its musicality. Next, the study verifies how musicality is shown in modern sijo. This was examined through the examples of gyeol-metre and yangjang-sijo in dan-sijo that cannot form any tongsa madi, arrangement of syllable units beyond metres, or the examples of loose reverse of meaning in a transitional phrase. The two kinds of musicality presented by this author have already been proved with old sijo. However, modern sijo has been created mainly centering around its image, so such musicality has been ignored and sijo's identity has been damaged seriously. In sijo, musicality gives life. If modern sijo is created mainly around its image, it can never be called as sijo unless it has musicality. Although modern sijo is not performed as music, it should be equipped with the form to be performed as a chang. This is how sijo can maintain its musicality. It is thought that now is the time to recognize modern sijo as the matter of communication between sijo-chang and sijo literature, not just as the combination of sijo-chang and sijo literature.
Big data refers to the data that cannot be processes with conventional contemporary data technologies. As smart devices and social network services produces vast amount of data, big data attracts much attention from researchers. There are strong demands form governments and industries for bib data as it can create new values by drawing business insights from data. Since various new technologies to process big data introduced, academic communities also show much interest to the big data domain. A notable advance related to the big data technology has been in various fields. Big data technology makes it possible to access, collect, and save individual's personal data. These technologies enable the analysis of huge amounts of data with lower cost and less time, which is impossible to achieve with traditional methods. It even detects personal information that people do not want to open. Therefore, people using information technology such as the Internet or online services have some level of privacy concerns, and such feelings can hinder continued use of information systems. For example, SNS offers various benefits, but users are sometimes highly exposed to privacy intrusions because they write too much personal information on it. Even though users post their personal information on the Internet by themselves, the data sometimes is not under control of the users. Once the private data is posed on the Internet, it can be transferred to anywhere by a few clicks, and can be abused to create fake identity. In this way, privacy intrusion happens. This study aims to investigate how perceived personal information overload in SNS affects user's risk perception and information privacy concerns. Also, it examines the relationship between the concerns and user resistance behavior. A survey approach and structural equation modeling method are employed for data collection and analysis. This study contributes meaningful insights for academic researchers and policy makers who are planning to develop guidelines for privacy protection. The study shows that information overload on the social network services can bring the significant increase of users' perceived level of privacy risks. In turn, the perceived privacy risks leads to the increased level of privacy concerns. IF privacy concerns increase, it can affect users to from a negative or resistant attitude toward system use. The resistance attitude may lead users to discontinue the use of social network services. Furthermore, information overload is mediated by perceived risks to affect privacy concerns rather than has direct influence on perceived risk. It implies that resistance to the system use can be diminished by reducing perceived risks of users. Given that users' resistant behavior become salient when they have high privacy concerns, the measures to alleviate users' privacy concerns should be conceived. This study makes academic contribution of integrating traditional information overload theory and user resistance theory to investigate perceived privacy concerns in current IS contexts. There is little big data research which examined the technology with empirical and behavioral approach, as the research topic has just emerged. It also makes practical contributions. Information overload connects to the increased level of perceived privacy risks, and discontinued use of the information system. To keep users from departing the system, organizations should develop a system in which private data is controlled and managed with ease. This study suggests that actions to lower the level of perceived risks and privacy concerns should be taken for information systems continuance.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.