• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intention to Turnover

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The Effects of Hospitals' Family Friendly Management on Married Female Nurses' Retention Intention: Focused on the Mediating Effects of Work-Family Interface (병원의 가족친화경영이 기혼여성간호사의 재직의도에 미치는 영향: 일-가정 상호작용 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Jin Hwa;Hwang, Jee-In
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.386-397
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study examined the effect of hospitals' family-friendly management on married female nurses' retention intention. The focus was the mediating effects of the work-family interface (work-family conflict, work-family enrichment and work-family balance). Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study. The participants were 307 nurses working at five public and five private hospitals with more than 200 beds in Seoul. Data were collected using structured questionnaires from September 10 to September 17, 2018 and analyzed with SPSS 24.0. Data were analyzed using an independent t-test, a one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficients, and multiple regression following the Baron and Kenny method and Sobel test for mediation. Results: There were significant correlations among family-friendly management, the work-family interface, and retention intention. Work-family conflict showed a partial mediating effect on the relationship between family-friendly management and retention intention. Work-family enrichment showed a partial mediating effect on the relationship between family-friendly management and retention intention. Work-family balance showed a partial mediating effect on the relationship between family-friendly management and retention intention. Conclusion: These findings indicate that both hospitals' family-friendly management and nurses' work-family interface are important factors associated with nurses' retention intention. Therefore, hospitals should actively implement family-friendly management for nurses and establish strategies to enhance nurses' work-family interface for effective human resource management.

What Millennial Workers Want? Turnover or Intention to Stay in Company

  • MAPPAMIRING, Mappamiring;AKOB, Muhammad;PUTRA, Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate and reconfirm the research instruments and variables that have been developed by prior study and built new concepts from empirical research results. Besides analyzing the essential role of fundamental, rational, and psychology aspects to increase employee's intention to stay in a company, which is useful for the development of human resource development strategies for millennial workers in the future. A total of 438 non-student male respondents aged 23-36 years, with unmarried status and not working in the SOE sector or as a civil servant, were surveyed with questionnaires. The study was conducted in Makassar, Indonesia. Data collection uses a survey with the second-order model approach and regression with control variables. The findings of this study suggest the existence of an inter-relationship between fundamental, rational and psychological aspects. They are inseparable and have a positive and significant influence. Broadly speaking, the link between fundamental, psychology and rational aspects states that the decision for millennial male workers to stay in the company will depend on whether the company has a good image and reputation, the level of attention the organization pays to career development, is competent, and applies regulations and rules with flexibility.

Factors related to the organizational silence of Korean nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis (국내 간호사의 조직침묵 관련 요인: 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석)

  • Kang, Kyungja;Kim, Jeong-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.302-318
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the variables related to the organizational silence of Korean hospital nurses and to examine the effect sizes of correlations between the related variables and sub-types of organizational silence. Methods: Relevant studies were searched through a systematic search in six Korean electronic databases (RISS, ScienceON, KCI, DBpia, e-Article, and KISS) using June 2022 as the end date. Thirteen studies were identified through a systematic review and eight of them were meta-analyzed. The correlation effect size r (ESr) for each related variable was calculated. Results: Twenty-two related variables were identified from the systematic review. Of them, organizational culture was the most frequently examined. Seven variables (three organizational, two leader-member exchange, and two consequences of organizational silence) were found eligible for the meta-analysis. The intention of turnover (ESr=.39; 95% confidence interval, 95% CI=.32 to .45) and leader-member exchange ("manager's leaderships" ESr=-.33, 95% CI= -.43 to -.21; "manager's inclination to reject negative feedback" ESr=.32, 95% CI=.23 to .39) had larger correlation effect sizes than the other variables that related to organizational silence, in particular, acquiescent silence, which had the largest correlation effect size among the three sub-types of organizational silence. Conclusion: These findings show that the intention of turnover and leader-member exchanges were the main factors that related to the organizational silence. This indicates that it is necessary to develop management and education programs, as well as communication systems that focus on reducing and managing organizational silence, especially acquiescent silence.

Influence of perception of organization politics of social welfare facility employee to job attitudes - Focusing on mediator effect of leader trust-

  • Kweon, Seong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2018
  • This study conducted empirical analysis on the influence of perception of organization politics of social welfare facility employee to job attitude, and based on the analysis result, it aims to suggest theoretic and political implications. For this, the study conducted survey targeting social workers working at social welfare facilities in Gwangju. 350 copies of survey were distributed,. 197 copies were retrieved and 176 copies were used in analysis after excluding 21 copies with insincere reponses. The collected data was processed through SPSS 20.0 for reliability analysis, frequency analysis, T-test, and hierarchical regression analysis. The study results are as below. This study analyzed the job exhaustion, turn over intention and causal relationship as the result variables and perception of organization politics of social workers, and analyzed the leader trust as mediating effect among the previous researches related to perception of organization politics. As for the analysis result, the perception of organization politics of social workers improve job exhaustion and turn over intention, and leader trust was confirmed to have mediating effect on relationship among the variables.

An analysis of research trends related with Organization Silence (조직침묵 관련 국내연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, Myung-ja;Kim, Mi-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.189-200
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    • 2016
  • This study was done to review and summarize trends in research related to organizational silence, to realize convergent association of relating variables, subjects and to explore directions for future research. 26 research papers related to organizational silence, which were published in Korea between 2006 and 2015, were analyzed. 25 articles was published between 2011 and 2015. 96.2% of the study were descriptive research. The subjects were higher in the order of the police, hotel employees, corporate employees. Measurement instrument developed by Van Dyne, Ang & Botero(2003) were used and modified. Turnover intention were used in 13 studies as dependent variable of organizational silence. The findings of this study suggest that should be performed to identify variables related to organizational silence and to develop measurement instrument of organizational silence in Korea climate.

The Effect of Specialty Hospital CEO Leadership Style on Hospital Organizational Effectiveness and Customer Orientation (전문병원 병원장의 리더십이 조직유효성과 고객지향성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Cheol-Woo;Lee, Jae-Hee
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an effective leadership in the hospital management by analyzing the relationship of the effect of the specialty hospital CEO's leadership on the employees' organizational effectiveness as well as the customer orientation, and the mediation effects of the organizational effectiveness on the relation between hospital CEO's leadership and the customer orientation. The questionnaires of the survey targeting the 99 specialty hospitals were collected that 786 copies of them were utilized in analysis. The major outcomes of the research can be summarized as follows. Firstly, transformational leadership of specialty hospital CEO generally has the greater impact on the employees' job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention than his transactional leadership. Secondly, the most important sub-variable of specialty hospital CEO leadership affecting the organizational effectiveness of the employees are charisma of transformational leadership and contingent reward of transactional leadership. Thirdly, the sub-variable of specialty hospital CEO leadership which has the greatest impact on customer orientation of employees is the active management-by-exception of transactional leadership. Fourthly, the sub-variables in the organizational effectiveness such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment and the turnover intention of hospital employees play mostly the partial mediation role between the customer orientation of employees and the leadership of a specialty hospital CEO. This means that the more the organizational effectiveness of specialty hospital employees improves, the more the customer orientation does. Thus, specialty hospital CEOs need to pay attention to the sub-variables in organizational effectiveness so as to improve the customer orientation of the employees. To explore further the nature of the effect of hospital leadership in the future, apart form the variables of the organization effectiveness used in this study to improve the customer orientation of employees through the leadership of the specialty hospital CEO, the research to identify other factors which have greater influence and explanatory power will be needed.

Dental Hygienists' Turnover Intention and its Related Factors (치과위생사의 이직요인에 대한 조사연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to help prevent the turnover of competent dental hygienists in a bid to boost the efficiency of personnel management for dental health care workers and provide higher-quality oral health services. After relevant literature and data were reviewed, a survey was conducted on dental hygienists, who worked at dental institutes, for approximately four months from September to December 2004 to identify what affected their turnover. The findings of the study were as below: 1. Regarding turnover experience, 39.7 percent of the dental hygienists investigated had such an experience. As to turnover frequency, those who took up another employment once made up the largest group(28.2%), followed by twice(8.0%) and three times(2.9%). The most dominant turnover reason was working conditions(66.7%), followed by seeking being hired by larger institutes(36.2%), pay(21.7%), relationship with dentists(11.6%) and commuting distance(11.6%). 2. As for their hope for turnover, 82.8 percent hoped to take up another employment, and working conditions were cited as the most common reason(44.4%), followed by pay(33.3%), commuting distance(18.1%), marriage(13.2%), health/use of leisure time(11.8%), and commuting time(10.4%). 3. Concerning preference for future workplace, 38.5 percent, the largest group, wanted to work at public health clinics. As to a preferred term of working as dental hygienists, 50.0 percent, the greatest group, hoped to serve as dental hygienists until they are financially secure. 34.5 percent, the second largest group, intended to keep working until they reach the age limit. In regard to their responsibility for family economy, 47.7 percent, the greatest percentage, shouldered the partial responsibility for that, and 31.6 percent assumed no responsibility. 4. As to their intention to quit working as dental hygienists, 61.5 percent were willing to do that, and marriage(29.0%) was singled out as the most frequent reason, followed by working conditions(27.1%), child birth(22.4%), health/housework(18.7%), pay(15.9%) and learning/use of free time(15.0%).

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A Study of the Determinants of Distributors' Stress and Organizational Effectiveness in a Global Distribution Industry (글로벌 유통업 종사자의 스트레스 및 조직유효성의 결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Keon;Kwon, Gi-Il
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.361-383
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    • 2012
  • This study examined the determinants of distributor stress and organizational effectiveness in a global distribution industry. This study suggested distributors' role factors and mindfulness as the key determinants of their stress and organizational effectiveness. Employees' role factors were classified into three factors: role ambiguity, role conflict, and role overload. Organizational effectiveness was classified into three factors: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intention. Data were collected from 202 distributors in a global distribution industry. Results indicated that role conflict and role overload were significantly, positively related to distributors' stress, and that role ambiguity and mindfulness were negatively related to their stress. Results also indicated that role ambiguity was negatively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and that role conflict and role overload were positively related to turnover intention. Finally, role overload was positively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment and mindfulness was positively related to job satisfaction.

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Factors affecting the Intention of transfering of Radiology Technologists to Different Institutions (방사선사의 전직의사와 관련된 요인분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Ho;Yu, Seung-Hum;Lee, Sun-Hee;Sohn, Tae-Yong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1996
  • This study attempts to analyze the factors affecting the intention of transferring to another hospitals among radiology technologists. 344 cases were reviewed in 5 university hospitals and 1 general hospital. Self-administered questionaire were given to study the socioeconomic characteristics, working conditions, job satisfaction level, and the reasons for transfer among the technologists. The major findings were as follows : 1. Job position and hospital characteristics had a statistically significant relationship with the intention of transferring to another hospital. 2. Those who were not satisfied with their salaries and promotional opportunity showed a higher tendency towards to transfer. 3. Those who were less satisfied with the opportunity for developing the personal ability and had the negative attitude on their job showed a higher tendency to transfer. 4. Those who did not sustain good relationship with their superiors and co-workers scored high on the tendency to transfer. 5. In the result of mutiple regression, recognition of radiation hazard, job satisfaction, satisfaction with salary levels, job attitude were significantly related to transfer. The above indicate that besides economic incentives, job satisfaction and organizational culture to promote their ability and form a good relationship with organization members were very important to decrease the intention of transfer. Since these results represent only 6 hospitals from a limited area, more hospitals nationwide, especially small and medium-sized institutions where there is a high turnover rate of employment, need to be examined in order to investigate the various factors that affect the intention of transferring.

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Verification on the Effectiveness of Emotional Leadership of Branch Managers on Organizational Performance in Contracted Foodservice Company - Through the Construction of a Structural Equation Model - (구조 방정식 모형 구축을 통한 단체급식업체 점장의 감성리더십이 조직성과에 미치는 효과성 검증)

  • Jung, Hyun-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ah;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.109-120
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    • 2007
  • The purposes of this study were to provide evidence concerning the effects of Emotional Leadership and examine the impacts of Emotional Leadership on employee-related variables which were 'job satisfaction', 'organizational commitment', 'organizational performance', 'turnover intention'. A survey was conducted from August 23 to November 3, 2005 to collect data from kitchen staff(N=611). Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS Win(12.0) for descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, correlation analysis, cluster analysis and AMOS(5.0) for structural equation modeling. Kitchen staffs gave high point to their leader in the Emotional Leadership competence 'Optimism: seeing the upside in events' and 'Adaptability: flexibility in handing change' and gave lower point in the Emotional Leadership competence 'Inspirational leadership: guiding and motivating with compelling vision'. Employees' job satisfaction on 'coworker' were relatively high. However, the extents of satisfaction on 'payroll', 'promotion', 'work environment' were relatively low. The organizational commitment score was higher at 'loyalty' factor than 'commitment' factor. the test of hypothesis using structural equation modeling found that Emotional Leadership produced positive effects on job attitude and job performance. In conclusion, this study has identified that the Emotional Leadership effects on their organizational performance and attitudes toward their job.