• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internet activity

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Research a Study on Awareness and Practice of Personal Information Protection in Students (대학생들의 개인정보 보호인식과 실천에 대한 인지도 조사연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Seung;Kim, Hwan-Hui
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2019
  • This study is expected to be of significance in that it attempted to examine the personal information protection awareness of college students and the state of their personal information protection as prospective information processors and private information owners to boost their will to put private information protection in practice. As a result of making an analysis, the most common average time that the students spent in doing every online activity on weekdays was fewer than two or three hours, and the most dominant activities that they did over the Internet were for entertainment or hobbies. As for awareness of the nature of the Internet, they looked upon it as a quite open public space. Regarding the state of private information protection, they thought that changing passwords on a regular basis would be beneficial to personal information protection, and many thought that it's needed to withdraw from or shut down web sites that weren't used for a long time. In terms of actual practice, however, they didn't change their e-mail passwords regularly on the grounds that it's a hassle, and even the students who had experience of personal information leakage didn't report it or didn't ask for counsel on the grounds that they didn't want to be bothered as well. The majority of the students weren't cognizant of how to report or seek counsel. In the future, personal information protection should be educated on a continual basis as part of curriculum to raise awareness of it among students and boost their will to practice it with a sense of responsibility in an effort to prevent the occurrence of collateral damages triggered by personal information leakage.

The Moderating Effect of Job Satisfaction on Social Exclusion and Quality of Life of the Disabled (장애인의 사회적 배제와 삶의 질에 대한 직무만족의 조절효과)

  • Aeran Kwon;Hyeongki Lee
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to objectively quantify the degree of social exclusion of the disabled and verify the impact of the derived degree of social exclusion on the quality of life of the disabled. And the purpose is to verify whether job satisfaction moderates the impact of social exclusion and quality of life of disabled people. The subjects of the study were 1,280 people extracted through a panel survey on employment of the disabled. The independent variables of social exclusion are economic difficulties, employment status, mental health, and social activities. The dependent variable was quality of life, and the control variable was job satisfaction. The research results are as follows. First, the sub-factors of social exclusion that affect quality of life were economic difficulties, mental health, participation in social activities, and employment status. Second, job satisfaction showed a moderating effect in the relationship between social exclusion and quality of life. And the sub-factors of social exclusion that have a moderating effect on quality of life were identified as economic difficulties, employment status, and social activities. In follow-up research, it will be necessary to investigate employment programs for the disabled in developed countries and analyze the implementation background, implementation details, achievements, and limitations, thereby contributing to the establishment of employment policies for the disabled. It is hoped that through this research, the vicious cycle of social exclusion and discrimination of the disabled will be improved and an opportunity will be provided to improve the quality of life through the economic activities of the disabled.

Research on Management Strategies for Intellectual Property Activities to Improve Corporate Performance (기업의 성과 제고를 위한 지식재산활동의 경영전략 연구)

  • Sangho Lee;Kwangmoon Cho
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a rational management strategy to improve the management performance of companies through intellectual property activities. Through this study, we aim to explore countermeasures to strengthen competitiveness in a changing global environment. A survey of 200 companies was conducted from September 1 to October 30, 2023. Statistical analysis was conducted using frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and difference analysis. The conclusions are as follows. First, the impact of intellectual property activities on management performance was found to be creation and utilization. Second, the impact of management strategies on management performance was found to be differentiation strategy, cost advantage strategy, and concentration strategy. Third, cost advantage strategy has a partial mediation effect on the relationship between creation activities and managerial performance of intellectual property activities. Fourth, the differentiation strategy has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between the creation of intellectual property activities and managerial performance. In addition, differentiation strategy has a full mediating effect on the relationship between the utilization of intellectual property activities and performance. Fifth, concentration strategy has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between intellectual property activity utilization and management performance. Sixth, there is a difference between creation activities, protection activities, utilization activities, cost advantage strategy, differentiation strategy, financial performance, and non-financial performance based on venture certification status. As the importance of intellectual property is increasing in the era of technological hegemony, IoT companies will need to improve their management performance through venture certification and strategies utilizing intellectual property in order to secure future competitiveness. Based on this study, we hope that IoT companies will maximize their performance by implementing efficient strategies that consider IP activities.

A Study on the Perception and Context of Sportswear Brand Collaboration through Big Data Analysis

  • Kyung-Won Byun
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.321-329
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    • 2024
  • Recently, brand collaboration is attracting the attention of the industry as one of the strategies for brand differentiation. It is a marketing activity in which two or more brands of the same kind or different kinds create new brands together to target consumers, and it has developed into a form of productive collaboration that combines and creates new values beyond the level of mutual complementation between individual brands, and is being attempted in many fields. The sportswear industry is also recovering as it has passed the COVID-19 pandemic and has shifted to endemics. This study is to understand consumers' perceptions of sports collaboration brands on social media and provide basic data to related industries. Social media channels are Naver and Google sites. Naver channels collected data from blogs and news sections, Google channels collected data from news and Facebook sections, and used Textom version 6.0, a big data analysis solution, for data collection. The collection period was collected from May 11, 2023, during the transition from the COVID-19 pandemic to the end of the pandemic, to June 30, 2024. The collected data are 2,667 blogs and 761 news on Naver channels. They are 222 news and 41 Facebook on Google channels. The collected data was converted into standardized data through preprocessing. TF and TF-IDF were analyzed through text mining. Sixty keywords were extracted in consideration of the frequency of keywords and the importance in the sentence. Semantic matrix and Concore analysis were performed on the extracted keywords. Big data analysis programs such as Textom and Ucinet were used for big data analysis, and NetDraw was used for visualization. As a result of text mining analysis, 'collaboration' showed the highest frequency with 4,860 times in relation to TF. Next, brand(3,835), sports(1,934), product(1,442), 'X'(1,125), global(1,116), release(1,064), and Nike(937), were shown in the highest order. In terms of TF-IDF, 'Nike' was the highest at 2153. Next, Puma(1,996), product(1,731), 'X'(1,659), collection(1,516), Golf(1,494), and release(1,476) were found to be high. As a result, 60 keywords were extracted and the centrality was analyzed through semantic matrix analysis. Finally, through CONCOR analysis, they were clustered into marketing strategy cluster, 'sports brand cluster', 'recommendation cluster', and 'Nike cluster'. For the results of these four cluster analysis, basic practical data were presented based on the main interest, perception, and context of 'sports brand collaboration' of consumers.

The Family History of Chronic Diseases, Food Group Intakes, and Physical Activity Practices among School Children in Seoul, Korea (서울지역 일부 초등학생의 생활 습관병 가족력, 식품군 섭취 형태 및 활동량 평가)

  • Lee, Young-Nam;Ha, Ae-Wha
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.644-652
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we examined family history of chronic diseases, food group intake and physical activity in $5^{th}\;and\; 6^{th}$ grade elementary school children. Food group intake was compared with the KDRI food guides for children. The measurements of daily physical activity, television viewing, computer use, and daily servings of five food groups, including grains, meats, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables, were based on child and parent self-reports. As indices of obesity, the obesity index(%) and BMI(Body Mass Index) were used. The results were as follows. In boys, 83.2% were normal weight with 7.4% slightly obese, 7.4% moderately obese, and 2.0 were highly obese while the percentages of normal and slightly obese in girls were 89.9% and 6.2% respectively (p<0.05). The boys had more hours of daily physical activity(p<0.05) and more hours of computer usage(Internet searching or games)(p<0.05) than the girls. Slightly over 50% of the subjects met the daily recommended servings of grains, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables according to the KDRI food guides. However, only 26% of boys and 27% of girls met the recommended daily servings of protein foods such as meats, beans, and eggs. Thirty two percent(32%) of girls consumed high fat snacks everyday while 32% consumed high sugar snacks every day. The girls consumed more vegetables(p<0.05) and more high sugar snacks(p<0.05) than the boys. The children with family histories of obesity showed greater obesity rates(p<0.05) and sedentary lifestyles(p< 0.05) than those children without a family history of obesity. Children with family histories of high blood pressure consumed more sewings of vegetables and high fat snacks than the controls(p<0.05). The children with family histories of obesity consumed more high sugar or high fat snacks than the controls(p<0.05).

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A study on the scuba certification and status of leisure diving in Southeast Asia countries. (스쿠버 인증과 동남아의 레저 잠수 현황 연구)

  • Kang, Sin-Young
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2008
  • This study is about the status and comparison of recreational scuba diving certification system in Southeast Asia countries. For the collection of the information, the contents of the numerous corresponding Internet sites were utilized, related documents were surveyed. And to supplement the information extensive interviews were held with the representatives of tourism department of many countries as well as staffs of diving associations, resort operators and diving instructors during various 2007 Dive Expos held in Southeast countries. In this paper, the relation between scuba certification and international standards were introduced for better understanding of the certification system. The research result shows that the scuba diving industry plays an important role in their country's tourism and the certification market of the Southeast Asia has grown to be greater than 30% of the world total market. However due to the facts that the scuba activity is originated from the western world and the controlling headquarters of the most certification agency are also located there, Southeast countries cannot take any leading roles in the scuba diving policies and systematic issues. Accordingly any modifications or improvements are expected to be very difficult. Also while Europeans and Americans have launched the programs and organizations for the quality assurance by cooperating with the international standards, but no such activity has yet appeared on the surface in Southeast Asia. According to the investigation the necessity will become bigger in near future.

Adolescent's activity needs and policy related Five-Day school week (주5일수업제 실시에 따른 청소년활동에 대한 욕구 및 정책제안)

  • Lee, Young-Joo
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2012
  • This study conducted five day school week as seeking direction for programs and policies that meet the needs of weekend activities want the satisfaction of youth to find out what to investigate. For purpose, actually a lot since five day school week and weekend programs whether or not to participate, hope to weekend programs, weekend activities operating in the way were examined. Findings, for the first five day schol week of youth satisfaction than girls, boys lower was, since five day school week and weekend program participation rates were lower. Most since five day school week in activities with friends, sleep, games or Internet, hobby alone, watching TV, family and activities in order appeared. Young people can study their aptitude to live autonomously in a student-centered curriculum of education is required, arising from a rapidly changing society and human relationships, social problems, to respond to a variety of leisure time, and to participate in the program will be provided an opportunity. Lessons five day school week, increased leisure time of youth, school, and community for the desired program, you will need to plan and operate with local conditions.

Exposure Assessment of Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields by variable exposure matrices for the Selected Primary Schoolchildren Living Nearby and Away from a Overhead Transmission Power Line (다양한 노출 매트릭스를 통한 송전선로 주변과 비 주변 거주 초등학교 학생의 극저주파 자기장 노출량 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yoon Shin;Hyun, Youn Joo;Choi, Seong Ho;Lee, Chul Min;Roh, Young Man;Cho, Yong Sung;Hong, Seung Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.334-345
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    • 2006
  • The objectives of this study were to analyze and compare 24 hrs personal exposure levels of MF at microenvironments such as home, school, educational institute, internet pc game room, transportation, and other places according to time activity patterns using various metrics for children attending the primary schools located near and away from the power lines, and to characterize the major microenvironments and impact factors attributed personal exposure level. The study was carried out for 44 children attending a primary school away from the lines(school A) and 125 children attending a school away from 154 kV power lines(school B), all who aged 12 years and were 6 grade, from July 2003 to December 2003. All participants filled in a questionnaire about characteristics, residence, use of electrical appliances and others. Children wore a small satchel in which EMDEX II and Lite (Enertech, Co. Ltd) and a diary of activity list for period of registration in 20 minutes blocks. All statistical calculations were made with the SAS System, Releas 6.12. The summary of results was presented below. First, about the characteristics of subjects, there no differences between two groups. The subject almost spent about 56 % of their time at home and about 20~25 % of their time at school. Fifty percent of children spent 2 hours at private educational institutes. Second, the personal exposure measurements of children in school B was statistically higher than those of children in school A by various metrics such as arithmetic mean, geometric mean, percentile(5, 25, 50, 75, 95), maximum, rate of change metric, constant field metric. The arithmetic and geometric mean magnetic fields during the time the children were at school B were 0.98 and $0.86{\mu}T$ and were about 23 times higher than those of children were at school A. In conclusion, the significant major determinants of personal exposure level is the distance from the power line to microenvironments.

A survey on the topic introductory materials of the 7th grade mathematics textbooks and its usages - Centered on the 6th and 7th curriculum based textbooks - (수학과 7-가 교과서 단원도입 활동의 내용소재 변화 및 활용실태 조사 연구 -제 6차와 7차 교과서를 중심으로-)

  • 이영하;김미연
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.375-399
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    • 2002
  • When a curriculum change is being an issue, the editorships and the promotive directions reflect to supplement the social requests. However it is often criticized that such changes in the textbook itself are not satisfactory enough as to coherent to the editoships. And we set the following research questions; (1) One of the most important changes in the new 7th curriculum is to encourage the students' activities. We checked if it is well suited in the new textbooks. (2) Often textbook itself is not important In class, while instructor or students want something else other than the one suggested in the textbook. We asked 187 teachers how they use the textbooks in class. To answer (1), we checked up the introductory - activity - contents with 7 categories, which are ${\circled1}$ of real life sources ${\circled2}$ in use of concrete manipulative ${\circled3}$ in use of computers or calculators ${\circled4}$ in use of historical resources ${\circled5}$ stimulating to recall a relevant previous knowledges ${\circled6}$ of coherence between the activity and the exploratory contexts. ${\circled2}$ were increased, rewarding to the decrease of ${\circled5}$, in the new textbooks, while changes in ${\circled3}$ and ${\circled4}$ were not enough to talk about increments. Especially slight decrease in ${\circled6}$ were detected and it seemed to attribute to the unmatchable use of ${\circled1}$ and ${\circled2}$ with the explanation of mathematical subjects, which also implies how difficult to match ${\circled1}$ and ${\circled2}$ with ${\circled6}$. Analyzing the reponses of (2), about 70% of the teachers used the introductory activities in the textbook, which led better attention of sudents, while 30% of teachers do not use it because they felt that its inroductory activities had not been adequate for their purposes. Teachers counted inadequacy reasons for not being helpful in class, lack of time or lack of support of students, etc. Those teachers use introductory activities invented of their own for classes. As some results of the study, we suggest firstly that authors of textbooks have to get more informations to provide ways to entcourage students' interest in mathematics classes. The ways must be practical and brain storming as well as More use of computers and calculators and mathematical history are expected. Secondly, we are emphasizing the feedbacks between the textbook authors and the users(teachers and students) through internet. Which, we anticipate, will get better communications between them and be a good foundations of continuous modifications of textbooks.

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The Online Game World as a Product and the Behavioral Characteristics of Online Game Consumers as Role Player (상품으로서의 온라인 게임 세계와 역할 놀이자로서의 온라인 게임 소비자의 행동특성)

  • 황상민;김지연;임정화
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.37-50
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    • 2004
  • This study attempted to explore how online game is endowed new meaning and function and changed into totally different product in result by recognition and consuming behavior(game activity) of game users. The subjects of this study are famous Internet based online games called 'Lineage' and 'EverQuest'. These two online games are physically similar games. Both are MMORPG and community-based games. While Lineage became a cyber world as a part of the real world, EverQuest was a game product. This study explored the recognition of garners about game world and different consuming behavior pattern(game activity pattern) in game world made by different recognition of online game. The result from exploring the differences in the recognition of game world showed Lineage garners regarded Lineage world as another living space or a part of real world they can explore and express psychological need and self-identity or self-image and live through diverse activities. But EverQuest garners regarded EverQuest as a product for experience of fantasy world. The result from comparing the game consuming behaviors showed that different recognition of game world made the differences in the game consuming behavior. The results of the present study supported that the recognition of consumers about digital images or content poducts like online game can be different by the value and experience of consumer, and the different recognition make the different consuming behavior of similar or same products. The results supported that the meaning and value of digital images or digital content are endowed by consumers.

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