• 제목/요약/키워드: Intensive management program

검색결과 137건 처리시간 0.026초

기록관리학의 발전을 위한 교육과정연구 -준하태(駿河台)(스루가다이)대학(大學)의 경우를 중심(中心)으로- (A Study on the Curriculum for Record Management Science Education - with focus on the Faculty of Cultural Information Resources, Surugadai University; Evolving Program, New Connections)

  • 김용원
    • 한국기록관리학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.69-94
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문의 목적은 일본에서의 기록관리학 교육의 현황을 개관하고, 몇 가지 중요한 이슈와 문제점을 언급하면서 이 분야의 급속한 성장의 영향을 살펴보는 것이다. 기록관리학 교육의 목적은 정보서비스의 질을 향상시키고 정보전문가의 적절한 공급을 보장하는 것이다. 기록관리학프로그램은 학생들에게 전문직업 교육을 하는 것이므로 교육과정에는 교육과 실무 훈련이 모두 포함되어야 한다. 이점은 흔히 이론과 실제의 대비로 표현된다. 학습이 이루어지는 환경의 사회적, 경제적 및 기술적 현실의 합류점이 양자에게 모두 영향을 준다. 본 논문은 일본에서의 기록관리학 교육의 역사적 배경과 현황을 검토한다. 또한 교육기관들의 다양한 형태의 교과과정과 교수진을 분석하되 일본 최초의 종합적인 대학 수준 프로그램인 스루가다이대학교의 학부프로그램에 초점을 둔다. 스루가다이대학교 문화정보학부는 정보학 분야를 통합한 새로운 학부로서 다양한 문화정보자원관리의 이론과 실제를 연구하기 위해 1994년도에 설립되었다. 그 목적은 archival science, records management, 박물관 학예직 및 사서직 분야에서 전문적 훈련을 제공함으로써 정보학 분야의 연구를 촉진하고 장려하는 것이다. 학부에는 두 개의 학과가 있고 각각에는 두 개의 코스가 있다; 문화정보학과. - 영상정보코스, - 관광정보코스 지식정보학과: 지식커뮤니케이션코스, 레코드 아카이브스코스 전체 교과과정의 구조는 역시 기본과목 교육부터 단계적으로 조직된다. 학생이 대학교에 입학하면 바로 수강하는 오리엔테이션과목들은 전문교육의 입문이 되며, 대학에서의 기본적인 학습 연구방법을 배운다. 1학년과 2학년 동안 학생들은 전문화를 위한 필수단계로서 기초과목과 기간과목들을 수강한다. 이를 위해 광범위한 주제의 과목들이 개설된다. 개설코스수는 약 150개에 이른다.3학년부터는 자신의 주전공이 해당하는 특정 코스를 시작하며 세미나와 실습을 통해 습득한 지식을 실제에 적용하게 된다. 각 학과에 속한 코스들은 2학년을 시작하는 학생들에게 개설된다. 그러나 두 학과 간에 넘을 수 없는 장벽은 없으며 졸업필요요건에 약간의 차이만 있을 뿐이다. 학생들은 자신이 속한 학과에 관계없이 3 4학년 세미나를 선택할 수 있다. 문헌정보학 학사학위를 받으려면 기초과목군(예: 문헌정보사회사, 문화인류학, 과학사, 행동과학, 커뮤니케이션 등)에서 34학점, 외국어에서 16학점(영어 10학점 포함), 정보처리에서 14학점(이론과 실습 포함), 그리고 자신의 전공코스에서 60학점을 취득해야 한다. 마지막으로 일본 기록관리학교육이 당면하고 있는 몇 가지 과제와 문제점을 아래와 같이 간단히 요약한다. - 관련 분야 및 유사 프로그램과의 결합 및 조화, - 교과과정 개선, - 교과서 부족, - 유능한 교수의 부족, - 졸업생의 취업문제 정보서비스가 점점 더 복합, 통합, 멀티미디어어화 되어감에 따라 정보전문직들은 다른 분야의 전문가들과 더욱 긴밀하게 협력할 필요가 있을 것이다. 아키비스트, 레코드메니저 및 박물관 큐레이터와 함께 일하는 것이 정보전문직으로서의 사서직의 생존에 필수적이 될 것이다. 더욱 정보화되는 사회에서 변화를 견뎌내려면 문화기관 내 모든 사람들의 강력한 연대가 요구된다. 미래의 동료들이 경쟁력을 갖게 하기 위해서는 정보전문직 간에 그리고 국경을 넘어서 파트너쉽을 구축하고 강화할 필요가 있을 것이다.

암 병동 간호사의 통증관리에 대한 지식과 태도 (Knowledge and Attitudes of Oncology Nurses Toward Cancer Pain Managements)

  • 공성화;방찌야;서민숙;현신숙;김희정;이미애;이미애;유현희;허재경;김은애;박경숙
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 2004
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of oncology ward nurses toward cancer pain management and to find ways to improve the educational program for nurses. Method: A total of 209 nurses working at the oncology ward of three hospitals in Seoul and a Gyenggi Province. The survey instrument used was the 32-item scale for evaluating nurses knowledge and attitudes originally developed by McCaffery and Ferrell'(1990), that was by Kim'(1997). Result: In terms of the nurses knowledge of pain management, the result showed that the nurses scored an average of 67.8 out of 100 for phamacokinetics of opioids, 84.8 for classification of analgesics, 60.1 for pain assessment, and 70.7 for drug administration. 18.2% of the nurses hesitate to inject the narcotic agent because of concerns regarding the drug's potential side effects. there was significant difference in the knowledge of pain management according to the general characteristics of pain in terms of the nurses age(p=.001), position (p=.016), years of experiences(p=.002), experience of cancer pain education(p=.001). Conclusion: The also showed that nurses working at cancer ward lack knowledge. It is important to provide intensive education to nurses about cancer pain management.

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서울시 일부 취약계층 노인에서 맞춤형 영양중재 프로그램에 따른 식품안정성 확보 및 건강·영양상태 개선 효과 (The effects of a personalized nutrition intervention program on food security, health and nutritional status of low-income older adults in Seoul city)

  • 이예연;양나래;신민정;이경은;유창희;김기랑
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.416-430
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    • 2020
  • 본 연구에서는 서울시 일부 취약계층 노인을 대상으로 맞춤형 영양교육과 보충식품으로 구성된 영양꾸러미를 제공하여 식품안정성 확보와 건강·영양 상태 개선에 대한 효과를 평가하고자 하였다. 연구 대상자는 서울시 일부 자치구 내 방문건강관리사업 대상자 중 65세 이상 노인 372명이었다. 맞춤형 영양중재 프로그램은 맞춤 영양교육과 보충식품 제공인 2가지 요소로 구성되었고, 영양중재는 약 4개월간 이루어졌다. 프로그램 효과평가를 위해서 식품 및 영양소 섭취량, 식품안정성, 빈혈 여부, 간이영양평가도구 (MNA)를 활용한 영양불량 여부, 만성 질환관리 수준, 허약 여부가 조사되었다. 영양중재 프로그램 참여 이후, 대상자의 모든 영양소 섭취량이 프로그램 참여 이후 유의적으로 증가하였고 권장섭취기준 대비 50%에 미치지 못했던 대부분의 영양소 섭취는 프로그램 참여 이후 50%를 넘게 섭취하였다. 프로그램 참여 이전 모든 대상자가 식품불안정 상태였으나 프로그램 참여 이후 37.1%가 식품안정성을 확보하였다. 영양 상태에서는 불량과 위험은 감소하였고, 정상이 0%에서 29.8%로 증가하였으며, 빈혈에서는 정상이 18.7%에서 28.5%로 증가하였다. 또한, 질환관리 수준에서는 정기 및 집중관리 수준의 대상자 비율은 감소하였고, 자기역량 관리 수준이 0%에서 4.6% 증가하였으며, 허약 상태에서는 허약 및 허약 위험 비율은 감소한 반면, 정상 비율이 0%에서 9.7% 증가하였다. 연령별로 분석하였을 때, 80세 이상의 고령인 노인일수록 특히 만성질환수준의 관리와 허약 수준에 대한 개선이 미비한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 대상자는 질환을 갖고 있는 방문건강관리사업의 대상자로 경제적으로나 건강상태로나 매우 취약한 대상자로서 이들의 질환이 더 악화되지 않도록 유지하거나 개선시키는 부분은 매우 중요하며, 본 연구는 대상자들의 질환 관리 및 영양상태 개선을 위하여 질환별 보충식품의 제공 및 영양교육 등의 전문적인 관리를 통해서 영양 상태 향상뿐만 아니라 질환 개선까지의 가능성도 보여주었다.

벤처창업전문과정(EIP) 사업추진 성공사례와 확산전략 (The Case Study of the Entrepreneurship Intensive Programs and the Successful Diffusing Strategies of the Entrepreneurship Education.)

  • 하규수;이택호;이승원;김기학
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.127-156
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 중소기업청이 개설을 계획하고 EIP 사업을 추진한 호서대학교와 진주산업대학교 등 양 대학교의 EIP 사업추진 성공사례를 소개하였다. 현재 EIP가 확대 개편되어 전국 5개 대학교에서 벤처창업관련 대학원으로 운영하는 모범적 발전과정은 양 대학교의 EIP 사업추진 성공사례에 기인한다고 판단된다. 본 연구의 목적은 EIP 사업추진 성공사례를 분석하여 향후 단기 집중과정으로 벤처창업교육을 확산할 수 있는 방안을 모색하는데 있다. EIP의 성공요인은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 짜임새 있는 교육과정 모형을 만들었다. 둘째, 확고한 교육목표를 두었다. 셋째, 차별화된 교육내용을 구성하였다. 넷째, 교육성과를 모니터링하였다. 다섯째, 창업사례를 발표하는 기회를 자주 만들었다. 하지만 다음과 같은 애로요인도 있었다. 첫째, 교육목표를 달성하기 위한 교과과정 편성의 어려움이다. 둘째, 교육생의 교육동기를 사업기회의 발견으로 유도하는데 미흡하였다. 셋째, EIP예산 배정과 집행의 한계이다. 따라서 벤처창업 교육과정의 효율성을 제고하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 확산전략이 보완되어야 한다. 첫째, 벤처창업 교육과정의 지속적 재설계이다. 둘째, 창업교육내용의 특화이다. 셋째, EIP 운영의 자율성 확대이다. 넷째, 대학 간 교류 협력 활성화이다. 다섯째, 성과평가 체계를 구축하여 사업추진 동기를 부여하여야 한다.

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Braden Scale에 기초한 욕창발생 위험군 선별도구를 이용한 욕창의 예방 (Prevention of Pressure Ulcer using the Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Based on Braden Scale)

  • 오득영;김지훈;이백권;안상태;이종원
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.466-470
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Active prevention is an essential component in reducing the development of pressure sores. For the high-risk patient group, following the certified pressure sore screening scale as well as educating the patient and the nurses who care for them can lead to optimal management of these patients. Applying a risk assessment scale along with a prevention strategy can reduce medical costs and length of stays at the hospital. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a new pressure sore risk assessment scale based on the universally recommended Braden scale and our prevention program. Methods: From June to August, 2003, our pressure ulcer risk assessment scale was applied to a total of 1882 patients admitted to the experimental group (intensive care unit, neurosurgery, general surgery, and oncology units). It was based on Braden scale. We analysed sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value and ROC curve to evaluate its efficacy. Pressure ulcer prevention program was composed of patient's education using protocol and specific nursing care. The incidence of pressure ulcers was also measured during the 3 months period, and those were compared to the control group of 1789 patients from March to May, 2002. Results: 118(6.27%) of the experimental group were high-risk with an incidence of pressure ulcers measuring 4 (0.21%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of our scale were 100%, 94%, 4%, 100%, respectively, and AUC(area under the curve) was 0.992. In the control group, the incidence of pressure ulcers was 11(0.61%). Statistical analyses using chisquared tests with a significance level of 5%, the results were such that ${\chi }^2=3.6482$(p=0.0561). The results proved to be statistically significant in borderline. Conclusion: The results from this study proved that pressure sore risk assessment scale based on Braden scale has an excellent efficacy, and shows that our pressure ulcer prevention program is partially effective in reducing pressure ulcer incidence.

기업의 이미지 전략에 따른 근무복 디자인 개발 연구 - D 기업사레를 중심으로 - (A Case Study on Working Clothes Design Development - focused on D Enterprise -)

  • 박혜원;조민영
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제12권5호
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2008
  • This study is largely aimed at presenting ways to improve the working clothes and help companies create more positive images by suggesting designs of the clothes, which take into accounts the corporate image, symbolism, function and aesthetic appreciation through introduction of companies' CIP. And, it is significant to propose working clothes development condition and process with introduction of companies' CIP(Corporate Identity Program : work that systematize and simplify visually images which companies or public bodies have) A way of this study was made up with working clothes design development process which a student planned. First of all, this study looked into Company D's Corporate Identity Program(CIP) to develop the design that corresponds with the characteristics of the company's favorite design, working environment and demands of the employees. And, then, the study conducted a survey of 30 employees and intensive interviews with heads of four teams including the Safety Team, the Working Clothes Management Team and the General Affairs Team to find out the requirements of the clothes and the characteristics of the company. Based on them, the concrete image that the company pursues and the direction of design were set up through image positioning. In the end, three different concept designs were presented through image-mapping and the concrete design of each item was developed. A total of seven items including upper and lower garments (a jacket and trousers) for the spring-summer seasons, upper and lower garments (a jumper and trousers) for the winter season, cold-protecting vest and winter clothes (a coat and trousers) were presented in accordance with the three concepts. One of the concept designs, which was selected through evaluation by employees of Company D, was produced as a sample and then the final design was chosen after a discussion attended by the head of each team and representatives of the employees. Based on the aforementioned design planning, one design was selected from each of the three concept designs for production. And each of these was requested to special production enterprise and manufactured. Following the result of study, by looking into a case of a practical joint design project between a university and a company, this study suggested ideas for business to improve working clothes through the academic-industrial cooperation and presented conditions and process of design development. And, this study also aims to examine the feasibility of academic-industrial cooperation based on the cases in which enterprises and universities staged joint projects to develop working clothes.

일개 대학병원 신경외과중환자실에서 Clostridium difficile 관련 설사 감소를 위한 CQI활동 (CQI Activities for the Reduction of Clostridium difficile Associated Diarrhea in NCU of a University Hospital)

  • 박은숙;장경희;윤영옥;이정신;김태곤;여한승;김선호;신정원;이경원;김준명
    • 한국의료질향상학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2001
  • Background : The Clostridium difficile is the most important identifiable cause of nosocomial infectious diarrhea and colitis, which lengthens hospital stay. Recently incidence of C. difficile has been increasing in an university hospital, and an intervention for prevention and control of C. difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD) was in prompt need. Methods : Subjects were the patients in the neurosurgical intensive care unit(NCU) where C. difficile was most frequently isolated. To increase participation of various departments, we used the CQI method, because management of CDAD requires a wholistic approach including control of antibiotics, barrier precaution and environmental cleaning and disinfection. Duration of the CQI activities was 9 months from April to December 1999. Results : The identified problems were misuse and overuse of antibiotics, lack of consciousness of medical personnels and the possibility of transmission from the contaminated environment and tube feeding. Education for proper use of antibiotics and management of C. difficile infection, use of precaution stickers, supplement of handwashing equipments, emphasis on environmental disinfection, and the change of the process of tube feeding were done. The CDAD rate in NCU was significantly decreased after the CQI program (8.6 case per 1,000 patient days from January to April 1999 vs 4.8 from May to December 1999). The distribution of neurosurgical wards including NCU among the total number of isolated C. difficile from the clinical specimens dropped from 49.4% in January to April to 33,7% in May to December. The average hospital stay of the neurosurgical department changed from 19.6 days to 15.2 days. Also, the effect of the CQI activities for C. difficile may have affected the incidence of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE). Duration and dosage of certain antibiotics used in the NS department were decreased. The distribution of neurosurgical department in the number of VRE isolated patients declined from 18.4% to 11.1%. Conclusion : Infection control of resistant organisms such as C. difficile is likely to be successful when management of environmental contamination an collaborative efforts of decreasing the patients' risk factors such as antibiotics management and decreasing the length of hospital stay come simultaneously. For this work, related departments need to actively participate in the entire process under a common target through discussions for identifying problems and bringing up solutions. In this respect, making use of a CQI team is an efficient method of infection control for gathering participation and cooperation of related departments.

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Towards Integrated Pest Management of Rice in Korea

  • Lee, Seung-Chan
    • 한국응용곤충학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.205-240
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    • 1992
  • In reality, it is a green revolution of the entire agricultural matrix in Korea that integrated pest control plays an important role in the possible breakthrough in rice self-sufficiency. In paddy agroecosystem as man-modified environment, rice is newly established every year by transplantation under diverse water regimes which affect a microclimate. Standing water benefits rice by regulating the microclimate, but it favors the multiplication of certain pets through the amelioration of the microclimate. Further, the introduction of high yielding varieties with the changing of cultural practices results in changing occurrence pattern of certain pests. In general, japonica type varieties lack genes resistant to most of the important pests and insect-borne virus diseases, whereas indica type possesses more genes conferring varietal resistance. Thus, this differences among indica type, form the background of different approaches to pest management. The changes in rice cultivation such as double cropping, growing high-yielding varieties requiring heavy fertilization, earlier transplanting, intensvie-spacing transplanting, and intensive pesticide use as a consequence of the adoption of improves rice production technology, have intensified the pest problems rather than reduced them. The cultivation of resistant varieties are highly effective to the pest, their long term stability is threathened because of the development of new biotypes which can detroy these varieties. So far, three biotypes of N. lugens are reported in Korea. Since each resistant variety is expected to maintain several years the sequential release of another new variety with a different gene at intervals is practised as a gene rotation program. Another approach, breeding multilines that have more than two genes for resistance in a variety are successfully demonstrated. The average annual rice losses during the last 15 years of 1977-’91 are 9.3% due to insect pests without chemical control undertaken, wehreas there is a average 2.4% despite farmers’insecticide application at the same period. In other words, the average annual losses are prvented by 6.9% when chemical control is properly employed. However, the continuous use of a same group of insecticides is followed by the development of pest resistance. Resistant development of C. suppressalis, L. striatellus and N. cincticeps is observed to organophosphorous insecticides by the mid-1960s, and to carbamates by the early 1970s in various parts of the country. Thus, it is apparent that a scheduled chemical control for rice production systems becomes uneconomical and that a reduction in energy input without impairing the rice yield, is necessarily improved through the implementation of integrated pest management systems. Nationwide pest forecasting system conducted by the government organization is a unique network of investigation for purpose of making pest control timely in terms of economic thresholds. A wise plant protection is expected to establish pest management systems in appropriate integration of resistant varieties, biological agents, cultural practices and other measures in harmony with minimizing use of chemical applications as a last weapon relying on economic thresholds.

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정부의 신종인플루엔자 A(H1N1) 대응 (National Level Response to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009)

  • 이동한;신상숙;전병율;이종구
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제43권2호
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2010
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the emergence of a novel influenza on April 24, 2009, and they declared pandemic on June 11. In Korea, the proportion of influenza-like illness and the consumption of antiviral agents peaked in early November. The government established the Central Headquarters for Influenza Control and operated the emergency response system. In the quarantine stations, we checked the body temperature and collected quarantine questionnaires from all the arrivals from infected countries. We also isolated the confirmed cases in the national isolation hospitals. However, as the community outbreaks were reported, we changed strategy from containment to mitigation. We changed the antiviral agent prescription guideline so that doctors could prescribe antiviral agents to all patients with acute febrile respiratory illness, without a laboratory diagnosis. Also the 470 designated hospitals were activated to enhance the efficacy of treatment. We vaccinated about 12 million people and manage the adverse event following the immunization management system. In 2010, we will establish additional national isolation wards and support hospitals to establish fever clinics and isolation intensive care unit (ICU) beds. We will also make a computer program for managing the national isolation hospitals and designated hospitals. We will establish isolation rooms and expand the laboratory in quarantine stations and we will construct a bio-safety level 3 laboratory in each province. In addition, we plan to construct a bio-safety level 4 laboratory at a new Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) facilities in Ossong.

기후 변화에 따른 제주도 표선 유역의 함양률 및 수위변화 예측 (Impact of Climate Change on the Groundwater Recharge and Groundwater Level Variations in Pyoseon Watershed of Jeju Island, Korea)

  • 신에스더;고은희;하규철;이은희;이강근
    • 한국지하수토양환경학회지:지하수토양환경
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.22-35
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    • 2016
  • Global climate change could have an impact on hydrological process of a watershed and result in problems with future water supply by influencing the recharge process into the aquifer. This study aims to assess the change of groundwater recharge rate by climate change and to predict the sustainability of groundwater resource in Pyoseon watershed, Jeju Island. For the prediction, the groundwater recharge rate of the study area was estimated based on two future climate scenarios (RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5) by using the Soil Water Balance (SWB) computer code. The calculated groundwater recharge rate was used for groundwater flow simulation and the change of groundwater level according to the climate change was predicted using a numerical simulation program (FEFLOW 6.1). The average recharge rate from 2020 to 2100 was predicted to decrease by 10~12% compared to the current situation (1990~2015) while the evapotranspiration and the direct runoff rate would increase at both climate scenarios. The decrease in groundwater recharge rate due to the climate change results in the decline of groundwater level. In some monitoring wells, the predicted mean groundwater level at the year of the lowest water level was estimated to be lower by 60~70 m than the current situation. The model also predicted that temporal fluctuation of groundwater recharge, runoff and evapotranspiration would become more severe as a result of climate change, making the sustainable management of water resource more challenging in the future. Our study results demonstrate that the future availability of water resources highly depends on climate change. Thus, intensive studies on climate changes and water resources should be performed based on the sufficient data, advanced climate change scenarios, and improved modeling methodology.