• Title/Summary/Keyword: Journal Publication

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Quantifying Quality: Research Performance Evaluation in Korean Universities

  • Yang, Kiduk;Lee, Hyekyung
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2018
  • Research performance evaluation in Korean universities follows strict guidelines that specify scoring systems for publication venue categories and formulas for co-authorship credit allocation. To find out how the standards differ across universities and how they differ from bibliometric research evaluation measures, this study analyzed 25 standards from major Korean universities and rankings produced by applying standards and bibliometric measures such as publication and citation counts, normalized impact score, and h-index to the publication data of 195 tenure-track professors of library and information science departments in 35 Korean universities. The study also introduced a novel impact score normalization method to refine the methodology from prior studies. The results showed the university standards to be mostly similar to one another but quite different from citation-driven measures, which suggests the standards are not quite successful in quantifying the quality of research as originally intended.

A Study on quantitative and qualitative share of ISI publications of Korea (SCI를 기준으로 한 우리나라의 지식자원 수준 분석)

  • Song Choong-Han;Lee Joo-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.986-1004
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    • 2005
  • In knowledge-based economy, a nation's knowledge resources are critical factors for its competitiveness with other nations. This study analyze the quantitative and qualitative share of ISI publication of Korea as the level of knowledge resource by using the SCI database. This paper uses RCI(Relative Citation Impact) index for the qualitative analysis. The result shows that Korea's qualitative share of ISI publication measured by citation is relatively small than the quantitative share meaured by number of papers. In research field, natural sciences and medical sciences are relatively weak than engineering and agriculture.

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Publication Trends and Citation Impact of Tribology Research in India: A Scientometric Study

  • Rajendran, P.;Elango, B.;Manickaraj, J.
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes India's contribution to world tribology research during the period 2001-2012 based on SCOPUS records. India's global publication share, annual output, and its citation impact of Indian contribution, partner countries, leading contributors, leading institutes, and highly cited papers were analyzed. Additionally, a cloud technique is used to map frequently used single words in titles. It is observed that India ranks in the $7^{th}$ position with a global publication share of 3.83% and an annual average growth rate of 25.58% during the period 2001-2012. The citation impact of India's contribution is 6.05 which decreased from 12.74 during 2001-2006 to 4.62 during 2007-2012. 17.4% of India's total research output was published with international collaboration.

Publish or Perish (출판하여 살아남기)

  • Choe, Won-Sick
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This editorial deals with the basic structures of medical papers in general and emphasizes the ethics of authors and reviewers. A majority of the content originated from educational material issued at the 2002 Annual Meeting for the Korean Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Current issues from the publication of the Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine were also included.

Publication trends of somatic mutation and recombination tests research: a bibliometric analysis (1984-2020)

  • Tagorti, Ghada;Kaya, Bulent
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.10.1-10.15
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    • 2022
  • Human exposure to pollutants has been on the rise. Thus, researchers have been focused on understanding the effect of these compounds on human health, especially on the genetic information by using various tests, among them the somatic mutation and recombination tests (SMARTs). It is a sensitive and accurate method applicable to genotoxicity analysis. Here, a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of SMART assays in genotoxicity studies was performed to assess publication trends of this field. Data were extracted from the Web of Science database and analyzed by the bibliometric tools HistCite, Biblioshiny (RStudio), VOSViewer, and CiteSpace. Results have shown an increase in the last 10 years in terms of publication. A total of 392 records were published in 96 sources mainly from Brazil, Spain, and Turkey. Research collaboration networks between countries and authors were performed. Based on document co-citation, five large research clusters were identified and analyzed. The youngest research frontier emphasized on nanoparticles. With this study, how research trends evolve over years was demonstrated. Thus, international collaboration could be enhanced, and a promising field could be developed.

A study on the criteria of opinion poll by the sampling survey (표본조사론 관점에서의 여론조사)

  • 고봉성;남궁평
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 1997
  • This paper studied criteria of the domestic and international opinion poll for the news publication which is necessary to report and analyze its opinion poll results. Adequate criteria are provided and case studies are performed. Therefore present study is aiming at drawing the further discussion about the criteria of the news publication.

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Development of Journal Recommendation Method Considering Importance of Decision Factors Based on Researchers' Paper Publication History (연구자의 논문 게재 이력을 고려한 저널 결정 요인별 중요도 학습 기반의 저널 추천 방법론)

  • Son, Yeonbin;Chang, Tai-Woo;Choi, Yerim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2019
  • Selecting a proper journal to submit a research paper is a difficult task for researchers since there are many journals and various decision factors to consider during the decision process. For this reason, journal recommendation services are exist as a kind of intelligent research assistant which recommend potential journals. The existing services are executing a recommendation based on topic similarity and numerical filtering. However, it is impossible to calculate topic similarity when a researcher does not input paper data, and difficult to input clear numerical values for researchers. Therefore, the journal recommendation method which consider the importance of decision factors is proposed by constructing the preference matrix based on the paper publication history of a researcher. The proposed method was evaluated by using the actual publication history of researchers. The experiment results showed that the proposed method outperformed the compared methods.

A Research on the Use of Faceted Navigation of KOLIS-NET (KOLIS-NET의 패싯 네비게이션 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Cheong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.109-132
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and propose to improve the features of a simple keyword search box and faceted navigations of KOLIS-NET operated by the National Library of Korea. A record group of '2011-2020 (776)' under 'Publication date' facet, out of 3,702 records retrieved from a search of '김훈', were examined. Major findings are as follows: (1) Five facets including 'Format', 'Publication date', 'Subject', 'Language' and 'Country' are used to limit search results only in the first step, and multiple facets cannot be simultaneously used; (2) With 'Publication date' facet formed in the span of ten years, a separate publication year cannot be identified; (3) 'Subject' facet based on KDC limits the results only in broad subject classes without sub-facets; (4) Under 'Format' facet, a special format such as large print texts cannot be identified; (5) Without 'Author' facet, authors cannot be identified; and (6) 'Publication date missing', 'Language missing', and 'Miscellaneous subject' record groups cannot be clicked and displayed, a navigation to-and-fro between a brief list and bibliographic records is not smooth, etc. Therefore an application of multiple facets in all stages of limiting the search result, a construction of sub-facets for 'Publication date' and 'Subject' facets, an accurate description and coding of 'General Material Designation', etc. are suggested to improve KOLIS-NET's faceted navigation.

Research Ethics Issues that Frequently Arise in Health Services Researches (보건학 연구에서의 주요 연구윤리 쟁점)

  • Sun-Hee Lee
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.241-242
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    • 2023
  • As part of efforts to internally strengthen the research ethics capacity of the Korean Academy of Health Policy and Management, we have compiled research ethics issues that are frequently encountered in public health researches. Firstly, when reusing research reports or dissertations as papers, efforts should be made to avoid unfair duplicate publication. Compliance with the institutional review board exemption process is required, and additional efforts should be devoted during the text recycling process to prevent self-plagiarism or unjust duplicate publication.

East Asian Journal of Business Economics and Strategy

  • KIM, Byoung-Goo;YOUN, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Research and Publication Ethics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study is to review and analyze orientation and strategy of the East Asian Journal of Business Economics and all of the published articles of 2013 to 2020 and to investigate the previous publication system and process in order to enhance the general quality of EAJBE. Research design, data and methodology: This paper applied a case study method and analyzed the previous published articles and system including homepage of East Asian Journal of Business Economics. Results: This journal strives to be the most globalized than other domestic journals in the field of management/economy, and since its inception in 2013, all the papers is written in English, and more than 40% of the contributors are overseas contributors, so it is developed by global strategies in a different direction from other domestic journals. Conclusions: The EAJBE provides the full text of the contributors' research ethics regulations to the online system, and mandates researchers to submit a pledge from the stage of the contribution. The journal provides clear criteria such as self-plagiarism and duplicates publication, and specifies the copyright agreement and submission application twice, and guides the contributors and the reviewers to use the system in advance.