• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated geographic information system

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Integrated Simulation System of GIS and ANN for Land Price Appraisal (GIS 기반 지가산정 및 시뮬레이션 시스템)

  • Moon, Tae-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to develope a parcel-based automatic simulation system of land price through the integration of urban mathematical model and GIS. The appraisal process of public land price by the local government is simple but is a great time-consuming task. Moreover, it doesn't provide any statistical analysis and spatial presentation tools. So, it is difficult for planners or administrative officials to analyze the variation of land price with spatial idea. From these, a system is developed combining two sub-systems, they are ANN(Artificial Neural Network) for the calculation of land price and GIS for visual presentation. Using Matlab application, ANN model was designed having 3-layer structure and was trained with the sample data taken from Chinju city. With the trained network, the impact of 'road', 'parks', 'height control district' and 'beauty district' on land price in 9 regions(dong) are simulated. The results of the simulation were visualized with ArcView GIS. The automatic simulation system operated through the DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) conversation between two applications. ArcView was set as client and Matlab as server. Scripting in ArcView and customizing a window of ArcView, this system can execute the whole process of simulation by just clicking a button with mouse. As a conclusion, this system was proved to be an effective and easily controllable planning support system for the land price simulation.

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Development of Integrated Management System Based on GIS on Soft Ground (GIS 기법을 이용한 연약 지반 시공 관리 시스템의 개발)

  • Chun, Sung-Ho;Woo, Sang-Inn;Chung, Choong-Ki;Choi, In-Gul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2007
  • In the practice of preloading method for soft ground improvement, field engineers need information of ground properties, construction works and field monitoring on ground behaviors of the site. So, integrating all these informations into one database can provide more efficient way for managing and utilizing the data for construction management. In this study, integrated system for construction management of ground improvement sites under preloading is developed. The developed system consists of database (DB) and application program. The database contains all collected data in a construction site and processed data in the system with their geographic information. All informations in the database are standardized from the result of data characterization. Application program performs various functions on managing and utilizing information in the database; pre- and post- data processing with graphic visualization of output, spatial data interpolation, and prediction of ground behavior using field measuring data. And by providing integrating informations and predictions over entire project area with comprehensible visual displays, the applicability and effectiveness of the developed system for construction management were confirmed.

Estimation of Pollution Load in Anyang Stream Basin Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 안양천 유역의 오염부하량 산정)

  • 최종욱;유병태;이민환;김건흥
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1999
  • In the estimation of pollution load in water basin, a data information has generally used from surveyed data. A Geographic Information System(GIS) was adopted to evaluate the amount of pollution load in Anyang stream basin which is one of the major tributaries in the Han river flows through urban area. The digital maps of administrative boundary, stream network, sub-basin, soil type, and land-use for spatial data as well as attribute data were generated. And the database of sub-basins and pollution source was structured to estimate pollution load in Anyang stream basin by an Arc/Info GIS.As the results of this investigation, the pollution load of Mokgam-chun sub-basin was the highest amount. And that of Hagi-chun sub-basin and the fourth main stream sub-basin were also high amount in Anyang stream basin. In general, it was found that the pollution load generated from the upstream area in Kyunggi province was higher than that from downstream area in Seoul. Because the point and non-point source pollution load played very significant role in the deterioration of the water quality of the Anyang stream, an integrated approach to water quality management should be required for the sub-basins of high pollution load amount.

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The Integration of Mobile GIS and Spatio-temporal Database for Evaluating Space-time Accessibility of an Individual: An Approach Based on Time Geography Model

  • Lee Yang-Won;Shibasaki Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.753-758
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    • 2005
  • This study attempts at building an integrated GIS computing framework for evaluating space-time accessibility of an individual with the approach of time geography model. The proposed method is based on the integration of mobile GIS and object-relational spatio-temporal database. Three components are central to our system: ( i ) mobile GIS application that transmits spatio-temporal trajectory data of an individual; ( ii ) spatio-temporal database server that incorporates the time geography model; and (iii) geovisualization client that provides time geographic queries to the spatio-temporal database. As for the mobile GIS application, spatio-temporal trajectory data collected by GPS-PDA client is automatically transmitted to the database server through mobile data management middleware. The spatio-temporal database server implemented by extending a generic DBMS provides spatio-temporal objects, functions and query languages. The geovisualization client illustrates 3D visual results of the queries about space-time path. space-time prism and space-time accessibility. This study shows a method of integrating mobile GIS and DBMS for time geography application, and presents an appropriate spatio-temporal data model for evaluating space-time accessibility of an individual.

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Spatiotemporal Routing Analysis for Emergency Response in Indoor Space

  • Lee, Jiyeong;Kwan, Mei-Po
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.637-650
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    • 2014
  • Geospatial research on emergency response in multi-level micro-spatial environments (e.g., multi-story buildings) that aims at understanding and analyzing human movements at the micro level has increased considerably since 9/11. Past research has shown that reducing the time rescuers needed to reach a disaster site within a building (e.g., a particular room) can have a significant impact on evacuation and rescue outcomes in this kind of disaster situations. With the purpose developing emergency response systems that are capable of using complex real-time geospatial information to generate fast-changing scenarios, this study develops a Spatiotemporal Optimal Route Algorithm (SORA) for guiding rescuers to move quickly from various entrances of a building to the disaster site (room) within the building. It identifies the optimal route and building evacuation bottlenecks within the network in real-time emergency situations. It is integrated with a Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) based tracking system in order to monitor dynamic geospatial entities, including the dynamic capacities and flow rates of hallways per time period. Because of the limited scope of this study, the simulated data were used to implement the SORA and evaluate its effectiveness for performing 3D topological analysis. The study shows that capabilities to take into account detailed dynamic geospatial data about emergency situations, including changes in evacuation status over time, are essential for emergency response systems.

Assessment of Sediment Yield according to Observed Dataset

  • Lee, Sangeun;Kang, Sanghyeok
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1433-1444
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    • 2016
  • South Korea is a maritime nation, surrounded by water on three sides; hence, it is important to preserve in a sustainable manner. Most areas, especially those bordering the East Sea, have been suffering from severe coastal erosion. Information on the sediment yield of a river basin is an important requirement for water resources development and management. In Korea, data on suspended sediment yield are limited owing to a lack of logistic support for systematic sediment sampling activities. This paper presents an integrated approach to estimate the sediment yield for ungauged coastal basins by using a soil erosion model and a sediment delivery rate model in a geographic information system (GIS)-based platform. For applying the sediment yield model, a basin specific parameter was validated on the basis of field data, that, ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 for the 19 gauging stations. The calculated specific sediment yield ranged from 17 to $181t/km^2.yr$ in the various basin sizes of Korea. We obtained reasonable sediment yield values when comparing the measured data trends around the world with those in Korean basins.

Construction of Roads for Vehicle Simulator Using GIS Map (GIS 데이터를 이용한 차량 시뮬레이터용 도로 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 임형은;성원석;황원걸;주승원
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2004
  • Recently, vehicle simulators are widely used to evaluate driver's responses and driver assistance systems. It needs much effort to construct the virtual driving environment for a vehicle simulator. In this study, it is described how to make effectively the roads and the driving environment for a vehicle simulator. The GIS (Geographic Information System) is used to construct the roads and the environment effectively. Because the GIS is the integrated system of geographical data, it contains useful data to make virtual driving environment. First, the outline and centerline of roads is abstracted from the GIS. From the road outline, the road width is calculated. Using the centerline, the grid model of roads is constructed. The final graphic model of roads is constructed by mapping road image to the grid model according to the number of lanes and the kind of surface. Data of buildings from the GIS are abstracted. Each shape and height of buildings is determined according to kind of buildings, the final graphic model of buildings is constructed. Then, the graphic model of roadside tree is also constructed. Finally, the driving environment for driving simulator is constructed by converting the three graphic models with the graphic format of Direct-X and by joining the three graphic models.

A Study on the Application Technique and Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (리모트센싱과 GIS의 통합 및 그 적용기법에 관한 연구)

  • 안철호;연상호
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1991
  • This paper was suggested the detailed methods on the integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for various application of two functions at the one system with making the most use of respective merits rather than make use of independent systems. It developed of algorithm about simultaneous overlay of raster and vector data for remote sensing and GIS for these objects. For test application on integration of remote sensing and GIS, it used of remote sensing data of satellite and used to topographic map of the same area for vector data acquisition of GIS application. For the practical application, it proved of effective value of integration of raster and vector data by present of useful technique with multilateral approach method through data conversion about thematic application for major application fields of remote sensing and GIS and it suggested that new application technique for integrated application of remote sensing GIS through synthetic situation analysis.

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Modeling of Roads for Vehicle Simulator Using GIS Map Data

  • Im Hyung-Eun;Sung Won-Suk;Hwang Won-Gul;Ichiro Kageyama
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.3-7
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    • 2005
  • Recently, vehicle simulators are widely used to evaluate driver s responses and driver assistance systems. It needs much effort to construct the virtual driving environment for a vehicle simulator. In this study, it is described how to make effectively the roads and the driving environment for a vehicle simulator. GIS (Geographic Information System) is used to construct the roads and the environment effectively. Because the GIS is the integrated system of geographical data, it contains useful data to make virtual driving environment. First, boundaries and centerlines of roads are extracted from the GIS. From boundaries, the road width is calculated. Using centerlines, mesh models of roads are constructed. The final graphic model of roads is constructed by mapping road images to those mesh models considering the number of lanes and the kind of surface. Data of buildings from the GIS are extracted. Each shape and height of building is determined considering the kind of building to construct the final graphic model of buildings. Then, the graphic model of roadside trees is constructed to decide their locations. Finally, the driving environment for driving simulator is constructed by converting the three graphic models with the graphic format of Direct-X and by joining the three graphic models.

Establishment of A WebGIS-based Information System for Continuous Observation during Ocean Research Vessel Operation (WebGIS 기반 해양 연구선 상시관측 정보 체계 구축)

  • HAN, Hyeon-Gyeong;LEE, Cholyoung;KIM, Tae-Hoon;HAN, Jae-Rim;CHOI, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2021
  • Research vessels(R/Vs) used for ocean research move to the planned research area and perform ocean observations suitable for the research purpose. The five research vessels of the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology(KIOST) are equipped with global positioning system(GPS), water depth, weather, sea surface layer temperature and salinity measurement equipment that can be observed at all times during cruise. An information platform is required to systematically manage and utilize the data produced through such continuous observation equipment. Therefore, the data flow was defined through a series of business analysis ranging from the research vessel operation plan to observation during the operation of the research vessel, data collection, data processing, data storage, display and service. After creating a functional design for each stage of the business process, KIOST Underway Meteorological & Oceanographic Information System(KUMOS), a Web-Geographic information system (Web-GIS) based information platform, was built. Since the data produced during the cruise of the R/Vs have characteristics of temporal and spatial variability, a quality management system was developed that considered these variabilities. For the systematic management and service of data, the KUMOS integrated Database(DB) was established, and functions such as R/V tracking, data display, search and provision were implemented. The dataset provided by KUMOS consists of cruise report, raw data, Quality Control(QC) flagged data, filtered data, cruise track line data, and data report for each cruise of the R/V. The business processing procedure and system of KUMOS for each function developed through this study are expected to serve as a benchmark for domestic ocean-related institutions and universities that have research vessels capable of continuous observations during cruise.