• Title/Summary/Keyword: Jacques Ranciere

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Politics of Game and Play: New Media-Based Art and Its Community (놀이의 정치학: 뉴미디어 아트와 관객 공동체)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.10
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2010
  • This study discusses the community of participants in new media-based art of Taeyoon Choi, Wafaa Bilal and Mushon Zer-Aviv in relation to current discourses on social functions of art by Nicolas Bourriaud and Jacques Ranciere. Focusing on these artists' participatory projects which aim to provide alternative perspectives on wars between countries, to raise awareness about expanding surveillance systems in city spaces, or to create new public spaces on the web, this paper argues that their works hybridize entertainment culture and political activism to suggest a new model for political art.

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The Image of Suicide as the Functions of Reality and Art (현실과 예술적 기능으로서의 자살 이미지)

  • Choi, Eunjoo
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2013
  • This paper focuses on the function of suicidal images in the history of art including literature. Death has been romanticized or repoliticized into an existential act of defiance and rebellion in literary works, so questions remain about the correlation between literary suicide and the essence of suicide. Although Jacques Ranciere insists that the order of art contrasts with the order of common people whose acts and gestures can express either their specific purposes nor the rationalities of their frustration, literary suicide reflects the outside life of readers. In fact, images of suicide produces the order of things about the real world. William Shakespeare's Hamlet handled two oppositional self-murder significantly. As Ron M. Brown pointed out, Hamlet, by choosing confrontation, seeks out an end which is voluntary, thus he avoids self-destruction and feels triumph of heroic fashion. Ophelia's self-chosen death stems from loss, frailty and the disintegration of reason, which demeans the act and diminishes her from the tragic to the pathetic(16). In the $19^{th}$ century, the resurrection of Ophelia acted as the context for later periods where life itself is fictionalized from the differing periods of network of signifier and texts. Finally, in Ophelia's case, fiction became life(Brown 285). Her suicidal image was fixed in the Victorian Culture whose visual discourse was strikingly similar to that of the men. Likewise, the ambiguities of the suicide became intertwined with the social, cultural issues of a certain period, and the paradigm of suicide was conformed to the changing needs of successive generations. However, if literary art understands that a European culture grappled with the almost impossible task and coming to terms with this strangest and most persistent of phenomena, it will be able to focus on of the multi-layered suicide by recognizing the inherent instability of the verbal sign which cannot reveal the design and grammar of truth.

The heterochronic aspect of labor poetry in the 1980s (1980년대 노동시에 나타난 헤테로크로닉(heterochronie)의 양상)

  • Kim Nan-hee
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.59
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    • pp.1-32
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    • 2019
  • 본고의 목적은 헤테로크로닉을 통해 1980년대 노동시의 정치성에 대한 해석을 달리하고자 함에 있다. 1980년대 노동시에 대한 지금까지의 평가나 해석이 주로 맑스주의에 기반한 사회주의 리얼리즘 차원의 것이었다면, 이 논문에서는 조금 다른 각도에서 80년대 노동시의 정치성에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. 랑시에르의 헤테로크로닉 개념을 바탕으로 1980년대 대표적인 노동시인인 박영근, 백무산, 박노해의 노동시를 살펴볼 것인 바, 이들 세 시인의 1980년대 노동시에는 랑시에르의 헤테로크로닉 개념에 비추어 살펴볼 수 있는 유의미한 양상들이 자리 잡고 있다. 이들의 노동시에는 장시간 노동과 열악한 노동조건, 저임금 등의 환경 속에서 벗어나고자 하는 열망과 저항이 여러 유형으로 나타난다. 이들 시에 나타난 '인간해방'과 '노동해방'은 이념과 계급투쟁, 혹은 전형성의 원리 및 사회주의 리얼리즘 차원에서 주로 언급되었지만, 본고에서는 1980년대 노동시에 나타난 노동해방과 계급해방에의 열망과 저항을 과거 사회주의 문학 이론에 입각하여 읽어내기보다는 '사회적 위계'의 해체와 새로운 구축이라는 시간성을 통해 달리 읽어보고, 당대의 노동시가 갖는 정치성의 지평에 대해 재고(再考)하는 계기를 갖고자 한다.

Reflection of post-modern theater and aesthetic horizon of Korean theater: "political writing" (포스트모던 연극에 대한 반성과 한국연극의 미학적 지평 : '정치적 글쓰기')

  • HA, Hyung-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.159-188
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    • 2014
  • Under the influence of postmodernism, modern writing tends to refuse an immediate conveyance of messages achieved by linear, unified writing. Such writing does not attempt any social participation and has no leading ethics, offering diverse perspectives. It simply relies on material property ignoring the 'here and now'. This discussion depends on the sensuous immediacy of works that are pure and uninterpretable, causing the "death of author" phenomena. Although the time was late, since the 1990s, discussion and work on deconstructive theater has been executed in the Korean theater world. This deconstructive work was achieved when lineal narratives were shattered through the shocking insertion of fragmentary episodes and imagery. Moreover, such plays were shocking presentations of severance in conversation; lack of communication; loss of pride and love; and a world devastated by violence and madness. In the 2000s, such a movement helped form a new paradigm in the theater through reinterpretation and parody of traditional dramas, while drawing general attention to postmodern theater. However, as the problems of postmodern theater are perceived through study, the limit of plays with a postmodern tendency is pointed out: such plays merely display 'deconstruction'. This thesis will examine reflective thought on postmodern theater seeking "deconstruction without alternatives" and the aesthetic concept of "le politique" by Jacques Ranciere. It will also look through the overlap of images as interval-estrangement, "lettre morte", and simulacre representing mise-en-scene aesthetics weaving "political writing". This study is meaningful in that it tries to extend the new aesthetic horizon of Korean theater, examining in 2009 and by Koh Sun-Woong in 2011, directed by Park Chung-Hee in 2010 and directed by Park Keun-Hyung in 2009.

A study on the enjoyment of transmedia and the reconstruction of alternative audiences from a cultural and political perspective (트랜스미디어 향유와 문화정치적 관점에서의 대안적 수용자의 재구성에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Hochang
    • Trans-
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    • v.10
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    • pp.31-50
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    • 2021
  • Media audiences are defined in a complex relationship with a comprehensive media environment, and are structured and reconstructed according to changes in the media environment. Today, with the changes in the media environment represented by convergence and transmedia, discussions on audiences are actively developing, and debates between positive and negative views on the cultural and political characteristics continue. This paper aims to systematically examine the complexity and ambivalence of new audiences beyond the binomial confrontational debate, and to understand the conditions and mechanisms under which the progressive possibility can be actualized. First, it looks at the changes in today's media environment and contents, and examines the changing patterns of audiences in connection with them based on related research. In addition, it examines the debate on the cultural and political characteristics of new audiences, and explores ways to construct /reconstruct alternative audiences based on Jacques Ranciere's discussion. In conclusion, the characteristics and contents of the utopian and dystopian moments of the transmedia audience were examined, and the necessary works for realizing the former were identified.

The Directive Writing in the Works of Joël Pommerat and Jean-Claude Grumberg : "le politique" of Fiction (조엘 폼므라와 장-끌로드 그룸베르그의 작품에서 나타나는 연출적 글쓰기 : 픽션의 정치)

  • Ha, Hyung-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2019
  • This study is concerned with "fiction" as a new form of writing over the limits of the post-modernist theater/arts. Fiction is not something illusory that demands the audience's empathy but something that unveils form's disinterest in content. Thus, in this paper, I examine a fiction as the opposition of any representational norm and words' old mimesis. Rebutting the crisis of post-modern art and the end of images, philosopher Jacque $Ranci{\grave{e}}re$ mentions the possibility of appropriating similarity in an imitative way by twisting Platonic mimesis. The image of this similarity wanders alongside the loss of signification, unmasking the form's indifference to content. These wandering words represent their own truth "in a way fossils or grooved stones encapsulate histories" as hieroglyphics. This "fiction" as an alternative of post-modernist plays is not any confrontation of reality but the "movement of thinking" that allows the human spirit to play in a way of shaping "some substantiality." In this sense, I examines works by two French writers, $Jo{\ddot{e}}l$ Pommerat (1963~) and Jean-Claude Grumberg (1939~ ) who have carried out their writing practices of appropriating similarity that dissolves any simple "immediate reflection" for non-intermediate relations between the producing and the produced. Their writing is a cross of literary creation and "le politique" as a new aesthetic practice of writing and reveals the movement of thinking, departing from the preexisting concept of fiction.